Fall 2008

Mech Labs Frequently Asked Questions
MECH 362- Mechanical Laboratory (Mech Labs)
Course Description:
MECH 362 Mechanical Laboratory 1 (2 credits)
This course consists of a set of experiments that support the four theoretical topics covered in the
following courses: MECH 240 Thermodynamics, MECH 315 Vibrations, MECH 331 Fluid
Mechanics 1, and MECH 346 Heat Transfer. Students should sign up (in teams of two students) to do
experiments in one or more areas the term following the completion of one or more of the above
courses. Thus, this course should be completed over several semesters. Students will not formally
register for this course on Minerva until the semester in which they will sign up for their last topic(s)
to complete a total of eight experiments (two experiments per topic).
Where are Mech Labs?
Mech Labs are conducted in their recently renovated location on the ground floor of the Macdonald
Engineering Building (Room MD 51)
What is the Weekly Schedule of Mech Labs?
Mech Labs can be scheduled between 1:30 and 5:30 p.m. three days a week (Tuesday to Thursday).
Mech Lab schedule will indicate the time slot and the lab assigned for each team to attend and
complete their lab.
What if you have a conflict with Mech Lab times?
Mech Labs can be only scheduled between 1:30 and 5:30 p.m. three days a week (Tuesday to
Thursday). If you have a conflict with all these times, please plan to sign up in the following
What are the Topics Covered in Mech Lab Experiments?
Mech Labs consist of a set of experiments covering four main topics: Thermodynamics, Fluids, Heat
Transfer, and Vibrations.
Each student will have to complete a total of 8 labs (that is, two labs per topic) to complete the
MECH 362 curse requirements. These experiments are performed by a team of two students.
When I Can Sign-up for a Certain Mech Lab Topic?
You can sign-up for a certain lab topic after completing the pre-requisite course(s) as listed below:
Pre-requisite courses
Lab Topics
Thermodynamics Labs Thermodynamics I (MECH 240)
Fluids Labs
Fluid Mechanics (MECH 331)
Heat Transfer Labs
Heat Transfer (MECH 346)
Vibration Labs
Mechanics 3 (MECH 315)
Typically, each team can sign-up for one topic per semester (two labs / semester). Thus, this course
should be completed over several semesters. Signing up for two topics (four labs) is also possible but
not preferred.
What is the Correct Time to Register for MECH 362 on Minerva?
Students should start to sign-up (without registration) to do Mech Lab topics after completing the
pre-requisite course(s). Students can register for MECH 362 on Minerva ONLY if you are signing up
for your 8th and final set of topics and labs in that semester. If you are not completing all the
requirements for MECH 362 during that semester, then please do NOT register on Minerva.
What is the Procedure to Sign-up for Mech Lab Topics?
• During the first week of each Fall and Winter semesters, all mechanical engineering students will
receive Mech Lab signing-up invitation along with sign-up Excel sheet and instructions.
• Students should sign-up as teams of two students. Student should look for their team partner to
sign up for the same Mech Lab topic(s). Both team partners should have close time availability
to do their Mech Labs.
• You and your partner should fill and submit ONE sign-up Excel sheet by following the signing
up procedure indicated in the last section of the sign-up Excel sheet.
• If you could not find a team partner, you can submit your form with blank partner section. We
will try to team you up with another student. Please not that this process cannot be guaranteed
and might take a long time.
• All the completed sign-up Excel sheets should be e-mailed to: mechlab.mecheng@mcgill.ca
before the indicated dead line.
How I Can Get Mech Lab Manual?
The updated lab manual of each experiment is available online on the course MyCourses site.
Hardcopies of manuals are no longer printed and distributed.
How I Can Get my Mech Lab Schedule?
The schedule will be posted during the second week of September on the course MyCourses site. We
urge you to check the course site for Mech Lab schedule and any following schedule updates.
How is the Course Grade Determined?
The final course grade will be determined from the average of the grades for the eight labs.
What about the Mech Lab Final Exam?
There is no Final Exam for this course.
What is the Best Procedure to Prepare for my Mech Labs?
In general, each Mech Lab experiment should be performed into two steps. The first step is to prepare
a prelab preliminary report and Excel sheet. These documents should be submitted through the
assignment section in MyCourses 24 hours before the scheduled Mech Lab experiment. The second
step is to submit final lab report and Excel sheet after one week of completing the scheduled
The MyCourses site for this course provides important details about the way Mech Labs are being
offered and some best practices and guidelines to prepare for prelabs and final labs submissions.