FFA ALUMNI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP PURPOSE: The intentions of the FFA Alumni Memorial Scholarship are to provide scholarships for Waterford High School graduates to help advance one’s potential in the areas of interest through secondary education. DUE DATE: ALL applications must be submitted to the FFA advisor no later than: Monday, April 4th, 2011 SCHOLARSHIP RULES AND PROCEDURES ELIGIBILITY 1. A. Applicant entering an agriculturally related field must be a graduating senior in the FFA and been a member of the agricultural education department for the last 2 consecutive years. This includes January graduates. B. Applicant entering a non - agriculturally related field must be a graduating senior in the FFA and been a member of the agricultural education department for the last 3 consecutive years. This includes January graduates. 2. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA overall. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the scholarship committee to review and select qualified recipient/s. 4. To receive the scholarship, the applicant must be scheduled to attend a College or Technical college to receive a higher level of education. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS 1. The scholarship committee will determine the amount of each individual scholarship. 2. The scholarship winners will be announced at the FFA banquet and given at the senior awards ceremony held at the end of the present school year. 3. Upon receiving the scholarship, the recipient must use the scholarship within 18 months or the money will go back into the fund. 4. All applications must be typed and signed by all parties, 5. The scholarship recipient’s transcripts must be submitted to the FFA Alumni treasurer within the first semester of completion in order to obtain the scholarship money. 6. The scholarship recipient will receive one half of the scholarship money with their first semester grades and one half of the scholarship money with their second semester grades. GENERAL INFORMATION A. NAME: B. ADDRESS: C. AGE: D. NUMBER OF YEARS IN FFA: E. COLLEGE OR TECHNICAL SCHOOL SELECTED: PHONE NUMBER: PROSPECTIVE MAJOR AREA: F. LEADERSHIP & OTHER FFA ACTIVITIES WHILE INVOLVED IN FFA: (Place a checkmark under the category in which the activity took place.) ACTIVITY CHAPTER STATE NATIONAL COMMUNITY OR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ACHIEVEMENT WITHIN THE COMMUNITY/SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ESSAY: PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION SEPARATELY ON AN ADDITIONAL PIECE OF PAPER. ATTACH THE ESSAY ANSWERS TO YOUR APPLICATION. EACH ESSAY ANSWER MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 100 WORDS THE MECHANICS OF GOOD HIGH SCHOOL COMPOSITION WILL BE CONSIDERED WHEN JUDGING SCHOLARSHIPS. THIS INCLUDES SPELLING, GRAMMAR, SENTENCE/PARAGRAPH FORMATION, PUNCTUATION AND CAPITALIZATION. 1. EXPLAIN HOW YOU HAVE BENEFITED FROM THE WATERFORD HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT/FFA THROUGHOUT YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CAREER. 2. EXPLAIN YOUR LONG-RANGE GOALS AND HOW YOUR EDUCATION WILL HELP YOU TO ACCOMPLISH THESE GOALS. SIGNATURE PAGE: I certify that this application was completed by me and that all entries and information shown are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. _________________________________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE ______________________________ PRINT NAME _________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE ______________________________ DATE _________________________________ GPA ______________________________ GUIDENCE COUNSELOR