Deans Performance Review - Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Date of Review:
Dean’s Name:
Date Employed:
Job Title:
Review Period: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
The overarching goal of the performance review process is to develop each Dean’s potential
and improve job performance.
Although the Dean’s performance is informally monitored throughout the year, the formal review
is conducted annually during the month of February for the previous calendar year. No later
than the published date, each Dean shall develop and submit to the Provost’s office an annual
review portfolio that includes the following components:
 A transmittal memorandum;
 Completion status of 2014 personal professional goals;
 Current status of FY 2014 Division Plan goals; and
 A self-review of your performance using this document, with specific evidence of all selfratings that are below or above “meets expectations.”
Subsequent to submitting the portfolio, the Dean shall schedule a one-hour performance review
conference with the Provost during a designated time period. The conference will provide an
opportunity for an open and honest discussion, with the overarching goal of performance
improvement. Upon completion of the formal review conference, the written performance review
documents (this completed protocol with ratings and the personalized goal and development plan)
will be finalized.
Performance Ratings: All items will be rated using the following scale:
1. Does Not Meet Expectations Improvement Required
2. Meets Expectations
Performance meets expectations of job requirements
3. Exceeds Expectation
Performance consistently exceeds job requirements
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2014 Academic Deans’ Performance Review
A rating number will be entered for each factor, with comments as needed or required for
elaboration (may include reference to review portfolio). For each rating of 1 and 3, supporting
comments are required.
1. Leadership: The Dean provides effective leadership that results in positive change and
growth of the College and University; provides direction and shapes the future of the College by
establishing and supporting the fulfillment of a College vision and mission; takes initiative in
representing and advocating the mission of the College to constituencies within the University,
the profession, the community, and the region; provides direction for the development, revision,
assessment, and discontinuance (if determined necessary) of curricula and all academic programs
within the College (e.g., degree, certificate); represents and communicates administrative
decisions and actions in a positive manner.
Rating Number:
Personnel Management: The Dean utilizes an overall personnel management style that is
characterized by openness, honesty, and equity and is focused toward the maximum development
of individuals, as well as the success of ad hoc groups and the overall College faculty and staff
team; differentiates management style according to the needs of individual faculty and staff
members; facilitates a culture of collegiality, trust, and respect between and among the Dean and
faculty members; identifies areas of employee low performance and provides appropriate and
timely guidance and development opportunities for improvement; makes faculty and staff
assignments in a fair and equitable, effective, and efficient manner that maximizes successful
programmatic operations within the College; provides clear and effective guidance to College
committees (e.g., tenure and promotion committee, search committees); assigns faculty to
committees and other responsibilities based on expertise and equity; maintains confidentiality in
all personnel matters; provides oversight to faculty and staff compliance with all System policies
and regulations, as well as Institution rules and procedures.
Rating Number:
Professional Development: The Dean engages in personal professional development related
to his/her discipline and administrative responsibilities and encourages/facilitates appropriate
professional development for all employees within his/her supervision; conducts faculty and staff
performance reviews in a manner that promotes continuous professional growth; ensures that new
faculty (including adjuncts) and staff receive appropriate job orientation; stays abreast of higher
education research and issues; maintains a timely completion transcript of all required System
training modules.
Rating Number:
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2014 Academic Deans’ Performance Review
4. Promotes Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship/Creative Activity, and Service: The Dean
promotes and facilitates improvement of the teaching, scholarship/creative activity, and service
roles of faculty to better serve constituencies within the University, the profession, and the
community; encourages the use of a variety of effective teaching strategies, including, but not
limited to, the expanded use of technology (e.g., on-line course delivery), learner-centered
activities (e.g., student-led projects, demonstrations, seminar-style class configurations), and
authentic assessment of student and program outcomes; provides formative assessment feedback
for improvement to faculty (e.g., via classroom observations); assists faculty in identifying and
developing individual and team research agendas; assists faculty in identifying worthwhile
service activities within the College, University, and community; serves as a model for excellence
in teaching, scholarship, and/or service; protects academic freedom.
Rating Number:
5. Knowledge of and Application of Policies, Regulations, Rules, Procedures, Guidelines,
and Directives: The Dean knows and complies with all system and university policies,
regulations, rules, procedures, guidelines, and directives in a timely manner; offers suggestions
for new or revised university rules, procedures, and guidelines; effectively communicates changes
in System and University documents to all within his/her supervision; ensures that all required
College written guidelines (e.g., tenure and promotion guidelines) are current.
Rating Number:
6. Communication and Interpersonal Skills: The Dean expresses ideas clearly, accurately,
and convincingly in an atmosphere of respect and professionalism; acknowledges and considers
the rights and opinions of others; participates as a contributing team member of the Provost’s
Council; maintains open and effective communication with College faculty and staff, as well as
other University employees; apprises and/or confers with the Provost regarding important
College-related activities, issues, and/or concerns in a timely manner.
Rating Number:
7. External Relations: The Dean serves as an effective College spokesperson and liaison with
external constituents; builds and maintains positive professional relationships and partnerships, as
appropriate, with local, regional, and/or state agencies (non-profit, governmental), education
agencies (public schools, regional service centers, community colleges, four-year universities
[including System institutions], and career tech schools), and local community organizations and
businesses to facilitate the College vision and mission; actively participates in University
sponsored PK-16 initiatives; serves as the liaison, as approved by the Provost, to accreditation
agencies; garners private donor support to promote the work of the College and University.
Rating Number:
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2014 Academic Deans’ Performance Review
8. Decision Making/Problem Solving/Initiative: The Dean makes ethical and data-driven
decisions that promote the overall progress of the College and resolves crises and problems that
threaten to impede progress in a timely manner; recognizes and analyzes problems, evaluates
reasonable solutions, takes or recommends problem resolution action, and implements appropriate
immediate and systemic changes to avoid problem re-occurrence (e.g., manages the College’s
course inventory and two-year class schedule to minimize the cancellation of small classes and
late division of large classes); demonstrates decisiveness and discipline in problem solving and
crisis management; provides guidance to faculty in decision making and problem solving;
assumes responsibility for all decisions made within the College.
Rating Number:
9. Planning: The Dean facilitates the development, monitoring, and evaluation of emergent
annual and long-range College plans that are consistent with the University’s mission, strategic
plan, and goals; manages the successful progress and attainment of measurable goals and
objectives in such plans and adjusts strategies as necessary to maximize accomplishment; ensures
the efficient allocation of financial and human resources for identified strategies and action plans
to enhance plan success.
Rating Number:
10. Enrollment Management: The Dean manages/facilitates the accomplishment of
programmatic, College, and University goals in the areas of student recruitment, retention, and
program completion--focusing on Closing the Gaps goals; demonstrates a sense of urgency and
effectiveness in the overall management of student enrollment in all College academic programs.
Rating Number:
11. Resource Management: The Dean provides leadership for the effective allocation and
expenditure of human and financial resources for the overall good of the College; develops a
data-driven and cost-effective annual College budget; manages all budgets for which s/he serves
as account manager and ensures that budget reconciliation is conducted according to University
guidelines; aggressively pursues and encourages faculty pursuit of external competitive funding
for programs and scholarship/research; meets College HUB goals; manages his/her resource of
time effectively; provides guidance and oversight for the effective time management of those
within his/her supervision.
Rating Number:
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2014 Academic Deans’ Performance Review
2014 Goals and Development Plan for
(Dean’s Name)
During the performance review conference with the Provost, a Goals and Development Plan will
be completed that includes the following components:
(These can be on an attachment or entered below)
Personal professional goals for the next year:
College goals for the next year: (Must be aligned to current and next academic year
Division Plans and include measurable baseline data as well as targets.)
DEVELOPMENT PLAN (For any areas rated as “Does Not Meet Expectations”)
(as identified by rating of “1” on #1-11 factors)
Area of
Supervisor’s Signature
I understand that my signature indicates that I have read and discussed this performance
evaluation with my supervisor/evaluator. It does not necessarily mean that I agree with the
contents of this evaluation. I may attach written comments, if desired. (If comments are
attached, please put a check here:
.) I have also received a copy of my current job
Dean’s Signature
This form, and any attachment(s), becomes part of the Dean’s official personnel file.
This form will be reviewed for EEO Compliance by the Director of Human Resources/EEO.
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2014 Academic Deans’ Performance Review