LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC COMMITTEE WORKING GROUP ON STUDENT SUPPORT FEEDBACK Final Report to Academic Committee on Student Support Feedback Executive Summary The Working Group on Student Support Services met twice to consider how UCL could gain an overview of student feedback on its student support services. This report: - presents the background information on the establishment of WGSSF, its remit and rationale [paragraph 1]; - outlines the key areas of focus considered by the WGSSF [paragraph 2]; - outlines the current provision for receiving feedback from students on the UCL student support services [paragraph 3]; - reports on the WGSSF discussions on the suggestions and proposals for creating an overview of the student feedback for the UCL Support Services [paragraph 4]; - informs the Committee of the conclusions of WGSSF [paragraph 5]; - reports on further developments of student feedback matters which emerged from the December meeting of AC and discussions of these matters by Council and Senior Management Team officers [paragraph 6]; - asks the Committee to note the future work of the new group which will succeed WGSSF in considering the Student Barometer and other matters relating to feedback on the student experience [paragraph 7]. Key to abbreviations: AC CERG DTC MORI NSS QMEC SEQ WGSF WGSSF Academic Committee Council Effectiveness Review Group Departmental Teaching Committee Market and Opinion Research International National Student Survey Quality Management and Enhancement Committee Student Evaluation Questionnaire Working Group on Student Feedback Working Group on Student Support Feedback WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 1 Background and remit of the WGSSF 1.1 The Working Group on Student Support Feedback was commissioned by the Vice-Provost (Academic and International) in response to two developments: (i) In 2005 the QMEC Working Group on Student Feedback, in the context of a review intended primarily to deal with feedback on teaching and learning at departmental level, raised questions regarding the mechanisms by which UCL could gain an overview of student opinion on its support services. The WGSF was not aware that there was currently any mechanism in place for such an overview, although it was clear that the individual services carried out their own surveys, focus groups etc to receive feedback. It advised that some thought should be given to how this feedback could be brought together overall, in order to help UCL identify common student concerns and share best practice between the support services. (ii) The report of the Council Effectiveness Review Group (approved by Council at its meeting on 14 June 2006) recommended that Council should in future receive an annual report on the student experience, including information about the findings of student evaluation questionnaires. 1.2 The WGSSF membership included representation from all areas offering student support in UCL, in addition to the Chair of QMEC, the Dean of Students and representatives of UCL Union and the University of London Union. A list of the membership of the WGSSF is at Annex 1. 1.3 The WGSSF agreed that its terms of reference should be as follows: (i) to ascertain that feedback mechanisms are in place in all areas of student support and to ensure fitness for purpose; (ii) to explore ways to fill lacunae in existing feedback mechanisms within the student support services; (iii) to identify and share examples of best practice; (iv) to determine the need and scope for any adjustment or addition to existing lines and modes of information gathering and reporting; (v) to make recommendations to Academic Committee on the above. 2 Introduction 2.1 WGSSF met on two occasions in October 2006. In order to facilitate its discussions, it considered two main areas of focus: The current provision made by UCL student support services in order to receive feedback from students; 2 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 2.2 Suggestions and proposals for creating the overview of the student feedback for the UCL support services. Further to these areas of focus, WGSSF also considered in more detail the evidence base for an overview of student feedback. It noted that the annual report on the student experience would need a strong evidential basis, and considered two main methods of providing this: (i) a consolidated report of the existing UCL Services’ surveys and reports identifying common concerns, good practice and key matters of note; and/or (ii) the introduction of a pan-UCL services questionnaire developed specifically for the purpose of providing data for the annual report. 2.3 In order to facilitate the above, WGSSF examined in particular the use of data from already existing surveys of UCL students, such as the MORI Unite Living survey, as well as the possibility of the introduction of common questions for existing surveys in order to aid comparison. 3 UCL Student Support Services (and others) – Current Provision for Student Feedback 3.1 The WGSF report from 2005 collected information from a number of UCL support services on the mechanisms for receiving feedback from students. WGSSF members updated this information and gave more details on the rationale and methodology for the provision, the use made of the data and the reporting arrangements for discussion of the main findings. 3.2 WGSSF considered that the table provided useful evidence for the measures currently undertaken by student support services in eliciting feedback from students. It noted that virtually all the support services sought feedback from students, although there was much variation in the rationale for doing so, the methodology employed and the use made of the feedback received. The updated table is at Annex 2. 4 Suggestions and Proposals for Creating the Overview of the Student Feedback for the UCL Support Services 4.1 During the discussions of its remit and the matters raised by the WGSF and the Council Effectiveness Review Group, WGSSF considered the possibility of the creation of a consolidated report drawn from the various support services reports and surveys, in order to gain an overview of student opinion on its support services. 4.2 A number of concerns and objections were raised to this suggestion during the discussion. Many WGSSF members considered a consolidated report to be impractical, marrying up too diverse services and feedback mechanisms to produce meaningful overall information. Questions arose as to how the data produced by the various support services could be aggregated, with concerns that this could lead to misleading comparisons from the various student response data. 3 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 4.3 It was also noted that if a consolidated report were to limit the use of the raw data from the support services reports (in order for it not to be too unwieldy), so much detail would be lost that its value would be questionable. A consolidated report would of necessity create additional reporting lines and add to the administrative burden without necessarily producing value for money. In the light of these concerns, WGSSF agreed that an annual report on the student experience should not be based on the surveys or summaries of the student support services. 4.4 WGSSF also discussed the possibility of constructing a pan-UCL survey for all students incorporating questions on all support services, or introducing the common questions into all existing and future surveys in order to allow benchmarking of the services and for comparability. 4.5 WGSSF was not convinced that it would be useful to introduce generic questions, given, the different purposes and rationales of the surveys conducted within UCL. There was also some reluctance to introduce new questions to questionnaires which had evolved over a long period of time and were functioning well and a concern that the integrity of such surveys could be compromised. 4.6 WGSSF noted already existing surveys, such as the Ipsos MORI Unite living survey, a wide-ranging questionnaire conducted annually at various UK universities. The questions were highly detailed and covered wide aspects of the student experience including views of academic matters, accommodation, learning resources as well as financial and social matters. Interviews were conducted at random on campus and the survey, now in its fourth year of operation, also allowed for comparability within the data between years. UCL’s sample of 54 students, whilst small, was a significant proportion of the overall numbers of students completing the survey nationally, which was 1025. UCL was provided with the raw data on its own student responses, as well as with the overall response data to allow comparison. The survey was of no cost to UCL and permission was granted by the Dean of Students each year for Ipsos MORI to interview UCL students, in return for the report and the results of the data. 4.7 WGSSF agreed that it would be useful for UCL to make more use of the data provided by the survey and that Ipsos MORI should be approached to discuss the possibility (and costings) of two alternative options: (i) That Ipsos MORI provide an analysis on the UCL respondees to the already existing survey summarising key findings. Should the analysis prove useful, the Ipsos MORI information could be presented to Council and/or AC annually, supplemented with data from the NSS (especially if the expanded form currently being piloted were to be adopted) and possibly from other surveys such as the Student Barometer Survey. Consideration could also be given to presenting high level outcomes from the academic annual monitoring process in order to give a more complete picture of feedback on the student experience. (ii) That UCL commission a specially devised survey, incorporating some elements of the existing Ipsos MORI survey, targeting a cohort of students over the years of study and after graduation. It was envisaged that this option would be conducted as a pilot scheme to 4 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 determine whether the quality of the information provided would add to information already available. 4.8 WGSSF suggested that whilst the second option might be in itself a valuable exercise which could provide much useful data on changing student perceptions, it would be more cost-effective in the first instance to attempt to make use of already existing information. 4.9 In the event, WGSSF made contact with Ipsos MORI and was informed that it was no longer involved in the 2007 Unite Living Survey. Ipsos MORI also advised WGSSF that, in their opinion, it was not practical to provide further analysis of the UCL data from the 2006 Unite Living survey. The rationale given for this was that the sample size of the students was too low to safely draw any meaningful conclusions. Statisticians generally accept that the minimum response figure for feasible analysis of survey data is twenty to thirty and the UCL data (with only fifty responses overall) would very likely go under this threshold, should more detailed analysis of the data be conducted. WGSSF did not pursue this line of enquiry further. Following the discussion at AC of the Student Barometer and decision for the WGSSF, (or a sub-group thereof to consider it further), as well as direction given by UCL officers to the group on student feedback matters (see paragraph 6.2 below), WGSSF also chose not to pursue further the option of commissioning a specially devised survey from Ipsos MORI. 5 Conclusions 5.1 WGSSF agreed with Council’s suggestion that the introduction of an annual report on student experience would be a good investment in principle, provided that it benefited UCL and its students. However, WGSSF did not believe (due to the difficulties outlined in paragraph 4.3 above) that it was appropriate to produce a consolidated report from the existing support services surveys and reports, nor that it would be practicable to create a pan-UCL survey. 5.2 WGSSF notes that the student support services are only one part the overall student experience and that students are far more concerned with academic matters. Any attempt to gain an overview of the student experience should ideally supplement feedback on support services with feedback on other aspects of student experience. WGSSF suggests that the evidence for the annual report should make use of existing data which incorporates the findings of surveys concerning academic matters, such as SEQ summaries from DTCs and from other sources (such as the NSS and the Student Barometer), in order to obtain a broader picture of student views. 5.3 Considerable progress had been made in identifying survey practice in the support areas. The chair and secretary of WGSSF discussed with each area the nature of their survey and reporting mechanisms in order to develop and complete the grid. The completed table is at Annex 2. 5.4 WGSSF suggests that where possible, student surveys should be refined to take note of different categories of students. This would help to improve the quality of the data received and allow services to focus on different student needs and concerns. It would also assist the work of the Graduate School, which was especially important in the light of the increased emphasis on post graduate students at UCL. 5 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 6 Further Developments 6.1 Subsequent to the submission of the WGSSF Interim Report to AC, a number of further developments emerged from the AC meeting and following additional discussion between UCL officers on student feedback matters more generally. The December meeting of AC also discussed the Student ` Barometer survey and resolved to accept recommendations which emerged from the report by the Director of Educational Liaison (at APPENDIX AC 1/06 (06-07). AC agreed that the WGSSF, or a sub-group thereof to be established, should examine the Student Barometer in depth and undertake the following: Consider the Barometer and other similar survey outcomes in detail and alongside the UCL Corporate Plan 2006-2012, the International Strategy, the Teaching and Learning Strategy and, as appropriate, supporting strategies; Working in consultation and collaboration with service heads, identify those areas where there is potential for developmental work which could realise a significant return; Consider whether there is scope for working with the other Barometer participants (for example, King’s College London) to address specific issues; Review how best to provide faculties with disaggregated Barometer and other survey data, and advice on how to make best use of it; Monitor the impact of developmental work undertaken on future survey performance; Consider whether the Barometer represents a suitable single tool to assess those Corporate Support Services that interface with students. 6.2 WGSSF was informed that there had been further discussion by UCL officers at the Council/Senior Management Team Away Day in January 2007 of the Council Effectiveness Review Group recommendation to produce an annual report on the student experience. The Away Day included presentations from the Vice-Provost (Academic and International) and from the UCL Union Sabbatical Officers, which included extensive discussion of the Student Barometer. In the light of this discussion and following the decision of AC to establish a group to consider the Student Barometer, it was agreed that WGSSF did not need to produce a first annual report on the student experience for Council for the time being. The WGSSF Chair also noted that UCL Union’s decision to participate in the NSS this year also needed to be factored into the discussions of the new group. 6.3 Preparations for the creation of the new group to discuss the Student Barometer and other matters of student experience were currently underway. It is anticipated that the new group will be discrete from WGSSF. 6 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 7 Action required 7.1 AC is asked to note the conclusions of the WGSSF report and comment as appropriate. 7.2 AC is asked to further note that the work of the WGSSF is now complete and that the group has stood down, although members understand that it may reconvene in a year’s time to consider the outcomes of its recommendations should that prove necessary. 7.3 Further consideration of the Student Barometer and other related matters relating to the student experience will be conducted by the new group as agreed by AC. This group is expected to report to AC at its May meeting. Professor Chris Carey and Rob Traynor 28 February 2007 7 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Annex 1 Working Group on Student Support Feedback Membership Chair Head of the Department of Greek and Latin and Chair of QMEC Professor Chris Carey Members Director, Library Services Education and Welfare Officer, UCL Union Information Manager, UCL Careers Service Property Maintenance and Facilities Management, Estates and Facilities Dean of Students Head of Media Relations, Development Office Director of Estates and Facilities Director of Administration, Estates and Facilities Graduate School Administrator Student Counselling Service Director, Education and Information Support Division Assistant Registrar, Registry President, University of London Union Deputy Director of Management Information and Services, Registry General Manager, UCL Union Secretary Academic Services Mr Paul Ayris Mr Edward Bray Mr Martin Brown Mr David Coward Professor John Foreman Mr Dominique Fourniol Mr Richard Furter Mr Raymond Harding Ms Anne MacDonald Mrs Fotini Roberts Professor Roland Rosner Mr Andy Saffery Ms Vicki Slater Mr Gary Smith Mr Robert Taylor Mr Rob Traynor 8 WGSSF UCL STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES (AND OTHERS) - CURRENT PROVISION FOR STUDENT FEEDBACK Library Services Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Student representatives on UCL Library Committee and on Faculty and Departmental Library Committees Large on-line surveys Feedback form available on Library web-site. Once a year – a major survey into Library users is conducted in order to inform Library strategy and policy. Focus Groups of academic staff and students help to prepare for the detailed questions in the Survey The Library intends to run another annual online survey in 2006-07, the theme of which will be on users' priorities in terms of Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? The results from the Surveys are discussed in UCL Library Committee and elsewhere in the UCL committee structure, including student representatives. Senior SubLibrarian has regular meetings each term with UCL Union officers. Report, resulting from the Survey is mounted on the Library’s webpages at /Library/. Annex 2 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other To inform Library strategy and policy. Survey results discussed in UCL Library Committee and elsewhere in the UCL committee structure. Each service point in UCL Library Services acts as an immediate enquiry point for students’ questions/feedback. There are also routes for feedback by e-mail and through the Library’s website. Subject Librarians receive feedback from individual students. Each year, the Library takes snapshots of (inter alia) the detailed questions/feedback received at service points for a national survey of academic library usage by SCONUL. The WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Residential Services (Student Accommodation) No fora, but two students representatives on the Student Accommodation Committee and each hall of residence has student reps and social committees Student Counselling Student Web-site forum also used to provide feedback Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? investment work in improving the Library's physical estate. Annual Paper survey organised by UCL union of a quota of students from each hall of residence Questionnaires sent to students by email and as hard copy. This is on-going throughout year (as students complete counselling sessions) Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Director collates and analyses responses to annual survey into report which is considered by the Student Accommodation Committee Director’s report considered by the Student Accommodation Committee and results are also fed into business plans Considered by the Student Accommodation Committee Results are analysed in groups periodically. Students do not receive direct feedback (due to matters of confidentiality). Student Feedback goes to the Head of the Service and is discussed by the team. Feedback is summarised in the Student Counselling Service Annual Report and is used to inform service development, as well as reviewing Service Standards. Student Feedback is reported to the Student Welfare Co-ordinating Committee through the SCS Annual Report 10 Other return is not currently made public in UCL, but it could be. Feedback received from students directly and by email and written correspondence The SCS also receives feedback from individual students to counsellors/staff WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Education & Information Support Division Education & Information Support Division Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? None Courses: both electronic and paper questionnaires are used All IS courses have questionnaires at end and CALT courses run end of programme questionnaires. Response rates are very high, approximately 80%. Student Computing Survey: paper questionnaire, typically to over 2000 students Longitudinal research exercise since 1999 concerning student ownership of computers and confidence in their IT skills when they arrive at UCL Run annually but Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Results analysed by CALT and IS. Currently different questionnaires are used although EISD is looking at ways to make this more consistent and is considering the introduction of a generic (but flexible) on-line system. an evidence base for policy and planning relating to student computing resources reliable data about student computing needs, skills and patterns of use including their own computing facilities, printing, laptop provision, 11 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback EISD receives feedback from contact in person with students and staff, by e-mail and CALT has an SSCC. The feedback informs the planning of future provision. Reports submitted periodically to Teaching & Learning Support Sub-Committee of the ISC Other WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? now sufficient every two years. Education & Information Support Division Several other studies, surveys and questionnaires. Projects conducted annually (on a different topic each year) by Management Science students with advice and guidance from IS on various service areas including: IS clusters, Remote Cluster WTS, online learning, European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) for students, network connections in halls of residence, Roamnet service, IS web pages, Satellite Helpdesk in the DMS Watson, Print Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? perceived skills/ abilities in IT and IT training needs. Students do not receive direct feedback Study on use of cluster rooms for teaching - aimed at understanding the practice and needs of academic users of IS cluster rooms (respondents drawn from academics who book IS cluster rooms for teaching). Halls of residence network connections study - why some students pay for datapoints in Halls but then 12 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback The feedback informs the planning of future provision. Reports submitted periodically to Teaching & Learning Support Sub-Committee of the ISC Other WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees UCL Careers Service Focus groups held as necessary most recent on marketing and branding strategy Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Charging don't use them. Focus group on student issues relating to implementation of UCL Information Strategy User satisfaction on Halls of Residence data connection service User satisfaction studies on IT Training. 3 paper feedback All data collected is forms covering: held by The one-to-one advice; Careers Group but information/ library has an online provision and group reporting system for work. UCL Careers Service staff to view All forms are qualitative and standard across quantitative UoL Careers feedback. Services so that feedback and This year a network assessment of of Student Careers services can be Reps - one per 13 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Results are fed back via a “You Said… We did…” board. Currently hardcopy at the Careers Service, but soon to be added to our website. Feedback is also raised as a standing item on our fortnightly all team meetings. Annual report to the Careers Advisory Committee. Also use separate feedback forms for special events such as Careers Fairs and events aimed at Research Staff Separate feedback is also collected by the GradSchool for events run by the Careers Service specifically for PhD students. WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? monitored centrally by The Careers Group, University of London for all colleges. Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? department – is being created to give feedback, suggestions and act as contacts in their departments. Forms are used ongoing as students use the Careers Service UCL Union UCL Union has 23 Standing Committees which govern the organisation and determine policy for its operations. Membership of these Standing Committees are all student representatives. All but one of these Standing Use made of the feedback received A summary of feedback will also be included in the Careers Service annual report which is presented to and discussed by the Careers Advisory Committee. Have Your Say comments and suggestions scheme – available at all commercial and membership service points. The UCL Union Promotions & Marketing Department collate all feedback from the Have Your Say scheme and reports findings to relevant Standing Committees and Service Managers. Input into service delivery through Service Managers and Standing Committees. Online surveys – including surveys The UCL Union Promotions & Input into service delivery and annual 14 Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Also receive informal feedback through contact with individual students and our suggestions box. See column four. Indirect feedback from students also received for accreditation reports of the Guidance Accreditation Board – (the professional standard body) Student Officer profiles provide for opportunities for student feedback and complaints on a day-to-day basis through surgeries, forums, appointments and generally. WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Estates and Facilities – Catering contract Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Committees allow for any student member to attend and observe. on the following food and drink, entertainment, governance and the environment. Standing Committees that consider student service provision include the Services Committee (Commercial Service provision) and the Student Affairs Committee (Membership Services provision, including the welfare services and student campaign coordination) Refectory services user group meeting - Quarterly Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Marketing Department analysed the online surveys and reports findings to the relevant Union Officer, Standing Committee and/or Service Manager. Use made of the feedback received In 2006, we conducted a survey on student lifestyles which took into account the multifaceted student experience at UCL. The UCL Union Promotions & Marketing Department analysed and reported to the Strategic Planning Committee to inform the Union Strategic Plan. Feeds into Union Strategic Plan through Strategic Planning Committee. Annual Questionnaire to refectory users User meetings UCL/Scolarest meetings To consider improvements to services offered by Scolarest at monthly meetings Questionnaires with Hospitality orders Ongoing 15 Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Refectory services user group meetings Quality control – “Mystery Guest”, planning through Service Managers and Standing Committees. Estates and Facilities Division manages the contract by which this function is WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Graduate School Two graduate student reps on Graduate Education Executive SubCommittee. One graduate student rep on Graduate School Training Board. Graduate School works with Union to put together an online list of departmental graduate reps. Regular meetings with UCL Union Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? On-line anonymous survey every two years: Year 1: research degree graduate students; Year 2: taught degree graduate students. Electronic feedback system requests feedback on Skills Development courses immediately after each course has run. Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Survey results were previously analysed by a postgraduate research student. The 2005/6 survey is being analysed by an external analyst. Results are posted on the Graduate School web site and students are advised of this. 16 Use made of the feedback received Questionnaire results are used by the Graduate School to consider ways in which graduate students' experiences at UCL can be improved. For example, after the first such questionnaire, a request was made to the Senior Management Team for space and resources to set up a Graduate Common Room and a separate Graduate Computer Cluster area. Both Reporting of the results of the feedback Questionnaire results are discussed by the Graduate School Management Board, which makes recommendations to the Graduate Education Executive SubCommittee (GEESC), as to whether any action needs to be taken on the feedback received. GEESC then discusses the issues and decides on further action. The full report is Other outsourced. Other EFD services are to departments rather than students and should be included in UCLwide feedback mechanisms/questi onnaires The Graduate School has an Open Door policy and receives considerable feedback from research students, which may be discussed with Dept Graduate Tutors. Informal records are kept of visits and if problem areas emerge several times from one department, Head of Graduate School will discuss with the Head of Department concerned. Induction events WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Sabbatical Officer and President of Postgraduate Association Graduate students represented on various committees such as Departmental Staff Student Consultative Committees and Dept Teaching Committees. Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other requests were approved and excellent new facilities are now available. posted on the Graduate School web site. Also, a brief report on the Questionnaire (including the web link) is included in the Graduate School's Annual Report which is sent to Academic Board and UCLCouncil. and Graduate School literature remind students of this policy. Feedback on skills courses is used by the Skills Development Programme Administrator; Course Tutors; and Training Board; to inform future course provision. Head of Graduate School plans to meet research student leaders of graduate academic societies. 17 Feedback on skills courses is sent to Course Tutors; goes to the Graduate School Training Board; and is summarised in the Graduate School Annual Report which is sent to Academic Board and UCL Council. The Graduate School is considering ways of requesting feedback from individual students post graduation on, for example, the viva examination process and students' overall experience as UCL graduate students. PhD Examiners' reports are brought to the attention of the Head of Graduate School, if particular issues are highlighted. WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 University of London Union Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Our democratic structures: No officially structured questionnaires. Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? N/A ULU Council; the sovereign decision making body. Several subcommittees including: Sports & Societies Committee, Presidents Network, Finance Committee, the Executive Committee. All of which Union officers and individual students can be elected to/submit papers/questions etc to influence the direction of ULU. Also training days with sabbatical officers for them to impact on the running of ULU 18 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Constant student engagement is taken on board, to help shape our priorities and direction By official reporting structures of committees as laid down in the constitution and regulations. The output of its officers. ULU is currently undertaking a governance review, trying to introduce a new system that will transform student engagement. With more resources put into wide student research. WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Registry Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Prospective students Online feedback via web conducted annually Focus groups e.g. design of prospectuses Prospective and current students, academic and admin. staff provide oral feedback Every 4-5 years Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Considered by Department of Educational Liaison Management team Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Service Standards for each Registry area reviewed annually in the light of feedback The majority of core Registry activities have established lines of report to UCL’s Standing Committees/SubCommittees e.g. Academic Committee, Committee for the Recruitment and Admission of Students; UCL Board of Examiners Each counter area in the Registry acts as an immediate enquiry point for students’ questions/feedback. There are also routes for feedback by e-mail and through the Registry’s website. Views passed to design team Widening Participation Unit Paper questionnaires sent to partnership schools, conference attendees, student tutors and mentors annually Assessed by WP team Informs future activities National Bodies also inform Registry practices e.g. Office of the Independent Adjudicator (in respect of academic appeals and complaints) Student Barometer External company runs online recruitment and satisfaction survey using samples of home/overseas students annually Assessed externally against 60+ HEIs, both UK and overseas Informs of student feedback on UCL provision and allows UCL to benchmark its performance against the other subscribing universities National statistics published in OIA annual report/internal review. Procedures reviewed by WP on Procedures which includes UCL Union 19 WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? Considered by Department of Educational Liaison Management team Use made of the feedback received International Student Orientation Evaluation questionnaire to all new international students Socrates programme (EU-based student exchange) Report compiled by each participating student/staff annually Considered by Study Abroad Office Informs future provision Study Abroad Office Study Abroad students Online survey annually Considered by Study Abroad Office Informs future provision Study Abroad Office Examinations Paper questionnaire to assess special facilites provision every 2 to 3 years UCL Board of Examiners Informs future provision Paper questionnaire to assess UCL facilities annually to asses special facilities provision UCL Committee for People with Disabilities Informs future provision Pre-paid postal questionnaire Biennial WP on Graduation Ceremonies Informs future activities Disability provision Graduands 20 Reporting of the results of the feedback Informs future activities Other representation UCL Board of Examiners UCL Committee for People with Disabilities WP on Graduation Ceremonies WGSSF Final Report to AC 6 March 2007 Finance Division Fora/ Users Committees Questionnaire – electronic/paper How often are they run? None N/A Questionnaire – how are results analysed and are students given feedback? N/A 21 Use made of the feedback received Reporting of the results of the feedback Other Majority of feedback tends to be verbal and is used at point of contact. N/A Students are able to provide feedback in writing, via the general fees or individual staff email accounts, at the counter or by telephone.