job description – baptist student ministry director

Recruited and recommended by: UBA Personnel Committee and BGCT Collegiate
Ministry Team
Called by: Unity Baptist Association
Reports to: BGCT Collegiate Ministry Team Representative and Director of Missions
I. Basic Assignment
The director of the Baptist student program is responsible for the direction of the total
program of the Baptist Student Ministry and its activities. In addition to coordinating
the campus program, he/she will work with the Southern Baptist churches in the area
in creating a total ministry to the students.
II. Relationships
A. The Unity Baptist Association takes the initiative in seeking the prospective
Student Director who must be approved by the Collegiate Ministry Team and the
Personnel Committee. Final approval is by the Executive Board of the Association.
B. The Collegiate Ministry Team shares supervision of the Baptist Student Ministry
Director with the Director of Missions.
C. In cooperation with the Collegiate Ministry Team, the director is responsible for
coordinating the campus ministry with the work of the area Baptist churches.
III. Scope of Responsibilities
A. Directing the Baptist Student program in the enlistment of students: involving them
in worship, evangelism, missions, discipleship, Bible study, and fellowship through…
1. Baptist Student Ministry Leadership Council
2. Enlistment program
3. Worship and devotional meetings
4. Evangelism endeavors
5. Mission and outreach ministries
6. Seminars, study projects, and special periods of emphases
7. Social and recreational activities
8. Retreats and Convention trips
9. Relate to and advise students, faculty and staff as needed
B. Supervision of the Baptist Student Center is primarily the responsibility of the
BSM director in overseeing the proper care and use of the facilities/furnishings and
equipment belonging to the BGCT and the association.
C. Administering the Budget
The BSM director will be responsible for administering the budget and for making
quarterly financial reports to the Collegiate Ministry Team and be available to local
churches. Any expenditures over $500 must be approved by the Collegiate Ministry
Team. The Collegiate Ministry Team will work together with the Director of Missions
in planning the budget to provide a student ministry program, which is acceptable to
the local churches. All expenditures to be submitted in advance through UBA check
D. Supervise the Baptist Student Ministry Coordinator at the Angelina College Polk
County Center.
IV. Other
A. Reports
The BSM director will be responsible for submitting a report for each UBA Executive
Board Meetings.
B. Training
The BSM director will attend annual training with the approval of the Collegiate
Ministry Team.
C. Candidate must be a member of a BGCT church (the church can be dually aligned).
D. Normal work hours Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and some evenings
and occasional weekends during the Spring and Fall Semesters of Angelina College.