COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE September 9, 2009 MINUTES Members Present: Colin Archibald, Joe Bivins, Karen Borglum (co-chair), Catherine Espenscheid, Yolanda Gonzalez, Katherine Harris, Anita Kovalsky, Lisa Macon, John Niss (co-chair), George Rausch, Storm Russo, Betty Wanielista, Rose Watson Ex-Officio Present: Belen Caba, Kurt Ewen, Cheryl Robinson, George Ruiz Staff Present: Kim Adams (recording) Guests: Barbara Frazier, Polly Keller, Joe Lynn Look 1. Welcome Back (Reminder to pick up “green” bag gift and 2009-10 Curriculum Committee Manual) John Niss opened the meeting with a welcome back to the 2009-10 academic year, and a reminder to pick up one of the black “green” bags, each one containing a new College Catalog and a 2009-10 Curriculum Committee Manual. 2. Review of Minutes – July 8, 2009 (Attachment) The July 8, 2009 Minutes (meeting conducted electronically) were approved by consensus. 3. Discussion Items Academic Advisor and COB web developer as CCC Representatives – Karen Borglum will lead a discussion regarding the possible placement of an academic advisor and the COB web developer on the CCC as representatives or ex-officio members. Karen Borglum told the Committee that a request was put forth to her to add an Academic Advisor as a voting member of the CCC. In addition to that, she and Kim Adams would like to see the OIT person who will be the web developer in charge of Course Outline Builder attend meetings as an ex-officio member. She said that if that person can be involved in the meetings and have a greater understanding of the curriculum process, it may help in their behind-the-scenes work with COB. Karen told the Committee members that Chuck Grimes, who was in charge of COB and the COB v3.5 update, has left the college. This has slowed down the work of fixing the bugs that have kept this version from being utilized to this point. In addition, OIT is working on a very large project for SACS. The COB project will be resumed once the SACS project is complete. The CCC had no objections to having the OIT person be an ex-officio member of the Committee. With regard to an Academic Advisor joining the CCC, there was more discussion. Cheryl Robinson pointed out that there are currently two people serving on the Committee from the Student Affairs Division – herself, in an ex-officio capacity – and Catherine Espenscheid, as Counselor representative (a voting position). Cheryl said that counselors do a lot of academic advising as a routine part of their jobs, so that could be considered when thinking of adding another similar position. Karen said that communication to the advisors regarding the activities of the CCC is perceived to be a potential problem. The division of Student Affairs would like to be able to have someone present at the meetings who can specifically go back and report to these front line people, particularly since they are working daily with the students and work extensively with the College Catalog. The consensus of the Committee was to add this person as an ex-officio member, as well. General Education Courses – Karen Borglum will lead the continuation of the General Education discussion. The Committee’s “homework” assignment results from the June meeting will be shared Karen began the discussion by reminding everyone of the “homework” assignment from the June meeting – each person present was assigned two Florida community colleges to look at with regard to their General Education program and the courses accepted within the program. She suggested going around the table; each person who had done the assignment would give an overview of what they found out about their colleges’ general education requirements. The colleges that were reported on were Brevard Community College, Broward Community College, Manatee C.C. (also called the State College of Florida), Santa Fe C.C., St. Petersburg College, Chipola C.C., Central Florida C.C., Pasco-Hernandez C.C., Pensacola C.C., Indian River C.C., Lake City C.C., North Florida C.C., Miami-Dade C.C., Gulf Coast C.C., Hillsborough C.C., Seminole C.C., South Florida C.C., Tallahassee C.C., Florida State College at Jacksonville, and Florida Keys Community College. There were quite a few variations in the way general education is handled at the colleges reviewed. Some of the colleges are very exclusive (i.e. Pasco-Hernandez, Pensacola, North Florida C.C.) in the courses allowed in general education, while others are extremely inclusive with a wide variety of courses (i.e., St. Petersburg College). CFCC has a number of courses that are more narrowly focused, such as Florida Landscape and Florida Water Systems (available for A.A. and A.S. degrees). Chipola C.C. has a general education category where the student can choose any course they like to meet the requirement. Lake City C.C. assigns general education credits based on learning outcomes. The information literacy requirement course is under the Social Sciences category. Page 2 Some community colleges have moved into the arena of offering four-year degrees, such as Miami-Dade. Their general education requirements tend to be based on whether the student is seeking a two-year or a four-year degree. For Miami-Dade, English for Academic Purposes is a general education course. Similar to Valencia, Gulf Coast C.C. has several different areas of Humanities to choose from. Also similar to Valencia, Hillsborough C.C. offers Asian Humanities, African-American Humanities, and some others that may be considered more narrowly-focused. Tallahassee C.C. offers jazz and popular music as part of general education. They also offer courses such as Geology of National Parks, Chemistry for Allied Health (for students specifically in that program), as well as some education courses. Karen said that one item in particular for discussion, is Valencia’s inclusion of American Sign Language and other language courses in general education curriculum. It was shown that other colleges in Florida allow sign language in general education, some embedding it under other headings. For Broward College, ASL I and I are under Humanities/Fine Arts, section 2a, as well as under Section 8, International/Intercultural. It was noted that one college even allows a sign language Fingerspelling class under its general education options. Karen collected the “homework,” and suggested that a sub-group be appointed to look at Valencia’s general education courses as compared to other Florida colleges and in light of Valencia’s General Education Principles and Procedures. Social Sciences and Humanities need careful examination, since many of the courses now listed do not line up well at the university level. She requested that the group look at Valencia’s courses and their alignment with UCF, specifically, as well as what courses may need to be added/deleted for alignment. The sub-group appointed will consist of Falecia Williams, an advisor from Student Services (TBD), Catherine Espenscheid, the UCF advisor who works on site at Valencia, Dan Dutkofski, and Karen Borglum (chair). Karen requested that any homework not turned in at the meeting be sent via e-mail or inter-office mail to her or to Kim Adams. 4. Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal from the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion. The following course(s) have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS: PLA 2732 Legal Technology (Outline was originally approved in 2008; changes made to outcomes and corresponding evidence of learning only. Page 3 The Consent Agenda was approved by consensus. 5. Regular Agenda 0910-001 CVT 2930 Selected Topics in Cardiovascular Technology, CCA ....... Polly Keller Purpose: To offer students the opportunity to obtain proficiency in additional cardiovascular skill sets; Catalog Course Description: For students interested in obtaining additional cardiovascular technology skills. Provides clinical and/or laboratory experience and seminar type discussion activities for students pursuing selected topics in cardiovascular technology. Multiple credit course. May be repeated for credit, but grade forgiveness cannot be applied; Prerequisites: CVT 1000C; Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab Hours: 1-4 variable/Variable/Variable; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010). This proposal was approved as submitted. 0910-002 SLS 2940H Service Learning - Honors, CCA ............................... Barbara Frazier Purpose: To provide a service learning course for Honors students; Catalog Course Description: This is a planned service learning experience that focuses on three hallmarks: service, leadership, and scholarship. This course also provides students with supervised career exploration activities and/or practical experiences in an educational and a community service setting to confirm their career objectives. Each credit earned for Service Learning Experience requires a minimum of 50 clock hours of work. Multiple credit course. May be repeated for credit, but grade forgiveness cannot applied; Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English, EAP; 12 credits; 3.5 overall GPA; and Phi Theta Kappa faculty advisor’s approval; Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab: 1-4/14/0; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010). This request generated a good deal of discussion, mostly due to some inconsistencies that were noted. The final disposition was for Barbara Frazier to re-work the course to make the course description consistent with what the CCC approved for all Honors courses (i.e., “Same as SLS 2940. In addition, course content will satisfy one Honors Program learning outcome. Honors Program permission required.”). In addition, the Committee requested that the prerequisites be revised to reflect that this is an Honors Program course, not a Phi Theta Kappa course. Barbara will make appropriate revisions to the course proposal and bring back to the CCC in October or another later date. 0910-003 Industrial Management Technology, A.S. Degree, CPM ......................Storm Russo Purpose: Currently the Industrial Management Technology Program is an articulated program with Orange County Public Schools Tech Centers and TECO of Osceola District Schools. The purpose of this modification is to also provide the opportunity for Orlando Utilities Commission employees to enter the program once they have met a qualified designation of Line Technician I; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010). Page 4 This program modification request was not approved as presented. Storm will take the proposal back to the department and OUC to determine the appropriate modifications needed and will bring a re-vamped proposal to CCC in the Spring. Please see Information Items for disposition of the revised program sheet. Additional Regular Agenda Item John Niss requested the placement of one addition item for vote on the Regular Agenda. A student has petitioned the college to allow for CGS 1077 to count as Mathematics general education and for U.S. History I and II to count as Humanities general education. The Committee unanimously voted to not approve this request. 6. Information Items Curriculum Manual – A copy of the 2009-2010 College Curriculum Committee Manual is being provided for Curriculum Committee members. Catalog Editorial Change – Due to State Field Reviews that changed several CIS prefix courses to CTS, it is necessary to revise the Catalog statement on page 128 for Business Electives to read as follows: “Business electives must be selected from courses with subject prefixes of: ACG, APA, BUL, CGS, CIS, COP, CTS, FIN, GEB, INP, MAN, MAR, MKA, MNA, MTB, OST, REE, SBM, TAX, SLS 1303, SLS 1122, SLS 2940, and SPC 1608.” Field Reviews – the State recently recommended several changes across disciplines designed to align numbers at the lower and upper divisions. The changes recommended are listed below, and have been approved by the departments: Changes effective August 1, 2010 CJE 2110, Career Choices in Criminal Justice, will become CJE 2003 DAA 2209, Intermediate Ballet II for Pre-Majors will become DAA 2219 PCB 2304, Natural History of Florida Rivers, will become PCB 2308 Industrial Management Technology Program – A part of the request brought to the CCC for this program was moved to this portion of the agenda, reflecting that the CCC was made aware of changes in the Industrial Management Technology degree’s Program Sheet. The marked up program sheet showed the 20 hours articulated credit for OUC employees Page 5 College Readiness Kickoff - Karen reminded everyone in attendance that on October 16 there will be a college wide meeting to discuss the current alignment of courses and college readiness strategies for high school students. The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee is scheduled for October 14, 2009, and will be held on the West Campus, Room 6-202. Deadline for submission of materials for the October agenda is September 30, 2009. Page 6