Prior to the start of the academic year:

Guidelines for working with Middlesex
University International Campuses
(Academic Programmes)
Guidance 13(i)
Guidance 13(i) Guidelines for working with Middlesex University
International Campuses (Academic Programmes)
Note: there might be agreed variations to these guidelines, negotiated according to the maturity of the
campus and local needs.
1 Communications between the MU London and MU Branch Campuses
1.1 Centre for Academic Partnerships (AP) is the central administrative contact for the day to day running of
the programmes at MU Branch Campuses.
1.2 Communications for programme delivery
London Module Leader (ML) to Branch Campus Module Co-ordinator for module related issues
London Directors of Programmes (DoP) to Branch Campus Programme Co-ordinators for
programme related issues.
CCSS and Educational Technology Support Team to Branch Campus technical teams: for all
technical and programme/module/myUniHub/My Learning related issues
2 Academic Calendar
Campus Director or nominee will update the MU calendar to reflect the local needs, religious holidays,
graduation ceremony dates etc. and submit for approval by MU Assurance Committee in Autumn
Term each year. MU calendar will generally prevail, particularly in relation to all assessment points.
3 Programmes/Modules running and staff contact details
Programmes to be offered at Branch Campuses will have been approved by relevant MU committees
and processes as outlined the LQE Handbook, Section 3.6.
Branch Campus will propose a list of optional modules to be offered during the forthcoming academic
year for the relevant Deputy Deans (DDs) to confirm and feedback to Campus Director.
HoDs to confirm to AP, MLs who will be responsible for each Branch Campus module run and apply
the respective work programme allowances for this work.
AP will compile a central list of MLs and respective Module Co-ordinators, with contact details and
circulate to Campus Directors and all relevant staff
AP, in liaison with Academic Registry, will ensure that all necessary programme and module runs set
up in MISIS and bulk module registration set up.
4 Programme Handbooks
Branch Campus Programme Handbooks will be localised versions of each London Programme
Handbook. Localisation will be completed at the Branch Campus.
5 Module Handbooks
ML provides the complete module handbook to the Module Co-ordinator by an agreed deadline in
mid-September each year – to be updated to reflect campus specific details where applicable.
Neither ML nor Module Co-ordinator may change the validated conditions of the module (for example,
the assessment scheme, without going through the University Quality enhancement procedures).
6 My Learning
ML to provide current learning materials to Module Co-ordinator, via My Learning or other agreed
7 Library and Student Support, reading lists and specialist software requirements
Branch Campuses library and IT resources and support should be provided to ensure an appropriate
and comparable student experience.
MLs and Module Co-ordinators will ensure that specialist software requirements are in place.
Branch Campuses are solely responsible for ensuring that all licensing requirements are fulfilled.
Booklists to be updated by MLs by the end of July each year to enable timely purchase of new texts
by Branch Campuses. See LQE Handbook guidance 3(xxiii)
8 Student Admissions and Programme administration
Admissions and pre-accreditation decisions are to be made within the terms of the validated
admissions protocols.
Admissions data will be entered to MISIS by the Branch Campus Admissions Team.
Module registration for programmes will be entered by Branch Campus Student Office staff – bulk
module registration to be used where possible.
9 Programme Progress Reviews/Programme Planning and Confirmation weeks
Students’ programme reality check and programme progress reviews will take place as indicated in
the Branch Campus Academic Calendar.
10 Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes
10.1 Student Feedback and Boards of Study
To be conducted in line with MU Procedures (LQE Handbook, section 9).
10.2 Campus Fora
Campus Fora will take place in the Autumn and Winter Terms.
Quality Monitoring Reports process for Branch Campuses
AQS guidelines and templates for the QMR can be found in section 7 of the Learning and Quality
Enhancement Handbook.
10.4 Peer observations
Peer Observations will take place as one of several means of enhancing Teaching and Learning at
the Branch Campus.
The policy can be found at
10.5 Structures/Processes for supporting and enhancing the development of LTA of Educational
Established Branch Campuses will each have a Learning and Teaching Coordinator who will liaise
with the Schools’ LTSLs.
10.6 University Progression and Achievement strategy
MU has a strategy for Progression and Achievement. The Achievement Committee will include
consideration of Branch Campuses within its processes.
10.7 Staff Development
The Campus Director is responsible for all staff development at Branch Campuses, with guidance
from AP and MU Services, as appropriate.
11 Assessment
11.1 Setting assessments – coursework and examinations
All coursework assessments are set by the MLs, externally moderated where necessary and
published in myUniHub.
Examination papers will normally be written by the ML.
AP will send examination papers to Branch Campus Student Office Manager, by secure email with
password protection.
11.2 Examination Timetable
All examinations at Branch Campuses will be run in line with the examinations timetable as published
on UniHub and within myUniHub.
11.3 Conduct of examinations
All exams at the Branch Campus will be conducted in line with the Middlesex University Regulations.
11.4 Marking and Moderation (local variations may apply, dependant on subject area)
Coursework marking will be completed by the Module Coordinators in line with marking schema
which will have been provided by the ML and by an agreed deadline.
Arrangements for the marking of dissertations will vary between schools and must be clarified with
the appropriate London ML.
Module Co-ordinators to provide coursework feedback to students following marking.
Following marking, coursework to be sent to ML for moderation as e-version or by courier via AP, for
hard copy submissions.
Marks to be communicated to ML by agreed method.
Following examinations, the examination scripts will be sent to London by courier, via AP, for marking
by London MLs.
MLs will provide final grades for Branch Campus students, for London assessment boards.
Following Assessment Boards, MLs will provide feedback to Module Coordinators at Branch
Campuses, as necessary
11.5 Handling of academic misconduct cases
To be conducted in line with a procedure for Branch Campuses – to be confirmed by Academic
11.6 Assessment comments/Extenuating circumstances and deferrals
Extenuating circumstances and deferral requests will be entered to MISIS by Branch Campus
Student Office. If training has not been provided, AP will liaise with the relevant Assessment Officers
re specific data entry.
11.7 Assessment Boards
Assessment and Progression Boards will take place in London with input from Branch Campuses as
outlined in MU Regulations, Section D.
11.8 After the Assessment Boards – return of exam scripts to Branch Campus:
When all marking and moderation has been completed, marked examination scripts to be returned to
AP for despatch/return to Branch Campus.
In addition, Branch Campuses will organise examination script viewing in line with guidance from
11.9 Complaints and appeals process for students
The process for handling the above is set out in the MU Regulations.
12 Graduation Ceremonies
Branch Campuses will organise their own Graduation Ceremonies but their students will also be
invited to attend the MU Graduation ceremony in London in July.
13 MU Committees
Academic Quality Service will provide a web link to University committee papers for Branch Campus
staff information.
MU committee secretaries to include the Branch Campus Directors and Quality Manager (for DBI
Campus) in their email communications regarding any agenda and documentation for meetings, to
give them the opportunity to have an input prior to the meeting and to propose further relevant
agenda items for discussion.