I have a B.S. in Psychology. What are my career options

I have a B.S. in Psychology. What are my career options?
Article 1: What you can do with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology:
The good news is there are plenty of things that you can do with your bachelor's degree in psychology you just won't be a working psychologist.
Statistics tell us that only about 25 percent of undergraduate psychology majors nationally go on to graduate school and become a psychologist, or
go to medical school and start a practice as a psychiatrist.
Shelly K. Schwartz, in an article called "Working Your Degree," reported that the top 10 occupations that employ students with only a bachelor's
degree in psychology are:
 Top- or mid-level managers, executives and administrators
 Sales
 Social Work
 Management-related occupations
 Personnel, training and human resources or labor-relations
 Administrative jobs
 Insurance, real estate and business services
 Marketing
 Registered nurse, pharmacist, therapist and physician's assistant
 Accountant, auditor and other financial specialists
As you review the list, you'll notice that most of these jobs involve dealing with people. Since psychology is the study of human behavior and
organizational behavior, a 4-year degree in the field offers you a good understanding of people, their motivations and why they act as they do. In
addition, psychology teaches students to think critically as well as creatively, so graduates generally have excellent communications skills. This kind
of versatility is desirable in professions that demand interacting with other human beings, which opens the door to most professions. So hold your
bachelor in psychology degree high—it offers you more opportunities than you may have ever imagined.
Article 2: Explore Your Psychology Career Options
The wonderful thing about a psychology degree is that it is much more flexible and adaptable than any other degree--in other words, your have
options in psychology! After all, no matter what career path you are on, other people are sure to be involved—as customers, co-workers, employees,
and bosses. A quality undergraduate education in psychology prepares you to be a good citizen and a critical thinker, and the skills and abilities that
psychology majors acquire through their coursework and out-of-class experiences make them marketable for a wide variety of employment options.
Even though the bachelor's degree in psychology is not a professional degree, it is still a great way to become a well rounded, well-educated citizen
and person—and who doesn’t want to hire a person like that? With a degree in psychology, career options abound.
Here are just a few of the professions that value those with a psychology degree:
• Human Services. Federal, state, and local governments as well as many non-profit organizations are eager to hire those with an undergraduate
degree in psychology.
• Administration. Any administrative position in government or in other organizations can utilize those with a psychology degree. Throw in a
business double major or minor, and any company will find you indispensable.
• Community Relations. This fascinating field covers a wide range of jobs—working as an advocate, an outreach coordinator, an event coordinator
and more.
• Public Relations. As a public relations specialist, you’ll work with the media, write press releases and other materials, do research and fundraising,
organize events and more.
• Advertising & Market Research. More and more Advertising Agencies are hiring those with a psychology background to help formulate
advertising strategies.
• Teaching. If you also obtain a teaching certificate along with your degree, you can teach in both public and private schools.
• Retail and Sales. Every retail organization understands the power that a psychology degree can bring to their bottom line; these companies are
always eager to hire those with a background in psychology!
From: http://www.psychologymajors.com/