Scholarship - Tettenhall College

We are delighted to be able to offer a range of Scholarships and Awards for pupils entering the
Senior School in any year but normally Year 7 (11+ years), Year 9 (13+ years) and Year 12 (16+
The provision of these Awards is to recognise boys and girls with outstanding talents and
potential, in a variety of fields and to make it possible for them to come to the School.
11+ Academic Scholarship
13+ Academic Scholarship
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship
Music Scholarship
Art Scholarship
Drama Scholarship
Junior Sports Scholarship
Senior Sports Scholarship
All candidates are required to complete the Scholarship Application Form, sit the Entrance
Examination (unless taking Common Entrance or GCSE examinations), undergo an assessment in
their relevant fields and finally have an interview with myself.
A Scholarship or Award is a fixed monetary amount or if the candidate is in receipt of another
discount or bursary, it may be a non-monetary honorary award. The value of any Scholarship or
Award is at the discretion of the Headmaster and subject to periodic review.
For Scholarships requiring completion of the Scholarship Application Form the deadline for its
return is Friday 14th December 2012.
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office on
01902 751119 or email
Yours faithfully
Martyn Long
Academic Scholarships
11+ Academic Scholarship
These are available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at 11+ (Year 7 or 8 entry).
Candidates who perform exceptionally well in the School entrance examinations will be invited to
attend an interview with the Headmaster.
Candidates are required to:
Sit the school entrance examination
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
13+ Academic Scholarship
These are available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at 13+ (Year 9 entry)
Common entrance candidates may be recommended by their current school and those with
sufficiently high results will be invited to attend an interview with the Headmaster.
Non-Common Entrance candidates who perform exceptionally well in the School entrance
examinations will be invited to attend an interview with the Headmaster.
Candidates are required to:
Sit the school entrance examination
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship (16+)
These are available to pupils entering the Sixth Form (Year 12) at Tettenhall College.
Candidates may be invited to apply based on their predicted or actual performance in GCSE
examinations (or equivalent). Any mock examination results will also be considered.
Candidates are required to:
Achieve or exceed predicted GCSE examination results
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Art, Drama and Music
Art Scholarship
This award is available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at any level, but normally 13+ or 16+.
Candidates are invited to apply for the scholarship based on their achievement and potential in Art.
Candidates are required to:
Complete a Scholarship Application Form
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the school entrance examination
Submit a portfolio of art work for discussion and assessment by the Head of Art
Complete a practical assessment as set by the Head of Art
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Drama Scholarship
This award is available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at any level, but normally 13+ or 16+.
Candidates are invited to apply for the scholarship based on their achievement and potential in
Candidates are required to:
Complete a Scholarship Application Form
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the school entrance examination
Demonstrate substantial expertise, experience and interest in Drama
Complete an audition with the Head of Drama
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Music Scholarships
This award is available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at any level, but normally 13+ or 16+.
Candidates are invited to apply for the scholarship based on their achievement and potential in
Candidates are required to:
Complete a Scholarship Application Form
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the school entrance examination
Be able to make a full and active contribution to the musical life of the School, participating
in any of the musical groups or choirs within the school according to their specialism
Play at least one instrument to Grade 5 level
Attend an interview and audition with the Director of Music
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Sports Scholarships
Junior Sports Scholarship (11+ Entry)
This award is available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at 11+ (years 7 and 8).
Candidates are required to complete the Scholarship Application Form detailing:
Preferred sports and representation at current school
National, County or District representation or participation
Other hobbies and interests
The above must be endorsed by a recognised authority such as a coach, manager or head teacher
and details of a nominated referee should be provided.
Candidates are required to:
Attend an assessment day which will, wherever possible, include skill testing within their
preferred sports.
Attend an interview with the Director of Sport
Attend an interview with the Headmaster
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the school entrance examination
Make a total commitment to sport at the School and contribute to all aspects of the physical
education programme
Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Senior Sports Scholarship (13+ or 16+)
This award is available to pupils entering Tettenhall College at 13+ (Year 9) or 16+ (Year 12) who
show outstanding sporting ability, talent and potential in their chosen sport. Applicants should
already be achieving at County or Development squad level in their chosen sport.
Candidates are required to:
Complete the Scholarship Application Form providing information on:
Any honours, awards or achievements in sport
Current school, club, county, or national teams
Targets and intended goals
Any supporting information
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the school entrance examination or achieve the
required grades for entry at A Level.
The above must be endorsed by a recognised authority such as a coach, manager or head of sport
at your current school, details of a nominated referee should be provided.
Candidates will be invited for an Assessment Day based on the above application. This will involve:
 Testing in
o Agility, coordination and stamina
o Core skills
o Team play (in ONE sport)
 An interview with the Direction of Sport including a skills and basic fitness test.
 An interview with the Headmaster
Candidates are required to:
 He/she must make a total commitment to sport at the School and contribute to all aspects
of the physical education programme
 Have the motivation and aspiration to succeed at a higher level
 Be able to manage academic and other school commitments alongside sport
 Set an example as a role model in terms of attitude, diligence, appearance and performance
 Where applicable, make a contribution to the development of a sport in the Preparatory
 He/she must continue to fulfil identified potential and maintain this commitment
throughout his or her time at the School
 Scholars are subject to an annual review
Date of Entrance Examination: Wednesday 7th November 2012
Terms and Conditions of a Scholarship or Award
1. Financial specifications for a scholarship or award
Scholarships and Awards are awarded as a fixed grant, which is credited against the basic fees
of the pupil. Pupils in receipt of a Tettenhall College bursary, those entitled to MOD Continuity
of Education Allowance (CEA) or any other discount, may be awarded an Honorary award which
confers scholar’s privileges but has no financial value. Applicants may apply for more than
one scholarship but in the event of an applicant being awarded multiple scholarships, only one
will be monetary. The remainder will be honorary and carry no financial value.
2. Obligations of the pupil
Pupils in receipt of scholarships are required to contribute significantly to the subject areas
under which they were granted their awards. They are also required to work hard, to
contribute positively to the life of the school, to set a good example to other pupils and in
general to be a credit to Tettenhall College.
3. Obligations of the parents
Parents of scholars are expected to support and encourage their children to strive in their
areas of interest and to uphold the aims and the good name of Tettenhall College. Parents of
scholars are expected to pay the balance of their children’s school accounts by the first day of
4. Withdrawal of the Award.
Scholarships may be withdrawn by written notice to parents if, in the opinion of the
Headmaster acting in good faith, pupils or parents have not complied with the obligations set
out at paragraphs 2 and 3 above. Prior to the withdrawal of scholarships the Headmaster will
warn pupils and parents of his intent and will give such pupils or parents one half of a term to
rectify the situation. Withdrawal of awards shall take effect from the start of the following
term. Awards may be withdrawn by written notice if accounts remain unpaid 28 days after a
written reminder has been set to parents.
5. Fees in lieu of notice
The benefits payable under a scholarship do not apply to any term for which the School has
required payment of fees in lieu of notice.
Scholarship Application Form
Scholarship Type (s) ……………………………………………………………………………….
Pupil’s Name…....................................................................................................................
Date of Birth....................................................
Year of Entry (please tick)
11+ (Year 7)
12+ (Year 8)
14+ (Year 10)
16+ (Sixth-Form)
13+ (Year 9)
 (Home)..............................................................  (Work)...........................................……
 (Mobile).............................................................
Address (if
 (Home).............................................................  (Work)…………...................................
 (Mobile)............................................................
Name and address of present school (with name of Headmaster/Headmistress)
Nominated Referee ……………………………………………………………………………
Telephone No:………………………………. Email …………………………………………
Please complete the additional sheet, which is an opportunity for you to compile a brief resume of
your son/daughter’s achievements to-date.
Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box or boxes below the type of scholarship(s) which you
are applying for.
11+ Academic Scholarship
13+ Academic Scholarship
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship
Music Scholarship
Art Scholarship
Drama Scholarship
Junior Sports Scholarship
Senior Sports Scholarship
Date ……………………………………….
Please return this form to:
Headmaster’s Office
Tettenhall College
Wood Road
Tel: (01902) 793002 Fax: (01902) 741940
Art, Drama, Music and Sport Scholarships only – describe why you should be awarded a scholarship
including any supporting information about musical or artistic achievements and experience, your sporting
profile and details of any national, county or district representation or participation (please use additional
paper and attach if necessary).