Norfolk Faculty Senate 31 March 2003 Present: Allen Costa, Helena Krohn, John Moore, Nancy Janke, Bill Reid, Phyllis Gowdy, Kathy Tilton Carolyn Williams, Kathleen Dooley Special guest: Dr. Bullock Helena called the meeting to order and welcomed Dr. Bullock. She then distributed a Report of Faculty Chair on the Campus Senate’s 2002/2003 year for us to review and discuss. Evaluation of adjunct faculty – must be college wide with an interest in having adjunct and full time faculty with same evaluation. This is being addressed by a subcommittee of the college faculty senate. Student concerns – Most expressed that this semester has been better as far as conduct but concerns over the academic progress of the students. Rates of failure are up as is non-participation in the classroom. There is still a belief concerning the motivation of some students. As far as conduct, Dr. Dever’s group has developed a one page guideline which will be distributed on posters, flyers, security desk, etc. It is very general. We would like to adopt U of Richmond’s honor code. Some discussion on readiness of campus for an honor code. Would be a good brown bag luncheon topic for Dr. Dever and faculty. Articulation between developmental and transfer faculty regarding quality of students transferring from remedial to transfer level courses needs improvement – Motion made to ask Peter Shaw, chairperson of the C&I Committee, to address this issue within his committee. Norfolk campus scholars program – We are the Thomas J Moss campus but are recognized as Norfolk. Norfolk should go on the plaque. At the next meeting, we will determine the Scholar. Helena has the guidelines for the selection. There is a fund raiser scheduled for 4/24 at the school picnic (silent auction). On line guidelines for faculty – John Moore and Marcia Tharp were going to work on this issue as there is a great deal of concern over the quality of the classes (Steve Cirrone’s email discussion) and the role of the faculty. Dean Clark has asked Dr. Dever to develop a task force on this issue and Jim Robert’s report also called for guidelines. Childcare issues – Phyllis Gowdy and Ivory Warren have been addressing this issue. We are currently looking at some partnerships with local institutions and integrating service learning into this. Partnerships with Norfolk institutions – This was a concern of ours during our transition time but now can be handed over to Dr. Bullock to head. Dr. Bullock went over some current initiatives. Establishment of a faculty/staff lounge – Will be done after the move of personnel. The opening will be a cause for a social gathering. Support for Moss Campus Center for Innovative Teaching (CIT) – Dr. Bullock is searching for space. We need to discuss with TLTR for the 2003/04 year. Faculty forum will be run in the fall with a series on best practices under the CIT. Early cancellation of classes and scheduling of classes – PeopleSoft should assist. Questions about what is “go” number? (depends on individual class assessment and faculty to student ratio). How may be we go about minimizing cancellations? Suggestions made to Dr. Bullock. Some explanation on how dates are determined (graduation and count back). Buildings and Grounds – They are much more responsive although we would still suggest a “help desk” computer program such as that used by CIT so that a response is given. A suggestion for areas was a cleaning checkoff list, especially at night. Establishment of guidelines for adjunct mentoring program – Nothing done formally. Best time might be the breakout after convocation – have coach for new hires. Investigation of the high number of rooms on our campus given up to college wide activities – Dr. Bullock did a space analysis and sent it to the President (approximately 15,000 feet out of 200,000). Assessment of adjunct faculty integration in the workings of the campus – We have always been proud at being at the forefront with our adjunct - Dick Gill did his 80% paper; we have special recognition for our adjuncts; Professor Krohn’s paper; and Dr. Dever’s committee on adjuncts. We would like to see some “real” benefits for our adjuncts. Need to look further into VCCS definitions of restricted vs permanent appointments. There are monies for adjunct faculty as a line item in the budget. The Provost also has monies to support professional development opportunities, especially from departmental requests. Revision and ratification of Faculty Senate Constitution accomplished. At the beginning of the year, there was a stated desire for faculty to have a real voice/input in the strategic planning for the Norfolk Campus. With our Provost, we have made great steps – real voice at Provost staff meetings, brown bag lunches, etc. Evaluation of the evacuation/emergency procedures of the campus – completed through upper administration. Still some concerns but this is in the hands of the Provost and his group. Development of a test center for the Norfolk campus – have the go ahead from Dr. Dever to develop a pilot program at Norfolk. A committee will be established by Dr. Bullock Student orientation – college senate and Student Success working on this. Again, faculty would like to play an active role. There is a draft form for orientation which is before the Dean of Student Services. Would have one day orientation at the beginning of semester. Establishment of learning communities as model for instruction – brown bag lunches and two formal learning communities in place by fall. Improvement of faculty morale – social function – welcome luncheon for Dr. Bullock, our summer luncheon/brainstorming session, baby showers, Christmas party… Dr. Bullock briefly went over the concept of the middle college. At risk, upper achievers (grades 10-12) enroll for both college and high school courses and attend classes at the college. There is a great deal of support offered to them and success comes from a greater support system and motivational factors. Dr. Bullock was asked about the perception of the Norfolk campus as offering a high number of remedial rather than transfer classes. He stressed that community colleges are here to provide access – that if we can provide the remedial classes and students transfer to other campuses for transfer classes, then we have done our job. He was asked about outreach to the Navy bases and commented that Linda Rice was doing that. The question was then asked about which campuses get the body count. Due to senators leaving to teach classes, we will finish our meeting on 14 April at the same time – Provost Conference Room. We will determine the Moss scholar and firm up the elections. Any other issues we did not cover will be covered then. Helena will solicit charges from Dr. Bullock so that we can have an agenda setting meeting. Norfolk Faculty Senate 14 April 2003 Present: Allen Costa, Helena Krohn, Bill Reid, Kathy Tilton, Carolyn Williams, Kathleen Dooley Special guests: Lee Ellen Knight and Mary Pat Liggio Mary Pat Liggio reminded us of the final speaker (Dr. DiCroce) speaking on women as agents of change. Students are urged to attend. Lee Ellen Knight spoke about the Campus Violence Prevention Project. We are the first community college to receive a Department of Justice grant. All students in STD100 orientation classes will attend a workshop on gender based violence and all TCC students will have opportunities to attend additional workshops on violence issues. This grant will allow the Women’s Center to be open three evenings per week (Mon, Tues, and Wed from 5 until 830). During the summer, stipend paid training will be offered to 10 faculty members (beginning in mid-June). Please let Lee Ellen know of your interest by the end of April. Mary Pat Liggio spoke of efforts to revise the TCC policy on sexual misconduct and to better promote our policy through educating faculty and students. Helena thanked both for coming and talking with the senate. A review and selection of the Norfolk Campus Scholar was done. A retreat will be held for Norfolk faculty and staff on 14 June in Williamsburg. Senate election ballots will be distributed this week for voting. Our last meeting for this spring will be 28 April at 4 in the Provost Conference Room.