Slide 2: Welcome to the CTE and Associate Degree Advisement

CTE and Associate Degree Online Advisement Part One
You will be required to complete a quiz at the end of the Online Advisement
Part Two. Accessible versions of the Orientation and Advisement
presentation quizzes are available for screen reader users. Contact
760.795.6658 for Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)-related
Slide 1: Welcome to
MiraCosta College Online Advisement
Welcome to MiraCosta College Online student Advisement Session.
Slide 2: Welcome to the CTE and Associate Degree Advisement
The Counseling Department welcomes you to the Career Technical Education (CTE)
and Associate Degree Advisement Session.
Slide 3: Student Goals
Students who attend MiraCosta have many different goals. Four goals commonly
pursued by MiraCosta students are: 1) Transfer to a four-year university, 2) Earn an
associate degree, 3) Complete one or more career technical education certificates, or 4)
Take courses for personal interest.
Slide 4: Advisement Overview
Part One of this advisement session will provide an overview of various Career
Technical Education Programs offered at MiraCosta. We’ll also explain the different
certificate and associate degree options available to you.
Slide 5: Advisement Overview
Part Two will cover class scheduling and assessment results.
Slide 6: Advisement Overview
At the end of Part Two, you will take a quiz. You must use your SURF ID and password
to take the quiz and get credit toward matriculation requirements. The quiz covers
information from both Part One and Part Two. We recommend you review both parts
before taking the quiz.
Slide 7: Overview of Certificates and Degrees
In the following slides we’ll cover the various certificates and degrees offered at
MiraCosta College. We offer Certificates of Proficiency, Certificates of Achievement;
Associate in Arts or Sciences Degree in Career Technical Education; an Associate in
Arts Degree in Liberal Arts or a specific Academic Major; and an Associate in Arts or
Sciences Transfer Degree.
Slide 8: Certificates
We offer two types of certificates. The list of Certificates can be found online and
outlined in the college catalog. Certificates of Achievement can be used as a major for
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an Associate’s Degree in Career Technical Education. Certificates are great for
technical-skills training, short-term goals, and workforce advancement. Certificates of
Achievement are usually 18 units or more coursework. Several Certificates of
Achievement may be used as a major for an A.A. degree. Certificates of Proficiency
require less than 18 units of coursework, and these certificates cannot be used for the
major of an A.A. degree. A minimum grade of a “C” must be received in each course in
the certificate. Lastly, you must earn a 2.0 overall grade point average (gpa) to receive
the certificate.
Slide 9: CTE Movie
MiraCosta College offers a variety of Career Technical Education programs. To learn
more about our offerings, read the college catalog.
Slide 10: Associate Degree Requirements
To earn an Associate Degree, you must complete 60 degree applicable units, which
include a general education pattern selected from Plan A, B, or C, major courses,
electives, and additional requirements. You must have a cumulative grade point average
of 2.0 in order to earn your degree. View the college catalog for more information on
Associate Degree requirements.
Slide 11: A.A./A.S. in Career Technical Education
You may earn an Associate in Arts or Sciences degree by completing a certificate of
achievement in addition to general education courses and other Associate in Arts
degree requirements. This degree is a good choice for students seeking both a degree
and specific job training. Specific requirements for each certificate of achievement are
listed under the appropriate discipline in the college catalog. Read the general
education requirements and approved Certificate of Achievement online. The college
catalog also contains detailed information about graduation requirements.
Slide 12: A.A. in Liberal Arts
The Liberal Arts program provides students with a well-rounded education that offers the
opportunity for depth of knowledge within an area of emphasis. If you want to transfer to
a 4-year institution and MiraCosta College does not offer the exact major you need, then
the Liberal Arts major may be a good option for an A.A. degree. You may only earn one
emphasis within the Liberal Arts major. The areas of emphasis include: Applied Health,
Nutrition, & Kinesiology; Arts and Humanities; Business & Technology; Creative and
Applied Arts; Mathematics and Science; Multicultural Studies; or Social and Behavioral
Sciences. The college catalog contains detailed information about the major and
general education requirements.
Slide 13: A.A. in an Academic Major
The Associate in Arts in an Academic Major is a degree that is designed for students
who plan to transfer to a 4-year university. These majors require 18 or more units as
preparation for the major from a set of prescribed courses. View the college catalog for
specific details within each discipline. Complete general education requirements by
following either Plan A, B, or C. Proper academic preparation for transfer requires
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careful planning. It is highly recommended that if you plan to transfer, you should
consider following Plan B or C to meet transfer requirements. Review the Transfer
Advisement Session for more information on transfer requirements. Students are
advised to meet with a MiraCosta College counselor early in their educational program
for assistance.
Slide 14: A.A.-T or A.S.-T for Transfer to CSU
The Associate in Arts for Transfer to the CSU or the Associate in Science for Transfer to
the CSU is a degree that is designed for students who plan to transfer to a California
State University. The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (Senate Bill 1440)
guarantees admission to a CSU campus for any community college student who
completes an “associate degree for transfer.” Some of the A.S.-T‘s and A.A.-T’s that we
offer are in Mathematics, Communication Studies, History, Business Administration, and
Psychology. Additional degrees are being developed. These majors require 18 or more
units as preparation for the major from a set of prescribed courses. View the college
catalog for specific details within each discipline. Complete general education
requirements by following either Plan B or C. Proper academic preparation for transfer
requires careful planning. Review the Transfer Advisement Session for more information
on transfer requirements. Students are advised to meet with a MiraCosta College
counselor early in their educational program for assistance.
Slide 15: A.S. in Registered Nursing
Students interested in an Associate in Science, Registered Nursing should meet with a
counselor as soon as possible. The prerequisites must be completed before a student
can apply to the Generic RN program.
Slide 16: The End of Part 1
Congratulations, you have completed Part One of Online Advisement. You are now
ready to take Part Two. We recommend you take a short break before starting Part Two,
where you will learn how to make your class schedule. You may revisit Part One again
at any time in the future.
CTE and Associate Degree Online Advisement Part Two
Slide 17: Advisement Part 2
In Part Two of advisement we will first explain how to interpret assessment test results,
second, discuss how to plan your education, and lastly, provide tips on scheduling
classes. Take a moment now to find your Math and English Assessment results for the
next couple of slides.
Slide 18: Assessment Test Results
The purpose of the math and English Assessment tests are to measure your
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preparedness for a particular course. With your assessment results, you will be able
choose the appropriate Math and English courses. All students seeking an Associate’s
degree must meet competence in reading, written expression and mathematics.
Remember, the tests are not perfect, so you may repeat each test one time. To
complete this advisement session, you will need to have a copy of your assessment
We encourage you to study math and English early in your college career because the
skills that you acquire will help you in your other courses.
If you have evidence of clearing math and English prerequisites, such as AP scores,
transcripts from other colleges, or placement results from other community colleges,
bring these documents to the Admissions and Records Office.
Slide 19: Assessment Results: Counseling Report
Your math and English Assessment results should be on the Counseling Report, which
is provided to you after taking the assessments. The most important section of this
report is the summary of course placements located at the bottom.
Slide 20: Math Course Sequence
Let’s talk about your math placement first. MiraCosta College’s math course sequence
begins three levels below transfer level. MATH 20 is Pre- Algebra. MATH 30 is
Elementary Algebra. MATH 64 is Intermediate Algebra. These are all non-transferable
courses; however, they are necessary pre-requisites for higher level math courses. For
Associate Degrees using general education pattern Plan B or Plan C, one math course
below the red line is required. For Associate Degrees using general education Plan A,
MATH 64 is the minimum competency requirement. For example, if you placed into
MATH 20, you will need to take MATH 20, next you will take MATH 30, and then MATH
64. This is a total of 3 semesters of math. Check the college catalog for other options to
meet the math competency requirement for the Associate degree.
Slide 21: Assessment Results: MATH
In some cases the math placement indicates DECISION ZONE. This indicates
borderline preparedness for a higher level course. In this example, the student is given
placement results for MATH 30 and MATH 64 with Decision Zone. The student may take
MATH 30 or MATH 64. Students with borderline entry skills for a course often have
difficulty in the higher level course.
Slide 22: English Course Sequence
Let’s look at your English placement. MiraCosta College’s English course sequence
begins two levels below transfer level with ENGL 49, ESL 49, and ACE 49. Where you
begin depends on your English placement. If your course placement is for a nontransferable course, then the course is considered non-transferable, then you will need
to complete each course in the sequence until you complete a transfer level course.
Completion of ENGL 100 is the minimum requirement for any associate degree. For
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example, if you placed into ENGL/ACE/ESL 49, you will need to take that course and
then take ENGL/ACE/ESL 50, and then ENGL 100 to meet the minimum general
education transfer requirements. This is a total of 3 semesters of English. Note that
ENGL 50, ACE 50, and ESL 50 are at the same level, as are ENGL 49, ACE 49, and
ESL 49.
Slide 23: Assessment Results: English & Reading
The English and reading course recommendations are indicated under COURSE
PLACEMENTS. If you place into READ 30 this indicates that you may need to improve
your reading and/or writing skills. Although reading courses are not required to obtain an
A.A. degree or to transfer, you are eligible to take the course indicated on your
counseling report. Placement into READ 100 indicates your reading skills are at college
level. In this example, the student placed into READ 100 and ENGL 100.
Slide 24: Assessment Test Results
You are now able to register for the appropriate English and math courses based on
your assessment results or through clearance by other means. If you have any
questions about your Assessment results, contact the Testing Office at (760) 795-6685.
Slide 25: Educational Planning
As we discuss Educational Planning, keep in mind that all associate degrees require
students to complete 60 units of degree applicable coursework, which include a general
education pattern selected from Plan A, B, or C, major courses, electives, and additional
requirements. You must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in order to earn
your degree. View the college catalog for more information on Associate Degree
Slide 26: General Education
As you select courses to prepare for your associates degree, you will follow the
appropriate general education pattern. Plan A is MiraCosta’s general education pattern.
Plan B is the CSU General Education pattern. Plan C is the Intersegmental General
Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Meet with a counselor if you are interested in
following the Associate in Science, Registered Nursing Degree. If you plan to transfer to
a 4-year institution, it is highly recommended that you follow either Plan B or Plan C,
depending on your goals. View the online Transfer Advisement Session for more
information on transfer. Lastly, general education is not required if you are only wanting
to complete a certificate.
Slide 27: Major
Career Technical Education Certificates of Achievement are often used for to meet
major requirements for an Associate in Arts or Science, Career and Technical
Education. There are five majors that can be used for an Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts
Degree. The college catalog has detailed course requirements for the various Academic
Majors. Take some time now to explore these requirements. See a counselor for
additional information.
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Slide 28: Electives
The last courses you will add to your schedule should be electives. Remember, you
need a minimum of 60 degree applicable units. Electives should be used to reach the
60 units after taking into consideration your GE and major requirements. Courses
numbered 100 – 299 are most likely to be transferable. The transfer institution always
determines what they will accept. Also, courses numbered 1 through 49 are not degree
Slide 29: Tips on Scheduling Classes
When actually making your class schedule, keep in mind the following information: How
much time do you have to commit to your education and studying? Full-time status is
defined by a course load of 12 or more units. If you have less than 12 units you are a
part-time student. How many units can you afford financially and have you applied for
Financial Aid? What were your assessment placement results for English, Math, and
reading? Lastly, did you take notice of the important dates listed in the schedule?
Slide 30: Time Management
To succeed in college, you’ll need to balance your time commitments, which include
school, work, and personal activities. We give several suggestions on the slide for you
to take into consideration. On average, each class unit requires, one hour of class and
two hours of study outside of class. So, one unit is equal to 3 hours of time commitment.
That includes 1 hour in class and 2 hours outside of class for study for one unit. If you
plan to be a full-time student, which is 12 units or more, then you should plan to attend
class and study for a total of 36 hours or more a week. This includes 12 hours in class
and 24 hours outside of class for study. Therefore, we recommend you work 20 hours or
less a week.
Slide 31: Full-Time vs. Part-Time
There are a few differences and benefits associated with being a Full-time or Part-time
student. It is a personal choice, but here are some things to consider: A Full-time
student takes on 12 units or more of coursework. This is ideal if you want to receive the
maximum financial aid award. Also, full-time status is best if you have minimal
obligations outside of school in order to help you achieve your educational goal faster.
Lastly, being full-time provides you greater opportunity to create long-lasting
motivational social connections with students, faculty, and resources that will help
support you throughout your educational journey. In comparison, being a Part-time
student is best if you need to take smaller steps toward your educational goal, either
because of personal reasons or because outside obligations have higher priority at this
moment. Being Part-time means that you will also receive less financial aid, and have
fewer opportunities to make motivational social connections with other students, faculty,
and resources. In either case, MiraCosta is committed to supporting you in achieving
your educational goals.
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Slide 32: Sample Schedule
On this slide you will see a sample schedule Monday through Friday, which includes an
English 50, Reading 105, Math 64, Counseling 110, and Kinesiology 142. In this
example the student is taking 15 units, which is a Full-time student course load. Take
note of the amount of time the student is in class (15 hours). Remember to consider
time for work, eating, sleeping, commuting, studying, breaks, and other outside
commitments. We encourage you to spread your classes throughout the week and to
schedule your classes throughout the day so you can maximize your study time
between classes.
Slide 33: First Semester Suggestions
For your first semester, we suggest you set yourself up for success. Regardless of your
ultimate goal, you will need excellent written communication and analytical skills to be a
successful employee or contributor to society. We recommend that you take English and
math courses early to help you build this excellent foundation for success. Reading
comprehension has been shown to be a significant indicator of success in college, so
consider taking a reading course to improve your reading abilities. If you assess into the
lower level courses in English, Math, or Reading, we suggest you take Counseling 110:
College Success Skills, or Counseling 101: Orientation to College, where you’ll learn
valuable strategies on being a successful student at MiraCosta. If you plan to transfer,
you may want to take Counseling 105: Transfer Success. If you are undecided about
your career path, then take Counseling 100: Career and Life Planning or CRLP 101:
Introduction to Career Planning. Lastly, select courses from a General Education pattern
or Major or Certificate that interest you.
Slide 34: Sample Schedule for Fall/Spring
There are many different course combinations that you can choose from. Here are two
examples. If you are a part-time student, we would recommend working on your
foundation courses, such as English composition, in addition to either a major,
certificate, or general education course. If you are a full-time student, we would
recommend working on your foundation courses, such as English composition and
Math, in addition to either one or two major, certificate, or general education courses. In
both cases, if you placed into the lower levels of English, there are several support
courses that would help you earn units as well as strengthen your academic skills.
Slide 35: Academic Enrichment Programs
There are a few academic enrichment and support programs that can help prepare you
for transfer or degree attainment. All four of these programs have distinct criteria for
participation. Both the Puente Project and the First Year Experience programs begin in
the fall semesters of every year. The Honors Scholars Program and Extended
Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) will allow students to enter the program in
any fall or spring semester. Follow the links to find out more information.
Slide 36: Summary
We are almost done and we hope you have enjoyed the presentation. Feel free to refer
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back to the advisement presentations Parts One and Two at any time. We also
recommend that you meet with a counselor during your first semester to develop a
detailed education plan.
Slide 37: Counseling Appointments
We look forward to meeting with you and helping you succeed in your educational
journey. There are three ways to talk with a counselor, which includes Online Advising,
drop-in counseling, and 45 minute appointments. Best wishes to you in your first
semester at MiraCosta.
Slide 38: When to See a Counselor
Before you enroll in your first semester, we recommend you complete advisement and
orientation. You should receive enough information to help you select the appropriate
courses for the upcoming semester. If you still have questions, you can always come in
to see a counselor for a drop-in. We do not recommend a 45-minute appointment to
new students. A 45-minute appointment is more useful once you have begun taking
courses at MiraCosta. The best time of year to make an appointment is during the fall in
the months of September and October, and in the spring during the months of February
and March. We recommend you meet with a counselor once a semester. The best
option for the summer is to do a drop-in since availability for 45-minute appointments is
limited in the summer and other peak periods of the year.
Slide 39: Steps to Matriculate
You are almost done with Advisement. You need to follow the QUIZ link on the screen,
slide 39, to the online Advisement quiz. Before clicking on the quiz link, make sure you
are currently logged out of SURF. You will need to log into the quiz with your SURF ID
and password.
Accessible versions of the Orientation and Advisement presentation quizzes are
available for screen reader users. Contact 760.795.6658 for Disabled Students
Programs & Services (DSPS)-related questions. Once you have passed the quiz,
you will receive a priority enrollment appointment date and time. Thanks for your
attention. We look forward to providing you the best education and services possible.
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