Application for Executive Staff and Committees LSU Student Government 150 LSU Student Union • Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Telephone: 225- 578-8727 E-mail: Contact Information Name: Major: Phone: College: LSU “89” number: E-mail: Hours scheduled this semester: Upon turning in your application, you will receive an email about setting up a time for your interview. Please attach the following on a separate sheet of paper: 1. A one-page resume 2. A response to the following questions (if applying for Executive Staff Positions): What new ideas do you have for the Executive Staff position(s) for which you are applying? What other activities will you be involved with next year that will require a time commitment from you? What time of year do these activities occur? Please explain the workload that these activities require. Please explain what you will contribute to your position and to the Executive Staff if selected to serve. What qualifies you to serve as a member of the Executive Staff? DEADLINE! Turn in this completed form no later than Tuesday, March 31st by 5:00 P.M. to the Student Government office on the first floor of the Student Union. Executive Staff Goals and Responsibilities: Executive Department Goals: To represent the Student Body and to ensure the students are served in all tasks that the Executive Branch undertakes. To work with other Executive departments in accomplishing the goals of the administration. To work with all three branches of Student Government, the administration of LSU, and the Student Body, in completing the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Branch. To enact positive and meaningful change in the Student Government system, the LSU Administration, and the LSU Student Body. Executive Department Responsibilities: Department Heads are required to attend weekly Executive Staff meetings. Assistant Directors, Advisors, and Liaisons, will attend monthly/bi-monthly Executive Staff meetings. Attend the mandatory Executive Staff Retreat. Attend Senate meetings once per month and report department activities three times per semester to the Senate If required, attend Senate committee meetings that correspond to the department and its activities. Positions: Please mark all Executive Staff Positions you are interested in: Chief of Staff (Senior Staff) Will act as the main internal liaison between the President and Vice President and the following: the directors of the executive departments, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. In this capacity, the Chief Of Staff will be charged with overseeing all Executive Offices, and the monitoring of all initiatives set forth by the Executive Branch. The Chief of Staff will also be a representative of the Executive Branch in relations with local, state, and federal officials, assist the President and Vice President in any executive matter that they see fit, and oversee Executive office activities. In office, the Chief of Staff will coordinate Executive Staff meetings, ensure that Executive Staff meeting minutes are kept and disbursed, coordinate Presidential appointments, and be responsible for development. The Chief of Staff will also work to assist the Senior Advisors on special programs for the President and Vice President and planning the End-of-the-Year Banquet. Deputy Chief of Staff (Senior Staff) Will share the responsibilities of the Chief of Staff and assist the Chief of Staff in all matters deemed fit. Senior Advisor to the President (Senior Staff) Will act as chief representative of the President in all matters deemed fit. In this capacity, the Senior Advisor to the President will aid the President in policy and implementation of initiatives. The Senior Advisor to the President will serve in place of the President at official meetings and functions as delegated by the President. The Senior Advisor will be charged with the planning of special programs for the President and Vice President and planning the End-of-the-Year Banquet. Senior Advisor to the Vice President (Senior Staff) Will act as chief representative of the Vice President in all matters deemed fit. In this capacity, the Senior Advisor to the Vice President would aid the Vice President in the management of the College Councils and implementation of initiatives. The Senior Advisor would serve in place of the Vice President at official meetings and functions as delegated by the Vice President. The Senior Advisor would be charged with the planning of special programs for the President and Vice President and planning the End-of-theYear Banquet. State Capitol Advisor to the Executive Branch (Senior Staff) Will act as an advisor to the President, Vice President, and Senior Staff in all matters affecting LSU at the state and citywide level. He/she will also serve in a reporting role of concerns that directly affect the LSU Student Body at a statewide level Director of Communication (Senior Staff) Will act as the head of the Department of Communication and will oversee and approve all Student Government content that is disbursed through any Student Government outlet. The Director of Communication will advise the President, Vice President, and Senior Staff on all matters concerning the proper and most effective means of broadcasting Student Government communication. a. Assistant Director of Social Media Will assist the Director of Communication will all social media outlets and act as the liaison to all other Student Government Branches’ social media correspondents. b. Assistant Director of Website Design Will work under the Communication Department in updating, overseeing, and maintaining all aspects of the Student Government website. c. Assistant Director of Graphic Design Will work under the Communication Department in the design and distribution of graphics as needed by Student Government throughout the year. Attorney General (Senior Staff) Will be charged with advising the Executive Branch in matters dealing with the Student Government governing documents. He or she will also act as a liaison for the Executive Branch in situations in which the governing documents have been called into question. Director of FLC Will be charged with selecting, organizing, and running Freshmen Leadership Council; helping to foster freshmen campus involvement; enhancing the first-year experience of students; and helping to develop personal leadership strengths within FLC a. Assistant Director of FLC (2 Available) Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. Director of Finance Will be charged with any activity regarding Student Government finances, keeping records of the line item balances in the general appropriations bill, providing financial reports to the President and the Student Senate, submitting all required fees and Student Government expenses to be posted online, and act as the Chief Financial Advisors to the Executive Branch. The director will also Chair the PSIF committee a. Assistant Director of Finance Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. The Assistant Director will also Chair the ORF committee. Director of Academics Will be charged with any activity pertaining to Academic Affairs. This includes any Student Government led effort to better student’s academic experiences through changes to the infrastructure and enrichment of Academic services. The Director will also Chair the Academic Appeals Policy Committee and lead Mid-Terms and Finals Week Activities. a. Assistant Director of Academics Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. Director of Organizational Outreach Will be charged with any activity pertaining to relations and programming with other student organizations and will chair the Organizational Support Staff. a. Assistant Director of Organizational Outreach Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit Director of Transportation Will be charged with any activity pertaining to campus transportation a. Assistant Director of Transportation Will assist the Director of Transportation in all transportation activity. Will also help coordinate the Holiday Shuttle Program. Director of Campus Affairs and Sustainability Will be charged with coordinating any activities pertaining to enhancing student life and interests, the construction or development of physical aspects of campus, and sustainability efforts to be sought out for the betterment of LSU a. Assistant Director of Campus Affairs (2 Available) Will assist the Director of Campus Affairs and Sustainability with projects related to campus development and campus sustainability efforts. b. “We’re Committed” Student Advocate Will be charged with the coordinating, programming, and communication between Student Government and the “We’re Committed” campaign to end Sexual Violence. Director of External Affairs Will be charged with any activity pertaining to corporate donations, LSU Student Government Relations with the surrounding community and state, as well as the LSU Alumni Association. a. Assistant Director of External Affairs Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. Director of Athletics Will be charged with any activity pertaining to the athletic policies of the university affecting students, including the planning and implementation of the Student Government Bus Trip and handling student ticket appeals. a. Assistant Director of Athletics Will Assist the Director of Athletics with all Athletic based initiatives and will focus on Priority Points tracking. Director of Programming Will be charged with any activity pertaining to the programming efforts of Student Government, including Students on Target, Battle of the Bands, and Groovin’. a. Assistant Director of Programming (2 Available) Will assist the Director in the planning and implementation of all aforementioned events. Commissioner of Elections Will chair the Election Board, and will be charged with publicizing, administering, and arbitrating all aspects of the Student Government Election process a. Election Board Member (7 Available) Will assist the commissioner in the planning, implementation, and advertising of Student Government election Director of Philanthropy Will be charged with the execution of official Student Government-Sponsored Philanthropy Events, as well as the organization of any Student Government teams for participation in on-campus philanthropic events. The responsibilities of this department will also be to work with the Department of Organizational Outreach to act as a liaison between student organizations and community charities. a. Assistant Director of Philanthropy Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. Director of Student Diversity Will be charged with any activity pertaining to the betterment and growth of diversity on campus. The Director will also implement and execute any diversity-based initiatives. a. Assistant Director of Diversity Will share the responsibilities of the department as the Director sees fit. (Note: While Student Government appoints individuals to these committees, these positions are not connected with the Executive Staff) Committee Descriptions: Courses and Curricula Committee: This committee serves to approve or disapprove, after review, proposed additions to, alterations of, and elimination of all courses, curricula, and degree programs submitted by colleges and schools, or referred by the Office of Academic Affairs. General Education Committee: The General Education Committee is charged with the evaluation, addition, or removal of courses for the General Education component of the LSU degree requirements. Media Board: The Media Board is responsible for selecting editors and station managers for LSU’s Student Media. Organizational Relief Fund Committee: The Organization Relief Fund (ORF) helps with travel expenses for full-time students attending educational, academic, or professional conferences, conventions, or competitions. Programming, Support, and Initiative Fund Committee: The Programming, Support, and Initiative Fund Committee (PSIF) helps new organizations hosting conferences on campus, sports clubs, and organizations hosting events with funding.. Student Required Fee Committee: The purpose of this committee is to evaluate student required fees and to make recommendations to the President/Chancellor concerning the current fee in question. Student Tech Fee Committee: The purpose of this committee is to review and approve the allocation of the Student Technology Fee across campus. Parking Appeals Board: The Parking Appeals Board shall hear all appeals to the Office of Parking, Transit and Transportation for tickets or tows. Committee Positions: Please mark all committees in which you are interested Courses and Curricula Committee General Education Committee Media Board Organizational Relief Fund Committee Programming, Support, & Initiative Fund Committee Student Outreach Committee Student Required Fee Committee Student Tech Fee Committee Parking Appeals Board