Purchasing Guidelines Oklahoma State University Tulsa Campuses Oklahoma State University is bound by the policies set by the Oklahoma State University Board of Regents and procedures set by the Oklahoma State University Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department in Tulsa shall coordinate all purchases for Tulsa Campuses. Any questions or correspondence related to purchasing shall be routed through the Tulsa Purchasing Department. While each department is responsible for complying with Policies and Procedures, the Purchasing Department will assist in assuring that compliance is maintained. The following information is meant to serve as a guideline to help departments adhere to the above mentioned policies and procedures. 1 PURCHASING AUTHORITY: 1.1 University personnel who have been trained and issued a university procurement card, hereinafter referred to as “ProCard”, are authorized to make individual purchases up to $5,000 on their ProCard for university related business. All above referenced purchases shall be in strict compliance with university policies, procedures and guidelines as they relate to Purchasing and the ProCard. 1.2 The Director of Business Affairs for OSU in Tulsa has the authority to purchase all other items for the Tulsa Campuses in strict compliance with all related policies and procedures. 2 METHODS OF PURCHASING: 2.1 ProCard: A University ProCard should be used for all purchases less than $5,000 unless: The vendor does not accept Master Card. The vendor demands an up-charge for the use of the card. (Contact purchasing) The purchase is not in compliance with policies, procedures and guidelines. 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 Requisitions: Any purchase that cannot be made on a ProCard should be submitted online to the purchasing department. Any back-up documentation for the requisition should be submitted to the purchasing department with reference to the requisition number as soon as the requisition has been entered 2.2.1 Examples of backup (includes but not limited to): 2..2.1.1 Quotes 2..2.1.2 Professional Service Affidavits 2..2.1.3 Non-Collusion Affidavits 2..2.1.4 Agreements 2..2.1.5 Contracts 1 of 6 687298897 Purchasing Guidelines 2..2.1.6 2..2.1.7 2..2.1.8 2..2.1.9 2..2.1.10 Registration forms Sole Sources Business Associate Agreement (HIPPA) Specifications for items requiring formal solicitation Renewal letters 3 REQUISITION / PURCHASE ORDER PROCESS: 3.1 Requisition Entry: Authorized department personnel enter an electronic requisition that is electronically routed for departmental approval and Vice Presidential approval if required. 3.2 Requisition Processing: The requisition is matched with the appropriate back-up paperwork submitted by the department and processed in compliance with purchasing policies and procedures. 3.3 Purchase Order: The requisition is converted into a Purchase order, signed by the Director of Business Affairs and the order is placed with the vendor. 3.4 Receiving Report: A copy of the purchase order is returned to department to hold until the product and or services are received. 3.5 Invoices: Invoices are received centrally and routed to the appropriate department. The department is responsible for matching the invoice to the appropriate receiving report, approving payment as appropriate and returning both the invoice and the receiving report to the Business Affairs Office to the attention of Accounts Payable. Invoices should never be submitted with a requisition. 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR PURCHASES: 4.1 Purchase Orders: All University purchases that cannot be made with a ProCard will be preceded by the issuance of a purchase order. 4.2 Contractual Authority: Contractual Authority for Oklahoma State University has been delegated to the Director of Business Affairs for OSU operations in Tulsa. Departments do not have the authority to sign contracts on behalf of OSU. All contracts must be submitted to the Director of Business Affairs for review and execution along with a funding requisition and or written request. 4.3 4.3.1 Requirements For Levels Of Purchases Purchases between $5,000.01 to $35,000: Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require the solicitation of formal competitive quotations for acquisitions and contracts between $5,000.01 and $35,000. Departments must provide Purchasing with specifications listing all critical elements. 2 of 6 687298897 Purchasing Guidelines 4.3.2 Purchases between $35,000.01 to $150,000: Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require the solicitation of formal sealed competitive bids for acquisitions and contracts between $35,000.01 and $150,000. Departments must provide Purchasing with specifications listing all critical elements. 4..3.2.1 Purchasing is required to obtain additional signatures: 4.. Campus President 4.. OSU A&M System Vice President 4.. OSU A&M System President (if $100,001 or more) 4.4 Purchases Exceeding $150,000: Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require the solicitation of formal sealed competitive bids for acquisitions and contracts which exceed $150,000. Departments must provide Purchasing with specifications listing all critical elements. 4.4.1 Prior Board approval is required. - See 9. 4.4.2 Purchasing is required to obtain additional signatures: 4..4.2.1 Campus President 4..4.2.2 OSU A&M System Vice President 4..4.2.3 OSU A&M System President 4..4.2.4 Board approval 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 Lease of land or building space: Contact Purchasing. Contracts must be reviewed and approved by the University Legal Counsel. The contract is signed by the OSU A&M System President. Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require prior Board approval if contract exceeds $35,000 or is for more than 5 years. 4.6 4.6.1 Public improvement projects (construction/repair contracts): Contact Purchasing. Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require public advertising and formal sealed competitive bidding for projects exceeding $50,000. 4.7 4.7.1 Trade-Out Agreements: Contact Purchasing. Oklahoma Statutes and University purchasing policy require appropriate documentation and signatures. 4.8 Institutional Memberships: Institutional memberships are allowed. This membership should be listed in the name of OSU and transferable if the member separates from the University. An OSU Membership registration form (Membership Dues Form (DOC)) must be completed if the institutional membership is not clearly stated on the registration form. Individual memberships are prohibited. This is a personal membership and is exclusively for applicant and is not transferable in the event of separation from OSU. 4.8.1 4.9 4.9.1 Retreats: Contact Purchasing. A Retreat Request form must be completed, approved and submitted for consideration: http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/ba/purchasing.asp 3 of 6 687298897 Purchasing Guidelines 5 SHIPPING AND RECEIVING: Ordering departments are responsible for the inspection of all items to assure goods received are as specified and for contacting the vendor for correction if necessary. Departments must ensure that Material Safety Data Sheets are received on any items that require them. Contact the Safety Officer for guidance. Departments must keep all packing information on orders. The ordering department will conduct all negotiations for replacement of damaged goods. In the event of an impasse, you can seek assistance from the Purchasing Department. 6 INVOICE PROCESSING: Departments that receive the invoice with the purchased materials will approve the invoice for payment, attach it to the Receiving Report then forward all to the OSU-Tulsa Accounts Payable Department for payment processing. If the invoice is mailed directly from the vendor, the Accounts Payable Department will immediately send it to the department for the approval process. It is extremely important that invoices are not held up for payment unnecessarily. Therefore, if there is a problem with any invoice, the department should consult the Accounts Payable Department for further instructions. 7 RECEIVING REPORTS: A Receiving Report is sent to the appropriate department once a requisition has been processed. This Receiving Report is your documentation that the order has been placed. Once you have received the invoice for your order, sign and date the original invoice if okay to pay and attach the invoice to the Receiving Report and send it to the OSU-Tulsa Accounts Payable Office. BE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE FOR PROCESSING. 8 CAMPUS VENDOR INVOICES: All transactions for goods and/or services between OSU departments are processed through the Campus Vendor System. The Campus Vendor Invoice (CVI) is prepared by the department and submitted to the Accounting Department for processing. 9 BOARD ITEMS: Board Amount: Formal approval is required for any purchase or commitment that exceeds $150,000.00. These items must be given to the Purchasing Department by the set deadline. The lease or purchase of land or building space also requires advance approval. 9.1 Deadlines: Departments are notified by e-mail for each Board meeting deadline. 10 VENDORS: 10.1 Credit Application: The State of Oklahoma does not allow state agencies to acquire credit. Purchasing can set up direct billing accounts with vendors if needed. New vendor account applications should be submitted to the Purchasing department for processing and must be signed by the Director of Business Affairs. 4 of 6 687298897 Purchasing Guidelines 10.2 Vendor Relations: Departments are encouraged to seek information on products and services from vendor representatives. They are a valuable source of information. The Purchasing Department should also be advised of department needs to better assist in locating vendors and developing a procurement plan. 11 CONTRACTS: 11.1 OSU Contracts: http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/ba/contracts.asp 11.1.1 Computers: OSU has a very competitive contract for computers. Contact the I.T. department to purchase computer equipment and software. ALL COMPUTER, COMPUTER ACCESSORIES AND SOFTWARE PURCHASES MUST BE APPROVED THROUGH THE I.T. DEPARTMENT. 11.1.2 Printers: Contact the I.T. department. THESE PURCHASES ALSO REQUIRE I.T. APPROVAL. 11.1.3 Furniture: Contact the Purchasing Department if you are in need of any furniture. We have access to the OU Furniture Shared Contract. This multi-vendor contract provides a competitive discount for many furniture brands ranging in all price levels. 11.1.4 State Contracts: The State of Oklahoma provides contracts for a multitude of items. These items can be ordered without having to go through a bidding process. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance. 11.1.5 Pagers: Contact the Central Services Department. http://www.osutulsa.okstate.edu/ba/central.asp 11.1.6 Copiers: Contact the Central Services Department. http://www.osutulsa.okstate.edu/ba/central.asp 11.1.7 Cell Phones: The Stillwater Telecom website provides cellular phone information: http://telecom.okstate.edu/cell/ 11.2 Prime Vendor Contracts: 11.2.1 Office Max: OSU has a contract with Office Max for office supplies and toner cartridges. The contract provides ordering through the Internet. Desktop delivery is provided daily for orders placed on the previous day. This contract is for supplies only. Furniture and Equipment should be processed as a separate order either by ProCard or on a requisition. Call Purchasing for guidance. 11.2.2 Wordcom Inc.: OSU contract for toner cartridges. Call Purchasing for guidance. 11.2.3 Physicians Sales & Services: OSU has a contract for medical supplies. Desktop delivery is provided daily for orders placed the previous day. This contract is for Medical Supplies only. Furniture or Equipment should be processed as a separate order either by ProCard or on a requisition. Call Central Supply/Medical for guidance. 11.3 Yearly Contracts: The Purchasing office will assist you in planning for yearly renewal of contracts. These contracts cover equipment leases, maintenance and contractual services. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance. 11.4 Service Contracts: All service contracts (maintenance and repair of equipment and buildings) requiring vendors to perform work on campus must be approved through the Purchasing Department. A Service Agreement must be completed and submitted to purchasing with the vendors insurance verification attached. The vendor will be required 5 of 6 687298897 Purchasing Guidelines to complete an Affidavit of Completion once the work has been completed. ALL contracts must be signed by the Director of Business Affairs. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance. 12 PURCHASING FORMS: All purchasing forms can be accessed on the Business Affairs website at; http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/ba/purchasing.asp 13 PURCHASING PERSONNEL: Brandi Brown Purchasing Coordinator E-mail: brandi.brown@okstate.edu 918-594-8330 Scott Dipboye Purchasing Coordinator E-mail: scott.dipboye@okstate.edu 918-594-8204 Elaine Ribordy Purchasing Assistant E-Mail: elaine.ribordy@okstate.edu 918-594-8470 Debbie Keener Purchasing Supervisor E-Mail: debbie.keener@okstate.edu 918-594-8329 Kevin Holmes Director of Business Affairs E-mail: kevin.holmes@okstate.edu 918-594-8342 6 of 6 687298897