Maryland PTA Bylaws
Article VIII, Sections 1&2; Article IX, Sections 1-10
Article VIII - Officers and Their Election
Section 1. Officers/Terms
a. The officers of the Maryland PTA shall be a president, a president-elect, a vice president for leadership
development, a vice president for legislation, a vice president for councils, a secretary, and a treasurer.
(The current first vice president, vice president for leadership, vice president for membership, and vice
president for chairmen shall complete their term which ends at the close of convention 2005)
b. Except for the office of president, officers shall be elected by the voting body at the annual convention in the
odd numbered years.
c. Officers, except the treasurer, shall assume their duties immediately following the close of the annual
convention and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successor is elected. The treasurer shall
assume his duties the first day of the fiscal year and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until his successor
is elected.
Section 2. Qualifications & Eligibility
a. Each officer shall be a member of a local Maryland PTA.
b. The president, president-elect, and vice president for leadership development, shall have served as a member of
the Maryland PTA Board of Directors for at least two (2) years and have served as an elected officer of a
council for at least one (1) full term.
c. The vice president for councils shall have served as a council president for at least two (2) years.
d. The vice president for legislation shall have served as legislative chairman of a council for at least one (1) year,
a member of the Maryland PTA Legislative Committee for at least one (1) year, or as a member of the
Maryland PTA Board of Directors for at least two (2) years.
e. The treasurer shall have served as treasurer of a local PTA and/or council for at least two (2) years, or as a
member of the Maryland PTA Board of Directors for at least two (2) years and have financial experience.
f. The secretary shall have served as secretary of a local PTA and/or council for at least two (2) years, or as a
member of the Maryland PTA Board of Directors for at least two (2) years.
g. No officer may serve more than one (1) full term in the same office except the vice president for legislation and
the treasurer, who may serve two (2) consecutive terms. A person who has served in an office for more than
one-half (1/2) a full term shall be deemed to have served a full term in such office.
Article IX - Duties of Officers
Section 1. Duties of All Officers
All officers shall perform the duties described in the parliamentary authority in addition to those outlined in these
bylaws and those assigned from time-to-time.
Section 2. President
The president shall
a. Preside at all meetings of the Maryland PTA, the board of directors, and the executive committee,
b. Submit a written annual report to Maryland PTA Annual Convention delegates,
c. Represent the Maryland PTA on the national council of states and attend national council of states meetings. If
the president is unable to attend a council of states meeting, the president shall designate an alternate from the
board of directors. If the president does not wish to serve on the national council of states, a Maryland PTA
board member shall be appointed by the president to serve as the Maryland representative,
d. Perform all the duties pertaining to the office and such as are specified in these bylaws,
e. Serve as alternate to the treasurer only in the case of an emergency or in the event that a vacancy occurs in the
office of treasurer,
f. Establish such special committees as shall be necessary to the execution of the work of the Maryland PTA with
approval of the executive committee or board of directors, and
g. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and any trusteeship committees.
Section 3. President-elect
The president-elect shall
a. Act as aide to the president, and
b. Perform the duties of the president in his absence or inability to serve.
Section 4. Vice President for Leadership Development
The vice president for leadership shall
a. Serve as chairman of the leadership committee, and
b. Perform the duties of the president in the absence of both the president and president-elect.
Section 5. Vice President for Legislation
The vice president for legislation shall present the National and Maryland PTA positions on legislative issues to local,
county, state, and national government bodies.
Section 6. Vice President for Councils
The vice president for councils shall coordinate the activities of councils in relationship to each other and with the
Maryland PTA.
Section 7. Secretary
The secretary shall keep a written record of all meetings of the board of directors and of the executive committee.
Section 8. Treasurer
The treasurer shall
a. Be the custodian of all of the funds of the Maryland PTA and be responsible for the deposit of same in
depositories approved by the executive committee,
b. Submit a proposed annual budget,
c. Present a written statement of account at all meetings of the board of directors, of the executive committee, and
at other times when requested to do so by the president,
d. Present a written annual financial report to the annual convention body, and
e. Present the Maryland PTA accounts for audit annually.
Maryland PTA Standing Rules, Part I, Sections A-J
See bylaws Article IX, Section 1.
In addition, each officer shall:
1. Submit an annual report to the president by September 30.
2. Prepare written reports for presentation at executive committee and board of directors meetings.
3. Present workshops as requested.
4. Deliver to his/her successor all official materials by December 1.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 2.
In addition, the president shall:
1. Engage, on behalf of the organization, a parliamentarian to serve at the annual convention, meetings of
the board of directors, and other such meetings as needed.
2. Attend, or have a designee attend, all Maryland State Board of Education meetings and report to the
executive committee in a timely manner.
3. Be responsible for the supervision of Maryland PTA employees in conjunction with the office
committee. Execute personnel action based upon recommendation of the office committee.
4. Appoint thirty (30) days prior to annual convention in odd numbered years, from the board of directors,
a chairman and five (5) members to serve on the elections committee. Notice of appointed committee
members shall be reported promptly to all members of the board of directors.
5. Appoint members to fill organizational service positions and archives, budget/finance, office, and state,
council, and local relationships committees.
6. Act as advisor to organizational services and facilitate the planning and implementation of leadership
training for those positions.
7. Write to any known organization improperly using the registered mark “PTA” requesting them to cease
using the term “PTA” and notify the IRS that the organization is not affiliated with the state and
National PTA. A copy of the communication shall also be sent to the council president.
8. Notify in writing all executive committee members when a board member is more than sixty (60) days
delinquent in resolving a delinquent debt.
9. Set the agenda for all meetings of the organization.
10. Send student board of directors representative nomination form to council presidents the first week of
January requesting replies postmarked by February 28. In consultation with the executive committee,
name the representative at large and notify the selected member by May 1.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 3.
In addition, the first vice president shall:
1. Serve as advisor to special committees.
2. Serve as advisor to the archives committee.
3. Serve as chairman of the office committee and as directed by the president, be responsible for office
4. Be responsible for media relations and press releases.
5. Serve as a member of the legislative committee.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 4.
In addition, the vice president for leadership shall:
1. Develop leadership materials in concert with the leadership trainers
2. Conduct workshops.
3. Serve as program chairman of summer conference.
4. Review and assess annually the leadership teams and recommend changes to create, combine, and
discontinue teams at the winter board meeting.
5. Review prior to presentation to the executive committee all written plans of work submitted by the leadership
trainers and quarterly review the plans of work with the trainers.
6. Review and revise as needed, the Maryland PTA Achievement Award Application.
7. Review and revise as needed, the LEADers certification program.
8. Conduct an election at the summer board meeting for the leadership trainers to elect one trainer to serve as a
representative on the executive committee.
9. Review annually and revise as needed, the leadership handbook.
10. Notify staff, at least three (3) weeks prior to convention/conference, to order and prepare appropriate awards
and recognitions as needed. Also notify staff of any information to be included in the program.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 5.
In addition, the vice president for legislation shall:
1. Chair the legislative committee and be designated as federal legislative chairman as requested by the
National PTA.
2. Be responsible for monitoring and encouraging advocacy in legislative issues.
3. Implement programs to educate and involve PTA members in current legislative issues such as PTA
Night in Annapolis and the Legislative Symposium.
4. Ensure that all Maryland PTA legislative positions are consistent with National PTA positions.
5. Prepare the proposed changes to the Maryland PTA Legislative Platform in concert with the legislative
committee for inclusion in the call to convention packet.
6. Present the proposed changes to the Maryland Legislative Platform for adoption at the annual
convention. Focus the committee's advocacy in the next legislative year on the policies and directives
specified in the adopted legislative platform.
7. Prepare, in consultation with the president, written and oral testimony as appropriate.
8. Submit a final report following the legislative session to the board of directors and local PTA presidents.
9. Review annually and revise as needed, the legislative section of the leadership handbook.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 7.
In addition, the vice president for councils shall:
1. Receive and approve council bylaws.
2. Review annually and revise as needed, the Maryland PTA Council Award Application.
3. Distribute the Maryland PTA Council Award Application to council presidents and review returned
applications to determine the level attained for an award.
4. Facilitate the planning and implementation of leadership training for council presidents.
5. Serve as chairman of the state, council, and local relationships committee.
6. Conduct an election at the summer board meeting for the council representatives to elect two (2) council
representatives to serve on the executive committee.
7. Notify staff, at least three (3) weeks prior to convention/conference, to order and prepare appropriate
awards and recognitions as needed. Also notify staff of any information to be included in the program.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 9.
In addition, the secretary shall:
1. Serve as advisor to the nominating committee for officers, the nominating committee for chairmen, the
nominating committee for leadership trainers, and the elections committee.
2. Serve as strategic plan coordinator. Conduct an annual review of the Maryland PTA Strategic Plan and
submit recommendations for inclusion in the winter board mailing. Present the recommendations to the
board of directors at the winter board meeting.
3. Circulate attendance sheets and advise the presiding officer of a quorum and any courtesy seats at all
4. Prepare minutes of each meeting, with the exception of the minutes from the annual convention, within
fifteen (15) days for distribution by staff promptly to all members of the board of directors.
5. Submit annual convention general session minutes to the convention recorders for review no later than
fifteen (15) days following convention. Annual convention minutes shall be included in the call to
winter board.
See bylaws Article IX, Section 10.
In addition, the treasurer shall:
1. Ensure monthly remittal to the national treasurer all money due the National PTA.
2. Disburse the funds of the Maryland PTA. Expenditures shall not exceed the amount in the total budget
adopted at annual convention.
3. Serve as chairman of the budget/finance committee.
4. Serve as a member of the office committee.
5. Serve as a trustee on the scholarship committee.
6. Review Maryland PTA contractual agreements for fiscal feasibility as necessary.
7. Delegate to staff as necessary, with the approval of the executive committee, specific tasks to carry out
the fiscal operations of the organization.
8. Provide a categorical budget for inclusion in the call to convention packet.
9. Submit to the PTA BULLETIN editor for inclusion in the next issue the line item budget approved by
the board of directors.
10. Send to any board member with an outstanding debt to the Maryland PTA, and to the president, written
notification of the status and a statement with an accounting of the delinquent amount due.
Maryland PTA Bylaws, Article XIII, Sections 1, 2, & 5
Article XIII - Standing Committees
Section 1. Chairmen/Terms
a. Standing committee chairmen shall be elected by the board of directors at the summer board meeting
in the odd numbered years.
b. Chairmen shall assume their duties on August 1 and shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their
successor is elected.
c. Chairmen shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same committee position.
Section 2. Qualifications and Eligibility
Each standing committee chairman shall
a. Be a member of a local Maryland PTA, and
b. Have served as a committee chair of a local PTA or PTA council for at least two (2) years, or as a
member of the Maryland PTA Board of Directors for at least two (2) years.
Section 5. Duties of Chairmen
The standing committee chairmen shall
a. Submit a plan of work to the vice president for chairmen,
b. Carry out the duties designated in the standing rules and procedures, and
c. Attend all board of directors meetings.
Maryland PTA Standing Rules, Part VIII
A. Membership:
B. Duties of All Chairmen, see bylaws Article XIII, Section 5
In Addition Chairmen shall:
1. Perform duties in accordance with Part II of these standing rules.
2. Submit plan of work 30 days after election
3. Submit names of a minimum of 5 committee members 30 days after election.
4. Submit reports by the 5th of each month to the VP for Leadership Development.
C. Committees and their Duties.
1. Monitors all aspects of education, pre-school, primary, intermediate, secondary , special,
career and technology, and higher education.
2. Be resource for locals/councils in monitoring action and interpreting decisions made at the
state level that will affect curriculum offerings at the local level.
3. Carries out the goals of Maryland PTA related to education. i.e. M-Pac
4. Monitor state and federal initiatives on instructions. i.e. NCLB
5. Attends, conducts or presides over workshops, conferences, and conventions.
6. In conjunction with the Legislative Committee, works on policies and directives that effect
Health and Safety
1. Monitor current and pertinent, health, safety and environmental issues that concern children
and families in the school environment.
2. Be a resource for locals/councils regarding accurate information on health, safety and
environmental issues.
3. Carries out the goals of Maryland PTA related to health and safety.
4. Attends, conducts or presides over workshops, conferences, and conventions.
5. In conjunction with the Legislative committee work on policies and directives that effect
health and safety.
Develop and facilitates the statewide Maryland PTA membership campaign and related
activities for locals and councils to recruit and retain members.
Develop Best Practices Materials for Membership.
Develop public relations packet to promote purposes and mission of Maryland PTA
Develops business partnerships that may bring non-dues revenue, for the purpose of
developing and maintaining PTA programs and services.
Carries out the goals of Maryland PTA related to Membership
Attends, conducts or presides over workshops, conferences and conventions.
Leadership Development
1. Review, revise and develop materials needed for leadership development.
2. Attend, conduct, or preside over workshops, conferences and conventions.
3. Revise, review and award, Local Achievement Award, and LEADer program.
4. Be a resource for locals/councils regarding accurate information on the Basic PTA polices and
5. Develop Training Material.
6. Carries out the goals of Maryland PTA related to training.
7. Identifies leadership potential in the state to serve on the Board of Directors and committees.
A Maryland PTA Leadership Trainer is expected to create a team of several individuals with special
knowledge and expertise
 The Maryland PTA Leadership Committee shall be composed of 2 Leadership Trainers.
 Each Leadership Trainer shall be responsible for a team of trainers in a designated leadership area.
 Each Leadership Trainer shall seek additional members from all areas of the state as required to
accomplish the work of the team.
 Each Leadership Trainer shall provide training and workshops for locals, council, and state PTA
members as requested, through the use of their team.
 Each Leadership Trainer shall report to and work in concert with the Vice President for
 A Leadership Trainer shall serve a term of two (2) years or until a successor assumes the official
 A Leadership Trainer may not serve more than (2) consecutive terms in the same trainer position.
 Each Leadership Trainer shall submit a plan of work to the Vice President for Leadership within
thirty (30) days after election, and a new plan of work at the beginning of the second year of their
 A Leadership Trainer shall submit a monthly report of their actions to the Vice President for
Leadership Trainer Descriptions:
Advocacy: What we do to improve laws, policies, and conditions on behalf of children is advocacy,
whether in the community or at the state and federal levels. The Leadership Trainer for Advocacy should
have experience in providing advocacy training, and mobilizing parents and educators to action.
Identifying PTA leaders from various areas of the state who would be trained to present the National PTA
Advocacy Program, other programs and projects that may be developed to assist in the advocacy efforts.
Familiarity and experience with the National PTA’s Advocacy project and programs is a must.
Budget and Finance: The Leadership Trainer for Budget and Finance would develop a team of PTA
leaders from across the state who would be trained to present workshops and assist the local and council
PTAs in their fiduciary responsibilities. Experience with all that concerns the fiduciary responsibilities of
PTA is a must for the Leadership Trainer of Budget and Finance. Knowledge of IRS regulations; PTA
audit process and procedure; ability to address concerns and needs of local and council units in their
budgetary process is a plus.
Maryland PTA Bylaws, Article XII, Sections 1, 2, & 5 and
Maryland PTA Standing Rules and Procedures Part VIII, Sections B & D