Psychology MA/PhD Graduate Program Policies and Procedures, MA Thesis Defence This document contains a summary of the policies and procedures for defending and submitting the MA Thesis in Psychology. Students, their advisors, and members of the Supervisory Committee are advised to be familiar with the School of Graduate Studies policy regarding Graduate Supervision (at In addition, they should be familiar with Section B “Master’s Supervision and the Thesis” of the Master’s and PhD Policy and Procedures (at ures_May%202011.pdf). The general webpage for all Graduate Studies policies is at Overview of Important Dates for MA Thesis Defence Given the number of thesis defences to schedule each summer, the earlier students can defend, the better. Students should discuss possible defence dates as early as possible to ensure availability of committee members. Note that the “FINAL DATE” deadlines below are not negotiable--meeting these deadlines is a critical part of the graduation process. For Fall Graduation For Spring Graduation Approximate deadline for submitting the Thesis Oral Examination Scheduling Request Form (on our “forms page,” at July 31 November 30 Approximate deadline to schedule an Oral Defence (i.e., approximately four weeks before defence) and to provide copies of the final thesis to your Examining Committee July 31 November 30 FINAL DATE to complete online application to graduate – check the Graduate Significant Dates at to find out the exact deadline date, and make a note of this date Usually by early or midAugust Usually by early or mid-April August 31 December 23 FINAL DATE to clear outstanding graduation requirements (e.g., submit thesis) – check the Graduate Significant Dates at to find out the exact deadline date, and make a note of this date Usually around mid-September Usually around mid-January Convocation Date – for the exact convocation date, please see Usually around mid-October Usually around mid-June Approximate final date to defend Revised October 18, 2011 Forming the Examining (Defence) Committee The Examining Committee should be formed by March of MA Year 2, as defence dates must be scheduled as early as possible to ensure availability of committee members. In consultation with the student, the Supervisory Committee will recommend to the Program Director the appointment of a Thesis Examining Committee. The Examining Committee will consist of: 1. The Student’s Supervisor (the Supervisor will generally also act as the Program Director’s designate as Chair of the committee). The supervisor/committee chair is a non-voting member of the committee unless his or her vote is needed to break a tie among other members of the committee. 2. A psychology faculty member who is a member of YSGS (typically from the student’s supervisory committee) 3. A faculty member who is not involved in the student’s research and is not on the student’s supervisory committee, but who is a member of YSGS (either in Psychology or in another department) 4. Upon request from the Program Director, the Dean of Graduate Studies may appoint an expert professional in the field of the thesis, or a Ryerson University faculty member who is not a member of the School of Graduate Studies, to serve as fourth member of the Examining Committee. Supervisors should inform the Program Director if such a request is to be made. The Program Director shall forward his/her recommendation regarding the composition of the Master’s Thesis Examining Committee to the Dean for approval and appointment. When the committee is appointed, the Supervisor will set the examination date. Scheduling the Thesis Defence (Oral Examination) Once a tentative date for your thesis defence has been agreed upon by you and your examining committee members, it is a good idea to tentatively book Room SBB238 for your defence—if your defence date changes, please change your room booking as soon as possible. After your supervisory committee has decided that your thesis is ready to be defended, please complete the Thesis Oral Examination Scheduling Form (available on the “forms page,” at, under “T” for Thesis). At the latest, this form should be submitted to the Graduate Program Administrator by around July 31 for Fall graduation, or by around November 30 for Spring graduation (given the number of thesis defences to schedule each summer, the earlier students can defend, the better), and by around 3 or 4 weeks before your oral exam. At this point, you will need to distribute a copy of your draft thesis to each your examining committee member, for review—please ask the members if they would prefer electronic or hard copies. Format of the MA Thesis Manuscript As you are working on your thesis, please keep in mind that the thesis formatting should be consistent with all technical guidelines from the School of Graduate Studies, as outlined in the Graduate Studies Thesis and Dissertation Submission Requirements (at egulations%202011.pdf). Formatting of references and other elements of the manuscript Revised October 18, 2011 should also be consistent with the most recent edition of the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual. The recommended length and scope of the thesis manuscript should be discussed with your Supervisor. The Oral Examination (Defence) The Supervisor will need to bring a copy of the Thesis Oral Examination Report Form (available from the “forms page,” at, under “T” for thesis) to the Defence. After the defense, the Supervisor and the other examination committee members will sign off on the form and return it to the Graduate Program Administrator (usually immediately after the Defence). According to YSGS policies, the examination is public, but the Chair has the authority to exclude persons whose conduct disturbs the examination. Notice of the examination will be posted publicly at It is recommended that the student brings a copy of the thesis/report to the oral examination, as questions from the members of the Examining Committee may refer to specific pages of the thesis/report. Presentation The examination begins with an oral presentation of the thesis by the candidate using whatever aids are required to make an effective presentation. This presentation should be limited to no more than 20 minutes, with the focus being on the main contributions and conclusions of the work. Questions (following the oral presentation) The Chair gives priority to questions from members of the committee. Usually the external examiner’s questions are presented first followed by those of the committee, with those of the supervisor last. The Chair must ascertain that all of the questions from an absent committee member have been adequately presented by the delegate who may also pose any additional questions deemed necessary. If found to be appropriate or relevant, the Chair may ask questions that have been previously submitted to the committee by non-committee members in attendance. Deliberations Only the Examining Committee will be present during deliberations. If the external examiner is absent, the deliberations commence by having the Chair of the Committee read the external examiner’s full report of the thesis. If the external examiner is present, there is no need for the examiner’s full report to be read. It is left to the external examiner to refer to the written report. Acceptance of the thesis will be based on a vote by the committee. Decisions The decision of the examining committee shall be by vote and shall be based on the thesis and on the candidate’s ability to defend it. The “Report of the Oral Examining Committee” should be completed and signed by the members of the committee, one copy should immediately be given to the student, and a copy should be delivered to the School of Revised October 18, 2011 Graduate Studies as soon as possible. The following decisions are open to the examining committee: Oral Examination: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Written Thesis: i) Accept Any minor revisions ranging from typographical errors to specified insertions or deletions that do not radically modify the development/argument of the paper shall be clearly specified in writing and the student’s Supervisor shall ensure that they are made. When the Supervisor confirms that the changes have been made, the examination requirement has been met. ii) Major Revision Detailed reasons for referring the paper for major revision ranging from re-writing a large part of a chapter to including additional work will be supplied in writing by the Chair of the examining committee to the Dean, the Program Director and the candidate within one week following the oral examination. The examining committee must give final approval to the major revisions by reconvening the examination or by consultation. iii) Fail Detailed reasons for the decision will be supplied in writing by the Chair of the examining committee to the Dean, Program Director, and candidate within one week following the oral examination. Final Submission of the Thesis Before final submission, it is the responsibility of the student and the Supervisor to ensure that the thesis formatting is consistent with all technical guidelines from the School of Graduate Studies, as outlined in the Graduate Studies Thesis and Dissertation Submission Requirements (at egulations%202011.pdf). Formatting of references and other elements of the manuscript should also be consistent with the most recent edition of the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual. Once all of the necessary corrections and revisions have been completed (and provided the Oral Examination was successful), the student’s Supervisor must send an email to and to the Graduate Program Administrator at (copied to the student), to confirm that the thesis is ready for final submission, and that all corrections and revisions are complete. At this point, you can submit your final thesis by email in pdf format only to the Graduate Program Administrator at No hard copies of your thesis are required by our Department or by Graduate Studies; however, if you wish to bind copies of your thesis, the Graduate Program Office can suggestion some companies that offer this service. Please see for more details on submitting your thesis. Revised October 18, 2011