
vi. GSTAR 3.0 Features
This explains the current and upcoming features offered by the GSTAR electronic platform.
Features Coming Soon
Single Login System
Users who have multiple user accounts will be able to login using a single email
address and password to log into GSTAR. The new single login feature avoids the
hassle of having to store and manage log in information for multiple accounts.
New User Roles
Three new roles have been added to allow for the administration of the GSTAR
System. System Administrators have all rights and access to the entire GSTAR
system. Institution Administrators have rights and access limited to administration
functions of GSTAR specific to their institution. Class Administrators have rights
and access limited to creating and setting up courses in GSTAR.
What is an Administrator account?
Administrator accounts are GSTAR accounts that provide specific
functionalities to assist teacher professional development staff in their
administration functions relating to PACT and ESA including, but not
limited to, adding new schools, courses, and user accounts to the GSTAR
Added Security
User accounts, except for Student accounts, can have expiration dates set for
them. This means a user account which exists after the expiration date will be
deactivated, and thus cannot be used until it is reactivated by the administrator
who set the expiration date or by one with adequate authorization do so.
Access to Previous Course Work
Previous course work can be accessed with the upcoming easy to use online
course locator feature. One can select that previous courses be listed, select that
they should be sorted by their titles in Ascending order (A to Z) or Descending
order (Z to A), and/or ordered by Season, Year, or Both.
Additional Administration Functions
System Administrators will be able to register schools into the GSTAR system,
and also add and update school information such as its title, description, term
(Quarter or Semester), years school has/is in session (2005-2006, 2007-2008,etc.),
Source: UC Riverside
Created: Fall 2007
season (Winter - W, Spring - P, Summer Session 1 - S1, Summer Session 2 - S2,
Fall - F), and season start and end dates
System Administrators will have the ability to add and manage administrator
accounts (System, Institution, and Class), Supervisor accounts, and Scorer
accounts. Institution Administrators are limited to adding and managing only
Class Administrator accounts, as well as, Supervisor and Scorer accounts.
System Administrators will be able to assign Institution Administrators over
administration functions of managing Supervisor accounts and other
administrators (System, Institution, and Class) over administration functions of
managing Teaching Events\Topics\Courses. System Administrators and
Institution Administrators will be able to assign Supervisors to Teaching
Events\Topics\Courses and Assign Scorers to Students.
Administrators (System, Institution, and Class) will be able to set scoring
deadlines. Scoring deadlines will prevent further scoring after the allotted set date.
This means that Teaching Events\Topics\Courses which have scoring deadlines
set, after the allotted time scoring will be disabled for that specific Teaching
Event\Topic\Course unless scoring is reactivated for that Teaching
New Report Feature
The new PACT Reports
Current Features
System Login
 Entering Login Information
 Retrieving Lost or Forgot Password
Creating and Managing Accounts \ Profiles
 Creating an Account\Profile (Student, Supervisor)
 Editing Profile/Account
o Changing Login Information
o Changing User Information (First & Last Names, Intern Status, etc)
Student Registration for Teaching Events\Topics\Courses
 Entering Registration Information
 Selecting a Teaching Event\Topic\Course
 Selecting Supervisor
Online Scoring For PACT, ESAs, and Courses & Progress
 Creating Rubrics.
 Using the Grade Book (for course- alpha or numerical scoring).
Source: UC Riverside
Created: Fall 2007
Selecting Scoring Type (Rubric, Letter, or Numeric) to use when scoring at
various levels (Teaching Events\Topics\Courses, Tasks\Lessons,
Prompts\Assignments, Answer\Responses).
Book View (portfolio document locator by student, course, and document)
 Read documents backward and forward using next and previous buttons.
 Downloading Documents
 Commenting & Highlighting
Creating and Managing Teaching Events\Topics\Courses
 Creating a Teaching Event\Topic\Course
 Creating Tasks\Lessons
 Creating Prompts\Assignments
o Uploading Support Documents
o Specify Uploadable File Types
o Allowing Multiple Uploads
o Making Prompt\Assignment Optional
Student Accessing and Fulfilling Teaching Event\Topic\Course Objectives
 Accessing Teaching Event\Topic\Course Material
 Uploading Answers\Responses
 Viewing Supervisor’s Comments and Highlights (see Book View Topics).
 Downloading Answer\Response Documents
o From Book View
o From Prompt\Assignment
 Viewing Teacher Created Support Documents
 Viewing Grades (See using Grade Book)
Technical Support
 Reporting Bugs Online
 Contact Technical Help Desk
Source: UC Riverside
Created: Fall 2007