NAME: EFFECTIVE: SUPERSEDES: 203.01 College Committees 02/05/2010 11/02/2009; 09/15/08; 10/25/07; 08/30/07; 03/12/07; 06/23/06 COLLEGE COMMITTEES President's Advisory Council. The Jefferson Davis Community College President's Advisory Council has a four-fold purpose: to advise the College President on all matters brought before the Council; to promote the College's growth; to assist the College in the expansion of its vision; and, to prepare members to serve as good-will ambassadors of the College with College’s social, business, and professional communities. Membership is by Presidential appointment. Members are appointed so as to represent the College service area in terms of racial and geographic diversity. No person shall on the grounds of race, color, disability, gender, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits or, or be subject to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment, including the President’s Advisory Council. Terms of appointment are for two years with staggered terms so that not all members are appointed at the same time. Person can be reappointed. Meetings are called and chaired by the College President or his/her designee. All Council recommendations are made directly to the President. Program Advisory Committees. Advisory committees for occupational programs provide assistance to the College by: acquainting the institution with current needs, practices and developments within the professions; offering suggestions for improvement of the programs of study; serving as public relations representatives in publicizing the programs related to their field of interest; and, giving advice of any nature which may improve the effectiveness of college services. Committee members are recommended by Division Chairpersons and appointed by the President and meet periodically throughout the year. No person shall on the grounds of race, color, disability, gender, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits or, or be subject to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment, including the Program Advisory Committees.. STANDING COMMITTEES Admissions/Academic Standards Committee. This committee serves as the appeals committee and determines the eligibility of students seeking admission to the college. This committee also serves as the hearing panel when students challenge the contents of their educational records. Committee decisions are referred to the Dean of Student Affairs for final action. Prospective applicants subject to review include (1) students who are on academic disciplinary suspension from another postsecondary institution; (2) students who request readmission to JDCC after the second academic suspension from the college; (3) students unable to submit transcripts from other institutions; and (4) students who wish to challenge information in their educational records. This committee is composed of the Registrar, Chair of Honors Program, one Division Chair, one other faculty member. Appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Adult Education & Skills Division Advisory Committee. This committee advises the administration on issues related to vocational programs, including recommendations for their improvement. They are responsible for reviewing & providing input into the College Plan for Career/Technical Education submitted in support of implementing the Workforce 21 Strategic Plan and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act Amendments of 1998. Membership includes Dean of Instruction, technical education or vocational faculty, administration, and community leaders. The Dean of Instruction chairs this committee. Appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Americans With Disabilities Act Advisory Committee. The Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing the college's compliance with ADA guidelines and for recommending to the President any needed corrective action. The Dean of Student Affairs serves as the chair of the committee and membership includes representatives from students, faculty, staff, and administration. Membership appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Athletic Oversight Committee. This committee serves as the appeals committee for student athletes. The committee is also charged with the responsibility of ensuring college compliance with NJCAA eligibility rules and regulations. The Dean of Student Affairs is a non-voting member. The chair is appointed by the President. Other members of this committee include the Dean of Business Affairs (non-voting member)s, one athletic representative, one faculty member, and one student. Membership appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Calendar Committee. The Calendar Committee develops the institutional calendar according to guidelines provided by the Department of Postsecondary Education. Members include: Dean of Instruction; Dean of Student Affairs; the Associate Dean of Instruction; Faculty Senate President; one staff member; Registrar; one nursing, technical, and academic faculty member; and one administrative position. Membership is by position and by a two-year appointment; consecutive terms may be served. Catalog Committee. The Catalog Committee provides recommendations for the catalog to the Dean of Instruction. Membership is appointed and consists of: Dean of Instruction, faculty representatives, support personnel, Faculty Senate President, Registrar, and the Recruiter. College Council. The College Council serves in an advisory capacity to the president and executive staff and meets monthly. Members include: President, Dean of Instruction, Associate Dean of Instruction, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Business Affairs, Director of Administration and Personnel, two administrative staff members, one division chair, recruiter, president’s secretary, one faculty member from each campus, two support personnel, SGA presidents from each campus, one technical student, adult education director, director of campus life, and director of workforce development. Curriculum Committee. The purpose of this committee is to review curricula offerings in all areas on a regular basis to assure currency, appropriateness, integrity, and quality. Any proposed changes to the college curriculum must be evaluated and approved by this committee and recommended to the Dean of Instruction. The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Instruction on all matters affecting curricula offerings. The committee consists of the Director of Library Services, Director of Financial Aid, faculty representatives, and the Dean of Instruction (Ex Officio). Membership is by position and two-year appointments; consecutive terms may be served. Diversity Council. The purpose of this committee is to create and assist in the implementation of a plan to foster a campus climate in which there is a proactive commitment to diversity as a basic value of the college. This will include coordinating awareness and training activities. Membership includes the President, college administrators, faculty members, representatives of the athletic department and the Faculty Senate President. Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. This committee is chaired by the Recruiter and is composed of administration, faculty, staff, and student representatives. The purpose of the committee is to provide input, support, and assistance in developing and implementing an on-going enrollment management plan. Appointments are for two years; consecutive terms may be served. E Salary Schedule Committee. The purpose of this committee is to review the guidelines for advancement within each level on the E Salary Schedule and make suggestions for improvements. The committee must be comprised of at least 5 people – 40% E salary schedule personnel, 40% C/B salary schedule personnel, and 20% D salary schedule personnel. Appointments are for two years; consecutive terms may be served. Executive Council. The Executive Council meets regularly to discuss, plan, and evaluate the overall operation of the college. The Council includes the President, Dean of Business Affairs, Dean of Instruction, Dean of Student Affairs, Associate Dean of Instruction, Director of Adult Education, Director of Campus Life, and the Director of Administration and Personnel. Term of appointment is at the President's discretion. Faculty Professional Development Committee. This committee provides recommendations regarding faculty professional development to the Dean of Instruction. Membership includes faculty representatives, faculty senate president, Dean of Instruction. Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate provides a means to utilize the strength, freshness of view, and idealism of the faculty and maintains a spirit of cooperation and a commitment to shared governance. The Faculty Senate consists of all full-time faculty members at all of the institution's teaching locations. Membership is elected, with each division having one senator. The library is considered a division and is entitled to one representative. Four at-large members are chosen from the remaining full-time faculty, two from Atmore and two from Brewton. Financial Aid Appeals Committee. This committee serves as an appeals committee for students who have been denied financial aid because they do not meet new standards of progress guidelines. The committee also assists in the formation of written policies, procedures, and responsibilities for institutional financial aid. The committee will make recommendations concerning these matters to the Dean of Student Affairs. Membership is composed of the Director of Financial Aid, Director of Finance/Comptroller, Registrar, and faculty representatives. Members serve a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Flower Fund Committee. This committee develops and reviews Flower fund Guidelines and expenditures. Membership is composed of the Director of Administration and Personnel; Business Office Staff Member in-charge of the Funds; one faculty, administrator, and staff member who are members of the Flower Fund. Members serve by position and two-year appointments; consecutive terms may be served. Five-Year Technology Plan. This committee helps to foster interest in long-term planning for technology in more areas than just technology fee. Membership is composed of a person with budgetary knowledge; student services personnel, instructors, Dean of Business Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of Workforce Development, and two students. Members serve by position and two-year appointments; consecutive terms may be served. General Education Program and Student Learning Outcomes Committee. The General Education Program and Student Learning Outcomes Committee is responsible for developing and monitoring assessment of general education per Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) criteria. Membership is composed of a faculty member chair (selected by the Dean of Instruction), the Associate Dean of Instruction, division chairs, a Student Support Services representative, faculty representatives from business and social sciences, humanities, nursing, math and science, and technical divisions. Committee members representing disciplines or programs will serve for two-year staggered terms (with half of the representatives being replaced each year so that there is continuity). Honors Council. The Honors Council is responsible for coordinating the Rosemary Jernigan Honors Program. Membership is for a one-year appointment at the President's discretion; consecutive terms may be served. Responsibilities include recruitment and selection of students for invitation into the Honors Program, certification of participants, continued eligibility on a semester basis, design, and administration of the semester Inter-Disciplinary Seminars, and other Honors Program activities. Council members also serve as college advisors to Honors Program participants. Faculty and administrative personnel serve on this council. Information Services Disaster Recovery Planning Committee. This committee is in charge of developing the college’s information services disaster recovery plan and annually reviewing the plan. The committee is chaired by the Director of Technology and Information Systems and is composed of the Director of Administration and Personnel, the Director of Facilities, a business office representative, the Registrar, an instructional administrator, and two faculty members. Instructional Council. The Instructional Council is chaired by the Dean of Instruction and is composed of Jefferson Davis Community College Division Chairs, the Registrar, the Director of Campus Life, Director of Adult Education, Associate Dean of Instruction, Director of Workforce Development, and the Coordinator of Testing. The council advises in all matters pertaining to academic policies and procedures. Nursing Admissions Committee. The Nursing Admissions Committee determines acceptance of applicants into the nursing program. Membership includes the Director of Nursing and Allied Health, Registrar, and a General Education Faculty Member appointed by the Dean of Instruction. On-Line Classes and Distance Education Committee. This committee reviews on-line courses and distance education opportunities for students. The committee will make recommendations concerning on-line course improvements and student success. Membership is by position and two-year appointment; consecutive terms may be served. Membership includes On-Line Instructors, Director of Technology and Information Systems, Library Director, and the Brewton Counselor. Outcomes Assessment Committee. The Outcomes Assessment Committee is charged with designing, implementing, and evaluating a college-wide outcomes assessment program. Membership is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. The committee is composed of faculty, staff, and administration and is co-chaired by the Dean of Instruction and the Director of Administration and Personnel. Recruitment and Selection Committee. The Recruitment and Selection Committee screens candidates for positions and recommends three persons for interview and selection by the President. One-year appointments are made (per consent decree guidelines) by the President from the administration, faculty, and staff. Safety/Security/Facilities Committee. This committee is charged with the responsibility of advising the Dean of Business Affairs and Director of Maintenance in designing and evaluating the comprehensive safety and security program and the implementation of a college-wide physical resources growth and management plan. Members include the Dean of Business Affairs or designee as Chair, Director of Maintenance, maintenance representatives, a custodial representative, a faculty member, a staff member, and a student representative. Members serve a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Scholarship/Financial Aid Committee. This committee is responsible for recommending to the President recipients for JDCC scholarships. The committee also evaluates scholarship/financial aid program guidelines and procedures and makes recommendations for changes. The committee provides oversight to the student financial aid office and reviews the completion of all information concerning student financial aid statistics on an annual basis. Members include faculty, staff, administration, and a student representative. The Director of Administration and Personnel serves as chair. Appointments are for two years; consecutive terms may be served. Sick Leave Bank Committee. This committee provides governance of the Sick Leave Bank according to State Guidelines. The President serves on this committee along with four members elected by sick leave bank members. Student Affairs Judiciary Committee. This committee serves as an appeals committee for all student disciplinary actions, except for those covered by the Athletic Oversight Committee, and makes recommendations to the Dean of Student Affairs. Appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Membership is composed of one division chair, two faculty members, two students, two staff members, and the Dean of Student Affairs (a non-voting member). The committee chair is appointed by the President. Student Development Committee. This committee meets to discuss student development, issues, and activities for each semester. The Dean of Student Affairs serves as chair. Other members include college counselors, the Director of Campus Life, one instructor, one student, and the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs. Appointment is for a two-year term; consecutive terms may be served. Web Page Advisory Task Force. This task force reviews the college Web page and considers all recommendations for changes. Membership is by position (President, Director of Administration and Personnel, Recruiter, Director of Library Services, Dean of Student Affairs, and Director of Technology and Information Systems).