VICE CHANCELLOR’S REVIEW OF ORIENTATION, 2012 Survey of Current Students SUMMARY All students, undergraduate and postgraduate, coursework and research students, who had enrolled at UWA for the first time in 2012 were emailed an invitation to participate in an online survey in July, 2012, and given two weeks to respond. Of these approximately 5000 people, 589 students responded, giving a response rate of 12%. The results of this survey of the new students at UWA are summarised below. Section A: Questions for all students Of the survey respondents, 79% had attended orientation programs for new students at UWA. Table 1 Amongst the survey respondents, most (69%) were first year undergraduate students, 14% were postgraduate coursework students, 9% were postgraduate research students, 5% were undergraduate students (not first year) and 3% were exchange students. Respondents who did attend orientation activities were most likely to be either first year undergraduates (75%) or postgraduate coursework students (12%). Respondents who did not attend orientation activities were most likely to be first year undergraduate students (46%), postgraduate course work students (25%) or postgraduate research students (23%). Tables 2a and 2b Approximately three quarters of all respondents (76%) were Australian citizens. This percentage was roughly the same amongst respondents who had and had not attended orientation (78% and 69% respectively). Tables 3a and 3b Over one-half of the respondents (53%) lived off campus with parents or guardians. Fewer lived off campus alone or with friends/roommates (18%), off campus with a spouse/partner/children (16%) or on campus in a college (11%). For those respondents who had attended orientation the residential information closely resembled this same pattern. However amongst respondents who did not attend orientation, there were fewer were living with parents/guardians (36%) and more living off campus alone or with friends/roommates (29%) or off campus with a spouse/partner/children (29%). Tables 4a and 4b Close to one-half of all respondents (45%) indicated that they would be moderately, very or extremely interested in a virtual, online orientation. The percentage was very similar when respondents were grouped into those who had attended (44%) or had not attended orientation (50%). Tables 5a and 5b Respondents were asked how successful they had been in various activities since entering UWA. Threequarters or more of all respondents felt they had been successful in understanding what teachers expected of them academically (87%), adjusting to academic demands of the University (84%), developing effective study skills (75%) and/or developing friendships with other students (75%). Slightly fewer respondents felt they had been successful at adjusting to the social aspects of the University (72%), managing time effectively (71%) and/or using different student services (71%). Examining differences between the group of respondents who did attend orientation and did not attend orientation, the greatest difference occurred for adjusting to the social aspects of this University (76% of respondents who attended orientation thought they had been successful, compared with 57% of those who did not attend orientation) and developing friendships with other students (79% of respondents who attended orientation thought they had been successful, compared with 58% of those who did not attend orientation). Also 74% of respondents who had attended orientation thought they had been successful in using different student services, compared with 61% of the respondents who had not attended orientation. Tables 6a and 6b Respondents were asked to describe their transition from school/college/university to UWA. Two-thirds or more found transition fairly or very easy academically (69%) and/or socially (66%). 68% of respondents who had attended orientation found the social transition fairly or very easy, compared with only 55% of those who did not attend orientation. Tables 7a and 7b Respondents were asked how prepared they were for their first day of classes at UWA. 71% of the respondents indicated they were moderately or very prepared. There was very little difference between those who did attend orientation (72%) and those who did not (68%). Tables 8a and 8b Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 1. Regardless of whether respondents had or had not attended orientation, most respondents indicated they were having academic difficulty with only 1 unit (63% of all respondents, 62% of respondents who attended orientation and 66% of respondents who did not attend orientation). Tables 9a and 9b Respondents were asked if they were a member of at least one club, society or social organisation. 71% of the respondents replied in the affirmative. There was a difference between the group of respondents who did attend orientation (78% were members of a club, society or organisation) and did not attend orientation (44% were members of a club, society or organisation). A similar pattern was seen with regards to sporting clubs and organised fitness. 23% of all respondents indicated they were members of sporting clubs and/or organised fitness activities. In the two sub groups, 25% of respondents who attended orientation and 15% of respondents who did not attend orientation were members of sporting clubs and/or organised fitness activities. Tables 10a, 10b, 11a and 11b. Respondents were asked to mention anything which could have eased their transition to UWA. The most common response was to reply with positive feedback or indicate no further help was needed (29%). Other most common themes discussed were clarification of academic expectations (14%) and the helpers/mentors (12%) and/or access to and help with the use of resources (12%). Table 12 Section B: Questions only for students who did not attend orientation Respondents who did not attend orientation were asked what had prevented them from doing so. The most common responses were that they didn’t know about orientation (33%), they did not think it would be worthwhile (24%), they had to work and could not attend (21%) and/or they did not have the time (20%). Table 13 Section C: Questions only for students who did attend orientation Respondents who did attend orientation were asked to name the events they attended. The vast majority indicated they had attended the Semester 1 Main Orientation (86%). Other popular events included Guild or Faculty camps (attended by 13% of respondents), faculty-based postgraduate coursework student orientations (12%), residential college orientations (8%) and UniSkills Flying Start (7%). Respondents who had attended a college orientation indicated these were held in Trinity (29%), Currie Hall (21%), St Catherine’s College (21%), St George’s College (16%) or St Thomas More College (13%). Tables 14 and 15 When asked to rate the UniStart orientation information website, 77% of respondents said it was good or excellent. When asked to rate the length of orientation, 72% of respondents indicated it was just right in length, 22% thought it was too long and 6% thought it was too short. Tables 16 and 17 Over one-half (57%) of respondents had met with an academic advisor, student adviser or research adviser as part of their orientation. Of these respondents, 85% indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with the advising experience. Tables 18 and 19 Feedback regarding staff at orientation was positive. The vast majority of respondents indicated that staff were moderately, considerably or a great deal courteous (97%), knowledgeable (92%) and/or available (90%). Table 20 Respondents were given a number of positive statements regarding orientation and asked to indicate their level of agreement. Over three-quarters agreed or strongly agreed that at orientation they learned about different clubs and societies they could join (87%), orientation was an enjoyable experience (84%), attending orientation was a good use of their time (83%), they learned about the different resources on campus to help regarding academic concerns (83%), they found where all the important buildings were located (81%), they learned about where to find resources to help if they had problems adjusting to university life (77%) and/or that orientation helped them to know what to expect socially at university (76%). More than one-half of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they knew at least one staff member at UWA that they could turn to if they had questions or concerns (67%), all their questions were answered at orientation (66%), orientation helped them know what to expect academically at UWA (64%), they had met people at orientation that they were still friends with (60%), orientation helped them to understand how to use and navigate the campus technology tools (60%) and/or orientation gave them a clear understanding of how to register online for classes (57%). Table 21 Similarly, respondents were asked to indicate the level of usefulness of information received at orientation. Over three-quarters of respondents indicated that information regarding the following had been moderately or very useful: guild clubs and societies (81%); technology resources on campus (78%); academic requirements (77%); different rules, regulations and policies at UWA (76%); and/or safety and security on campus (76%). More than one-half of respondents indicated that information regarding the following had been moderately or very useful: University transition programs, activities and support services (73%); how to understand the class timetable (73%); campus support services to keep physically and mentally fit (67%); UWA Sports’ Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 2. programs (66%); how academic advising works (66%); residential college programs, activities and support services (58%); and/or how to manage time effectively (58%). Table 22 80% of respondents indicated that the orientation program had helped them feel connected with UWA and, in rating the overall orientation experience, 66% of respondents said it was good or excellent. Tables 23 and 24 Respondents were asked, in thinking about orientation, if there were questions they wished had been answered. 86% of respondents indicated “No”. Of the respondents who did have unanswered questions, most were related to IT matters (27%). Tables 25 and 26 When asked to indicate the most useful parts of orientation common responses were the tours (mentioned by 38% of respondents), meeting new friends (19%) and the people involved in orientation (academic advisors/mentors/staff) (19%). Table 27 Finally respondents were asked, now that they had completed Semester One, did they think that orientation had been useful. 82% of respondents replied in the affirmative and left comments with positive feedback (95%) or named specific elements which had helped them (56%). Of the 19% of respondents who indicated that orientation had not helped them in Semester One, the most common comments indicated that they did not learn what they needed to know for their university experience or thought what they had learned was unnecessary (67%) and/or they had difficulties with their mentor (11%). Tables 28, 29 and 30 A copy of the survey is included at the end of this report. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 3. RESULTS Section A: Questions for all students Table 1. Did you attend any type of orientation or program for new students at UWA? Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 466 79.4 No ................................................................................................................................................ 121 20.6 Total 587 100.0 Table 2a. Which best describes your status at UWA? – all respondents Number Percentage First-year undergraduate student ........................................................................ 407 69.1 Other year undergraduate student ...................................................................... 30 5.1 Postgraduate coursework student ....................................................................... 85 14.4 Postgraduate research student ........................................................................... 52 8.8 Student exchange student .................................................................................. 15 2.5 Total 589 100.0 Table 2b. Which best describes your status at UWA? – respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Did not attend orientation Number Percentage Number Percentage First-year undergraduate student ........................................................................ 349 74.9 56 46.3 Other year undergraduate student ...................................................................... 24 5.2 6 5.0 Postgraduate coursework student ....................................................................... 55 11.8 30 24.8 Postgraduate research student ........................................................................... 24 5.2 28 23.1 Student exchange student .................................................................................. 14 3.0 1 0.8 Total1 466 100.0 121 100.0 1Totals do not sum to total of Table 2a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 3a. Which of the following statements best describes you? – all respondents Number Australian citizen, permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand ........................ 449 International student ........................................................................................... 140 Total 589 Percentage 76.2 23.8 100.0 Table 3b. Which of the following statements best describes you? – respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Number Percentage Australian citizen, permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand ........................ 363 77.9 International student............................................................................................ 103 22.1 Total1 466 100.0 1Totals Did not attend orientation Number Percentage 84 69.4 37 30.6 121 100.0 do not sum to total of Table 3a. as not all respondents answered all questions Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 4. Table 4a. Where do you currently live? – all respondents Number Off campus, with my parent(s)/guardian(s)..........................................................313 Off campus, alone or with friends/roommates .....................................................108 Off campus, with my spouse/partner/children...................................................... 91 On campus (i.e. in one of the residential colleges) .............................................. 64 Off campus (other) 1 ............................................................................................ 5 Homestay1 .......................................................................................................... 2 Overseas1 ........................................................................................................... 2 UWA owned residence1 ...................................................................................... 2 Total 587 1 Percentage 53.3 18.4 15.5 10.9 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 100.0 These were specified as ‘Other’ options Table 4b. Where do you currently live? – respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Number Percentage Off campus, with my parent(s)/guardian(s) ..........................................................268 57.8 Off campus, alone or with friends/roommates ..................................................... 73 15.7 Off campus, with my spouse/partner/children ...................................................... 56 12.1 On campus (i.e. in one of the residential colleges) .............................................. 60 12.9 0.4 Off campus (other) 1 ............................................................................................ 2 0.4 Homestay1........................................................................................................... 2 0.4 Overseas1 ........................................................................................................... 2 0.2 UWA owned residence1....................................................................................... 1 Total2 464 100.0 2Totals Did not attend orientation Number Percentage 43 35.5 35 28.9 35 28.9 4 3.3 3 2.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.8 121 100.0 1 These were specified as ‘Other’ options do not sum to total of Table 4a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 5a. How interested would you be in a virtual online orientation? – all respondents Number Not at all n Percentage % Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Total interested interested interested interested interested interested interested interested interested1 Level of interest in virtual online orientation. ....................................... 537 125 169 132 1 Percentage 91 20 23.3 31.5 24.6 16.9 3.7 45.3 Moderately, Very and Extremely interested summed Table 5b. How interested would you be in a virtual online orientation? – respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Number Percentage % Level of interest in Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Total virtual online n* interested interested interested interested interested interested interested interested interested1 orientation – Attended orientation. ....................................... 421 105 131 108 65 12 24.9 31.1 25.7 15.4 2.9 43.9 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 20 38 24 25 8 17.4 33.0 20.9 21.7 7.0 49.6 1 Percentage Moderately, Very and Extremely interested summed * Totals do not sum to total of Table 5a. as not all respondents answered all questions Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 5. Table 6a. Since entering UWA, how successful or unsuccessful have you been at: - all respondents Number n Percentage Very Fairly Fairly Very Very unsuccessful unsuccessful successful successful unsuccessful Understanding what your teachers expect of you academically. ................................... 540 9 Developing effective study skills .................................................. 541 15 Adjusting to the academic demands of this university .......................................... 538 15 Managing your time effectively .................................................... 538 22 Adjusting to the social aspects of this university..................................................... 535 38 Developing friendships with other students ...................................... 536 36 Using different student services ...................................................... 541 20 Fairly Fairly Very unsuccessful successful successful % Total successful1 59 390 82 1.7 10.9 72.2 15.2 87.4 123 338 65 2.8 22.7 62.5 12.0 74.5 70 368 85 2.8 13.0 68.4 15.8 84.2 133 320 63 4.1 24.7 59.5 11.7 71.2 113 293 91 7.1 21.1 54.8 17.0 71.8 100 259 141 6.7 18.7 48.3 26.3 74.6 319 66 3.7 25.1 59.0 12.2 71.2 136 1 Percentage Fairly and Very successful summed Table 6b. Since entering UWA, how successful or unsuccessful have you been at: - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Number n* Percentage Very Fairly Fairly Very Very unsuccessful unsuccessful successful successful unsuccessful Fairly Fairly Very unsuccessful successful successful % Total successful1 Understanding what your teachers expect of you academically .................................. Attended orientation ........................................ 424 5 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 4 54 5 310 79 55 27 1.2 3.5 12.7 4.3 73.1 68.7 13.0 23.5 86.1 92.2 Developing effective study skills Attended orientation ........................................ 425 12 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 3 105 18 262 75 46 19 2.8 2.6 24.7 15.7 61.6 65.2 10.8 16.5 72.5 81.7 Adjusting to the academic demands of this university Attended orientation ........................................ 422 9 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 6 60 10 289 78 64 21 2.1 5.2 14.2 8.7 68.5 67.8 15.2 18.3 83.6 86.1 Managing your time effectively Attended orientation ........................................ 422 18 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 4 109 24 249 70 46 17 4.3 3.5 25.8 20.9 59.0 60.9 10.9 14.8 69.9 75.7 Adjusting to the social aspects of this university Attended orientation ........................................ 422 28 Did not attend orientation ................................ 112 9 74 39 243 50 77 14 6.6 8.0 17.5 34.8 57.6 44.6 18.2 12.5 75.8 57.1 Developing friendships with other students Attended orientation ........................................ 422 20 Did not attend orientation ................................ 113 16 68 32 212 46 122 19 4.7 14.2 16.1 28.3 50.2 40.7 28.9 16.8 79.1 57.5 Using different student services Attended orientation ........................................ 425 8 Did not attend orientation ................................ 115 12 103 33 258 60 56 10 1.9 10.4 24.2 28.7 60.7 52.2 13.2 8.7 73.9 60.9 1 Percentage Fairly and Very successful summed * Totals do not sum to total of Table 6a. as not all respondents answered all questions Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 6. Table 7a. How would you describe your transition from your previous school/college/university to UWA?: - all respondents Number n Very difficult Academically ................................................... 536 25 Socially ............................................................ 534 38 Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very easy Very difficult Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very easy 140 145 274 253 97 98 4.7 7.1 26.1 27.2 51.1 47.4 18.1 18.4 % Total easy1 69.2 65.7 1 Percentage Percentage Fairly and Very easy summed Table 7b. How would you describe your transition from your previous school/college/university to UWA?: - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Number Percentage Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very easy Academically Attended orientation ........................................ 423 22 Did not attend orientation................................. 112 3 108 32 219 54 74 23 Socially Attended orientation ........................................ 424 25 Did not attend orientation................................. 109 13 109 36 207 45 83 15 n* Very difficult Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very easy % Total easy1 5.2 2.7 25.5 28.6 51.8 48.2 17.5 20.5 69.3 68.8 5.9 11.9 25.7 33.0 48.8 41.3 19.6 13.8 68.4 55.0 Very difficult 1 Percentage Fairly and Very easy summed * Totals do not sum to total of Table 7a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 8a. How prepared were you for your first day of classes at UWA? – all respondents Number Not at all prepared n Preparedness .................................................. 532 37 Slightly prepared Moderately prepared Very prepared Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Moderately prepared Very prepared 270 109 7.0 21.8 50.8 20.5 % Total prepared1 71.2 116 1 Percentage Percentage Moderately and Very prepared summed Table 8b. How prepared were you for your first day of classes at UWA? - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Number n* Not at all prepared Preparedness Attended orientation ........................................ 424 25 Did not attend orientation................................. 107 12 Slightly prepared Moderately prepared Very prepared Not at all prepared Slightly prepared Percentage Moderately prepared Very prepared % Total prepared1 94 22 221 49 84 24 5.9 11.2 22.2 20.6 52.1 45.8 19.8 22.4 71.9 68.2 1 Percentage Moderately and Very prepared summed *Totals do not sum to total of Table 8a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 9a. Please indicate the number of units in which you are experiencing academic difficulty: - all respondents Number Percentage 1 ......................................................................................................................... 287 62.9 2 ......................................................................................................................... 120 26.3 3 ......................................................................................................................... 28 6.1 4 ......................................................................................................................... 17 3.7 5 or more ............................................................................................................ 4 0.9 Total 456 100.0 Table 9b. Please indicate the number of units in which you are experiencing academic difficulty: - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Did not attend orientation Number Percentage Number Percentage 1 .......................................................................................................................... 231 62.3 56 65.9 2 .......................................................................................................................... 102 27.5 18 21.2 3 .......................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 9 10.6 4 .......................................................................................................................... 15 4.0 2 2.4 5 or more............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 0 0.0 Total 371 100.0 85 100.0 Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 7. Table 10a. Are you a member of at least one student club, society, or other UWA social organisation this year? – all respondents Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 380 71.2 No ................................................................................................................................................ 154 28.8 Total 534 100.0 Table 10b. Are you a member of at least one student club, society, or other UWA social organisation this year? - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Did not attend orientation Number Percentage Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 330 78.2 49 44.1 No ............................................................................................................................................... 92 21.8 62 55.9 Total1 422 100.0 111 100.0 1Totals do not sum to total of Table 10a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 11a. Are you a member of at least one sports club or organised fitness activity on campus this year? – all respondents Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 121 22.6 No ................................................................................................................................................ 414 77.4 Total 535 100.0 Table 11b. Are you a member of at least one sports club or organised fitness activity on campus this year? - respondents divided into those who did and did not attend orientation Attended orientation Did not attend orientation Number Percentage Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 104 24.6 17 15.3 No ................................................................................................................................................ 319 75.4 94 84.7 1 Total 423 100.0 111 100.0 1Totals do not sum to total of Table 11a. as not all respondents answered all questions Table 12. Is there anything that could have helped with your transition to UWA that you would like us to know about? – Summarised Number No further help needed/Positive feedback/General comments ............... 45 Assessment details/Academic expectations ........................................... 21 More helpers/Focused helpers/Mature helpers ....................................... 19 More information on resources/more resources ...................................... 19 Other (single case issues) ...................................................................... 12 More social opportunities ........................................................................ 11 Timing issues (disseminating of information) .......................................... 11 More enrolment/unit selection help ......................................................... 7 Computer-based help (e.g. LMS and OLCR) .......................................... 6 Help for International students ................................................................ 5 Help for mature age students ................................................................. 3 Help for postgraduates ........................................................................... 2 Number of responses1 Number of respondents % of Respondents (n = 156) 28.8 13.5 12.2 12.2 7.7 7.1 7.1 4.5 3.8 3.2 1.9 1.3 161 156 1 Multiple response question Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 8. Section B: Questions only for students who did not attend orientation Table 13. Respondents who did not attend any type of orientation or program for new students at UWA What prevented you from attending orientation? Number Did not know about orientation .............................................................. 37 Did not think it would be worthwhile ....................................................... 27 Had to work ........................................................................................... 24 Did not have enough time ...................................................................... 23 Scheduling conflict/Personal obligation .................................................. 21 Other (single case issues) 1 ................................................................... 7 Distance - too far way1........................................................................... 5 Arrived later in year (yet to do orientation) 1 ........................................... 4 Visa issues - arrived too late1 ................................................................ 4 On holiday1 ............................................................................................ 3 Didn't seem appropriate (age-related) 1.................................................. 2 Number of responses2 Number of respondents 1 % of Respondents (n = 114) 32.5 23.7 21.1 20.2 18.4 6.1 4.4 3.5 3.5 2.6 1.8 157 114 These entries were specified as ‘Other’ options by respondents 2 Multiple response question Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 9. Section C: Questions only for students who did attend orientation Table 14. Which best describe the Orientation events that you attended? % of Respondents (n = 459) 85.8 13.3 12.0 8.3 6.5 3.3 3.1 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Number Semester 1 Main Orientation .................................................................. 394 Guild and/or Faculty/Society Camp ........................................................ 61 Faculty-based postgraduate coursework students’ orientation ................ 55 Residential college students’ orientation ................................................. 38 UniSkills Flying Start ............................................................................... 30 BPhil Residential .................................................................................... 15 Graduate Research School research students’ orientation ..................... 14 Semester 2 Main Orientation .................................................................. 7 Online virtual orientation ......................................................................... 3 Only O Day1 ........................................................................................... 3 Aboriginal Orientation1 ............................................................................ 2 International Student Orientation1 ........................................................... 2 Introductory Academic Program 1 ............................................................ 2 Mature Aged Students Orientation1 ........................................................ 2 Display stalls1 ......................................................................................... 1 EndNote1 ................................................................................................ 1 FSA Camp1 ............................................................................................ 1 GEMP1 ................................................................................................... 1 IMU1 ....................................................................................................... 1 SmartStart1 ............................................................................................. 1 Number of responses2 Number of respondents 1 634 459 These entries were specified as ‘Other’ options by respondents 2 Multiple response question Table 15. Respondents who attended a Residential College Students’ Orientation Which residential college students’ orientation did you attend? Number Percentage Trinity ................................................................................................................. 11 28.9 Currie Hall .......................................................................................................... 8 21.1 St Catherine’s College ....................................................................................... 8 21.1 St George’s College ........................................................................................... 6 15.8 St Thomas More College ................................................................................... 5 13.2 Total 38 100.0 Table 16. How would you rate the UniStart orientation information website? Percentage1 Number Poor Fair Good Excellent Not applicable/ Don’t remember Poor Fair Good Excellent UniStart was .................................................... 458 11 75 222 69 81 2.9 19.9 58.9 18.3 n 1 % Total Good/ Excellent2 77.2 Not applicable / Don't remember excluded from percentage calculations 2 Percentage Good and Excellent summed Table 17. How would you rate the length of orientation? Percentage1 Number Too short Just right Too long Not applicable/ Don’t remember 92 37 n Orientation length was ..................................... 457 27 301 1 Too short Just right Too long 6.4 71.7 21.9 Not applicable / Don't remember excluded from percentage calculations Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 10. Table 18. Did you meet with an academic adviser, student adviser or research adviser as part of your orientation? Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 260 56.9 No ................................................................................................................................................ 197 43.1 Total 457 100.0 Table 19. How satisfied were you with your advising experience? Number n Very dissatisfied Level of satisfaction ......................................... 254 4 Dissatisfied Percentage Satisfied Very satisfied Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied 174 41 1.6 13.8 68.5 16.1 35 1 Percentage % Total satisfied1 84.6 Satisfied and Very satisfied summed Table 20. Thinking back on the orientation that you attended at UWA, to what extent were the orientation staff… Number Not at all Slightly n Available. ........................................................ 452 5 39 Knowledgeable................................................ 450 6 32 Courteous. ...................................................... 451 3 9 Percentage Moderately Considerably 120 100 76 1 Percentage 210 200 211 A great deal Not at all Slightly 78 112 152 1.1 1.3 0.7 8.6 7.1 2.0 Moderately Considerably 26.5 22.2 16.9 46.5 44.4 46.8 A great deal 17.3 24.9 33.7 % Positive Total 1 90.3 91.6 97.3 Moderately, Considerably and A great deal summed Table 21. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: Number n Percentage % Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree 14 146 256 30 3.1 32.7 57.4 6.7 64.1 11 96 290 50 2.5 21.5 64.9 11.2 76.1 41 136 187 83 9.2 30.4 41.8 18.6 60.4 10 50 273 111 2.3 11.3 61.5 25.0 86.5 9 69 299 68 2.0 15.5 67.2 15.3 82.5 8 9 95 64 287 295 56 79 1.8 2.0 21.3 14.3 64.3 66.0 12.6 17.7 76.9 83.7 42 146 210 45 9.5 33.0 47.4 10.2 57.6 37 141 237 32 8.3 31.5 53.0 7.2 60.2 10 20 76 132 294 265 65 28 2.2 4.5 17.1 29.7 66.1 59.6 14.6 6.3 80.7 65.8 43 17 106 58 217 309 81 64 9.6 3.8 23.7 12.9 48.5 69.0 18.1 14.3 66.7 83.3 Orientation helped me to know what to expect academically at UWA ................................................446 Orientation helped me to know what to expect socially at UWA .........................................................447 I met people at orientation that I am still friends with ...........................................................................447 At orientation I learned about the different clubs and societies that I could join ...........................................444 At orientation, I learned about the different resources on campus that could help me if I am having academic concerns ...................................................445 At orientation, I learned about the different resources on campus that could help me if I am having problems adjusting to this university ..........................446 Orientation was an enjoyable experience .......................447 Orientation helped me gain a clear understanding of how to register on-line for classes at UWA ................443 Orientation helped me gain an understanding of how to use and navigate campus technology tools such as my UWA email, learning management system, askUWA and StudentConnect .....................447 I know where all the important buildings are on campus .....................................................................445 I got all of my questions answered during orientation .....445 I know at least one staff member at UWA that I can turn to if I have questions or concerns .......................447 Attending orientation was a good use of my time ...........448 1 Percentage Strongly Total agree agree1 Agree and Strongly agree summed Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 11. Table 22. Thinking back to your orientation experience, how useful was the information you received on: Percentage1 Number n Not at all useful Academic requirements .................................. 435 23 How academic advising works ........................ 435 37 How to understand the class timetable .................................................... 435 34 Campus support services to keep you physically and mentally fit .................... 429 45 University transition programs, activities and student support services ...................................................... 432 34 Guild clubs, societies and student support services ......................................... 432 16 UWA Sports programs .................................... 432 45 Residential college programs, activities and support services .................... 434 60 Different rules, regulations and policies at UWA .......................................... 433 28 Safety and security on campus ....................... 435 30 Technology resources on campus .................. 432 19 How to manage your time effectively.................................................... 434 52 1 73 102 210 199 116 69 13 28 5.5 9.1 17.3 25.1 49.8 48.9 27.5 17.0 % Total Useful2 77.3 65.8 76 158 136 31 8.4 18.8 39.1 33.7 72.8 86 172 98 28 11.2 21.4 42.9 24.4 67.3 75 200 93 30 8.5 18.7 49.8 23.1 72.9 65 88 178 164 157 97 16 38 3.8 11.4 15.6 22.3 42.8 41.6 37.7 24.6 80.5 66.2 74 106 75 119 19.0 23.5 33.7 23.8 57.5 71 71 75 190 181 190 130 140 139 14 13 9 6.7 7.1 4.5 16.9 16.8 17.7 45.3 42.9 44.9 31.0 33.2 32.9 76.4 76.1 77.8 119 161 79 23 12.7 29.0 39.2 19.2 58.4 Slightly useful Moderately useful Very useful Not Not at all applicable useful Slightly useful Moderately useful Very useful Not applicable excluded from percentage calculations 2 Moderately and Very useful summed Table 23. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Number n Orientation helped me feel connected to UWA .............. 425 Percentage Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree 16 70 279 60 3.8 16.5 65.6 14.1 1 Percentage % Total agree1 79.8 Agree and Strongly agree summed Table 24. Overall, how would you rate the orientation program? Number Poor Percentage Fair Good Excellent Poor Fair Good Excellent 125 217 62 5.2 29.3 50.9 14.6 n Orientation was ............................................... 426 22 1 Percentage % Total good1 65.5 Good and Excellent summed Table 25. In thinking back on your orientation experience, are there questions that you wish had been answered? Number Percentage No ................................................................................................................................................ 359 85.5 Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 61 14.5 Total 420 100.0 Table 26. In thinking back on your orientation experience, are there questions that you wish had been answered? Comments – Summarised Number IT related (e.g. LMS) ............................................................................... 13 General/Others (Single case issues) ...................................................... 12 Majors/Units related ................................................................................ 7 Specific course information..................................................................... 7 Staff related ............................................................................................ 6 Timetabling related ................................................................................. 6 Assignments/Exams/Academic requirements ......................................... 5 Using facilities/resources ........................................................................ 5 Locations of places on campus .............................................................. 4 Number of responses1 Number of respondents % of Respondents (n = 49) 26.5 24.5 14.3 14.3 12.2 12.2 10.2 10.2 8.2 65 49 1 Multiple response question Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 12. Table 27. What were the most useful parts of orientation? – Summarised Number Tours ...................................................................................................... 104 Meeting peers/Making friends ................................................................. 53 People involved - Academic advisors/Mentors/Staff ............................... 51 General/Others (Single case response) .................................................. 27 Overview of Faculty/courses/degrees ..................................................... 24 Discovering/Joining clubs/societies ........................................................ 23 Overview of academic requirements ....................................................... 21 Learning about/Using resources (including IT) ........................................ 17 Enrolment and timetabling help .............................................................. 14 O Day festival ......................................................................................... 11 O Camp .................................................................................................. 8 BPhil residence ...................................................................................... 6 All of the orientation ................................................................................ 5 Security/Safety talks ............................................................................... 5 Guild activities ........................................................................................ 4 None/Nothing.......................................................................................... 4 College orientation .................................................................................. 3 Feeling accepted .................................................................................... 3 Free things ............................................................................................. 2 Number of responses1 Number of respondents % of Respondents (n = 274) 38.0 19.3 18.6 9.9 8.8 8.4 7.7 6.2 5.1 4.0 2.9 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 0.7 385 274 1 Multiple response question Table 28. Now that Semester One is over, do you think your orientation was helpful? Number Percentage Yes .............................................................................................................................................. 334 81.5 No ................................................................................................................................................ 76 18.5 Total 410 100.0 Table 29. Now that Semester One is over, do you think your orientation was helpful? Please elaborate – “Yes” responses - Summarised Number Positive feedback ................................................................................... 203 Specific element of orientation named as helpful .................................... 120 Comment included "Helped" ................................................................... 76 Suggestions for change .......................................................................... 21 Comment included "Good" ..................................................................... 12 Comment included "Great" ..................................................................... 9 Other (single case responses) ................................................................ 7 Number of responses1 Number of respondents % of Respondents (n = 214) 94.9 56.1 35.5 9.8 5.6 4.2 3.3 448 214 1 Multiple response question Table 30. Now that Semester One is over, do you think your orientation was helpful? Please elaborate – “No” responses – Summarised Number Didn't learn what I needed to know/Unnecessary .................................... 37 Other (Single case responses) ............................................................... 8 Incorrect mentor/Unengaged mentor ...................................................... 6 Juvenile activities/Passport game not helpful ......................................... 5 Not enough locational help ..................................................................... 4 Not enough information on IT matters .................................................... 3 Too long ................................................................................................. 3 Not enough information on expectations ................................................. 2 Not enough information on timetabling ................................................... 2 Not enough information on units ............................................................. 2 Organisation issues ................................................................................ 2 Number of responses1 Number of respondents % of Respondents (n = 55) 67.3 14.5 10.9 9.1 7.3 5.5 5.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 74 55 1 Multiple response question Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 13. SURVEY Please note that this survey is branched in nature. Questions may have appeared to respondents in a different order to the display below. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 14. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 15. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 16. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 17. Report No. 12/24 - Vice Chancellor’s Review of Orientation, 2012 – Survey of Current Students Institutional Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, July 2012 18.