Arts Award Gallery and Museum Consultation

Arts Award – Gallery and Museum Consultation Questionnaire
September 2007
The Arts Award supports young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. It provides arts
organisations with a framework for working with young people aged 11-25 and accrediting their
work. The award is run by Arts Council England and Trinity Guildhall and is a national qualification
at levels 1, 2, and 3.
Engage and Arts Award are working together to help galleries and museums to deliver or support
the Arts Award. This questionnaire is designed to collect feedback from the gallery and museum
sectors about Arts Award to date. You can also complete it online at
We’d be grateful if you took the time to answer a few questions as fully as you can. Please return
the forms to: ********* Add name for return/ insert engage FREEPOST
If your organisation is not delivering Arts Award, please answer section A.
If your organisation is delivering Arts Award already, please answer section B.
Part A – for organisations currently NOT delivering Arts Award
1 On a scale of 1 – 10 how would you rate your knowledge of Arts Award?
No knowledge
High degree of knowledge
2 Have you or a colleague from your organisation taken part in Arts Award adviser training?
Yes (when?)
3 What are the issues preventing your organisation from delivering Arts Award?
Not enough knowledge about Arts Award to decide if it’s right for us
Lack of trained staff to deliver Arts Award
Lack of resources to train staff to deliver Arts Award
Lack of resources to allow staff to deliver Arts Award
Not a priority for us – we have other youth programmes
Not a priority for us – we do not work with young people independently of school
We are not in a position to deliver Arts Award, but are able to support others to do this
We are not in a position to deliver or to support Arts Award
Other issue – please tell us what ________________________________________
4 Are you delivering any other accredited schemes for young people?
5 Would you like to know more about Arts Award? (Please give contact details below)
Part B – for organisations currently delivering Arts Award
1 Please indicate with a number roughly how many Arts Awards you’ve supported or are
currently supporting at each level
2 Which is your registered centre? ____________________________________
3 How is your organisation resourcing the Arts Award?
Organisation’s core funding
Project grant
Arts Award Access Fund
Partnership with school /college
Other (how?) ___________________________
4 Please tell us about any issues or challenges you’ve encountered delivering Art Award
5 Please tell us about any positive outcomes you’ve experienced delivering Arts Award.
6 Would you be interested in submitting a case study and sharing your experience of
delivering Arts Award? (Please include your contact details below)
Maybe (let’s discuss…)
Contact details (optional)
Job title
Phone number
For further information about Arts Award please visit .
Thank you from engage and Arts Award!
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