GEP Diversity Course Application - College of Undergraduate Studies

Application Procedure (last updated 09/2015)
Departments wishing to submit a request for a course to become certified as fulfilling the Diversity
Requirement are requested to use the enclosed template and forward it to:
Dr. Heath Martin
Interim Associate Dean
College of Undergraduate Studies, MH 218
Applications for new diversity courses must be received by November 1.
Purposes of the Diversity Requirement
The University recognizes that communities are comprised of, and enriched by, people of diverse
backgrounds. The study of diversity is encouraged to promote an understanding of the needs of
individuals, the University, and society. Thus, all students completing their first bachelor’s degree
from UCF must complete at least one course that explores the diverse backgrounds and
characteristics found among humans, including: race/ethnicity, gender, social class/caste,
religion, age, sexual orientation, and level of physical ability. (UCF Undergraduate Catalog,
Course Prefix/Number, Title, and Credit Hours:
Unit/Administrator making the proposal:
The course must fulfill one of the following three areas in I, and in addition must deal with the issues in II
and III.
Respond to one area
1) How does the course focus on one or more contemporary African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin
American, Native American, or Pacific Island cultures, societies, peoples?
2) How does the course focus on a contemporary minority American culture such as those defined
by race, ethnicity, gender, social and economic class/caste, age, sexual orientation, or varying
levels of abilities across several dimensions of performance, including the physical?
How does the course focus on the processes by which contemporary people interact with
persons of either of the above groups in social, professional, and personal situations?
II. Several of these areas should be reflected in the course
How does the course study diverse cultures as they intersect and overlap?
How does the course study the processes by which people interact with persons of other groups?
How does the course conduct a comparative analysis across groups?
How does the course focus on minorities, subsets, or groups which have not been traditional
subjects of academic review, study, or teaching?
5) How does the course examine the strengths, contributions, and achievements of such groups?
6) How does the course explore issues of power, privilege, and stratification?
7) How does the course examine the process of discrimination, stereotyping, and disadvantage,
based on race, gender, class or ethnicity, or cross-cultural interactions?
8) Please include a syllabus for the course that contains, at a minimum, the following elements:
III. Process
1) Will all sections of such courses taught by all professors be taught with the above diversity
2) Will textbooks and readings used for this and future sections of the course also use this diversity
3) Submit a textbook and reading materials to the committee.
4) Submit a syllabus which explains the diversity approach.
5) Outcomes: what projects or assignments are designed to demonstrate the students’ increase in
understanding of diversity?
Dean of College