The Rising Star Leadership Award For current McCombs students who demonstrate an established commitment to service within McCombs, outstanding scholarship and achievements, and exemplary leadership and involvement. Think you fit the bill? Presented by the BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board Application due: Friday, March 21, 2014 at 5:00 pm The Rising Star Leadership Award Presented by the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board 2014 Application Form The Rising Star Leadership Award Presented by the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board 2014 Application Red McCombs School of Business The University of Texas at Austin Award Criteria The Rising Star Leadership Award is presented to a graduating McCombs BBA or MPA student who has proven an established commitment to service within the McCombs School through (1) outstanding scholarship and achievements and (2) exemplary leadership and community involvement. The recipient demonstrates significant growth potential as a future leader in the McCombs community. The recipient of this award displays the core values of strong character, an ethical and principled approach to leadership and, most importantly, a genuine interest in making the McCombs School a better place beyond just his or her undergraduate and/or MPA years at the University. The recipient will work with the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board beginning in the fall of 2014. This award is administered by the Student Interaction Committee of the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board. About the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board The McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board leads a network of 67,000 McCombs alumni, one of the largest alumni bases of any business program in the world. The board oversees strategic initiatives at McCombs, encourages alumni involvement and giving and strives to make the MPA and undergraduate experience better for current and future students. The board is comprised of 28 members, who are leaders in the business world throughout North America and each have a passion to give back and make McCombs a better place. Current initiatives of the board include fundraising for the BBA Alumni Endowed Excellence Fund and administering the Rising Star Award for outstanding young alumni and Rising Star Leadership Award for outstanding student leaders. For more information about the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board, please visit: Candidate Requirements The Rising Star Leadership Award winner must meet the following requirements: Restricted to undergraduate students of the McCombs School of Business or MPA students Minimum 3.25 GPA Graduating in May 2014 or August 2014 Please return this fully completed application (Parts I through IV) in its entirety electronically to by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 21st. Please also ensure that a letter of reference is submitted electronically to by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 21st from the email address of your recommender. 2 The Rising Star Leadership Award Presented by the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board 2014 Application Form Part I: Basic Information and Ethical Statement Please fill in the below information. You fully acknowledge that by submitting this application, you are bound by the Ethical Statement that follows. Name Graduation Date Address Street/Apt # Permanent Email City, Phone State Zip Code Overall GPA Status: Number of Long Semesters on Campus (including current) __________ Number of Hours Completed __________ Major: ___________________ Place of Employment / Grad School After Graduation: _________________________________________ “I certify that I am in good academic standing with The University of Texas at Austin and the Red McCombs School of Business, while maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. I affirm that information presented herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I do not have a disciplinary record. I hereby authorize the selection committee to verify my academic history, to ensure that I do not have a disciplinary record and to contact my reference at its full discretion. It is solely my responsibility to check my email to see if I have received an interview. I will attend the Honors Day ceremony on Friday, April 11th, 2014. I understand that if I win this award, I will be expected to actively work with the BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board as well as on a Board committee. I understand that the Board commitments entail monthly conference calls and two daylong meetings a year.” Part II: Leadership Résumé Please attach a Leadership Résumé outlining all of your campus and community activities. Please do NOT include any high school activities. Rank your involvement in chronological order starting with the most recent. For every activity please include the following: Name of the organization Dates you were involved Any officer positions held - please specify if you were elected (E) , appointed (A), or volunteered (V) for that position Number of hours per week Include the name and number of a reference for every activity listed Please include in the résumé a list of your internships as well as your future plans after graduation. Part III: Essay Question Please submit an answer to the following question which conforms to the below parameters. 12-point font Single-spaced, 1 inch margins Limit essay to one page Attach essay to the application “What have been your most meaningful contributions to the Red McCombs School of Business? Describe how these contributions have impacted the broader McCombs community. Finally, address how your contributions will serve as a bridge to your future leadership and involvement as a steward of the McCombs community.” 3 The Rising Star Leadership Award Presented by the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board 2014 Application Form Part IV: Letter of Reference Please ask someone important to you to submit, from his or her email address, a letter of reference to by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 21st. The recommender may be anyone of your choosing, but he or she should be someone in a position to speak to (1) your past leadership experience, (2) the quality of your character and (3) your leadership potential in the McCombs community as an alum. The content of your letter of reference should directly address the above items and should include your full name. Please indicate who your recommender is (include title): ____________________________________ How do you know this person? _________________________________________________________ What is the email address your recommender is using to submit the letter? ______________________ 4 The Rising Star Leadership Award Presented by the McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board 2014 Application Form Alumni Board Honors Zuhair Khan as Inaugural Rising Star Leadership Award Recipient By Kelly George Created 2010-04-19 4:36pm Posted by: Kelly George | April 19, 2010 - 4:36pm The McCombs BBA/MPA Alumni Advisory Board is proud to announce Zuhair Khan (center), a senior in BHP, finance and history, as the inaugural recipient of the Rising Star Leadership Award. Khan was recognized for his achievements at the Honors Day ceremony on April 9th and will work with the Board in the fall. Khan has been an officer in five McCombs student organizations, is a member of the Friar Society, and is the host of “Austin’s Green Business,” a weekly radio show. Khan also works as a researcher in the Center for Business, Technology & Law and spent a semester conducting research in Kolkata, India. In recognition of his achievements, Khan was recently selected as a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship. Shelley Nix, associate director of the Business Honors Program, added, “What separates Zuhair Khan from other students is his passion for making McCombs the best undergraduate business school.” Khan’s peers describe him as having a tireless work ethic, an unending reservoir of energy, and a genuine passion about everything he does. The board saw Khan as having the right combination of perspective and humility to impact many generations of McCombs students and alumni. “The board created the award because we wanted to honor a truly outstanding student and to further strengthen the ties between the McCombs program and its alumni,” said award presenter and board member Adam Blum, BBA ’06, MPA ’06, in his speech at Honors Day. Blum continued, “We wanted to find the next young alumni leader--the next Rising Star-and bring this person onto our board.” McCombs Dean Tom Gilligan remarked, “The creation of this award is an outstanding and momentous contribution from our dedicated alumni board which continues to make a meaningful impact on the McCombs community.” 5