LOCAL DEMOCRACY AGENCY SISAK PROJECT CBM(2004)24 Advocacy and Rights Training Seminars for Ethnic Minority Councils FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT Prepared by Paula Raužan, project manager Sisak, Croatia, 28th of February 2006 1 I INTRODUCTION 1. Title and reference number of the project “Advocacy and Rights Training Seminars for Ethnic Minority Councils”, CBM (2004)34 2. Link with other projects supported by Confidence-building Measures programme LDA Sisak has implemented during the year 2001 and 2002 project CBM (2000)29 titled “School of civil society: instruments, rights and duties of minorities”. In year 2003 LDA implemented project CBM (2003)23 titled “Promotion of Inter-ethnic dialogue”. The projects have been successfully implemented and have received the high estimation in the final evaluation. Majority of participants asked for the follow-up of the project that will address the role and functioning of Ethnic Minority Councils established in local self-government units in Croatia and for the local and regional authorities. Participants expressed the need for following topics: rights of ethnic minorities in Croatia, inter-ethnic relations, advocacy, the role of civil society, the role of local media. Moreover, they emphasised the low level of minority participation in the media and the lack of promotion of inter-ethnic relations in general. In that way, the advocacy and rights training seminars will educate representatives of the Ethnic Minority Councils and other minority representatives for better understanding and more effective implementation of their tasks. Radio programme will promote minorities in the local media and give them space to address wider public, while publication of the manual will promote inter-ethnic relations. Each month will be organised advocacy and rights training seminar and minority radio programme will be broadcasted on issues such as: The rights of ethnic or national minorities and communities in Croatia, The aims and mandate of Ethnic Minority Councils, Education of ethnic minorities and communities, Minorities in media, Cultural life of ethnic or national minorities in the local communities, Participation of minorities' representatives in the decision making process at the local level, etc. The project “Advocacy and Rights Training Seminars for Ethnic Minority Councils” is therefore based on previous LDA experiences and foresees a requested follow-up of activities. II PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES PREPARATION PHASE LDA presented the project to all Ethnic Minority Councils, minority organisations, local authorities, political organisations and international organisations functioning in Sisak-Moslavina County. LDA created and disseminated the questionnaire for the Ex-ante evaluation in order to check the project justification. Here is the form and the results of the questionnaires: Age: Sex: F=7,69% M=92,31% 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 0% 23,09% 46,15% 15,38% 15,38% 0% City/Municipality/ Ethnic Minority Council: Srbian County Council, Topusko Municipality, Bosniac County Council, Dvor Srbian Council, Topusko Bosniac County, Lipovljani Municipality, City of Petrinja, Lipovljani Slovakian Council, Roma County Council, Dvor Municipality, Slovakian County Council, Hungarian County Council, Petrinja Bosniac Council, Petrinja Serbian Council, Donji Kukuruzari Serbian Council, Sisak Bosniac Council. 1. How long are You involve in the work of City/Municipality/ Ethnic Minority Council? 0-6 months 7 months-1 year 1,1 year-2 years 2,1 years and more 0% 15,38% 76,92% 7,69% 2 2. a) b) Have you ever participated in seminars regarding Ethnic Minority Councils? Yes 100% No 0% If yes, who was the organiser? (please specify) ________________________ 3. Are you interested to participate in training seminars regarding Ethnic Minority Councils? a) yes 100% b) no 0% 4. Please estimate to what extend You need training seminars on following topics? (use cross to mark selected answer for each topic) a) Estimation of the rights of ethnic or national minorities and communities in Croatia a) very needed – 38,5% b) needed – 61,5% c) not needed – 0% b) Organisation of the Ethnic Minority Councils-aims and mandate a) very needed – 38,5% b) needed – 53,8% c) not needed – 0% d) no answer – 7,7% c) Identification of needs and interests of Ethnic Minority Councils -team building and partnership a) very needed – 53,8% b) needed – 38,5% c) not needed – 0% d) no answer – 7,7% d) Relations with media a) very needed – 30,8% b) needed – 53,8% c) not needed – 15,4% e) Education rights of national and ethnic minorities and communities a) very needed – 53,8% b) needed – 46,2% c) not needed – 0% f) Organisation of cultural life of national and ethic minorities in the local communities a) very needed – 30,8% b) needed – 69,2% c) not needed – 0% g) The cooperation possibilities between Ethnic Minority Councils and local government a) very needed – 53,8% b) needed – 38,5% c) not needed – 0% d) no answer – 7,7% h) Inter-ethnic dialogue a) very needed – 23,1% b) needed – 76,9% c) not needed – 0% i) Political participation and influence of Ethnic Minority Councils at the local level a) very needed – 46,15% 3 b) c) j) needed – 46,15% not needed – 7,7% Project proposal preparation, fundraising processes and networking a) very needed – 69,2% b) needed – 30,8% c) not needed – 0% 5. Are there any other topics that need to be included in the training seminars? a) Yes 53,8% b) No 46,15% If yes, please specify: Infrastructure and legalisation, Political participation and influence of Ethnic Minority Councils on national and local level, Role of the Ethnic Minority Councils on political relationships between Croatia and native state, Women’s affirmation in political and social life (example of Norway), Possible influence of Ethnic Minority Councils on economy state of ethnic communities, especially on employee, privatisation and household, Making minority working programs for local governments or for potential donors. 6. Please write the names of the lectures that You would like to hear in the training seminars: Aleksandar Tolnauer, Sinisa Tatlovis, Milorad Pupovac, Olga Roberts, Milijana Borojevic, Vesna Pusic, Drago Roksandic, Zarko Puhovski, Ivo Goldastein, Ivan Siber, Zoran Pusić, Slaven Letica, Teodor Antic, Julije Katencevic, NGO Smart, Crnic, Vedris, NGO GONG, Everyone who can give the right information and are involve into decision making, Representatives of Ethnic Minority Councils of Republic of Croatia, Representatives of ethnic minorities in the Parliament, Furio Radin 7. Do You find radio broadcasting needed? a) very needed - 30,8% b) needed – 53,8% c) not needed – 7,7% d) no answer – 7,7% 8. Do You find publishing of the manual needed for further promotion and development of inter-ethnic relations? a) very needed – 53,8% b) needed – 46,15% c) not needed – 0% PUBLIC PROMOTION – Press conference has been held on the 1st of March 2005 where project and its aims have been presented to all local media. Tatjana Puskaric, LDA Sisak delegate, presented the project background and the current situation regarding minority participation in decision making process, explaining the project need and purpose. Project co-ordinator, Paula Rauzan, presented the project’s aim and objectives, together with concrete project activities. Also, the results of the Ex-ante evaluation were presented. Irena Barisic Milunic presented the methodology that will use during training seminars. On the press conference were journalists from “NST”, “Vecernji list”, “Vjesnik”, “Glas Siska”, “Radio-Sisak”, “Radio Quirinus”, “NET-TV Station” and after the conference we sent press material to other media. News about the start of the project has been published in “NST”, Vecernji list, “Vjesnik”, “Radio-Sisak” and “Radio Quirinus”. Also, the news was broadcasted at the local TV station “NET TV”. 1st Seminar Title: THE ESTIMATION OF THE ETHNIC MINORITY RIGHTS’ IMPLEMENTATION IN REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Date/place 18th of March 2005, Sisak Participants 62 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. 4 Summary The seminar has been promoted in the local media, promoted by posters and call for the participation was send to more than 70 individuals and organisations. The main objective of the seminar was to present and to introduce to the minorities, government structures and international organisations, rights of ethnic and national minorities in Croatia and to evaluate their implementation so far. Mr Sinisa Tatalović has explained the development of minority rights in Croatia during last 15 years. His principal thesis is: the ethnic minority rights are one of the most important conditions for the modern state building. He said that the ethnic minority rights have improved in past five years, especially because of the new legislations and political climate. On the other hand, the ethnic minorities themselves do not have capacity to use all of these new rights. Mr Aleksandar Tolanuer was the most addressed for the questions regarding concrete problems of the particular Ethnic Minority Councils. It was obvious that the members of the Ethnic Minority Councils still do not fully understand their role and sometimes mistake it with the role of Cultural Associations of different ethnic minorities. Therefore, we agree to dedicate one seminar only to the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage – articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mr Sinisa Tatalovic is the regular professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Political Sciences. Since 2005 he is Political Affairs Advisor of the President of the Republic of Croatia. Aleksandar Tolnauer is the president of the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic is educated LDA trainer for the issues of intercultural education and conflict resolution. 1st Radio broadcasting Title: THE ESTIMATION OF THE ETHNIC MINORITY RIGHTS’ IMPLEMENTATION IN REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Date/place 21st of March 2005, Radio Sisak, Sisak Participants 3 participants were present – Mr Aleksandar Tolnauer – the president of the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Mr Veceslav Simik – member of the Cultural Association of the Czechs in Sisak, Mrs Zlata Mujkic – the president of the Bosniac Minority Council for the Sisak-Moslavina County. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present implementation of ethnic minority rights in Sisak-Moslavina County. Mr Tolnauer said that there was no political will for the implementation of the minority rights in the past. That is changed since 2000 due to the new legislation and after that period we can talk about real consumption of ethnic minority rights. There are still some problems but certain standards are achieved and we can not go underneath those standards. He highlighted that since the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia is established, the budget for ethnic minority organisations decreased by 21,6%. Mrs Mujkic said that Bosniacs’ rights improved a lot comparing past 10 years. Bosniacs are present in local government bodies and more involve in decision making process. The establishment of Ethnic Minority Councils helped a lot in this process, especially since Bosniacs organised National Coordination of Bosniacs Councils. On the other hand, some parts of the Minority Law and Local Election Law need to be changed. Mr Simik spoke about long tradition of Czechs in Sisak-Moslavina County and their good organisation. But in last 15 years he can feel the change of climate and better working conditions are present. Czechs need to involve young people more in their activities and to pass cultural tradition to younger generations. That is one of the problems in their community. The radio broadcasting was moderated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 2nd Seminar Title: EDUCATION RIGHTS OF NATIONAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES AND COMMUNITIES Date/place: 15th of April, Sisak 5 Participants 44 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The seminar has been promoted in the local media, promoted by posters and call for the participation was send to more than 70 individuals and organisations. The main objective of the seminar was to present education rights of national and ethnic minorities and communities in Republic of Croatia and to give estimation of the consumption of these rights. Mrs Huljev presented models for education in language and letter of national minorities. Model A-all lessons in language and letter of national minority; Model B-bilingual lessons; Model C-cherishing of culture and language. Some other forms are also present, such as: national minority language taught as a community language, summer and winter schools, evening schools and specialised programs for integration of Roma children in educational system. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspapers “Vjesnik” and “Vecernji list” and in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mrs Jadranka Huljev is the national minority advisor in Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. 2nd Radio broadcasting Title: EDUCATION RIGHTS OF NATIONAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES AND COMMUNITIES Date/place: 18th of April 2005, Radio Sisak, Sisak Participants 3 participants were present - Mrs Jadranka Huljev – the national minority advisor in Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Mr Vlado Gabric - Mayor of Municipality of Gvozd and Mr Bozidar Nikolic - president of Roma National Minority Council for City of Sisak. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present education models for national minorities in Republic of Croatia. Mrs Huljev presented educational models for members of national minorities. Mr Gabric spoke about successful implementation of educational models in Gvozd. Mr Nikolic spoke about necessary of Roma children to learn Croatian in order to be able to participate in the lessons. The education in the Roma languages is problematic because there is no existing dictionary and not enough Roma teachers. The radio broadcasting was moderated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 3rd Seminar Title: ORGANISATION OF CULTURAL LIFE OF ETHNIC AND NATIONAL MINORITIES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES Date/place: 19th of May 2005, Sisak Participants 26 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Albanians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The seminar has been promoted in the local media, promoted by posters and call for the participation was send to more than 70 individuals and organisations. The main objective of the seminar was to present the rights of national and ethnic minorities and communities to organise cultural life and to give estimation of the consumption of these rights. Mrs Sejfic said that there are 19 register national minorities in Croatia. Some of them are registered only since 1992, so the level of organisation is not the same for all national minorities. There are more than 200 different cultural societies that are functioning as national minorities NGOs. All of them are working independently, creating and implementing programs for cherishing and promoting national and cultural identities and customs. In 2005, the State gave 24.500,000,00 6 HRK to national minorities NGOs and institutions for programs of informing, publishing, cultural amateurism and cultural manifestations. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mrs Bahrija Sejific is the assistant of the Head of the Governmental Office for National Minorities. 3rd Radio broadcasting Title: ORGANISATION OF CULTURAL LIFE OF ETHNIC AND NATIONAL MINORITIES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES Date/place: 23rd of May 2005, Sisak Participants 3 participants were present - Mrs Bahrija Sejific - the assistant of the Head of the Governmental Office for National Minorities, Mr Branko Vincent – the president of Slovak Cultural Association in Lipovljani and Mr Mirko Fedek – the president of Ukrainian Cultural Association in Lipovljani. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present achievements of two cultural societies to wider public. Mrs Sejfic spoke about the ways of consumption of cultural rights of national minorities in Croatia. She highlighted that all national minorities are using their rights regulated by the law. The Governmental Office for National Minorities created National Program for Roma in order to foster their integration in Croatian society and to help Roma population to solve some of the burning problems (water, electricity, etc.). Both, Mr Vincent and Mr Fedak, spoke about long tradition of Slovaks and Ukrainians in Lipovljani. They are organised in Cultural Association for more than a 50 years and they are very active. Common problem is always the money. Mr Fedak singled out that Ukrainian Cultural Association is organising a big trip for their members in July 2005, when they will visit the Ukraine and made stronger strings with their native country. The radio broadcasting was moderated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 4th Seminar Title: THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE INTER-ETHNIC DIALOGUE ESTABLISHMENT Date/place 16th of June 2005, Sisak Participants 23 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Albanians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to present the role and importance of religious communities in establishing of inter-ethnic dialogue in multiethnic communities and to estimate their real impact in Croatia today. Mr Loncarevic spoke about improvement of inter-ethnic dialogue since he considers inter-ethnic dialogue to exist more that 1,5 century in Croatia. In past few years, inter-ethnic dialogue in Croatia improved a lot. Both traditional and some smaller religious communities gave their contribution to that improvement. Mr Loncarevic tried to answer what does inter-ethnic dialogue means for modern nations in Croatia today? He sees two points of view: intra-national and social. He considers that intra-national point of view will weaken by time in several reasons. First of all, religious communities are not representatives of nations in political, cultural or economic sense. All national minorities in Croatia have realised their sovereignty in their native countries and Croatian Constitution guarantees national minorities’ freedom. Therefore, religious communities do not need to protect and to promote national minorities’ rights. On the other hand, social point of view will strengthen by time, especially in the field of democracy, human rights, freedoms and social obligations of different segments of society. Religious communities are integral part of society and they need to make join public appearances and to respond on particular social issues. It is expected that in the future, inter-ethnic/inter-religious dialogue will be in the trace of the need for join postulations, defence and promotion of so called “natural values”, considering that the God engrafted them in all people no matter the faith of nationality. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. 7 Mr Vladimir Loncarevic is the assistant to the Political Affairs Advisor in the Office of the President of Croatia. 4th Radio broadcasting Title: THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE INTER-ETHNIC DIALOGUE ESTABLISHMENT Date/place 20th of June 2005, Sisak Participants 3 participants were present - Mr Vladimir Loncarevic – the assistant to the Political Affairs Advisor in the Office of the President of Croatia, Mr Petar Olujic – the priest in Orthodox Church in Sisak and Mr Milos Komanovic – the priest in Baptist Church in Sisak. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present the role and importance of religious communities in establishing of inter-ethnic dialogue in multiethnic communities. Moreover, the aim was to introduce the wider audience with religious communities functioning in Sisak-Moslavina County. Mr Loncarevic gave short overview of current situation regarding religious freedoms. He said that the Croatian Constitution is providing full participation in the life of ones confession and that those rights are consumed well. Mr Olujic and Mr Komanovic emphasized the importance of getting to know other peoples’ religion not just tolerating it. Knowing and understanding other peoples’ religious customs and celebrations we contribute to inter-ethnic dialogue and peaceful living in multiethnic communities. The radio broadcasting was moderated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 5th Seminar Title: HUMAN RIGHTS IN REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Date/place: 15th of July 2005, Sisak Participants: 35 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to present and discuss current situation of human rights in Croatia and resources for protection and implementation of human rights in wider sense. The main focus of the seminar was the Annual Report of the Croatian Helsinki Committee, presented by Mr Puhovski. Human rights situation in 2004 improved a lot, comparing past few years. Significant improvement started after 2003 with the change of the leading party. Typical for Croatia is that there is 3 times more complains on the social workers than on the police. In 2004 there is decrease of nationally based violation of human rights but increase of socially connected violations. Three the most threatened groups are retired people, unemployed people and children of divorced parents. Other major change is that the State pressure on the media decreased while the media are making more and more pressures on the individuals, i.e. publishing photography of the suspects. Even the human rights situation improved in 2004, in first 6 months of 2005 there is significant aggregation of relations towards Serbs due to the nationalistic incidents in Serbia. Moreover, people do not feel secure due to the terrorist actions in few towns and because of lack of trust in their representatives in the Parliament. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mr Zarko Puhovski is the president of Croatian Helsinki Committee. 5th Radio Broadcasting Title: HUMAN RIGHTS IN REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Date/place: 8 18th of July 2005, Sisak Participants: 3 participants were present – Mr Zarko Puhovski – the president of Croatian Helsinki Committee, Mr Nikola Arbutina – the member of Serbian National Minority Council in Dvor and Mr Mirko Kraljevic – the president of the Bosnian Croats Settlers Association in Sunja. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present the Annual Report of the Croatian Helsinki Committee. Mr Puhovski gave short overview of the human rights situation in Croatia in 2004. In 2004 the improvement of human rights situation is evident in three aspects: increased number of the hardest forms of violations, increased number of violations supported by public, political parties and governmental bodies and raising of public awareness. The biggest number of complains submitted to HHO was connected with social problems, i.e. property, legislation, housing, courts. Mr Arbutina said that there is a great change in relations to Serbs in Dvor in past few years. The biggest improvement is made in expression of Serbian culture. On the other hand, the problem they are facing is with employment but that is the problem of whole community, not just Serbian population. Mr Kraljevic said that the relations between different ethnic communities in Sunja also improved in past few years. The Bosnian Croats almost completely solved housing problems but general social picture is very bad. That refers to whole population of Sunja. There are a great number of unemployed people living only from social help. He singled out that term “co-living” of different ethnic minorities is wrong because we all need to “live” and not to “co-live” together. The radio broadcasting was moderated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 6th Seminar Title: FUNCTIONING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE NATIONAL MINORITY OF THE GOVERNEMNT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Date/place: 2nd of September 2005, Sisak Participants: 20 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to present functioning of the Council for National Minority due to participants’ requests. It was presented by its President, Mr Aleksandar Tolnauer, who gave short overview of the Council work since its establishing in 2003. He singled out that great progress have been made in that short time. Budget has been increased in 26%, treatment of the national minorities is much better and opinion of the national minorities is taking seriously. Moreover, he presented the role of the Council itself and stressed-out the role and purpose of Ethnic Minority Councils. During discussion it was evident that many representatives of the Ethnic Minority Councils (EMC) are mixing their role with the role of Ethnic Minority Cultural Associations. They are submitting programs based on performance of different cultural activities instead of advocacy programs for political participation. The reasons for such situation are insufficient knowledge of purpose and role of the EMC, bad collection of the representatives and bad management. Some of the participants asked from Council prepare their annual programmes and to tell them in which directions they should act. Mr Tolanuer explicitly said that the Council can not give that kind of instructions because it is not a Presidency of all Croatian minorities and repeated that we live in democracy. Representatives in EMC know the local situation the best and therefore it is their job to create their own activities. Other questions were of legal nature, concentrated on interpretation of concrete articles in National Minority Law. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and reportage on “NET TV” station. Mr Aleksandar Tolnauer is the president of the Council for National Minority of the government of the Republic of Croatia 6th Radio Broadcasting Title: FUNCTIONING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE NATIONAL MINORITY OF THE GOVERNEMNT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA 9 Date/place: 5th of September, Sisak Participants: 3 participants were present - Mr Aleksandar Tolnauer -president of the Council for National Minority of the government of the Republic of Croatia, Mr Mirko Fedak - president of Ukrainian Cultural Association in Lipovljani, Mr Alija Avdic – president of the Bosniac Ethnic Minority Council for City of Sisak Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to present Council for the National Minority of the Republic of Croatia. Mr Aleksandar Tolanauer, Council’s President, said that the Council influenced a lot in improvement of national minority representation from it establishing in 2003. The annual budget, financed from State budget, is increased in 26% and their recommendations and instructions are taken into account when national minority issues are discussed. Moreover, the Council played an important role in EU integration process. He agrees that the situation id far from ideal but it is unreal to expect fast and rapid changes in short time. Important is that we are in right track. Mr Mirko Fedak, president of Ukrainian Cultural Association and President of Ukrainian Ethnic Minority Council in Lipovljani, said that they are more that satisfied with the work of Council. The Council supports their Cultural Association but also Ukrainian EMC, financial and moral support. EMCs have big problem in Lipovljani due to poor cooperation with local government that has no understanding for their work. He emphasises that all EMCs in Lipovljani are very active but no support from Municipality, not even in providing working premises. On the other side, Council was from great help in organisation of recently held ethnic minority festival “FEST-NAM” where 16 minorities had a chance to present their cultural heritage. Mr. Alija Avdic, President of Bosniac EMC in Sisak, gave opposite evaluation of the Council’s work. He is more than unsatisfied because only cultural associations are financially supported. He considers that all EMCs in Croatia should make a network and ask for certain changes in Council’s work. As one of the possibilities for improvement he sees in join program framework of all EMCs and Cultural Associations and to deliver the funds in places where EMCs are established. These funds would be only for cultural activities. On the other hand, local government would have to have obligation to finance only EMCs. By Council’s current work, they are unknowingly foster assimilation of national minorities. The radio broadcast was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 7th Seminar Title: PROJECT PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND NETWORKING Date/place: 14th of September 2005, Sisak Participants: 24 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to educate members of Ethnic Minority Councils (EMC) in writing project proposals and importance of networking. Mrs Borjanka Metikos, LDA Sisak external trainer, presented following programme: Important facts about fundraising, Project Proposal Standard Form, How to fundraise. Mrs Metikos put a stress on importance of networking as a bigger opportunity for receiving funds and more effective way for solving community problems. Participants said that this seminar was good introduction in, for many of them, new topic but that 2-day training is necessary to become fully enabled for writing projects proposals. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mrs. Borjanka Metikos is free-lance trainer specialised for project preparation often acting as an external associate of LDA Sisak. ONGOING EVALUATION LDA created and disseminated the questionnaire for the Ongoing evaluation in order to check the level of participants’ satisfaction with the project implementation. Here is the form and the results of the questionnaires: 10 City/Municipality/ Ethnic Minority Council: Red cross Dvor, Council of Serbian National Minority Dvor, County Council of Czech national minority, Council of Serbian National Minority Petrinja, President of Roma Minority, Representative of Albanian minority, Council of Serbian National Minority Petrinja, City of Petrinja, Representative of Czech minority Sisak, Representative of Slovak minority Lipovljani, Municipality of Lipovljani, organization «Matica Slovačka», City Council of Bosnian national minority Sisak, “Czech beseda” Sisak, Council of Ukrainian national minority, “Czech beseda” Lipovljani, “Group of activists - Bosnian Woman”, Council of Ukrainian national minority Lipovljani, Sisak-Moslavina County, City of Sisak N=22 Date: 14/09/2005 The questionnaire is anonymous. We would appreciate if you could answer the questions as sincerely as possible and in this way contribute to the quality of future seminars and public debates. Please, fill out following sentences: 1. Are you satisfied with the seminars? Yes......21 No 2. Please, explain your previous answer (I am satisfied, I am not satisfied with): - I am satisfied, topics were well chosen as well as lecturers. - We received enough of useful and practical knowledge. - I am satisfied because of concrete themes and inputs. - I am present for the first time. - We identified problems - there are no sanctions for employees in local administration who are not doing anything to solve these problems even though they are obliged to do by the Constitution. - I am attending the seminar, in organization of the ALD, for the first time. I used to participate on such kind of seminars in Bosnia and Herzegovina and also held similar lectures for the OSCE. Honestly, it does not sound bad. - I am satisfied because some of my problems have been cleared. - I am satisfied with the seminar. - I am satisfied. - Results are small but the possibilities are even smaller. - Deepen the gained knowledge - I am satisfied because they are useful for something in practice - I am satisfied - I have learned a lot, and also get to know some of the participants who always “step out of the topic” – but they are always the same! - I am satisfied due to exceptional lecturers and appropriate topics - I am satisfied – learned more about national minority rights - I am satisfied, I am young officer in a new organization and I have learned a lot. - Useful, interesting - There were given the answers on difficulties that we meet with, we are getting educated. - Concrete and practical functioning - Good topics that you have processed 3. On former seminars I have learned about: - New ways and possibilities of noticing and using the opportunities Since I’ve been listening to this topic for several times, now I am collecting details and practical advices. The form of project writing About project creation How to make projects All mentioned I have already known, but who knows, maybe something new surprises me. Only how should we function in the future work Functioning of the projects Possibilities of fundraising, writing the projects, and information of donors About the system which provides larger national minorities’ influence on social movements About the project and donors which are however hard to find 11 - That Councils’ and representatives’ obligations are demanding The mode of programme writing About improvement of Councils’ functioning Approach and elaborating - praxis I have received an invitation. About new and better possibilities of functioning and financing How to ask for donations, write a project, terminology. About concrete solutions How to collect means of finance from other sources. Sufficiently, especially about national minority rights 4. Gained knowledge I will use for/in: - In daily work in my organisation as well as in everyday life. - In the work of the Council and Local committee - For composing a co-financing project for Council functioning - When the opportunity appears - For the purpose of youth education on culture and promoting of work and creative capacities of national minorities - In the framework of Serbian National Council functioning in Petrinja - In further work - For the benefit of myself and society - For project writing - For further functioning - In practice - For already mentioned - For the betterment of the work in minority organisation - To help “Matica Slovakia” in project composing. - For the projects in favour of national minority Councils - In a project for 2006 - In the work of Ukraine National Minority Council - In writing applications to donors - In writing plans and projects for the “Group of activists – Bosnian woman” and Bosnian national community - In the Council, and to transfer to the others - For writing projects - As a representative in different situations (elections). 5. In the work of the seminars I found difficult (or limiting or have not agreed upon): - I did not have difficulties. - The fact that Councils’ representatives are often distance from the topic and ask questions that are not connected with the topic or even do not know how to put a proper question, in other words do not distinguish the NGO from the Council. - Seminar has been held in a really comprehensive way. - To much theory – in the future specify practical examples - I am filling the questionnaire for the half of the lectures so I cannot talk about the entire seminar. For now, I can tell that I am not confronted with difficulties, and I agree with the lecturer’s guidelines because they are actually well-known guidelines. - With minorities problems. - I was limited. - To accept opinions of individual participants who criticized everything about the work and relations towards the national minorities in Croatia. - It was clear enough. - All ok. - I attended and listened to all which were very useful. - When something is being lectured it seems very easy, but to when it comes to apply it in practice than it becomes very hard. - There were no difficulties. 6. The quality estimation of lecturers: 12 - Lecturers have fulfilled my expectations. - Most of them have got a pass except Mr Tolnauer – a lot of talk but not much said, in other words he gave only few practical advices. - Excellent - Excellent - Excellent - Let us say, average grade - 5 - Good and experienced - Good - extinguishing the fire - Mostly they were very impressive, including minor exceptions (indisposition) - Good - Generally good, some things are being repeated - Totally clear - Excellent - Simple in approach and description - Very praiseworthy - Very satisfactory - Good lecturers, not tiresome, straightforward, professional - 5 - Verbal - Very good Comments, topic suggestions for future seminars: - Communication skills, and skills of tolerance and mutual respect To go through more concrete, successfully finalized projects. Connecting national minorities, mutual functioning, public appearances and projects It would be useful to participate to more specific trainings such as creative workshops for project writing. - It is needed to have these seminars organized more often. - To be on the national level. - Cooperation among minorities and local authorities - Are good - Relations with media, media promotion of minorities - Final financial calculations and working plans - The analysis of those who received donations - Informing about national minorities through own means of spreading the information and the representation in public media - Concrete human rights programmes, projects etc. - Have no specific suggestions because generally everything has been covered. - More representation of local authorities, for better understanding in local community - Women - Policies, local self-government and national minorities. 7th Radio Broadcasting Title: PROJECT PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND NETWORKING Date/place: 19th of September 2005, Sisak Participants: 3 participants were present – Mrs. Borjanka Metikos – LDA Sisak external associate, Mr Arpad Kis – the representative of Hungarians for the City of Sisak, Mr Branko Vincent – the president of Slovak Cultural Association in Lipovljani Summary 13 The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to introduce importance of fundraising outside of local government budget and networking. Mrs Borjanka Metikos, LDA external trainer, said that the donors more and more insist in well written project proposal that are focused on solving community problems in innovative way but those that could be implemented in other communities as well. It is important to have strategic approach, meaning organisation or EMCs to create project proposals that are answering to the needs of the community and not to have opportunistic approach, not to create projects that are answering to the needs of the donors. Mr Arpad Kis, Representative of Hungarian minority for Sisak and member of Sisak selfgovernment, said that Hungarian minority received 3000 HRK in 2004 and for 2005 still did not received any. They are focused on state budget and have no experience with other donors. He considers networking as an important factor for better representation of all minorities’ interests. He finds that establishing of Multiethnic Coordination could be very useful. Mr Branko Vincent, President of Slovak Cultural Association “Matica Slovacka” and Representative of Slovaks in Lipovljani, said that they are financed from Slovak State Association, Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Municipality of Lipovljani and from the members’ fees. Received funds are used for cultural activities and for travels in Slovakia. They do not have experience with other donors. The radio broadcast was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 8th Seminar Title: IDENTIFICATION OF THE NEEDS AND INTERESTS OF ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS – MEDIA USAGE Date/place: 7th of November 2005, Sisak Participants: 32 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to introduce the representatives of the Ethnic Minority Councils in representing national minorities in the media in the way that is satisfactory to their needs and interests. Moreover, to gain their own interests by using the media itself. Guest speaker was Mr. Stjepan Malovic, professor at the Faculty for Political Science from the University of Zagreb, who gave overview of the national and local media’ way of presenting national minorities. General conclusion is that the situation is getting better, especially comparing to the period few years ago. For reaching ones interests it is important to keep in mind that media editors like stereotypes and scandals. It is common thing to highlight somebody’ minority identity while reporting on some issue, for example: “Croatian and Serbian children got fight” instead of “Children got fight” or “Macedonian involved in the robbery”. The fact that Ethnic Minority Councils exists is not news for the editors. The politic involved in the work of Ethnic Minority Councils is. Many participants expressed their discontent with quantity of articles in the local media that follows their work. Mr. Malovic said that journalists are replying to the needs of the readers/audience. We all should think what do we reed or listen in the media. That should be our guide while approaching to the media. Many questions were raised concerning the techniques in interviewing, writing press realising etc when certain message needs to be launch. Lots of local journalists were present so the participants had real exchange of experience and had opportunities to ask directly how to approach to certain newspapers or radio/TV station. It was concluded that the information needs to be launch in the way that fits particular media; relationships with the journalists needs to develop and maintain; it is important to keep media informed about the activities even when they are not published frequently and to focus on local media when speaking about EMC. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. Media coverage - articles published in daily newspaper “Vecernji list” and in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mr Stjepan Malovic is the professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Political Science. 8th Radio Broadcasting Title: IDENTIFICATION OF THE NEEDS AND INTERESTS OF ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS – MEDIA USAGE Date/place: 14th of November 2005, Sisak Participants: 14 3 participants were present - Mr Stjepan Malovic - the professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Political Science, Mr Mirko Fedak - president of Ukrainian Cultural Association in Lipovljani, Mr Vladimir Greguric – representative of the Jews from Glina. Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to give short overview of representing national minorities in the media in the way in Croatia today. Mr. Stjepan Malovic, professor at the Faculty for Political Science from the University of Zagreb, singled out the improvement national minorities’ treatment in the media, especially comparing to the war time. Some stereotypes and xenophobic behaviour in the media will stay always because it sells newspapers or raise hearing. The “fault“ is not on the editors themselves but also on the people who buy such newspapers. To gain interest, EMSc need to be persistent and to have one person from their EMC who will be in charge for PR. Mr. Mirko Fedak, President of the Ukrainian EMC in Lipovljani and Mr. Vlado Greguric, representative of the Jews from Glina, said that in general they are satisfied with the coverage they get in local media but, of course, it could be better. They would like if every single activity could be cover but they are also aware that sometimes it is not possible. The radio broadcast was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 9th Seminar Title: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS – ADVOCACY AND LOBBING Date/place: 16th of November 2005, Sisak Participants: 23 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to introduce advocacy and lobbing possibilities for the Ethnic Minority Councils at the local level. The guest speaker was Mr. Davor Gjenero, political analyst. He said that the Croatia has developed good system that gave self-government to the national minorities at the local level through EMCs but it was not implemented at the national level what makes the functioning of the EMCs very hard. The current situation is suitable for the majority of the MPs but also to MPs that represent minorities. In this way minorities are controlled. Another mistake was that the members of the EMCs were not seriously educated so, now, many of them can not or do not know how to obtain their functions. In spite the problems; EMCs are examples of the good governance at the local level. The key of successful lobbing for the interests of particular minority is to connect them with the interests of majority population. Then it is majority not minority issue. Participant raised many questions regarding their future position in EU and it was concluded that for sure it will be less money from the foreign donors but more pressure from the institutions as EMCs. The seminar and discussion in the second part was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. Media coverage - articles published in in weekly “NST”; reportage on “NET TV” station. Mr Davor Gjenero is the independent political analysis from Zagreb. 9th Radio Broadcasting Title: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS – ADVOCACY AND LOBBING Date/place: 21st of November 2005, Sisak Participants: 2 participants were present - Mr Davor Gjenero - the independent political analysis from Zagreb, Mr Stanko Rajsic – Municipality of Topusko, Department for Social Affairs Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to introduce advocacy and lobbing possibilities for the Ethnic Minority Councils at the local level. Mr. Davor Gjenero, political analyst who is following the issue for several years, spoke about current low influence of EMCs in politic. It is the result of noneducated members of EMCs but also of not implementing Constitutional Law on National Minorities at the national 15 level. He said that the key of successful lobbing for the interests of particular minority is to connect them with the interests of majority population. Then it is majority not minority issue. Mr. Stevo Rajsic shared some of the experience in advocacy and lobbing. For him, the biggest problem is not having the instruments to implement the Constitutional Law on National Minorities at the local level. The Law itself provides lots of freedom but in many local communities it is not possible to implement it due to lack of interests from the side of the local authorities but also from the side of national minorities itself. The biggest problem is the money but also good projects and initiatives. The radio broadcast was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic, LDA Sisak. 10th Seminar Title: THE COOPERATION POSSIBILITIES BETWEEN ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT – RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FOLLOW-UP PROJECT Date/place: 12th of December 2005, Sisak Participants: 19 participants from Sisak-Moslavina County were present - Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Bosniacs, Roma, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Jews, members of different confessional communities, members of political parties, local authorities representatives, media. Summary The main objective of the seminar was to estimate to what extend the educational needs of the members of the Ethnic Minority Councils were met, to make recommendations for cooperation with the local government and to create guidelines for future follow-up project. The seminar was facilitated by Mrs. Irena Barisic Milunic and Mrs. Paula Rauzan from LDA Sisak. The participants were split in the four groups with the task to answer following questions: Which topics were the most useful? Which lecturers were the most interesting? In which way you were like to work in the future? In which way you would like to cooperate with the local government? Topics regarding project proposal preparation, advocacy and lobbing and political influence of EMCs were the most interesting for the participants as well as the lecturers who were running the sessions. For the future work it would be useful to have 2-3 day workshop for each topic and to involve younger members of the EMCs. It is important to have contact person in each town/municipality that will be at their disposal. Moreover, participants want to be informed about Town/Municipality Council session where issues regarding minorities are discussed. It is recommended to create one join Coordination of all EMCs and to approach local governments in join forces. Participants approved the effort of the LDA Sisak in the project and thanked the LDA staff for it. At the end participants got certificate of attendance for the seminars. Media coverage - reportage on “NET TV” station. 10th Radio Broadcasting Title: THE COOPERATION POSSIBILITIES BETWEEN ETHNIC MINORITY COUNCILS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT – RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FOLLOW-UP PROJECT Date/place: 19th of December 2005, Sisak Participants: 4 participants were present – Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic – LDA Sisak, Mr Vlado Greguric – the representative of the Jews from Glina, Branko Vincent - the president of Slovak Cultural Association in Lipovljani, Mrs Mara Vilus – the president of Serbian Cultural Association “Prosvjeta” Petrinja Summary The aim of the radio broadcasting was to promote national minorities in the media and to publish the results of the last seminar within the project. This time there was no guest speaker but different participants gave their own comment to the results of the workshops. All of them reaped the recommendation for the local governments and expressed the need for the join Coordination of all EMCs. They estimated the project seminars to be very useful for their work and especially in connecting all of them since many of them did not know each other before LDA started the project. Mr Vincent singled out the seminars on project preparation and cultural life of the national minorities as the most useful for him. Moreover he finds the informal conversations the best way for solving problems with the local authorities. The topic of the last seminar he found to be very useful because they had a chance to speak about their needs for the future projects. Mrs Vilus finds the knowledge on project preparation and human rights situation in Croatia to be very useful for her. The whole project she finds very good due to new information and new contacts. Mr Greguric estimates the project as very useful and successful and hope it will continue in the future as well. 16 FINAL EVALUATION LDA created and disseminated the questionnaire for the Final evaluation in order to estimate project’ successfulness and recommendations for follow-up project. Here is the form and the results of the questionnaires: Date: 12/12/2005 N=19 1. Topics processed during the seminars were: (mark 1 answer) 1. Totally useless 2. Useless 3. Neither useful nor useless............................1 4. Useful.....................................................4 5. Very useful...............................................2 2. Topics processed during the seminars were: (mark 1 answer) 1. Totally uninteresting 2. Uninteresting 3. Neither interesting nor uninteresting............................1 4. Interesting................................................5 5. Very interesting...............................................1 3. The mode of work on seminars you consider as: (mark 1 answer) 1. Totally inappropriate 2. Inappropriate 3. Neither appropriate nor inappropriate 4. Appropriate.................................................5 5. Very appropriate ...............................................2 4. Which topics and lecturers you consider useful and interesting? (please, take into consideration only the seminars you have participated on) Topics and lecturers: 1. The Estimation of the Ethnic Minority Rights’ Implementation in Republic of Croatia Sinisa Tatalovic – The Office of the President of Croatia..................................................5 2. Education Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities and Communities Jadranka Huljev – Ministry for Science, Education and Sport..................................................3 3. Organisation of the Cultural Life of Ethnic and National Minorities and Communities in the Local Communities Bahrija Sejfic – The Governmental Office for National Minorities................................................4 4. The Role of Different Religious Communities in the Inter-Ethnic Dialogue Establishment Vladimir Loncarevic – The Office of the President of Croatia...............3 5. Human Rights in the Republic of Croatia Zarko Puhovski – Croatian Helsinki Committee......................................................6 6. Functioning of the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia Aleksandar Tolnauer - Counsel for National minorities..............................4 7. Project Proposal Preparation and Networking, Borjanka Metikos.........................4 8. Identification of Needs and Interests of Ethnic Minority Councils – relations with media Stjepan Malovic.........................................................5 17 9. Political Participation and the Influence of Ethnic Minority Councils at the Local Level – advocacy and lobbing Davor Gjenero......................4 Why? - - Because these are very important topics dealing with human rights and national minorities issues Useful comparisons with democratic developed countries Professional, interesting and useful Because we had the opportunity of learning a lot, and understand in which segments we make most mistakes The functioning of the Counsel and project proposal preparation were very interesting topics. I think it should be repeated but in a form of workshop with concrete examples from our County. Ethnic minorities are disorganized and the councils are not actually functioning yet, therefore I suggest the topic titled “Coordination establishment (role and function)” Because of the knowledge and excellent lectures Because it purports the minorities survival Topics comprised all difficulties and the lecturers held their lectures in a very comprehensible way, as well in the discussions with participants We received many useful information from experts, which could be applied in the work of councils, and there was not political truism 5. Which topics and lecturers you consider useless and uninteresting (please, take into consideration only the seminars you have participated on). - Functioning of the Council for the National Minority of the Government of the Republic of Croatia Aleksandar Tolnauer - Identification of Needs and Interests of Ethnic Minority Councils – relations with media Stjepan Malovic - Political Participation and the Influence of Ethnic Minority Councils at the Local Level – advocacy and lobbing Davor Gjenero - The Role of Different Religious Communities in the Inter-Ethnic Dialogue Establishment Vladimir Loncarevic Why? - - Thematically complicated for praxis Lecturers have not adjusted their lectures to the participants’ level, but have lectured more on academic level, without any examples, like utopia, and especially it refers on the topic number 9. Topic number 1 should be based on actual data, providing solutions, and not only be dealing with theory and legislative regulations topic number 3 could be applied in our County as an experimental example aspiring after the example of national minorities in Zagreb area on topic number 4, in my opinion, the lecturer was not adequate because he did not successfully explained the role of religious communities in interethnic dialogue and also did not have his own attitude about the whole issue 6. Specify the topics you would find useful in your work? Financial and economic correlations with the country of origin - Professional improvement in the national minorities organizing through culture, art and sport. Creation of programmes as well as combining ideas for souvenirs and similar products of national minorities that could be profitable on the market, with a help of Economy Chambers - almost everything, particularly culture - human rights and functioning of the Counsel - right on education 7. Specify the lecturers you think that would provide you with information necessary for the field of your work? - Zarko Puhovski – Croatian Helsinki Committee............................4 18 - Bahrija Sejfic – The Governmental Office for National Minority..........1 - Davor Gjenero.................2 - Vedris and similar..........1 - Siniša Tatalović..........4 - Aleksandar Tolnauer..........3 - Milorad Pupovac..........1 8. Specify the mode in which you would like to work in the future? (i.e. Seminars as usual, empiric workshops, debates, work with youth…) - seminars as usual - empiric workshops - public debates - approach and the way of work, connecting with local authorities (county, city, municipality) - as always, just to be more specific 9. On the scale from 1 to 5 please mark the level of your satisfaction with the organization of seminars, in other words with the work of Local Democracy Agency Sisak? (mark 1 is the worst one, mark 5 is the best one) 1 2 3 4..............3 5..........4 Publication of the manual Manual “I Act as a Minority” has been regularly edited following training seminar and radio broadcasting. The manual is composed of the Constitutional Ethnic Minority Law and provisions regarding the particular rights of ethnic minorities and communities in Croatia, accompanied with seminars’ summary and questions and answers raised in those occasions and detailed list of seminars’ participants. The manual is following interests of participants and lecturers’ inputs. The title “I Act as a Minority” is in fact paraphrased sentence of one of the participants who said that he does not know how to behave as a minority and by that reflects many issues raised during the project implementation. The manual was printed in 200 copies and distributed to all project participants as well as to all local authorities in the Sisak-Moslavina County. It has been edited by Tatjana Puskaric, external associate of the LDA Sisak. III CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project raised great interest among members of minority and majority groups, local authorities and political parties. The Council of Europe financial support certainly contributed a lot to that fact. Number of participants is bigger than anticipated in project preparation phase. Taking into consideration the results of ex-ante evaluation, discussions during the seminars and non-formal conversations with the participants, it is evident that all planned seminar topics and project activities are more than needed. Nevertheless, during the further project implementation and due to participants’ needs some topics were slightly broadened up. Members of Ethnic Minority Councils have a problem in putting their role in the practice. The same problems have local authorities and other minority organisations. Therefore educating them all together and providing the space for dialogue and getting to know each other, showed as a good method. Organisation of join Coordination of Ethnic Minority Councils can be very useful for members of national minorities since in that way they would be able to act in front of the local authorities in stronger way and as a significant group. During the seminars member of Czech minority organisation from Lipovljani said that they have financial problems and Italian minority organisation from Kutina donated them money. Without these seminars, these two organisations would not meet. Other success of the project is that for the first time LDA gathered representatives of Ukrainian, Slovakian, Albanians and Hungarian minorities. Referring to the expressed interest of including the young people, LDA conducted 3-months participatory planning process with youth members of Bosniac community and members of the Youth Club in Sisak. They made join action plan for future activities and already started to jointly participate in LDA Sisak project “Indigenous Multiculturalism – Youth in Action” sponsored by University of Birmingham and European Commission. Working with youth was singled out many times as an important issue in order to motivate youth to involve more in the work of EMCs. Currently average age of EMCs representatives is 55. For future activities all recommendations mentioned above should be considered. It is evident that similar projects are still more then needed but change should be made in methodology; one topic to be processed in 2-3 days in combination of lecturers and workshops. 19