Distribution Requirements Thirty six (36) credits are required with 12

Distribution Requirements
Thirty six (36) credits are required with 12 credits required from each of the three
general academic areas of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and
mathematics. No more than six credits from a given academic major may count
toward this distribution requirement.
At most one course which an individual uses to satisfy the specific requirements
in communication, quantitative/analytical reasoning, values/ethics and fitness and
recreation requirements may be used to satisfy distribution requirements in
Humanities (A), Social Sciences (B), or Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee (BUCC) or an individual academic
department, with the approval of the BUCC, may exclude any of its courses from
being counted as a distribution requirement.
Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee (BUCC) or an individual academic
department, with the approval of the BUCC, may exclude any of its courses from
being counted as a distribution requirement.
In some cases, qualifications exist in the form of prerequisites, two semester
continuity, etc. Consult the class schedule, the university catalog or the student
information system for prerequisites and other qualifications. Not every general
education course is offered each semester.
The courses appearing here are approved for general education as of June 15,
2003. If a course was previously listed for general education and does not
appear in this class schedule, that course will still fulfill general education credit
for the student, provided the student enrolled in the course during the time the
course was approved for general education. However, students scheduling the
course after the course no longer is approved may not receive general education
credit for the course.
Questions regarding courses listed as general education should be directed to
the academic department which offers the course.
Courses selected to fulfill the distribution requirements must be from at least
three different departments within each of the three groups with two or more
credits required from each department selected. One course which a student
uses to satisfy the specific course requirements in the categories of
communication, quantitative/analytical reasoning and values/ethics may be used
to satisfy the distribution requirements.
Students who otherwise meet the prerequisites are permitted to take any course
offered by the departments listed below, unless the course is expressly excluded
for general education by the university curriculum committee or the department
with the approval of the curriculum committee.
No more than six credits from a given academic major may count toward the
distribution requirement. Students with a double major must adhere to this policy
for one of the majors.
Group A - Humanities and the Arts
Select courses totaling 12 credits from these departments:
30 - Art
31 - Art History
32 - Art Studio
25 - Communication Studies
20 - English
42 - History
10 - French
11 - German
12 - Spanish
13 - Russian
14 - Italian
18 – Latin
19 - Chinese
27 - Mass Communications
35 - Music
28 - Philosophy
26 - Theatre Arts
In addition, these courses are eligible:
08.101 Honors Humanities I
08.201 Honors Humanities II
09.171 Scholars Seminar Humanities
09.491 Honors Independent Study Humanities I
09.492 Honors Seminar Humanities
09.493 Honors Independent Study Humanities II
Group B - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Select courses totaling 12 credits from these departments:
46 - Anthropology
40 - Economics
43 - Criminal Justice
41 - Geography
44 - Political Science
48 - Psychology
45 - Sociology
49- Social Work
In addition, these courses are eligible:
08.130 Honors Social Science I
08.230 Honors Social Science II
09.172 Sch Sem Soc Sci
09.496 Honors Independent Study Soc Sci I
09.497 Honors Sem Soc Sci
09.498 Honors Independent Study Soc Sci II
70.101 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals
72.152 Introduction to Communications Disorders
90.101 Introduction to Business
The following courses are not eligible for group B credit:
40.156 Business and Economics Mathematics
40.180 Special Topics
40.256 Business and Economics Statistics I
40.356 Business and Economics Statistics II
40.456 Introduction to Econometrics
40.470 Senior Seminar
40.480 Advanced Special Topics
40.490 Independent Study
41.350 Advance Planning
Group C - Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Select courses totaling 12 credits from these departments:
50 - Biological and Allied Health Sciences
51 - Geography and Geosciences
52 - Chemistry
53 - Mathematics (but not computer science courses)
54 - Physics
In addition, these courses are eligible:
08.110 Honors Math and Science I
08.210 Honors Math and Science II
09.173 Seminar Natural Sciences and Mathematics
09.495 Honors Seminar Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The following courses are not eligible for Group C credit:
50.205 Intro to Nutrition
50.230 Human Sexuality
50.254 Social Implications Biology
58.180 CAD Engineering Graphics