Ambassadors Handbook 2006-2007 1 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1-PURPOSE Purpose Becoming an Ambassador 3 3 CHAPTER 2-LEADERSHIP 2005-2006 Ambassador Board Ambassador Board Objectives 4 4 CHAPTER 3-ROLES OF AN AMBASSADOR Recruitment of New Members New Member Visits Telephone Service Calls Orientation/Retention Mentors Reminders/Attendance Events 5 5-6 6 7 7 8 8-10 CHAPTER 4-AMBASSADOR RECOGNITION PROGRAM Purpose Ambassador of the Month Receives Ambassador of the Year Receives Points System 11 11 11 12 CHAPTER 5- AMBASSADOR SERVICE PROGRAM Ambassador Board Election Criteria Chair Responsibilities Past-Chair Responsibilities Vice-Chair Responsibilities Secretary Responsibilities Membership Services Chair Responsibilities Events Chair 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 CHAPTER 6-CHAMBER LEADERSHIP Contact Information 16 2 The Purpose of the Ambassadors To provide a broad range of programs and services to assist the Membership Department of the ST. JOHNS COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. To increase the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce membership base through recruitment of new members. To assist in orientation of new members and maximum retention of existing members of the Chamber through personal contacts. To act as a liaison between the Chamber, general membership, new members and community. To make a difference in the community in which we live, and, at the same time, enhance our own business exposure. Becoming an Ambassador To become an Ambassador, you must: Attend Ambassador Orientation meeting. Attend an Ambassador meeting (the first Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.) Complete a new member visit accompanied by your mentor Sign Ambassador Commitment Form To become an Ambassador, sign up for the monthly Ambassador Orientation through Morley Zachman, Ambassador Coordinator. At the Orientation, you will be assigned a mentor to meet at your first meeting. After you make the New Member Visit with your mentor, you will be given the Ambassador Commitment Form to sign. You will be an official Ambassador after you have attended orientation, attended your first Ambassador meeting, completed a new member visit with your mentor, and signed the Ambassador Commitment Form. 3 2006-2007 Officers AMBASSADOR BOARD Ambassador Chair Deena Fudge, Integrity Title & Escrow Services (904) 332-4545 Vice Chair Laura Masse, Davis Monk & Company, CPA’s (904) 471-3445 Immediate Past Chair Mike Smithson, Cowan Financial Group (904) 824-8147 Secretary Amy Barnes, Sheppard & Sheppard, PA (904) 461-1411 Membership Services Chair Steve Pollack, Verity Mortgage Lending, Inc. (904) 810-0599 Events Chair Jessica Evans, AmSouth Bank (904) 824-2727 AMBASSADOR BOARD OBJECTIVES To govern and direct all activities of the Ambassadors. To improve incentives in the Ambassador Recognition Program. Roles of an Ambassador 4 RECRUITMENT OF NEW MEMBERS PURPOSE: To increase and enhance St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce membership base through recruitment of new Chamber and Economic Development Council members. Ambassadors will report to Membership Services Chair for all tasks related to new member recruitments. Attend training session organized by Membership Services Chair to gain knowledge on Chamber and Economic Development Council benefits and investment opportunities. Through professional contacts, reach out to prospective members to inform them on Chamber and Economic Development Council benefits and to, ultimately, have them join. NEW MEMBER VISITS PURPOSE: To deliver the membership information to new Chamber of Commerce members and (when necessary) new representatives of current Chamber members and to generally orient members to the benefits and services of Chamber membership. Ambassadors will report to Membership Services Chair for all tasks related to new member visits. Personally visit all new members to inform them of the benefits, services and responsibilities of Chamber membership. Ambassadors have 2 weeks to make contact with new members after receiving information at the monthly meeting. Contacting every new member within two weeks is an important first step in membership retention. Personal visitations include the delivery of membership materials, explanation of benefits and services, and an invitation to participate actively in upcoming events. New members will receive two contacts during the first month: 1. Telephone call from Ambassador to arrange appointment 2. Visitation from Ambassador If you cannot make a visit, please inform the Membership Services Chair as soon as possible for reassignment. Contact the new member to set up a convenient time for you to visit. Calls should be made WITHIN TWO WEEKS. Personally deliver the membership and program information to the new member. 5 Take a few minutes with the new member to orient him/her as to the benefits and services of Chamber membership. Review material in packet with new member. Invite the new member to attend all Chamber events. Inform new member of Ribbon Cutting and to call the Chamber for scheduling. Use the New Member Visitation forms to provide feedback to the Ambassador Coordinator on the member’s interest in participation. Send completed New Member Visitation forms to Ambassador Coordinator. TELEPHONE SERVICE CALLS PURPOSE: To update account information on Chamber members, keep members informed of current programs and activities, and obtain feedback from members about Chamber activities. Ambassadors will report to Membership Services Chair for all tasks related to telephone service calls. Contact by telephone a minimum of 3 new Chamber members monthly for the purpose of verifying membership account information, advertising Chamber activities and programs and obtaining feedback. Thank company for their membership in the Chamber. Use the telephone service call form to verify account information provided is correct and up-to-date. Briefly communicate information on current Chamber activities. Ask questions to obtain feedback from the member on those activities. Fax the Telephone Service Call form to Telephone Service Chair. Ambassadors only need to call businesses two or three times. If contact hasn’t been made with the business, notate on the service call form the dates you tried to contact the business. ORIENTATION/RETENTION 6 PURPOSE: To train new Ambassadors in the procedures for membership retention. To increase membership retention by expressing gratitude to members for joining the Chamber. Ambassadors will report to Vice Chair for all tasks related to Orientation/Retention. Contact prospective new Ambassadors and invite to Ambassador Orientation. Follow up as necessary to insure that they join and become active in the group. Conduct regularly scheduled sessions to orient and educate new participants in all facets of the Ambassadors' work. Contact members through Operation Thank You to express gratitude for joining the Chamber. MENTOR QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES To be a Mentor, an ambassador: Must currently be an active ambassador, with at least 6 months of membership in the ambassador program Must attend an Ambassador meeting and at least 2 Chamber events a month Duties as a Mentor include: Contacting the Mentee assigned to you Explaining the procedures involved with attending ribbon cuttings, making telephone service calls, and going on new member visits. Describing the different roles ambassadors play at mixers, as well as what it means to be a Mixer Host Attending a New Member Visit, a ribbon cutting, and a mixer with the Mentee Maintaining contact with the Mentee for the first 3 months to ensure that the Mentee understands his/her duties as an ambassador. Points Awarded: The Mentor will receive 10 points. Bonus points will be awarded after 3 months, based on performance as a Mentor, and at the discretion of the Board. REMINDERS/ATTENDANCE PURPOSE: 7 To maintain Ambassador involvement by sending reminders and tracking attendance for recognition purposes. Ambassadors will report to Secretary for all tasks related to Reminders/Attendance. Strive to reach and maintain attendance at all monthly Ambassador meetings by e-mail or telephone solicitation to all active members. Contact Ambassadors on "Inactive" status at the beginning of the fiscal year (October) to determine their interest. Contact all Ambassadors who have attended any meetings/events in the past two months. EVENTS PURPOSE: Give Ambassadors opportunity to act as a liaison between Chamber and general membership. Ambassadors will report to Events Chair for all tasks related to Events. Events Chair will have sign-up sheets and times for Ambassadors. Provide Ambassadors to serve in public relations capacity for each Mixer. Provide Ambassadors to serve in public relations capacity for Business Development Week events. Arrange Ambassador Introductions at Ribbon Cuttings. RESPONSIBILITES OF AMBASSADORS AT RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES If interested in attending ribbon cutting, please advise Events Chair. To welcome the member into the Chamber. To be in the picture with the new member. To go on a tour of office if offered. Invite new member to Chamber events. Please arrive to ribbon cutting 10 minutes prior to scheduled time. RESPONSIBILITES OF AMBASSADORS SERVING AT MIXERS If you cannot attend please notify the Events Chair as soon as possible. “Name Tags and Greeters” 8 1. Welcome Chamber members and their guests. 2. Assist with making name badges and collecting business cards. “50/50” Ambassadors are to sell 50/50 tickets throughout the Mixer. Half of the 50/50 money goes to the Ambassadors Bank Account. “Photographer” Ambassadors are responsible to take photographs during the Mixer to be included in the upcoming Communiqué. “Parking” Ambassadors are to help Members with the parking situation if necessary. “Go-For” Ambassadors are to help other Ambassadors who are working the Mixers. This duty is to get drinks and/or food for the Ambassadors who are working their shift. “New Member Table” Assist new members and/or member prospects by answering questions and handing out membership information. Ambassadors are able to sign up for 2 shifts during the Mixer. 1st shift: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm 2nd shift: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Answer questions and invite comments on current Chamber activities. RESPONSIBILITES OF AMBASSADORS DURING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WEEK Expo: 1. Assist Chamber with Welcome Table. 2. Assist Chamber with working the Chamber booth by answering questions of attendees and handing out Chamber material if requested. Lunch: 1. Assist Chamber with sign-in table. 2. Assist Chamber with lunch tickets at the door. Mixer: 1. See Mixer Responsibilities on page 8. Golf Tournament: 1. Sell Mulligans before morning and afternoon shot-guns. 2. Be a witness at the hole-in-one hole on the golf course Events Chair will have sign-up sheets and times for Ambassadors. RESPONSIBILITES OF AMBASSADORS DURING MONDAY MORNING CHAMBER FRONT DESK MANAGEMENT 9 Most people will call and ask for visitor information. We will send out a visitor’s guide/vacation planner but it takes 2 weeks to get to them due to bulk mail. Take down their info and we’ll put it in the computer. If the caller would like for someone to call them back, just take down their phone number. We sell Relocation packages for $13 by Visa, MasterCard or American Express or they can mail in a check. Our website is Phone Number – 829-5681 / Fax Number – 829-6477 10 Outstanding Ambassador Recognition Program The purpose of this program is to provide recognition of those Ambassadors whose outstanding performance of their responsibilities is of a level above that of other members. Points are awarded for participation in Ambassador Activities. “Ambassador of the Month” points will be calculated on the last working day of the month by the Secretary. The Ambassador of the Month will be featured on the St. Johns County Chamber Web site and in the Communiqué. The Ambassador of the Month will be able to give a five-minute presentation at the monthly Ambassador meeting. Presentation should include interesting and pertinent information concerning Ambassador's background: present job description, work experience, education, family, hobbies, etc. Ambassador of the Month may also distribute information on their employer. The Ambassador with the highest total number of points at the end of the year receives the "Ambassador of the Year" award. AMBASSADOR OF THE MONTH RECEIVES Recognition at monthly Ambassador Meeting Name, company name, and picture in Connections Spotlight on Website AMBASSADOR OF THE YEAR RECEIVES Plaque Ambassador's gift presentation Recognition at Chamber Annual Banquet Recognition on Chamber website Recognition in Connections 11 POINTS SYSTEM Activities Recognized Points Recruitment of New Chamber Member 30 Recruitment of New EDC Member 30 Ribbon Cutting Attendance 25 Volunteering for Chamber Events (Mixers, Parade, Business Development Week) 25 Hosting a Mixer 50 Monday Morning Chamber Front Desk Management 20 Each New Member Visit (points will be awarded if completed in 2 weeks) 20 Operation Thank You Visits (points per visit) 10 Attendance at Monthly Ambassador Meeting 10 Taking New Ambassador on Visitation 10 Bringing Visitor to Ambassador Meeting 10 Ambassador Mentor 10 Each Telephone Service Call (points will be awarded if completed in 2 weeks) 5 * ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT: After an Ambassador neglects to attend a meeting/event during a period of two months, he/she will be placed on inactive status. 12 Ambassador Service Program AMBASSADOR BOARD ELECTION CRITERIA Ambassador Board members have an extra obligation to the Ambassador Committee as they are the leading force for the group. Board members are to set an example for the rest of the group. Ambassador Board members will serve a one-year term. The following items are the criteria used in selecting Ambassador Board members. Length of Service Participation Timely Completion of Ambassador Duties –Ambassadors who have constant outstanding telephone service calls and new member visits will not be considered for the Ambassador Board. Recommendations Availability – Ambassador Board members are required to attend Ambassador Board meetings and monthly Ambassador meetings. Must serve on the Board in order to be considered for a Chair position. AMBASSADOR CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHAIR Preside at Ambassador Board meetings and Ambassador meetings. Oversee all Board members. Introduce prospective Ambassador to Ambassador. Be available to Ambassadors for questions, concerns or orientations. Serves for one year. Serves as Immediate Past Chair. Will attend & report to the Chamber Board of Directors Meetings (6 per year). 13 PAST-CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES OF PAST-CHAIR Will serve on Ambassador Board for one year as Past Chair. VICE-CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES OF VICE-CHAIR Preside at Ambassador Board and Ambassador meetings in the absence of the chair. Call all new prospective Ambassadors to invite to orientation meetings. Discuss responsibilities and duties of being an Ambassador. Follow up with prospective Ambassadors after the meetings to determine their interest. Conduct orientation sessions to train new Ambassadors in the procedures for new member visitations and service calls. Thank the CEO of each Ambassador at least once during the year for his/her employee's Ambassador work and his/her support of the Chamber through this organization. SECRETARY RESPONSIBILITIES OF SECRETARY Maintain point system for all Ambassadors. Responsible for awarding deserving Ambassador with Ambassador of the Month award. Record attendance for all Ambassador meetings and Chamber events. Attend all monthly Ambassador meetings and Ambassador Board Meetings. Record and print minutes of monthly Ambassador meetings for distribution to Ambassadors and Ambassador Coordinator. Perform other clerical/bookkeeping duties as assigned by the Chair. Contact Ambassador if he/she has not attended meetings in three consecutive months. Contact all Ambassadors on "inactive" status at the beginning of the fiscal year (October) to determine the level of their involvement during the year. 14 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES CHAIR Responsible for increasing the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce membership base through recruitment of new Chamber and Economic Development Council members. Train Ambassadors on Chamber and Economic Development Council benefits and investment opportunities. Follow up after the assignment of new member visits to insure that the visitation has been made and reassign (if necessary) when there is more than reasonable delay in making the visitation. Follow up with Ambassadors to assure completion of assigned telephone service calls each month. Report to Secretary to award points to deserving Ambassadors. Attend all monthly Ambassador meetings and Ambassador Board Meetings. EVENTS CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES OF GREETERS/EVENTS CHAIR To increase Ambassador participation and visibility at Chamber events. Announce upcoming Chamber events/activities at meetings. Remind Ambassadors regarding upcoming events at meetings Encourage members to volunteer for Mixers, Business Development Week, Christmas Parade and any other Chamber meetings or events of interest to the group. Introduce or assign introduction of Ambassadors at ribbon cuttings. Report to the Secretary to award points to deserving Ambassadors. Attend all monthly Ambassador meetings and Ambassador Board Meetings. 15 Chamber Leadership CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Michael Siragus, Upchurch Bailey & Upchurch (904) 829-9066 CHAMBER PRESIDENT Robin Burchfield (904) 824-8142 DIRECTOR, MEMBERSHIP SERVICES & TOURISM Isabelle Rodriguez (904) 829-6476 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES MANAGER Morley Zachman (904) 829-5681 1 Riberia Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 Telephone: (904) 829-5681 Fax: (904) 829-6477 16