2009 STERILISING SERVICES ORIENTATION MANUAL The Sterilising Services Orientation Manual covers key areas providing you with a basic knowledge and understanding of the Central Sterilising Department enabling a transition to safe and effective practice within Queensland Health. The manual has been divided into the following sections. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 PART 2 Introduction 1. Overview of Sterilising Services 2. Resources and Training 3. Self-Assessment 4. Individual Learning Plan PART 3 Attachments 1. Orientation Checklist 2. Shift Task Lists 3. Standard Operating Procedures 4. Manual Handling Information Booklet 5. PRIME Fact Sheet 6. Information Systems Application Form 2 PART 1 Introduction Welcome to the Central Sterilizing Department (CSD). As part of your orientation to the Health Service District you have been booked to attend corporate orientation which commences on the INSERT DATE HERE at INSERT VENUE HERE. Your mentor for the next three months of your orientation program within the CSD is INSERT NAME HERE, who will assist you during your induction phase within the work unit and ensure that you are introduced to the staff in CSD. This sterilizing services orientation manual (the manual) has been developed for staff new to the sterilizing services department. The manual is to be used in conjunction with the Queensland Health Orientation Program to assist new employees gain an understanding and develop a sense of belonging in their local work area. In addition to the generic QH Orientation Program Checklist, a CSD Orientation Checklist has been included in section 6 (attachment 1) for you and your mentor to work through. Once the orientation checklists are completed this information will be kept as part of your personnel file. The orientation program contains: A welcome letter from the District Director of Nursing/ Chief Executive Officer The CSD Orientation Manual An individual self assessment form An individual learning plan Other specific information relating to CSD Recommended Resources The table below lists additional resources for you to reference as you transition to safe and effective practice. CHRISP website http://www.health.qld.gov.au/chrisp/default.asp CHRISP website section relating to http://www.health.qld.gov.au/chrisp/sterilising/overvie sterilising services w.asp Queensland Health Disinfection and http://www.health.qld.gov.au/chrisp/sterilising/overvie Sterilization Infection Control Guidelines w.asp# CHRISP Easi-Sterilize http://www.chrispqld.com/easi_sterilise/easisterilise.html CHRISP Sterilizing Services Supporting http://www.health.qld.gov.au/chrisp/sterilising/sterile_s Documents upport.asp PRIME http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/psc/prime/Prime_home. htm Occupational Health and Safety http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/safety/home.htm Manual Handling Information Booklet – http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/safety/safety_topics/gui Central Sterilising Department des/Mhb_csd.pdf 5 PART 2 Overview of Sterilizing Services, Standards and Guidelines Within Queensland Health (QH), the Centre for Healthcare Related Infection Surveillance and Prevention (CHRISP) has the statewide responsibility for the Infection Prevention and Control program (including sterilizing). The CHRISP website has a number of resources to assist CSD staff in the course of their work, including, QH Disinfection and Sterilization Infection Control Guidelines, Easi-Sterilise® and other associated documents relating to cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of instruments and equipment. To access the CHRISP website go to or click on the following link: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/chrisp/default.asp. CHRISP also plays an important role in representing the interests of sterilising services on the relevant Australian Standards committees that relate to sterilizing practice: including: Australian/New Zealand Standard AS 4187- 2003 ‘Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of associated environments in health care facilities’ (AS4187; Australian/New Zealand Standard 4815:2006: ‘Office-based health care facilities - Reprocessing of reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of the associated environment’ (AS4815). The role of CSD within INSERT FACILITY HERE CSD is an essential department within Peri-Operative Services that is responsible for preparing, processing, and distributing sterile and non-sterile medical and surgical supplies and equipment. CSD is responsible for removing or destroying potentially infectious material on reusable devices, and distributing appropriately processed items throughout the health care facility or the district. The CSD role is of vital importance in ensuring that reusable instruments are handled, cleaned, disinfected and sterilised appropriately thereby eliminating the risk of infection transmission to patients and staff. 7 Operating Theatre (OT) The service provided by CSD extends beyond the hospital walls, with Operating Theatre (OT) a major stakeholder. To ensure continuity of service delivery there must be a direct relationship and open communication between CSD and Operating Suite services. Communication between the OT and sterilizing services is a high priority and one of the primary links. In the course of any shift it is the responsibility of the shift supervisors for CSD and OT to communicate on a regular basis to ensure that the needs of both areas are being met. In order to gain an insight into the interaction between CSD and OT, you will rotate to OT as an observer as part of your 3 month orientation program. Infection Prevention and Control The role of infection control is primarily to prevent healthcare associated infections. Infection control co-ordinators and CSD staff must jointly be involved in the development of facility sterilization and disinfection standard operating procedures to ensure safe, quality practice. It is important to take care when handling instruments to prevent sustaining a sharps injury. Items that have been attributed to sharps injuries within CSD include but are not limited to: blades that have not been removed and disposed at the point of generation, needles and fine sharp instruments. There are measures to prevent injuries and occupational exposures whilst working in the cleaning area. One of the most important strategies is wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. Personal Protective Equipment includes wearing waterproof aprons, gloves, goggles and masks or face shields. Infection Control can be contacted by phone on INSERT PHONE NUMBER HERE or by paging INSERT PAGE NUMBER HERE. For further information about Infection Prevention and Control go to the following link via the District Intranet site: INSERT LINK HERE. 8 Building Maintenance and Engineering Services (BEMS) Within this facility BEMS personnel are responsible for steam and water supply as well as the coordination of maintenance and repairs for all equipment, machinery. If any equipment in CSD fails a required test (e.g. Sterilizer fails the leak rate test) the failure is to be reported to the shift supervisor. The machine is to be placed out of order until reviewed by BEMS or by the service contractor. Biomedical Technical Services (BTS) Within each district there is access to Biomedical Technical Services (BTS). The scope of services provided by local BTS may vary. Within this district BTS is responsible for (please add or delete as required): Instrument maintenance and repair Maintaining biomedical equipment Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Queensland Health is committed to providing a safe, supportive and healthy environment for its staff, volunteers and other persons at the workplace. Workplace incidents are to be reported to the local Occupational Health and Safety Unit as soon as possible following their occurrence. Within each facility there are Occupational Health and Safety Officers who can be contacted by phone on INSERT PHONE NUMBER HERE or by paging INSERT PAGE NUMBER HERE. As part of QHs commitment to ensuring staff safety the Occupational Health and Safety Unit has developed a Manual Handling Booklet for CSD. This booklet has been included in part 3 of this manual and will be discussed with you by your mentor. 9 Patient Safety Officer Within each district there is a designated Patient Safety Officer who provides advice and resources to units/departments to assist manage patient incidents and implement strategies to prevent reoccurrence of incidents. CHRISP in consultation with the Patient Safety Centre have developed a fact sheet to assist CSD and OT staff report potential and actual patient incidents. Patient incidents are reported electronically on PRIME – refer to Part 4. Your mentor will assist you to organise PRIME incident reporting training during your three month orientation period. Queensland Health Information Systems In the course of your work you will require access to the various QH Information Systems such as HBCIS (hospital based computer information system), ORMIS (operating room management information system), QH Novell Logon and Email access, INSERT OTHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS REQUIRED FOR CSD HERE. Your mentor will assist you gaining access to the systems you require and enrol you in the relevant training programs (refer to Part 3- application forms for Novell Logon and Email Access). To arrange access to HBCIS please go to the following link and choose the facility location and download the application form: http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/id/id_a_to_z_access.htm#h Communication with Other Departments Throughout the course of your shift there may have be instances where communication is required with other departments (e.g. OT). Prior to contacting other departments you should discuss the matter with the shift supervisor. It is the shift supervisor’s responsibility to liaise with key staff within the other departments on your behalf. As part of your orientation program your mentor will introduce you to key staff within other departments that you may come in contact with as part of your role in CSD. 10 2.2 Resources and Training Your mentor will assist you to complete the requirements of the Queensland Health Orientation Program and local programs. Each week your mentor will arrange for you to meet with your line manager INSERT NAME HERE (Nurse Unit Manager) to discuss your transition within the department. These discussions will include your education and training needs, workload and service expectations. When you commence working in CSD you will be orientated to each of the work areas within the department in a planned and systematic manner. Your mentor will assist you by providing training and skills assessments as you move through each of the areas and the various shifts within the department (Part 4 of this manual includes copies of each shifts task list). CHRISP Resources In 2007, CHRISP launched a set of templates for standardising sterilizing practice across QH CSDs. These resources are referred to as Easi-Sterilise® and include: i. Standard Operating Procedures & Workplace Skills Assessments ii. Sterilising Services Audit iii. Resources for the cleaning of complex instruments The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Workplace Skills Assessments (WSA) and instructions for the cleaning of complex instrumentation have been developed in accordance with published guidelines and standards. They recognise the importance of the role of sterilizing services staff and to assist them to perform their duties safely and efficiently. Easi-Sterilise® provides a framework for the minimum set of standards for sterilizing practice within Queensland Health facilities and are a key component in the ensuring that staff working in sterilising units have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to undertake the allocated activity, task or job. 11 A hard copy of the Easi-Sterilise® (SOPS and WSA) has been provided for you in this section. You can also access these resources on line via the CHRISP website using the following link: http://www.chrispqld.com/easi_sterilise/easi-sterilise.html. The sections of the SOP and WSA modules included as part of the manual includes: Cleaning Packaging Sterilizing Quality Sterile stock This section also includes Standard Operating Procedure & Workplace Skills Assessment Checklist. This checklist has been designed to assist you, your mentor and your line manager to determine which SOPs and WSA need to be undertaken during your 3 month orientation period. On completion, this form can be included as evidence for your performance planning and review and can be included in your personnel file. Endoscope Reprocessing If your role within CSD includes the reprocessing of scopes used in endoscopy services, it is essential that you have undertaken recognised training in this area. The Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia Inc. (GENCA) and the Infection Control Program of the Communicable Diseases Unit QH have collobrated in the development of a training program for the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes and accessories. This training program is available on the CHRISP website (http://www.health.qld.gov.au/EndoscopeReprocessing/) and is an educational resource for health care professionals. The site consists of a number of modules. Each module has review questions at the end to assist with your learning. Once you have finished all six modules, consolidate your knowledge by working through the final review. An assessment of the learning obtained from this training package may be undertaken by a practical demonstration of your skills. The Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia Inc. has a program for this assessment and information may be obtained from the GENCA website. 12 Certificate III in Sterilizing Services Queensland Health’s (QH) is committed to ongoing education and training. There is an expectation that staff who work in CSD also undergo formal training in the reprocessing of reusable medical devices known as Certificate III in Sterilising Services. INSERT NAME FACILITY HERE funds the cost of enrolment within the course for all permanent employees working in CSD. There are numerous advantages when you undertake formal study and gain a Certificate III in Sterilising Services, which include: Base grade Assistants in Nursing or Operational Staff will be renumerated at agreed higher levels when Certificate III in Sterilising Services has been successfully completed. Your line manager or Human Resource Management Department within the district will be able to provide you with further information with regards to pay incentives relating to education and training. You will gain the theoretical knowledge associated with the duties you are to perform within the department You will have the confidence to participate in discussions that relate to service improvements and work environment improvements Potential to participate in the establishment of a portfolio within your role Contribute to points for higher learning CHRISP Forums and Training CHRISP conducts Sterilising Services Forums across the state. These forums are designed to communicate the activities of the Statewide Sterilizing Program, update knowledge and skills relating to CSD and to provide opportunities for you to network with other staff working in other facilities. Information regarding the forums is forwarded to the INSERT NAME OF NUM and to those who have registered to be part of the Sterilizing Services Network. 13 If you want to become a member of the CHRISP Sterilizing Network, register your email address (either work or home email) with CHRISP via email: chrisp@health.qld.gov.au. Everyone is welcome to join the CHRISP Sterilizing Network. In addition to the forums, CHRISP also liaises with medical industry and the manager of CSD when coordinating statewide inservice programs. Information is distributed by INSERT NAME OF NUM to all staff within the department as these programs become available within your department, CSD Inservice Program Within CSD there is also an inservice program that is designed to complement your work area. This inservice program is linked to the overall staff performance planning and development, inservice needs analysis and work unit planning. The inservice program provides you with local information in relation to the reprocessing of reusable medical devices so that we can address local hazards and reduce the risk of injury or infection to patients and staff. The department’s inservice program is managed by INSERT NAME HERE and a schedule for the program can be found in/on INSERT LOCATION HERE. What’s Next: After your three month orientation program Once you have completed your three month orientation program this is not the end of the transition in CSD. As part of your professional development you will now plan your additional learning needs with your manager. In your role in CSD it is planned that you undertake other training that is provided within the health service district such as Human Error and Patient Safety (HEAPS) training which is provide by the Patient Safety Officer. Your mentor and manager will assist you to determine your training needs. 14 2.3 Self Assessment This tool has been designed to assist you to assess your level of knowledge and skills in key areas within CSD. It is important that your self assessment is completed on or before day 1 of your orientation as we believe this process will assist you to transition easily and safely to sterilizing practice. Do not be concerned if you have “limited” in many of your responses. The idea of the self assessment is to identify your specific learning needs. Step 1: Please complete the following questions to assess (1) your current level of knowledge and (2) your current skill level by circling the most appropriate response. Step 2: You are to discuss the results of your self assessment with your mentor/manager and the results will be used to develop your individual learning plan for the next 3 months. 1. Cleaning Knowledge in sorting instruments prior to cleaning Nil Limited Some Extensive Skills in sorting instruments prior to cleaning Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in Chemical & Detergent Mixtures Nil Limited Some Extensive Skills in replacing and checking Chemical & Detergent Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in pre & post rinsing of surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in pre and post rinsing Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of manual cleaning processes Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in manual cleaning including cleaning of complex and cannulated instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how and when to use of a water Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating a pressure water gun Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of Ophthalmic & Micro-Instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in cleaning of Ophthalmic & Micro-Instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of cleaning of powered tools, air hoses and batteries Nil Limited Some Extensive Mixtures pressure gun 15 1. Cleaning cont. Skill in cleaning of powered tools, air hoses and Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how Batch Type Washer Disinfector Machines operate Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating Batch Type Washer Disinfector Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how Index Machines operate Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating Index Machine Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of the operation of Tunnel/ Continuous Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating Tunnel or Continuous Washers Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how Ultrasonic Cleaners operate Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating Ultrasonic Cleaners Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of De-Staining instrument processes Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in De-Staining instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how and when to use an air pressure Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in Operating the air pressure gun Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how a Drying Cabinet operates Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating a Drying Cabinet Nil Limited Some Extensive batteries Machines Washers gun 16 2. Preparation and Packaging Knowledge in general surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in orthopaedic instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in gynaecology and obstetric instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in ear nose and throat instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in neurosurgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in cardiac surgery instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in INSERT surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in INSERT surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in INSERT surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in INSERT surgical instruments Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in how to organise preparation and packaging work area Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in organising the preparation and packaging work Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how to set up instrument trays Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in setting up instrument trays Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of packaging and wrapping techniques used in the department Nil Limited Some Extensive Skills in packaging and wrapping techniques Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of how the heat sealer operates Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in operating a heat sealer Nil Limited Some Extensive area 17 3. Sterilizing Knowledge in the requirements for batch labelling and recording of a load prior to sterilization Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in batch labelling and recording of a load prior to sterilization Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of loading a trolley for steam sterilization Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in loading a trolley for steam sterilization Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of loading a Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilizer Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in loading a Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilizer Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in identifying and operating the appropriate steam sterilizer cycle Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in steam sterilizer operation and ability to select the correct cycle Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge in Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilizer operation Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Steriliser and ability to select the correct cycle Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of required parameters when releasing a Sterilizer load Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in assessing and inspecting all parameters when releasing a Sterilizer load Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of the requirements when cooling a Sterilizer load Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in managing items following sterilization that require cooling prior to release Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of reporting requirements when a Sterilizer load fails Nil Limited Some Extensive 18 4. Quality Assurance Knowledge in cleaning efficiency testing Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in performing clean efficiency testing Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of test/s required to determine ultrasonic machine efficiency Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill performing ultrasonic machine testing Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of mechanical washer cycle monitoring for thermal disinfection Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in interpreting and documenting mechanical washer cycle monitoring for thermal disinfection Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of routine cleaning and checking of mechanical washers Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in performing routine cleaning and checking of mechanical washers Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of internal and external chemical indicators and when they are used Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in determining the appropriate internal and external chemical indicator for their use Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of biological and enzymatic indicators and when they are used Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in the use of biological and enzymatic indicators Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of requirements of leak rate test fro prevacuum sterilizers Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in setting the appropriate steam steriliser cycle for leak rate test and interpreting and documenting the sterilizer printout Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of the requirements of a Bowie Dick test and interpreting the results Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in undertaking Bowie Dick testing and interpreting and documenting the results Nil Limited Some Extensive Knowledge of routine cleaning and checking of sterilizers Nil Limited Some Extensive Skill in performing routine cleaning and checking of sterilizers Nil Limited Some Extensive Thank you for taking the time to complete your self assessment. 19 2.4 Easi-Sterilize: Standard Operating Procedures & Workplace Skills Assessments The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) provides a framework for the minimum set of standards for sterilising practice within Queensland Health facilities (http://www.chrispqld.com/easi_sterilise/easi-sterilise.html). This resource can be used: As a resource for you within sterilising services Help you recognize areas in which they are competent and those in which they still need to improve Identify problem areas where you may require further assistance and training The SOP’s are divided into 5 sections: Section 1 Cleaning Procedures Section 2 Packaging & Wrapping Procedures Section 3 Sterilising Procedures Section 4 Sterile Storage Area Procedures Section 5 Quality Assurance Workplace Skills Assessments (WSA) A key component in the implementation of SOP’s is ensuring that you have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to undertake the allocated activity, task or job. Within each SOP criteria for the WSA are included and are designed to be used as part of CSD’s orientation program and for your ongoing professional development. The rating criteria for the WSA are based on the Benner Scoring Legend (refer to table 1). A template for WSA sheet (included in this section) is to be used as your personal record. 20 To undertake a WSA the following conditions need to be applied: When undertaking the WSA you are able to: Completes the task on your own Locate equipment used in the process without delay; Use unit equipment according to manufacturers instructions; and Completes the WSA within the boundaries of legislation and the SOP’s Each step within the SOP has a box to be ticked (√) for achievement and (X) if the performance criteria is not achieved The rating criteria for the WSA are based on the Benner Scoring Legend (refer to table 1). At the completion of each assessment your mentor/assessor undertaking the assessment will discuss with you the assessment outcomes Table 1: Benner Scoring Legend SCORING LEGEND NOVICE (1) Requires guidance: performs within set parameters ADVANCED BEGINNER (2) Performs routine functions: requires some assistance in complex situations and setting priorities COMPETENT (3) Prioritises and completes functions independently: can adapt practice to manage complex situations. PROFICENT (4) Demonstrates speed and flexibility in decision making: can predict outcomes independently and plan for contingencies. WSA RATING Requires immediate action by manager to manage risk. Inadequate Requires reassessment in one (1) week. Improvement Required Adequate Requires reassessment within one (1) month. Meets current best practice requirements. Review annually. Adequate Meets current best practice requirements. Review annually. 21 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES WORKPLACE SKILLS ASSESSMENT SHEET Staff Member Name: Competency Assessor Assessment & Signature Title Date Adequate Improvement required Inadequate CLEANING 1.1 Standard Precautions 1.2 Soiled Pick-Up Schedule 1.3 Sorting Prior to Cleaning 1.4 Chemical & Detergent Mixtures 1.5 Pre & Post Rinsing 1.6 Manual Cleaning 1.7 Operating the Water Pressure Gun 1.8 Cleaning of Ophthalmic & Micro-Instruments 1.9 Cleaning of Powered Tools, Air Hoses and Batteries 1.10 Ultrasonic Cleaner 1.11 Use of Blue Food Dye Technique 1.12 Washer Disinfector Machines 1.13 De-Staining 1.14 Operating the Air Pressure Gun 1.15 Drying Cabinet 22 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES WORKPLACE SKILLS ASSESSMENT SHEET Assessor Assessment & Signature Competency Title Date Adequate Improvement required Inadequate PREPARATION 2.1 Unloading Mechanical Washer Disinfector Machines 2.2 Unloading of Drying Cabinet 2.3 Organisation of Packaging Table 2.4 Equipment Set Ups 2.5 Wrapping / Packaging / Labelling 2.6 Operation of Heat Sealer 2.7 Stock Replacement STERILISING 3.1 Batching & Recording of a Load Prior to Sterilisation 3.2 Loading and Recording of Items for Steam Sterilisation 3.3 Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilisation 3.4 Releasing and Unloading a Sterile Load 3.5 Emergency Shutdown of Steam Steriliser 23 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES WORKPLACE SKILLS ASSESSMENT SHEET STERILE STORAGE Assessor Assessment & Signature Competency Title Date 4.1 Dedicated Area for Sterile Goods 4.2 Stock Rotation 4.3 Loading a Dedicated Trolley & Container for Delivery of Sterile Stock Adequate Improvement required Inadequate QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 Water Quality 5.2 Cleaning Efficiency Test 5.3 Ultrasonic Machine Testing 5.4 Mechanical Washer Cycle Monitoring 5.5 Internal and external Chemical Control 5.6 Biological & Enzymatic Indicators 5.7 Leak Rate Test 5.8 Bowie Dick Test 5.9 Mechanical Washer & Sterilizer Routine Cleaning and Checking 24 2.5 Individual Learning Plan Performance Appraisal and Development Plan template - HR Policy G9 October 2008 Note: This template is provided as an example. Districts or professional groups may choose other preferred templates. Guidelines on Performance Appraisal and Development for Managers, Supervisors and Employees are on the HR Branch Learning and Development Unit webpage. NAME: EMP. ID: POSITION: CLASSIFICATION: FACILITY/WORK UNIT: Supervisor Initiate Agreement 6 Month Review 12 month Appraisal Date Completed Date to be conducted Date to be conducted __/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ Initials Initials Initials Supervisors Comment – 6 Month Review Employees Comment – 6 Month Review Performance Results (please circle appropriate response): 12 Month Appraisal Exceeds requirements Meets all requirements Meets some requirements Does not meet requirements Conduct/Queensland Health Values (please circle appropriate response): 12 Month Appraisal: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Supervisors Comment – 12 Month Appraisal Employees Comment – 12 Month Appraisal UPON COMPLETION 6 MONTH REVIEW 12 MONTH APPRAISAL 25 EMPLOYEE REPORTING OFFICER Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Name: Name: Signature: Signature: DATE REVIEW COMPLETED Supervisor to retain original. Employee to retain copy. 26 PART 1: PERFORMANCE PLAN The business plan objectives should reflect your role Description and link to Queensland Health/Local Unit’s plans and goals. You should consider including technical and interpersonal job characteristics in this section. Role Description Summary Plan objectives Key Responsibilities Performance Targets Timeframe PART 2: PERFORMANCE PLAN The four Queensland Health values should be evident in the way we go about our day to day work. Discuss what good performance will look like for your work in relation to each of these values. Queensland Health values Performance Outcomes/Expectations Comments – Mid Cycle Review Comments – Annual Review Caring for people Supporting a safe quality health care Ensuring patients are treated with consideration and feel valued <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> High standards of behaviour in line with these values and code of conduct Understanding responsibilities Taking on challenges Listening and being responsive <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> Developing healthy professional relationships Respecting dignity, rights and personal views of others <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> Building mutual trust Provision of quality advice based on sound research <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> <insert here> Demonstrating commitment and consideration for people in the way we work. Leadership Regardless of level we all have a role in communicating a vision, taking responsibility and colleagues. Respect building trust amongst Showing due regard for the feelings and rights of others. Integrity using official positions and power properly. 27 PART 3: DEVELOPMENT PLAN Outline your development needs including skills and knowledge required. Skills and Knowledge Required Developmental Activities Comments – Comments – Mid Cycle Review Annual Review OPTIONAL – CAREER ASPIRATIONS List any career aspirations you have. What training and development will assist you in achieving this career goal? Developmental Activities Progress – Progress – Mid Cycle Review Annual Review Career Goal Sign off of Performance and Development Plan (initial agreement). EMPLOYEE Name: Signature: __/__/__ REPORTING OFFICER Name: Signature: __/__/__ 28 29 PART 3 1. CSD Orientation ChecklistCSD Orientation Checklist Activity Date Mentor Signature Day 1 Tour CSD and introduce to staff Meeting with Manager Completed self assessment Scheduled weekly meeting with manager Week 1 Organise corporate orientation Read Manual Handling Information Booklet- CSD Week 2 Facility tour Introduced to key staff within organisation 1 Month Navigate the CHRISP website Observer in Operating Theatre 2 Months Undertake endoscope reprocessing module (CHRISP website: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/EndoscopeReprocessing/ 30 Activity Date Mentor Signature 3 Months Enrol in Certificate 111 Sterilisation Services Complete Individual Learning Plan- PA&D Complete and sign off all relevant WSA CSD Rotation (Week 1 to 3 months) Cleaning area Inspecting and tray set-up Wrapping and packaging Sterilizing Dispatch Sterile stock 31 2. Shift Task Lists Insert a copy of Shift Task lists here 32 3. Standard Operating Procedures Download standard Operating Procedures and insert here: http://www.chrispqld.com/easi_sterilise/easi-sterilise.html 33