If you would like further information about the STudents Assisting with Recruitment
(STARs), please see our website at www.siue.edu/admissions/stars or contact Ryan
Downey at rydowne@siue.edu or (618) 650-2679.
Name: __________________________________________________________________ Student I.D.: __________________
Local Address: ___________________________________________________________ _ Home Phone: ________________
Permanent Address: _______________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________
Current Major: __________________________________________________________ Minor: _______________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________ Current GPA: ________________
High School Attended: _____________________________________________________ Year at SIUE: _________________
Please answer the following questions in the space provided or by attaching typed responses.
What is your motivation for applying for STudents Assisting with Recruitment (STARs)?
What do you hope to gain from your potential experience as a STAR?
Please list your campus and community activities, including any awards received (you may attach a resume).
What personal characteristics do you possess that could contribute to the success of the SIUE STARs team?
Campus Tours are offered through the Office of Admissions on the dates and times below. Please rank your three preferred tour times. Make sure these times fit within your class schedule (you may attach your course schedule).
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:00 am
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
Do you have any other responsibilities that will conflict with the time requirements of this position (detailed in position description)?
If you answered “Yes,” please explain below:
Is there anything further you would like us to know about you as we consider your application?
Please list two SIUE faculty and/or staff members who could provide reference information for you.
Name Phone Relationship to Student
Name Phone Relationship to Student
Authorization for Access to Records
To ensure fairness to all applicants, we request the right to check your Grade Point Average (GPA), University Student Code of
Conduct Record, and University Housing Discipline Status. By signing this document, I permit hiring officials to access the aforementioned information.
This certification must be signed and dated by the applicant before action can be taken on this STudent’s Assisting with
Recruitment position application. I understand that withholding information requested on this application or giving false information may make me ineligible for this position. I certify that the statements I have made on this application are correct and complete. I also certify that I have read the STudent’s Assisting with Recruitment position description prior to completing this application.
Print Name__________________________________________________
Signature____________________________________________________ Date______________________