Statement of Academic Integrity, Safeguarding Data and Ethical

Research Degree Transfer Assessment:
Academic Integrity, Safeguarding Data and Ethical Requirements
To be completed by the candidate and submitted with the transfer report
Title of
Student ID
Ethical Considerations of the Project
Before completing this section of the form, please read the guidance notes published at
Is ethical review required?
Has ethical approval been granted?
If you have answered No to question (ii) please provide additional information here:
If you have answered Yes to question (ii) please state from which body approval was sought (eg
Research Ethics Committee (for research with animals), University Faculty Research Ethics
Committee for research that should be reviewed), NHS or other lead institution AND give reference
number for approval (if appropriate)
I confirm that I am aware of and comply with the University’s procedures for the review of ethical issues
arising from research involving animals; human participants, their data or their tissue; or the potential
for significant environmental impact.
If Yes please go to section (ii) or
If No please go to section (v)
If Yes please go to sections (iv) or
If No please go to section (iii)
Signature of Candidate
Statement of Academic Integrity & Safeguarding the University’s Data
I confirm that the attached transfer report is my own work and I have not presented anyone else’s work as
my own and that full and appropriate acknowledgement has been given where reference has been made to
the work of others
I have read and understood the University’s published rules on plagiarism and also any rules specified at
School/Faculty level. I understand that if I commit plagiarism I can be expelled from the University and that
it is my responsibility to be aware of the University’s regulations on plagiarism and their importance.
I consent to the University making available to third parties (who may be based outside the EEA) any of my
work in any form for standards and monitoring purposes including verifying the absence of plagiarised
material. I agree that third parties may retain copies of my work for these purposes on the understanding
that the third party will not disclose my identity
I confirm that I am aware of and comply with the University’s policy for “Safeguarding Data – Storage,
Backup and Encryption”
Signature of Candidate
Sept 2011