Rules Concerning Eligibility, Rights and Obligations of the Associate Members Rules Concerning Eligibility, Rights and Obligations of the Associate Members According to Paragraph 6 of the Agreement Establishing the Terms of Reference of the International Jute Study Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”), Associate membership of the Group shall be open, with the agreement of the Council, to those organisations and entities not entitled to full membership under the provisions of Paragraph 5 of the Agreement. Rule 1 Eligibility for Associate Membership Organisations and entities of the jute industry and trade in the producing as well as in the importing countries are eligible for Associate Membership of the Group. Rule 2 Duration of Associate Membership Associate Membership of the Group shall remain valid until revoked by the Council or by the Associate Member. A revocation of Associate Membership takes effect on the date of the decision of the Council or on the date on which the Associate Member’s notification is received by the Secretary General as the case may be. Rule 3 Associate Membership Fee Each Associate Member shall contribute an annual fee for their Associate Membership, which shall be approved by the Council. The annual membership fee for Organisations shall be US$ 400 , and for entities US$ 100. By decision of the Council, the annual fee of an associate member may be partially or fully waived. In the case of nonpayment of annual fee, the Associate Membership will be revoked by the Council with effect from the end of the financial year of the Group. Rule 4 Rights of Associate Members The Associate Members constitute the Private Sector Consultative Board. Associate Members may attend, on invitation of the Council, the Sessions of the Council and meetings of adhoc committees and subsidiary bodies. Associate Members shall have no votes. They may, however, upon the invitation of the Chairman of the Council or of a committee or adhoc committee or a subsidiary body thereof, make verbal statements in or submit written statements to a meeting. -----------------