Date of Application: ____ / ___ / _______ Applying for: ____________________________ (Name of one (1) scholarship ONLY) Master Scholarship Application Please complete the entire application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. A separate application must be completed for each scholarship administered by the Peralta Colleges Foundation. Please attach your unofficial transcripts and 500 word essay to this application. Make sure your name and student ID number appear on the top of pages 2 - 4. Page 3 (SECTION III: BIOGRAPHICAL DATA & SEPARATE 500 WORD ESSAY) must be typed using Microsoft Word program. A Microsoft Word version of the master scholarship application is located on our website Pages 1, 2 & 4 can be completed by printing legibly (blue or black ink) and/or typed using the master scholarship application on our website. Data not applicable should be noted as N/A. Information provided is strictly confidential. SECTION I: PERSONAL DATA Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Permanent Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Complete Street Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Home Phone Number: ________________________ Cell Phone Number: _________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______/______/______ Student ID Number: _________________ Gender: M F US Citizen? YES NO Student’s Name Student’s ID # SECTION II: EDUCATIONAL RECORDS & GOALS High School Diploma YES NO High School _______________________________, _____________ Graduated and/or Recently Attended City GED Graduation Date: ______ / ______ MO YR YES NO Peralta Campus Currently Attending: Laney College Number of Units Completed: _______________ Units Enrolled In Current Semester: _____________ Merritt College Number of Units Completed: _______________ Units Enrolled In Current Semester: _____________ College of Alameda Number of Units Completed: _______________ Units Enrolled In Current Semester: _____________ Berkeley City College Number of Units Completed: _______________ Units Enrolled In Current Semester: _____________ (UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Grand Total Units Completed: _______________ Cumulative GPA: _________ ATTACHMENT REQUIRED) Have you ever attended another College or University? YES NO If yes, please list below: University/College Name: _______________________ Units Completed: ________ GPA: __________ University/College Name: _______________________ Units Completed: ________ GPA: __________ Transferring to 4-Year University: YES NO If Yes, please list below: University/College Name: _____________________________ Type of Degree: AA AS BA BS Certificate of Achievement Major: ___________________________ (EXPECTED) Year of Completion: ____________ Cert. of Achievement: _________________________ (EXPECTED) Year of Completion: ____________ Revised 02.11.2013 PCF Master Scholarship Application Page 2 of 5 Student’s Name Student’s ID # SECTION III: BIOGRAPHICAL DATA & SEPARATE 500 WORD ESSAY Please answer all three (3) questions below on a separate sheet, typed, single-spaced, using 12-point font Microsoft Word program: Question #1: Work experience while attending college? (Please provide employer, position held, employment dates, and hours worked per week) Question #2: Extra-Curricular Activities? (Please include exact dates and description of activities) Question #3: Any awards, honors or recognition received? (Please list all acknowledgements and exact dates) SEPARATE 500 WORD ESSAY: In 500 words or less, please briefly describe what qualifications you have that makes you deserving of this scholarship. Also, please tell us about your current AND future academic, career, and personal goals. Essay must be typed, single-spaced, on a separate sheet, using 12-point font. Revised 02.11.2013 PCF Master Scholarship Application Page 3 of 5 Student’s Name Student’s ID # SECTION IV: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Must be completed by the Financial Aid Office Note: Please give this page to the Financial Aid Office, which will complete the form and contact you when it is ready to be picked up. You must have this form completed before you can submit your scholarship application. Please make an appointment with the Financial Aid Office at least two weeks in advance to have this form completed Is the student eligible for a Board of Governors Fee Waiver? Yes _____ Has the student received financial aid at any of the Peralta Colleges? No _____ Yes _____ No _____ If Yes, please list: Grant: __________________________________________________________________________ Amount Received: __________ Year: ________ Peralta College: _______________________ Grant: __________________________________________________________________________ Amount Received: __________ Year: ________ Peralta College: _______________________ Grant: __________________________________________________________________________ Amount Received: __________ Year: ________ Peralta College: _______________________ All Other aid______________________________________________________________________ Marital Status: Single_______ Married ______ Separated_______ Divorced ______ Number in Household: ______________ Student is: Independent: ______ Dependent: _____ Student Cost of Attendance: ________________________ Remaining Need: ________________________ The Financial Aid Office must be notified when a student receives a scholarship award. FAO Certification: ____________________________________________________________________________ Name Title Date Under the California Dream Act (AB 130) students attending a Peralta college who are exempt from paying nonresident tuition under AB 540 are eligible to receive scholarships funded by private donations and administered through the Peralta Colleges Foundation. If the scholarship(s) for which you are applying requires you to demonstrate financial need, you have several options: Provide your most recent tax return or other income verification. A letter of recommendation from someone who can also confirm your financial need. Provide proof that you currently receive TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), SSI/SSP (Supplemental Security Income), or General Relief. Students must show proof (i.e.,copy of a CA-7 with current or last month’s date, agency verification, etc.) Complete the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA), if you are eligible to do so.(Strongly recommended) Revised 02.11.2013 PCF Master Scholarship Application Page 4 of 5 Student’s Name Student’s ID # ALMOST FINISHED! LAST STEP! Did you remember to…? Indicate which scholarship for which you are applying for? Each scholarship requires A SEPARATE APPLICATION. Fully complete and sign your application form? Include at least one (1) letters of recommendations and/or references? IF REQUIRED AS PART OF SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA TO WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING. Include an unofficial copy of required transcripts? Include your Biographical Data & Separate 500 Word Essay? Include Page 4 of the Master Scholarship Application COMPLETED AND SIGNED OFF BY AN OFFCIAL FINANCIAL AID OFFICER? Remember, only fully-completed scholarship applications – those that include the financial information requested – will be considered for a scholarship. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure the application is fully completed and in compliance with the scholarship criteria. Student’s Certification: I certify that the information contained on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that willful omission or falsification may disqualify me as a scholarship recipient. Signature: _________________________________________ Revised 02.11.2013 Date: ______ / _____ / _______ MO DAY YEAR PCF Master Scholarship Application Page 5 of 5