DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING MINUTES College of Education & Professional Studies August 16, 2006 Attending: Drs. Harper, Hammett, Friery, Ryan, Harbor, Lowry, Chandler, Uline, Dr. Donna Herring, Ms. Patty Hobbs, Mr. Terry Marbut, and Mr. Mike Zenanko Absent: Dr. Jan Wilson In-Folder Dr. Harper welcomed everyone to the Department Head meeting. Please e-mail Rosemary Harper your unit report. Dr. Harper welcomed Ms. Patty Hobbs to the Department Head meeting. She stated that she is the acting director and has applied for the permanent position. Dr. Harper asked her to share background information with the group. Dr. Harper reminded everyone that the next Preview Day will be on Saturday, September 16 th. She asked everyone to contact Cathy Rose, if they had not done so already, to let her know who would be staffing their tables. Dr. Harper discussed the college flow chart. She asked everyone to look it over and note any corrections that need to be made. Dr. Harper noted the use of color. There was some discussion about how Dr. Harbor’s department is listed. Dr. Harper reminded everyone that the College Meeting will be August 28 th. She asked everyone to put up announcements in their areas that registration would not begin until 10:30AM. Dr. Harper discussed the new phone list. She asked if they would rather have the small or large print version, and it was decided to distribute copies of both. Dr. Harper asked everyone to read over the latest Academic Council minutes. Dr. Harper discussed the Fall Application counts for freshmen, transfer students, and Georgia applicants. The freshmen numbers are down slightly from last fall. The numbers in the in-state transfers and Georgia applicant categories were up slightly from last year. Dr. Harper discussed the orientation evaluations. She stated that Dr. Turner was pleased with these results. Dr. Harper discussed the credit hour numbers for Marathon S. Dr. Harper discussed the campus copyright policy. She stated that there was some concern over the verbiage in the proposed policy. Dr. Turner is sending it back to the committee that drafted it for reexamination. Dr. Harper discussed a report from the Distance Education Advisory Committee. Dr. Turner is asking them to revise their Plans, Policy, and Procedures manual. All of the points they listed were passed on to the Faculty Senate except #9, which dealt with funding for their budget. There was some discussion about this issue. Dr. Harper discussed the proposed University Calendar for 2007-2008. She stated there was much talk about the Christmas holidays and others. A committee was formed to look into issues including graduation and final exams. Dr. Harper discussed the Academic Planning Calendar. She asked everyone to look over it and pass along any corrections are suggestions to Cathy Rose. She also stated that the College Calendar is being prepared and will be e-mailed when it is completed. Dr. Harper discussed the College Meeting and who would be speaking on which topic. She also asked everyone to remind their faculty to be at the meeting. Dr. Harper discussed an idea Dr. Friery had presented to her. It is the idea of having a couple of days of Professional Development before classes start. Dr. Harper is considering using certain Fridays during the semester to implement this idea. Topics such as rubric development and advisement could be covered. Other topics that were suggested were to have Dan Miller speak from DSS, to discuss ED 300 and ED 500, and to have someone speak about plagiarism. Dr. Harper discussed a list from the State Department where the Faculty Specialist from each area is identified. She asked everyone to look over and fill these forms out. It is due by September 15th. Dr. Harper reminded everyone that Annual Reports are due in PRISM by September 15th. Dr. Harper discussed the issue of College Goals. The goals will be revisited during the academic year. Dr. Harper discussed committee assignments. C&I Dr. Patsy Lowry, Dr. Dale Campbell, Dr. Teresa Gardner, Dr. Celia Hilber, and Dr. Gena Riley attended the opening session of the AMSTI (Alabama Mathematics, Science, and Technology Initiative) Leadership Training week at Jacksonville High School on Monday, July 24th at 8:30 a.m. Governor Bob Riley, Dr. Meehan, the JSU Board of Trustees, Dr. Carr, and other special guests attended and/or spoke at the event. Dr. Dale Campbell, Dr. Teresa Gardner, and Dr. Gena Riley participated in the week long AMSTI Leadership Training Academy at Jacksonville High School on Monday, July 24th t through Friday, July 28th. Dr. Campbell participated in Science applications while Dr. Gardner and Dr. Riley participated in Mathematics training. Dr. Larry Beard, Dr. Patsy Lowry, and Dr. Nina King represented the C&I Department and the College of Education & Professional Studies at the Summer Commencement Ceremony held on Friday, August 4th at 7:30 p.m. CDC CDC has a new director, a new secretary and an assistant director on maternity leave, so our life hasn’t been quiet or dull! We are currently recruiting children ages 2-5 and have had some advertising in the Anniston Star and on K98 radio. We are having a retreat at the CDC on Saturday, August 19 to begin preparations for Back-toSchool Night at the center on September 14. COMM The Department of Communication has hired a new faculty to fill the print/generalist position that has been advertised for sometime now. Dr. Jeffrey Hedrick, the new faculty, is joining us this fall. His area of expertise is law and digital communication. Dr. Kingsley O. Harbor, head of the Communication Department, attended two conferences backto-back in July/August, 2006. The first—the assessment conference—presented by an organization led by Professor James O. Nicols, a national guru on assessment, was well attended and contained a lot of useful information. It is particularly useful to Harbor who is preparing his department for program assessment. The second –the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)—is a national/international organization for journalism and mass communication educators. Dr. Harbor presented a paper to the International Communication Division of the AEJMC on Utilitarian Journalism, a new concept developed by him to address the state of journalism in Africa. The Department of Communication begins its self study this fall. This is in preparation for a visit next year by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) to review the communication program here at JSU. Faculty and staff in the department plan to have a student-faculty get-together this fall. This would be mainly an information meeting (followed by a period of refreshments) and the first of its kind in this department. The essence is to inform and involve students in our numerous departmental activities such as outcomes assessment, accreditation process, departmental policies and regulations as well as other graduation requirements. Students will have an opportunity to informally ask questions and exchange views with the faculty EDRS The Chi Sigma Iota initiation ceremony was held on July 27, 2006. The Counselor Education faculty announced the following awards: Counselor Education Alumnus of the Year – Ms. Martha Mitchell, Director of Admissions, JSU M.S. Counselor Education Student of the Year – Ms. Patty Mayne Ed.S. Counselor Education Student of the Year – Ms. Deidra Tidwell FCS Mrs. Robbie Boggs attended a meeting of the Atlanta Fashion Group. The Atlanta group is a chapter of The Fashion Group International, a global non-profit association of over 6,000 professionals of achievement and influence representing all areas of the fashion, apparel, accessories, beauty and home industries. Some of the goals of the organization are: To advance professionalism in fashion and its related lifestyle industries, with a particular emphasis on the role and development of women. To present timely information regarding national and global trends that have an effect on the fashion industries. To promote career opportunities in fashion. Mrs. Boggs’ participation in Fashion Group provides many opportunities for fashion merchandising students to network with professions in the fashion field. Mrs. Karen Nemeth attended the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Executive Board Meeting on August 10, 2006. Mrs. Nemeth Serves as State Advisor for the Student Family and Consumer Sciences Association. Also attending was Sonya Jones, JSU Dietetics student. Ms. Jones is serving as the 2006-07 President of the Student Section. She is actively involved planning the Alabama Student Family and Consumer Sciences Association Fall Leadership Conference which will be held on the JSU campus in October. The Fall Leadership Conference will have students attending representing all Family and Consumer Sciences programs across the state. Dr. Tim Roberts attended the MED 2000 Bone and Joint Disease Workshop in Birmingham on June 27, 2006. This one-day course introduces healthcare professionals to the latest research on arthritis and osteoporosis. HPER ISU No Unit Report Two smartrooms have been completed in HPER. One more is awaiting the hardware to complete. Mr. Cates has been instrumental in their completion. Room 309 is moving along. The T/LC Handbook was revised and printed. Mrs. Philips did the revision. Mrs. Lane is checking the holdings in the LRC with the library catalogue. Secondary Education Dr. Carol Uline provided training titled “Intervention Strategies for Struggling Students”, at Wellborn High School, August 8, 2006. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb presented a paper titled “”Tenure: Property Right or No Rights?”, at the University of Oxford Round Table, United Kingdom, August 5-12, 2006. Drs. Jan Wilson and Jordan Barkley are participating in a curriculum development workshop for Secondary Education and Collaborative Education 6-12 candidates, August 16-18, 2006. Teacher Service Center No Unit Report Technology & Engineering Terry Marbut attended a Recruiting Conference in Chicago and an Institutional Effectiveness Workshop in San Antonio. Purchase orders have been issued for rapid prototyping, CNC, and materials measuring equipment. The rapid prototype equipment is on site. Jess Godbey attended two safety- training seminars to update certification so that our students can obtain professional certification as they complete our academic courses. NAIT research indicates that providing students with appropriate industrial certifications is important to the continued success of industrial technology programs. Work is continuing on the construction of the transportation center building. New undergraduate brochures are in. We will use these and then redesign based on information gained in the recruiting seminar. Had to add a section of TEC 201 for beginning technology students. Terry picked up TEC 366 so that the new section of TEC 201 could be taught. The department is working on three different proposals for Honda funding opportunities. The department (in cooperation with the Small Business Development Center and the College of Commerce and Business Administration) submitted a proposal to the Anniston Army Depot to develop and deliver a training program for their middle management employees. TV Services The Fall Registration commercials, “What are you waiting for?” are approved by Admissions. Three commercials were produced. A one minute and two thirty second versions were produced. These commercials are now airing in the Birmingham markets as well as locally. A commercial for the Houston Cole Library is produced. This commercial is now airing on TV24 and will air over Comcast Sports Southeast this fall during JSU home football games. Produced and broadcast the 7:30 p.m. Graduation Exercises live on TV24 and live over the Internet. The ceremonies were also rebroadcast at later dates and times. DVD copies of the ceremony are being sold through the Campus Bookstore. Two new commercials have been approved, “The College of Commerce and Business Administration” and “The Department of Military Science.” These commercials are now airing on TV24 and will air over Comcast Sports Southeast this fall during JSU home football games. Met with Mark Norman, producer for ABC 33/40, and gave him a JSU commercial, “Best Kept Secret in Alabama, #1” and the JSU Recruiting video, “Best Kept Secret in Alabama” to air during a promo that the station will be doing soon. The promo will feature Jacksonville, JSU, and the surrounding area. Similar promos are being done with other communities in Alabama as well. Mike Hathcock cut a voice over for the new Continuing Education fall commercial. The commercial has been edited and is awaiting approval. Taped an accreditation hearing for the University Police Department. Had a request from the David L. Walters Department of Music for 60 copies of “The Gondoliers.” This opera was taped on 05/26/06 using the production truck. The performance was later broadcast on TV24. On-Going Work continues on the pre-wiring of the stadium for this fall’s football games. Next meeting will be Wednesday, September 6, 2006 at 1:30 pm in the RWB Conference room.