Admissions Policy - Learning Opportunities Centre

School Information
Profile of a Student likely to be suitably placed at LOC
Admission Criteria
Access to Admission Information
Roles & Responsibilities
Admission Process
Monitoring, Evaluation & Review
The Admissions Policy has been written and approved by a team with a range of experience, and will be
reviewed annually.
Date Created:
January 1994
Previous Review Date:
January 2013
Next Review Date:
January 2016
Learning Opportunities is an independent special school approved by the Secretary of State to admit
students for whom Statements are maintained under Section 324 of the Education Act 1996.
The current approval for the school is for 30 students with BESD and Moderate Learning Difficulties aged
11-18 years.
In developing Learning Opportunities admission policy, Senior Management have taken account of the
need to provide helpful information to parents / carers and referring agencies, based on clear and objective
admission criteria. We are committed to working in close collaboration with other child agencies to ensure
the provision of the most effective service in the best interests of student.
We provide a safe, encouraging and friendly atmosphere that fosters a culture that is positive, collaborative
and which values and respects equally every member of the school community. The school aims to ensure
that the pupils have the maximum opportunity to participate fully in society to enhance their life chances.
Staff support pupils and help give them the confidence to learn independently.
In considering admission, Learning Opportunities comply with primary Legislation and Regulations, having
regard for the revised Regulations contained within the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, which
came into force on 1 January 2002.
Note: Learning Opportunities Admissions policy will be reviewed in light of forthcoming changes linked to
the introduction of EHC plans.
Students are primarily referred because the severity and diversity of their needs is such that they cannot be
met effectively in mainstream schools. In aspiring to meet such needs, we believe that it is essential that a
systematic approach to admission be adopted. Planning therefore commences at the time of referral.
All students have statements of Special Educational Needs. The school offers small groupings with
supportive and committed staff, experienced in providing a clearly structured education. We provide a
broad and balanced curriculum in line with statutory requirements, one-to-one and small group work to
address Literacy and Numeracy difficulties and support to students towards improving their behaviour and
ability to cope with wider social interactions.
Learning Opportunities is fully committed to ensuring that the application of this Admissions Policy is nondiscriminatory in line with the UK Equality Act (2010). We welcome students irrespective of their gender,
race, religion, ethnic or national origins, disability or special educational needs, provided that there are
good prospects of meeting their needs without unduly prejudicing the education and the welfare of other
We recognise that factors governing student admissions are complex and vary from case to case. These
factors might include:
Nature of the student’s needs and previous educational experiences
Recommendations of the referring body
Suitability of Learning Opportunities to meet the needs of the student.
Wishes of the parent / carer and student
Learning Opportunities have formulated this policy to:
set out the framework within which decisions are made about admissions to the school
set out the criteria that will be applied where referrals exceed the number of places available
meet DfE requirements
Name: Learning Opportunities (Ringwould)
Ringwould Road
Kent CT14 8DW
Telephone Number:
01304 381906
Email Address:
Website Address:
01304 381906
School Classification:
Independent Special School (Secondary)
Year Groups:
30 Co-educational
Contact Details:
Simon Graydon (Head Teacher)
Lesley Buss (School Development Manager)
Kate Smith (Services Manager)
Registered Office:
Home Farm
Sandwich Road
Kent CT15 4HH
Telephone Number:
01304 849118
Student’s primary needs of BESD and / or MLD difficulties may be compounded by mental health / medical
conditions including ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia / Dysgraphia, ODD and OCD. These can manifest themselves in a
combination of behavioural, learning, emotional and social difficulties including:
Moderate / generalised learning difficulties
Significantly delayed Speech Language and Communication skills
Social communication difficulties
Significant difficulties in attention and impulsivity
Limited independence
Students are likely to experience a combination of low self-esteem, together with a significant degree of
emotional vulnerability. As a result they may exhibit:
Unpredictable and intense patterns of behaviours which significantly disrupt the learning of peers.
Distractibility that inhibits their progress even with significant adult support and increasingly
individualised curriculum.
Behaviour which is bizarre and/or self injurious and/or endangers others and leads to a significant
level of rejection by peers increasing their social isolation.
Significant unhappiness, stress and/or disaffection over a sustained period often accompanied by
prolonged periods of absence, leading to a negative attitude towards education.
Referrals for admission to Learning Opportunities will arise from a student’s Statement of Special Education
Needs or Annual Review recommendations agreed by the LEA. The LEA Area Office makes referrals to the
school following recommendations by County Panel.
Parents / carers will have been consulted throughout the process of naming Learning Opportunities on
their child’s statement (they have the right to appeal to the SEN tribunal if they disagree with the proposals
made by the LEA).
All admissions take account of the need to provide education appropriate to age, ability, aptitude and
special educational needs (SEN).
Students can be admitted at any time of year.
Where a request for admission is received, and there is a place available within the school as a whole, the
following criteria will be applied in order of priority in deciding whether a place is able to be offered:
The student falls within the terms of the current approval for the school and presents with the
aforementioned profile.
The student has a Statement of Special Educational Needs
There is room within the appropriate year group / Key Stage
Adding another student to the group will not adversely affect the provision of efficient
education for the students with whom he / she would be educated or the efficient use of
Offering the student a place will maintain a positive balance between the types of SEN within
the group and school.
There is evidence from professionals that the student will benefit from access to a highly
personalised programme within a special school.
Refusal of Admission
The Senior Management Team reserves the right to refuse admission in the following cases:
the school is fully subscribed
where the admission of a student would compromise the Health and Safety of students and/or
staff within the school
where admission would not be compatible with the efficient and effective education of others
In formulating our Admissions Policy, we have taken into account the following legislation:
The Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010
Equality Act (2010)
Education Act 2002
A copy of Learning Opportunities admission policy is located in the main office and is published on the
school website
Additional information can be obtained through direct contact with Simon Graydon (Head Teacher) or
Lesley Buss (School Development Manager).
The function of determining admissions is made jointly between members of the Senior Management
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to: 
Formulate student profiles and make these available to all staff
Ensure education / behaviour management plans, which identify effective strategies, are in place
and regularly monitored and reviewed
Ensure appropriate resources are available to meet those needs
Respond to any changes in legal requirements, proposing amendments to the policy as appropriate
It is the responsibility of the Director to: 
Monitor the work of the school through the review of the admissions policy.
Admission to Learning Opportunities is the responsibility of the Senior Management Team acting on behalf
of the Director in conjunction with the Local Authority.
Once a referral has been received the following will occur:
An acknowledgement will be sent to the local authority at the earliest opportunity.
Initial assessment of the referral information will be undertaken by a member of the senior
management team, who may request further information.
Initial assessment takes account of referral agency requirements, family/carer expectations.
The senior management team will consider the referral in the context of the school being able to
meet the needs of the student and the compatibility with the efficient education of others and a
vacancy exists.
The schools decision will be communicated to the local authority.
Parents / carers, social worker if applicable and student will be invited to visit and tour the school,
to discuss the prospective placement and meet key members of staff.
The student will be invited into the school to spend a session in the department.
If a decision is made to offer a place, the local authority will be notified.
A date for admission will be agreed.
Appropriate transition planning will occur before and during the initial admission process.
Learning Opportunities acknowledge that the admission of a student can be challenging and difficult for the
parents/carers as well. The school's services are flexible and needs led and, therefore, we offer support
calls (by phone), home visits (where appropriate) and appointments that are sensitive to the requests and
circumstances of parents/carers. Wherever possible, we aim from the outset to move at the pace of the
Stage 1
Initial enquiry
Verbal or written enquiries should be made to the Head Teacher, School Development Manager or Services
Referral information received
Consideration of documentation by Senior Management Team
In determining the suitability of the referral, consideration will be given to the student’s educational, social
history and whether the profile of the student is in keeping with the provision we are able to provide.
Stage 2
Where, based on documentation received, it is felt that Learning Opportunities could meet the needs of the
student; a mutually convenient interview date is arranged.
During this introductory visit, there is the opportunity to meet staff and students and to view the full range
of provision.
Stage 3
Attendance within the proposed class
Following the interview, the student will be invited to join a class for a minimum of half a day.
Stage 4
Referring agency informed of decision
Following attendance at the school, and dialogue with the student and parents / carers, a final decision by
senior management will be made, and the referring agency informed accordingly.
In circumstances where the class has reached full capacity, the option for the student to be placed on the
Learning Opportunities waiting list will be confirmed in writing.
Confirmation of funding sought from LEA
Stage 5
Pre-planning meeting arranged
The purpose of this meeting is to explain Learning Opportunities responsibilities towards students, the
responsibilities of parents / carers, and finally what Learning Opportunities expect of students.
Where necessary, the meeting will also consult and aim to seek agreement for any additional resources
/funding required (where this is applicable, the referring agency will have been made aware of this request
in advance of the meeting).
Admission pack completed
Once the offer of a place has been accepted by the referring agency, Learning Opportunities will forward
the admission pack, containing consents, to the person with parental responsibility.
Stage 6
Admission date confirmed
Stage 7
The students name will be entered in the Admissions Register on the agreed admission date, irrespective as
to whether the student arrives at school.
Stage 8
Admission is subject to a standard assessment period normally of six weeks duration, although this may be
extended according to individual circumstances, during which teacher based observation and, where
applicable, standardised testing is completed
Initial Assessment
It is vital at the outset to gather and record baseline information on a student. In the past the needs
identified in a student’s statement have tended to be very general and of limited use in the formulation of
individual programmes. However, the requirements of the Code of Practice have led to an improvement in
the quality of statements in terms of detailing specific needs and forming a basis for future planning.
The first six weeks of a student’s placement will be used to assess needs. This assessment will be based on
information provided at admission, initial observations of staff, and assessment by our literacy specialist.
Needs in three specific areas will be reviewed. These are
Educational Development.
Emotional Development
Behavioural and Social Development
Assessment meeting
At the end of the assessment period, a multi agency meeting will be held. A report will be submitted
outlining Learning Opportunities recommendations.
Where a place is not offered
Letter of confirmation to referring agency outlining reasons
In situations where it is agreed that the needs of the student cannot be met within Learning Opportunities,
a letter outlining reasons will be forwarded to the referring agency.
The effectiveness of Learning Opportunities implementation of the Admission Policy will be monitored and
reviewed by:
The Headteacher, who holds responsibility for responding to any changes in legal requirements,
and proposing amendments to the policy as appropriate
The Directors as they monitor the work of the school through their annual policy review.
School Admissions Code of Practice
Special Education Needs Code of Practice – November 2002