New Secondments/ Development Placement: -


Date: 28 th August 2009

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New Opportunities:

Head of Change Programme – National Assembly for


Previously Advertised:

Chief Executive Officer- Crossroads Care Sir Gar

PSMW Events / Opportunities:

Organisational Raid to Pack-it Social Enterprise

Olivier Mythodrama – Lessons from Shakespeare’s ‘The


Organisational Raid to North Wales Fire and Rescue

Service – Joint Communications Centre with North

Wales Police

International Learning Opportunities- Closing Date


PSMW Online Forum

Expo 2010- Register your interest now!

Expo 2010- Invite to organisations

PSMW/NLIAH Leadership Bursary Programme 2009/10


Advertising on the Bulletin

To apply for an opportunity advertised in the Personal Learning &

Development bulletin, candidates must secure approval from their line manager or head of division. For those already on secondment, you will need to renegotiate your secondment agreement with all parties before applying for another secondment. For Welsh Assembly Government secondments the total period must not exceed 5 years. You need to be a permanent member of staff to be eligible for a secondment.

NB. Please note that if you are a substantive member of staff of the

Welsh Assembly Government you are unable to apply for any secondment opportunities within the Welsh Assembly Government.

For more information on any of these opportunities please contact PSMW at

or 029 2068 1289

New Opportunities:

Post Title:

Organisation :

Pay Band:



Based at:

Head of Change Programme

National Assembly for Wales


2 years

Friday 11 th September 2009

Cardiff Bay

Job Details

The Head of the Change Programme is responsible for running the programme on a day-to-day basis, within the constraints defined by the

Programme Board. They will be responsible for developing a culture of

Portfolios, Programmes and Projects within the National Assembly for Wales.

The post holder will not directly control any projects but be an influencer in identifying new or existing projects that may benefit from working within the programme structure, developing (with service lines) new project proposals that improve the overall delivery of services and working with service lines to embed a culture of service review and improvement into the service and the organisation.

The Head of Change Programme will be responsible for the successful delivery and overall integrity and coherence of the programme; the development of an environment to support the projects; the upholding of the standards within the programme and ensure the cost of running the unit is fully recovered by the savings identified in the business change benefits. They will also be responsible for ensuring that the programme also delivers a significant improvement in the Assembly’s Portfolio, Programme and Project

Management Maturity Model (M3P3) with a target of achieving level three within two years.

For more information and an application pack please contact

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Previously Advertised:

Post Title:



Pay Band:

Chief Executive Officer – 22.5 hrs per week

Crossroads Care Sir Gar

£28,664 - £34,302 pro rata



Based at:

2 years minimum

Friday 18 th September 2009


Job Details

Crossroads Care Sir Gâr is an independent charity and company limited by guarantee providing services to carers in Sir Gar and is a member of the

Crossroads Care Association.

Crossroads Care is Britain’s leading provider of support for carers and the people they care for.

This post is for 22.5 hours per week and is available as a 3 year post or as a

2-3 year secondment with continuation for both available subject to performance review and funding.

We are looking for someone with experience in management and a proven record in leadership and development, preferably in the care, health or wellbeing sectors in Wales.

The successful appointee will achieve the company’s stated mission through:

Leading the process of formulating corporate plans and strategies to meet

Carers’ needs; taking overall responsibility for securing and managing the necessary staff and resources to achieve these plans; acting as the organisational lead for external communications and public relations, especially in relation to partnership working.



At a time of significant changes in the public and health sectors this opportunity would best suit those wishing to further develop their skills, understanding of not-for-profit service provision and knowledge base and for whom a secondment would be an appropriate method to develop their professional skills. This is an exciting position which would allow the right candidate to use their skills and experience to further develop an already successful scheme.

For more information and an application pack please contact Jane Fisher at the Crossroads Wales Office

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PSMW Events / Opportunities:

Organisational Raid to Pack-it Social Enterprise

‘Not Business as Usual’

22 nd September 2009

An Organisational Raid to Pack-it Social Enterprise has been set for 22 nd September


An Organisational Raid is a shared learning event that offers the opportunity for individuals and organisations to learn from each others innovative and interesting work and to share good practice.

Established in 1988, the Pack-it Group is an award winning Social Enterprise firm in the storage, distribution, fulfilment and mailing sector.

The Organisational Raid will be themed around Corporate Social Responsibility and

Pack-I t’s well documented social agenda around the employment of disabled and disadvantaged people.

To book a place on this Organisational Raid, please email

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Lessons from Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’

21 st October 2009

Venue tbc

“This has had a profound impact on me and my leadership – the best insights I’ve had for years.”

This wor kshop uses Shakespeare’s timeless play to provide insights into the human nature of transformational leadership and reveal the vital ingredients of a successful change initiative. No previous knowledge of the play is required.

The one-day programme offers managers and leaders a creative and different perspective on managing change. It reveals the fundamental elements required for individuals to manage change and explores the different frames required to lead a successful systemic transformation: what kind of ‘storm’ do you need to create? How can you tell a compelling story to truly engage others? How might you need to change in order to make the bigger change successful?

The programme is free to attend however once a place has been reserved for you, a fee will be charged if you withdraw and do not provide the name of a replacement attendee or for non attendance on the day.

For more information or to reserve your place email

or call 029 2092 6048.

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Organisational Raid to North Wales Fire and Rescue Service –

Joint Communications Centre with North Wales Police

29 th October 2009

An Organisational Raid to North Wales Fire and Rescue Service has been set for 29 th

October 2009.

An Organisational Raid is a shared learning event that offers the opportunity for individuals and organisations to learn from each others innovative and interesting work and to share good practice.

The Joint Communications Centre:

The major drivers behind the provision of this Joint Communications Centre (JCC) are the saving of lives and reduction of serious injuries.

North Wales Police were first to move into the JCC in March 2006, and as part of their relocation project they merged three control rooms into one purpose-built facility. The building was designed with future expansion and flexibility in mind, and was equipped with the latest technology and training facilities.

In October 2008, following an intensive programme of work, North Wales Fire and

Rescue Service relocated its primary Control to the JCC.

This centre delivers a change in culture for the two services by working side by side with no physical barriers, and the collaborative and joint working across the emergency services improves operational effectiveness. The approach compliments the work undertaken in Wales into collaboration and joint working across the emergency services, stemming from the ‘Shared Ambitions – for a Safer and Healthier Community’ produced nationally by the three emergency services in 2001.

To book a place on this Organisational Raid, please email

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International Learning Opportunities


Don't miss your chance to take part in this unique programme

The International Learning Opportunities (ILO) scheme enables participants to spend eight weeks working on development projects in sub-Saharan Africa, without needing to take a career break.

“The placement was a fantastic experience. I would recommend it to anyone. I was able to share my skills with colleagues in Africa, but I also saw first hand how community groups work together.”

The scheme is now in its final year and the closing date for receipt of applications is

30 October 2009.

Still undecided?

A reception to welcome back returning participants will be held on Thursday 24 th

September at the Temple of Peace in central Cardiff. Come along to hear presentations from those who have returned from Africa and take the opportunity to talk informally with participants about their experiences. Members of the PL&D team will also be available to discuss the application process and answer any questions you may have.

For more information about International Learning Opportunities or to reserve a place at the reception, please telephone 029 2068 1343 or email

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PSMW Online Forum

PSMW are pleased to announce that an Online Discussion Forum is now available on our website. A Welsh Assembly Government first, the online forum provides individuals that have participated in our learning opportunities the chance to share experiences, feedback on courses attended and connect with others across the Welsh public service. The forum also provides PSMW with an opportunity to improve the services we offer via the feedback that individuals leave.

The areas of discussion include Personal Learning and Development (including

Bursaries), Programmes, Workforce, International Learning Opportunities, Summer

School, Equality and Human Rights, Coaching and Mentoring and Time Banking.

There is also a general thread for individuals to discuss any PSMW-related topics.

Although the Forum is designed for individuals to share their experiences with others,

PSMW would welcome any questions that you may have about future programmes / events or the work that we do.

To access the online discussion forum please visit

to create an account.

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Expo 10

Stand out from the crowd…

2 nd & 3 rd February 2010 – City Hall, Cardiff

10 th February 2010 – Venue Cymru, Llandudno

Following the huge success of Expo 09 which was themed around ‘Working in

Harmony’, the dates for Expo 10 have now been set with events in both North and

South Wales.

Expo provides a range of opportunities for anyone working or wanting to work in the

Welsh public service (including third sector), helping you stand out from the crowd by promoting self –learning and encouraging skills development.

Keynote speakers such as ‘The Apprentice’ star

Ruth Badger and Jim Lawless, author of ‘Taming Tigers’ will share their inspirational stories whilst experiential workshops will give you the chance to put the theory into practice. Expo provides a fantastic opportunity to hear from the world’s best, and take part in a wide range of interactive workshops that are inspiring and enlightening. In addition, Expo gives the opportunity for networking and learning at its very best.

Full programme and booking forms will be available in September however to register your interest now, please email

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2 nd & 3 rd

Expo 10

February 2010 – Cardiff City Hall

10 th February 2010 – Venue Cymru, Llandudno


As part of Expo 10, we are inviting organisations to take the opportunity to promote development and secondment opportunities showcasing areas of best practice. This is also an ideal PR opportunity to launch any initiatives or events and network to a vast audience drawn from across the Welsh public service.

Places for exhibitors are on a limited, ‘first come first served’ basis and exhibiting organisations will be named in promotional materials once confirmed. Register your interest now to take advantage of this opportunity.

To register your interest, please email

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Public Service Management Wales (PSMW) and the National Leadership and

Innovation Agency for Healthcare (NLIAH) bring you the opportunity to take an unforgettable leadership learning journey. The two organisations have joined together to set up and fund the second annual Leadership Bursary Programme designed to support the development of managers and leaders working across the Welsh public service community.

Encouraging individuals to think beyond their immediate learning horizon to explore the potential for personal and professional development, this programme features a comprehensive and varied collection of learning programmes at internationally renowned institutions which have been specifically chosen to help address some of the challenges faced by individuals responsible for improving public service delivery.

Academic institutions for this suite of bursaries include:

Harvard John F Kennedy School of Government

Henley Business School

Ashridge Business School

We are currently taking expressions of interest for the PSMW/NLIAH Leadership

Bursary Programme.

To request a copy of the PSMW/NLIAH Leadership Bursary Programme brochure please email

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PSMW/NLIAH Leadership Bursary Programme 2009/10

Advertising on the Bulletin

The Personal Learning and Development Bulletin will now be sent on a fortnightly basis. The bulletin will be distributed on the second and last Friday of each month.

To promote an opportunity on the bulletin, please complete and return the Personal

Learning and Development application form by the Wednesday prior to the bulletin being distributed.

The next bulletin will go out on Friday 11 th September 09, therefore the deadline for opportunities will be Wednesday 9 th September 09.

To request a copy of the Personal Learning and Development application form please email

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