Application form

School of Oriental and African Studies
Repeat course (part-time) application form for undergraduate students
ineligible to progress to the next year of study or ineligible for the award of a
If you passed most of your courses in 2012/13 but have failed one or two courses vital to your
progression or graduation, then you may apply to return as a part-time student in 2013/14 to
re-attend one or two failed courses. During 2013/14 you will be classified as an intermitting
student: if you are a continuing student, this means that you will not progress to the next year
of your degree in 2013/14. If you pass the repeat course(s) in 2013/14 and if you are then
eligible, you will progress to the next year of your degree as a full-time student in 2014/15. If
you were a final year student in 2012/13, you will be considered for the award of your degree
in June 2014. Repeat course applications may not always be approved, since not all courses
are taught every year. You should check the availability of the course(s) you want to repeat
with Faculty Office staff before you fill in this form. In addition, repeat course applications are
considered individually on their merits, and approval is not automatic.
Do not complete this form if you wish to retake failed examinations in May 2014 without reattending the relevant courses. 2.5 units is the maximum repeat course load permitted for a
part-time student. If you wish to repeat courses valued at 3 units or more, you will be
classified as full-time and you should complete the full-time repeat year of study application
You may not repeat any courses you have passed. You may not take new courses as a parttime intermitting student in 2013/14. ‘Course’ in this form includes courses such as
Independent Study Projects, if you wish to receive supervision for them in 2013/14.
If you repeat a course, you must attend all classes, submit all coursework, and undertake all
examinations and assessments, as if attending the course for the first time. This includes
repeating elements of assessment completed when the course was first taken, even if those
elements were awarded a mark of 40 or more.
Tuition fees are due for repeat courses as follows: £866 per unit (UK/EU students old fees),
£2250 per unit (UK/EU new £9000 fee rate), £3650 per unit (non-EU students), and half these
sums for half units. You should contact the Student Finance helpline if relevant, to discuss
your plans to repeat a course or courses part-time. Student Finance will not automatically
pay part-time fees, and a maintenance loan may not necessarily be available for a part-time
year of study.
Repeat course applications require the approval of the Undergraduate or Year Tutor in your
Department (or in both Departments if you are two-subject student). Undergraduate/Year
Tutors have the right not to approve repeat course applications. The staff in your Faculty
Office will be able to tell you who the Tutors are if you do not know. The Tutors may wish to
meet you to discuss your application, or may require you to supply further information before
they reach a decision. It is your responsibility to contact the Undergraduate/Year Tutors to
find out whether they will approve your application. Faculty Office staff cannot do this for you.
Please complete the details below and then turn over to page 2.
Your name………………………………………………………………………………………….
Your student number………………………………………………………………………………
Your degree title and subject(s) (e.g. BA Law and Politics)……………………………………
Year of study in 2012/13 (e.g. Year 1, Year 2)…………………………………………………..
I wish to re-attend the following course(s) in 2013/14 (maximum 2.5 units):
Course title……………………………………..
Course reference number (e.g. 15 480 0124)…………………
Course title……………………………………..
Course reference number (e.g. 15 480 0124)…………………
Course title……………………………………..
Course reference number (e.g. 15 480 0124)…………………..
I apply to repeat the courses listed above as a part-time student in 2013/14. I
understand that appropriate part-time tuition fees are due for re-attended courses.
Repeat course(s) application part-time 2013/14 approved
Undergraduate/Year Tutor, Dept of ……………………………………(please insert Department
Undergraduate/Year Tutor’s name (please
Undergraduate/Year Tutor’s
Second Department Undergraduate/Year Tutor:
Repeat course(s) application part-time 2013/14 approved
Undergraduate/Year Tutor, Dept of ……………………(please insert Department name)
Undergraduate/Year Tutor’s name (please print)………………………………………………….
Undergraduate/Year Tutor’ signature…………………………………..Date……………………
When you have completed this form, and it is has all the required signatures (i.e. yours and
the UG/Year Tutor(s)), you should submit it to your Faculty Office. The Faculty Office staff
will take a copy and send it on the Registry. Your repeat year of study will be confirmed by
email from the Registry to your SOAS email account.