Anexe_II_Training_agreement_X_NREP - ADAM

Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
Participant’s name: Tudor Alina Nicoleta
Field of vocational education: 85 (Natural resources and environmental protection, X-th form).
Sending institution ( name, address):Technical College “Costin D. Nenitescu”, 23 Petrochimistilor
Boulevard, code 110180, Pitesti, Romania
Contact person (name, position, e-mail, phone):
Zaharescu Magdalena, teacher, , tel. ++40743066430
Receiving organisation (name, address):Berufskolleg Uerdingen, 93 Alte Krefelder Strasse, 47829,
Krefeld Germany
Contact Person (name, position, e-mail, phone): Muckshoff Andreas, teacher,, +4902151498480
Planned dates of start and end of the placement period:
Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired
a. Knowledge about:
o Instruments and installations used in chemistry laboratories;
o Basic operations which are performed in chemistry laboratories;
o Measuring the physical proportions
o Expressing the concentration of solutions;
b. . abilities:
o Using the instruments and installations in chemistry laboratories;
o Applying the calculation algorithms and interpreting the results;
o Team work;
o communication;
c. competences :
- X-th grade Curriculum Technological Highschool(OMECT 5723 / 23.12. 2003 „Laboratory Instruments
and techniques” (Program Phare TVET RO 0108.01)
- specific competences
o measuring the temperatures to establish the necessary conditions to perform the analyses;
o mesuring the weights and volumes for quantity determinations;
o measuring the density to characterize the liquid and solid materials;
o preparing the solutions to execute analyses;
- Detailed programme of the training period:
Week I
Day 1.
The participant is presented by the tutor: the mandatory protective equipment in the lab, the way of using
safely the equipments, devices and installations found in the laboratory; the main health and work
security measures compulsory in the chemistry lab and the way of giving the first aid in case of
mechanical accidents and burns(chemical and thermic).The participant is distributed the mandatory
protective equipment(coat and goggles)which will be at their disposal during the training period.
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Anexa III
The participant:
o practices the first aid measures presented by the tutor by simulating a mechanical accident or burns
(chemical and thermic)
o -identifies, checks and prepares the lab installations:electric installations(switches,sockets,electric
cables, pipes),manometers,gas installations (regulating gas pressure, regulating the oxidant ,
reducing power installations),ventilation installations,water feeding and sewage (taps, sinks,
flame),vacuum installations;
o Fills in and signs the sheet and minute for work protection training in the chemistry lab ;
Day 2
The participant is presented by the tutor:the methods and instruments of measuring the temperature,
used in the lab; the working principle of the different types of thermometres; the sheet with the main
stages and work tasks.
The participant:
o Uses the utensils necessary to measure the temperature and to find the thermic balance for a
water sample and a system formed of a solid body emerged in a liquid: Berzelius
beaker,graduated cylinder, thermometers,asbestos sieve, metal tongs, tripod, gas bulb;
o Performs temperature measurements based on the worksheet received;calibrates the
thermometer; determines the water temperature with the help of the mercury thermometer and
Beckman thermometer;
o Writes down the measured temperatures and expresses them in degrees Celsius, Kelvin and
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 3
The participant is presented by the tutor: the types of balances used to measure the
mass(technical,farmaceutical,and analytical); the rules of weighing and the way of using them; the
sheet with the stages and work tasks.
The participant:
o Identifies and uses the utensils and apparatuses necessary to weigh using the technical balance
and analytical balance(spatula,weighing ampoule,clock glass,porcelain capsule,balance)
o Selects the type of balance corresponding to the purpose of the weighing operation(the destination
of the weighed sample) depending on its sensitivity;
o Weighs with the technical and analytical balance the amount of substance specified in the
o Writes down the result of the weighings in S.I and performs transformations in different U.M.
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 4
The participant is presented by the tutor : the lab utensils to measure the volume(graduated cylinder,
regular pipette, bubble pipette, burette, microburette,graduated flask); the way of using the lab utensils
to measure the volume; the ways of expressing the concentration of solutions; the sheet with the stages
and work tasks.
The participant:
o Identifies and selects the utensils necessary to measure the volume(graduated cylinder, regular
pipette,microburette,graduated flask) according to the purpose of the measurement.
o Measures volumes of liquid substances, with specified precision;
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 5.
The participant is presented by the tutor : the methods of determining the density of liquid and solid
materials; the instruments for determining density(densimeters/areometers, picnometers, balance Mohr –
Westphal) and the way of using them; the utility of determining the density in characterizing a product.
The participant:
o Identifies and uses the lab instruments necessary to determine the density of liquids:the densimeter,the
picnometer,the areometer, graduated cylinder,balance Mohr – Westphal, the analytical balance.
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
o Determines the density of a solution with the help of the densimeter;
o Determines the density of a solution with the help of the picnometer;
o Determines the density of a solid substance by measuring the volume and mass;
o Expresses the density in different measure units;
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Week II
Day 1
The participant is presented by the tutor : the way of determining the variation of the solubility with the
temperature; methods of concentrating the solutions(by evaporating of a part of the solvent and by
cooling); the sheet with the main stages and work tasks.
The participant:
o Identifies,prepares and uses the lab utensils and installations necessary to dissolve a sample
in a certain volume of solvent:clock glass,glass funnel,Berzelius beakers, Erlenmeyer
beakers,glass rod,filter paper, heater.
o Weighs a sample which he/she dissolves in a certain amount of proper solvent, according to
the worksheet;
o Determines the solubility of a substance at different temperatures,studies the variation of
solubility depending on the temperature and traces the solubility curve;
o Determines from the diagram the solubility of the substance dissolved at a certain
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 2
The participant is presented by the tutor: the ways of expressing the concentration of solutions(in
percentages, molal, regular, titre); the utensils necessary to prepare solutions od different concentrations
expressed in percentages, the sheet with the stages and work tasks.
The participant prepares proportional solutions from pure substance:
o Calculates the amount of substance (md) necessary to prepare the proportional solutions with
concentrations specified in the worksheet from solid substance (NaCl, Na2SO4, KNO3);
o Chooses the appropriate type of balance and weighs the amount of substance;
o Measures the volume of solvent necessary to prepare the solutions;
o Dissolves the amount of substance (md) in solvent and homogenizes the mixture;
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 3
The participant is presented by the tutor: the way of preparing molal solutions from pure substances; the
calculation algorhytm for determining the volume of solution of known proportional concentration and
density necessary to prepare a molal solution with given concentration; the work steps to prepare a molal
solution from a solution with known concentration and density; the sheet with the stages and work tasks.
The participant :
o identifies, prepares and uses the lab utensils and installations necessary to perform the work:weighing
ampoules,pipettes, graduated flasks, horn bulb, analytical balance.
o Calculates the necessary volume of concentrate solution and prepares the different proportional
solutions mentioned in the worksheet (HCl 0,1 m; NaOH 0,5 m; H2SO4 0,02 m);
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Day 4
The participant is presented by the tutor: the way of preparing regular solutions from pure substance and
from a concentrate solution; the work steps to prepare a regular solution from a solution with known
concentration and density; the sheet with the stages and work tasks.
The participant:
o identifies, prepares and uses the lab utensils and installations necessary to perform the work: weighing
ampoules, pipettes, graduated flasks, horn bulb, wash bottle.
o Calculates the necessary volume of concentrate solution and prepares the different proportional
solutions mentioned in the worksheet (HCl 0,1 m; NaOH 0,5 m; H2SO4 0,02 m);
o Fills in the practice sheet.
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
Day 5. Evaluation of the competences acquired during the placement
The participant will be presented by the evaluation commission how the process of evaluating
the competences acquired during the placement will evolve.
The participant:
o Will receive from the evaluation commission the exam subject chosen by the former, on
which there will be mentioned the title of the practical work which must be performed, the
number of the corresponding work post and the work tasks;
o Will go to the work post where he/she will perform the practical work drawn;
o Will elaborate a report where he/she will mention: the title of the work, utensils and
materials, the way of work, calculations and the interpretation of the results.
o Will hand the report to the commission and will answer to questions;
o Will prove the acquiring of the competences mentioned in this Training Agreement;
The evaluation will be followed by the validation and certification of the training period by giving
Europass Mobility and stage certificates.
- Tasks of the trainee:
o Performs the practical activities mentioned in the training programme in the respective day;
o Prepares and uses the lab instruments necessary to perform the practical works planned;
o Prepares the installations in order to use them;
o Performs the planned operations;
o Applies the principles on which the practical works are based;
o Applies the measures regarding health, work security and environmental protection;
o Wears the compulsory work equipment, received from the tutor;
o Fills in the practice sheet and the weekly evaluation questionnaire;
o Participate in the test of evaluation of the competences acquired during the placement;
- Monitoring and Mentoring of the participant:
The mentoring will be given by the accompanying teacher from the part of the sending institution
by the following activities:
o Accopanying the participants to the daily programme of activity;
o Guiding and counselling the participants to successfully achieve the work tasks mentioned in
this Training agreement;
o Analysing the daily practice sheets;
o Managing the weekly evaluation questionnaires.
o Discussing with the german teachers and students who will work with the group of participants.
The accompanying teacher will counsel the participants to adapt to the placement programme
and to another way of life and activity.This will compare daily the results obtained with the
objectives proposed and will apply, according to the case the measures that are necesary to
optimize the activities, after each evaluated sequence.
The objectives of the tutoring from the part of the host institution will be:
Organising the place where the practical activity will be carried on, ensuring the materials,
utensils, equipment, and apparatuses necessary for the participants to accomplish the work
tasks in their daily programme.
 Presenting the information necessary for the participants to perform the tasks in the daily
training programme;
 Co-operating with the accompanying teacher in interpreting the weekly evaluation
 Applying the measures for improving the results, if this thing follows from the analysis of the
daily results obtained by the participants;
 Ensuring the conditions to carry on the final evaluation according to the demands in the
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
Taking part in the evaluation of the placement and in the validation of the competences
acquired by the participants.
The monitoring will be given by a team formed of the representatives of both partner
institutions.From the part of the beneficiary institution the monitoring will be given by the pricipal of
the Technical College,, Costin D. Neniţescu” Piteşti, Nica Ion, and by the teacher responsible for
the participants’professional training,Iulia Cezarina Georgescu.
From the part of Berufskolleg Uerdingen, the monitoring will be looked after by the principal Hans
Jürgen Steffens and by the teacher Mückshoff Andreas.
- The ways and instruments of monitoring will be:
 Communication between team members by phone, fax, e-mail, messenger;
 Watching ,by direct, periodic check, the way how the daily programme unfolds;
 Monitoring visit which will have the following objectives:
o To analyse de degree of accomplishment of the attributions mentioned in the Training
Agreement by the accompanying teacher, the German tutor and the participants.
o To comply with the daily programme in the Training Agreement;
o To evaluate the accomplishment of stage objectives by direct observation, discussions
with the representatives of the host institution and with the participants.
o To evaluate and validate the competences acquired by the participants;
- Evaluation and Validation of the training placement:
The evaluation of the placement will be formed of two phases:current evaluation and final evaluation
of the placement.
o The current evaluation will be made by the accompanying teacher together with the tutor and
will be performed periodically after finishing each sequence in the training programme.This will
- The direct observation method of the participants with the purpose of identifying the degree of
accomplishment of the work tasks mentioned in the present Training Agreement.
- The analysis of the daily practice sheets.
- The management of the weekly evaluation questionnaires.
- Discussions with the German teachers and students who will work with the group of
- The analysis of the individual portfolio and of the other materials elaborated by the
- Questionnaires addressed to the participants at the end of each week.
The final evaluation will take place in the last day of the placement and will consist of performing one
of the practical works made during the stage.
The final evaluation will be looked after a mixed commission formed of representatives of the two
partner institutions, namely:
- The principal of the beneficiary institution;
- The principal of the host institution;
- The accompanying teacher;
- The tutor – prof. Mückshoff Andreas;
A formative teacher from Berufskolleg Uerdingen,involved in the practical activities in the stage
programme – Antje Bodner.
The final evaluation will take place in the last day of the placement and will consist of performing one
of the practical works made during the stage.
- The final evaluation will be looked after a mixed commission formed of representatives of the
two partner institutions, namely:
The principal of the beneficiary institution;
The principal of the host institution;
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
The accompanying teacher;
The tutor – prof. Mückshoff Andreas;
formative teacher from Berufskolleg Uerdingen,involved in the practical activities in
the stage programme – Antje Bodner.
The validation of the training placement will end by giving the Europass Mobility Certificates
issued by the beneficiary institution and by the representative of the host institution,and also by
offering a participation certificate from the part of the host institution. COMMITMENT OF THE
By signing this document, the participant, the sending institution and the receiving organisation
(and the intermediary organisation if applicable)* confirm that they will abide by the principles of the
Quality Commitment for Leonardo da Vinci training placements attached below.
*please add a box below for the signature of the intermediary organisation – if applicable
THE PARTICIPANT : Tudor Alina Nicoleta
Participant’s signature
Date: 08.03.2010
We confirm that this proposed training programme agreement is approved.
On completion of the training programme the institution will issue a Europass Mobility Certificate
to the participant
Coordinator’s signature
Principal Nica Ion
We confirm that this proposed training programme is approved.
On completion of the training programme the organisation will issue a Europass Mobility
Certificate to the participant
Coordinator’s signature
Hans Jürgen Steffens
Date: 12.03.2010
The beneficiary binds themselves to initiate the issue of the Mobilipass document and to complete it together
with the receiving organization within two months after the placement ends.
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
placement objectives in terms
competencies to be developed.
the appropriate target country, host organisation,
project duration and placement content to achieve
these objectives.
participants on the
transparent criteria.
participants in collaboration with partner organisations for
the practical, professional and cultural life of the host
country, in particular through language training tailored to
meet their occupational needs.
a contract including a training agreement
contents are transparent for all parties involved.
arrangements and social security cover and insurance.
with each participant the personal and professional
development achieved through participation in the
Leonardo programme.
suitable host organisations and ensure that they are
able to achieve the placement objectives.
contact details of all parties involved and ensure that final
arrangements are in place prior to participants’ departure
from their home country.
a tailor-made training programme for each participant (if
possible during preparatory visits).
monitoring and mentoring arrangements.
agreed validation procedures to ensure recognition of
skills and competencies acquired.
appropriate communication
including participants.
the progress of the project on an on-going basis and take
appropriate action if required.
Proiect nr:LLP-LdV/IVT/2009/RO/103
Anexa III
understanding of the culture and mentality of the host
to participants tasks and responsibilities to match their
knowledge, skills, competencies and training objectives and
ensure that appropriate equipment and support is available.
a tutor to monitor the participant’s training progress.
practical support if required.
appropriate insurance cover for each participant.
with all arrangements negotiated for his/her placement and
to do his/her best to make the placement a success.
by the rules and regulations of the host organisation,
its normal working hours, code of conduct and rules of
with promoter/sending organisation about any problem or
changes regarding the placement.
a report in the specified format, together with requested
supporting documentation in respect of costs, at the end of
the placement .