Leadership Profile - Oregon State University Extension Service

OSU Extension Service
Resource Investment Plan
Leadership Profile and Organizational Policy
In Support of the
2004 OSU Extension Strategic Plan
June 20, 2005
In January 2005, the Resource Investment Committee recommended policies and procedures
supporting the investment model and outcomes-based program directions defined in the 2004
OSU Extension Strategic Plan. After a thorough review, discussion and endorsement by the
Dean and Director’s Cabinet and the Dean’s Council , the OSU Extension Service Dean and
Director approves this document supporting the Strategic Plan.
The Extension Service is in transition, both as an organization and in its methods of delivering
top-quality education services. Today, Extension, a time-honored education service, is, we hope,
nimbler and definitely leaner. This culture of work complements the repositioning of OSU
outreach education outlined in the OSU Strategic Plan and the Extension Service Strategic Plan.
Key summary points include:
Resources will be allocated to colleges based on the approved
Plans of Work and achievements as documented in the Report of Accomplishments.
Additional revenues will be made available as needed or as funds permit for collaborative
efforts that cut across colleges or for thematic areas that strengthen Extension
Plans of Work
The majority of Extension’s Plan of Work is in support of the three
thematic areas. Extension’s Plan of Work is compiled from the approved Plans of Work
submitted by colleges. Colleges’ Plans of Work are synthesized from individual faculty
members’ Plans of Work.
Thematic Areas
The Extension Strategic Plan connects various colleges to deliver
education services that address three of the five “thematic areas” identified in the OSU
Strategic Plan. Currently, the Extension thematic areas address issues related to:
o Healthy families and individuals,
o Sustaining natural resources, and
o Strengthening communities and economies.
Although these thematic areas do not include all that Extension does, they are
fundamental in advancing OSU and the Extension Service’s investment in “outcomesbased” education services. The thematic areas serve to interface the wide range of
education services and resources from OSU Colleges/Schools with the Extension Service.
The Leadership Profile describes the principal roles and responsibilities of the key positions and
groups engaged in leading the outcomes-based investment model. Note: Not all roles and
responsibilities have been identified. The Leadership Profile focuses only on those roles and
responsibilities that relate directly to the outcomes-based investment model. The list may be
modified as the organization evolves. Nor does the Leadership Profile describe exactly how each
college will assign roles and responsibilities; rather, it gives a general guideline for a college to
adapt based on its organizational structure and operating culture.
OSU Extension Service Dean and Director
Role: Administrative Lead
 Articulates and leads strategic vision, direction and priorities for the organization
 Accounts for implementing Extension’s strategic plan and achieving the plan’s goals and
 Builds strong and positive relationships with those who make decisions about Extension
funding appropriations
 Reports the organization’s achievements and program impacts to stakeholders
 Seeks and considers policy advice of College Deans on program, resource allocation, and
operations issues
 Serves as fiduciary agent for all funds received on behalf of Extension, regardless of
 Accounts to funding sources and the people of Oregon for all resources allocated and/or
provided to Extension
 Reviews and approves college Plans of Work (POW) and makes decisions for priority
and strategic investments based on POW and Reports of Accomplishments (ROA), in
consultation with the Deans Council and the Cabinet
 Advises University leadership relative to Extension and OSU’s connection to Oregon
 Advocates on behalf of the organization to stakeholders internal and external to the
 Advises University leadership on outreach and the university’s third mission
 Champions application of the University scholarship guidelines and supports Extension
in the University promotion and tenure process
Assistant Directors
Role: Administrative Operations
 Assist the Dean and Director in leadership for the organization’s strategic vision,
direction and priorities
 Advise the Dean and Director, Cabinet members, Staff Chairs and Department Heads on
Extension policies and procedures relating to human resources, program and
organizational priorities, and budget and fiscal management
 Oversee the development of the federal POW and ROA for OSU Extension
 Assure best practices for achieving effective and efficient county operations
 Serve as immediate supervisor for Extension Staff Chairs
 Facilitate campus/county connections and assist in relationship building that supports the
delivery of educational programs and learner services
Identify and link the University’s expertise with community needs; support efforts of
program leaders, Staff Chairs and Department Heads to maintain connection with local
needs and stakeholder groups
Advocate on behalf of the organization to stakeholders internal and external to the
College Deans
Role: Program Oversight
 Champion the Extension mission with all stakeholder groups
 Articulate and lead strategic vision and direction for Extension within respective college
 Serve on the Deans Council, providing policy advice to the Dean and Director on
program, resource allocation and operations issues
 Serve as immediate supervisor for respective program leader
 Approve all tenure track positions within respective college funded on Extension dollars
 Holds fiduciary responsibility for Extension resources allocated and/or provided to
respective college
Program Leaders*
Role: Program Area Lead
 Articulate and lead vision, direction and priorities for program and thematic areas
 Encourage cross-program communication, coordination and collaboration within
thematic areas
 Coordinate overall Extension Plan of Work process for the Colleges, including
development of staffing plan and budget
 Identify needs, issues and opportunities
 Guide program planning, delivery, evaluation and accountability for the Colleges, taking
into account local and statewide needs and Extension’s priorities and capabilities
 Review individuals’ POW and ROA and synthesize the individuals’ POW and ROA for
creating the Colleges’ POW and ROA
 Implement and monitor the POW, including staffing plan and budget
 Lead evaluation processes for the Colleges
 Report collective accomplishments and impacts within program and thematic areas
 Coordinate the development of the federal POW and ROA for OSU Extension
 Provide input on performance reviews for both county- and campus-based Extension
faculty, assuring ratings and feedback support tenure and promotion expectations
 Account to Dean and Director for all resources allocated and/or provided to Extension
within the Colleges
 Coordinate and communicate with College Deans, Department Heads and Staff Chairs on
Extension operations, programs and staffing.
* College Dean is responsible for hiring and evaluating the Program Leader in consultation with the Dean and
Director of Extension.
Department Heads
Role: Guide Extension Faculty in Delivery of Statewide Program
 Articulate and lead vision, direction and priorities for their unit, including Extension
educational programs and learner services delivered through their department
Communicate with communities of interest and communities of place to assess
emerging issues, identify needs and report impacts (For some colleges this may be the
responsibility of the program leader.)
Collaborate with on- and off-campus stakeholder groups to set program priorities, taking
into account local and statewide needs and Extension’s priorities and capabilities (For
some colleges this may be the responsibility of the program leader.)
Lead program delivery and outcomes assessment for the unit
Report collective accomplishments and impacts within the unit
Serve as immediate supervisor for campus-based Extension faculty
Oversee the promotion and tenure processes for all Extension faculty in the department
Provide input on performance reviews for county-based Extension faculty, assuring
ratings and feedback are consistent with tenure and promotion expectations
Work with Staff Chairs and the Program Leader to develop staffing plan, recognizing
that the role of Staff Chairs and the Program Leader is multidisciplinary in nature
Develop and manage department Extension budget to accomplish program priorities
Account to the Program Leader for all resources allocated and/or provided for Extension
within the department
Staff Chairs
Role: County Program Delivery Lead
 Articulate and lead vision, direction and priorities for overall Extension program in
assigned county(s)
 Communicate with local decision makers and stakeholder groups to assess emerging
issues, identify needs, and report impacts
 Collaborate with on- and off-campus stakeholder groups to set program priorities, taking
into account local and statewide needs and Extension’s priorities and capabilities
 Oversee program delivery and outcomes assessment in assigned county(s)
 Report Extension accomplishments and impacts to local decision makers and publics
 Serve as immediate supervisor for county-based Extension faculty and staff
 Assist Department Heads with the tenure and promotion processes for Extension faculty
assigned to the county(s)
 Assure performance reviews for county-based Extension faculty are consistent with
tenure and promotion expectations of their departments
 Work with Program Leaders and Department Heads to develop staffing plan
 Develop and secure county budget to provide adequate support and services; manage
budget to accomplish program priorities with the available resources
 Account to the Dean and Director and county government for all resources allocated
and/or provided for Extension within the county
Program Work Area Leaders*
Role: Program Implementation and Accountability
 Provide leadership for developing, delivering and evaluating Extension educational
program and learner services within the work area
 Coordinate development of a POW for the working group
 Assure evaluation processes are built into the POW
 Conduct long-term assessment of program impact within the work area
Report accomplishments and impacts, and all progress toward achieving
accomplishments and impacts, to Program Leader(s) annually
Advise the College Dean and the Program Leader on issues related to the work area
* Program Work Area Leaders may be appointed or assigned to the role by the Program Leader as needed/desired.
The individual(s) may be a Department Head or faculty member willing to take the lead for a specific Plan of Work
within the program area or discipline.
Deans Council
Composition: Deans of the colleges engaged in Extension education*
Role: Program Administration Lead
 Serves as catalyst for progress and change within Extension and respective colleges
 Advises the Dean and Director on strategic vision, direction and priorities for the
 Provides policy advice to the Dean and Director on program, resource allocation and
operations issues
 Reviews Extension POW and ROA from all Colleges; advises the Dean and Director
about allocation of resources to support new and existing educational programs and
learner services
* Membership on the Deans Council cannot be delegated to an Assistant or Associate Dean or an Extension
Program Leader.
Executive Team
Composition: Dean and Director of Extension, Assistant Directors, Fiscal Officer, EESC
Department Head, and Assistant to the Dean and Director
Role: Organization Operations Lead
 Advises the Dean and Director on strategic vision, direction and priorities for the
 Serves as staff for and provides advice to the Dean and Director for leading a topperforming organization
 Provides connection among colleges, among counties and between county- and campusbased interests
 Assures that the strategic plan, resource investment strategies and implementation plans
are effectively deployed
 Implements administrative policies and procedures
 Oversees maintenance of central accountability database and assures that all colleges
report plans and outcomes in a common manner
Dean and Director’s Cabinet
Composition: Executive Team, Program Leaders, Staff Chair rep(s), and Department Head
Role: Program and Operations Integration
 Champions the Extension mission with all stakeholder groups
 Serves as a catalyst for progress and change within Extension
 Advises the Dean and Director on strategic vision, direction and priorities for the
Provides input to the Dean and Director regarding program needs, effectiveness and
future direction
Continuously scans the environment for emerging needs and threats, and brings new
ideas and opportunities forward for discussion
Reviews and develops organization policies and procedures for continual performance
Monitors Extension budget and advises Dean and Director on fiscal issues
Communicates to and with stakeholders on organization directions and policies
* Current Cabinet has one Staff Chair representative and only Department Head representation because of the dual
role of individuals. It is the Resource Investment Committee recommendation that two or three additional people be
added to the Cabinet, representing Staff Chairs and Department Heads. The use of Polycom connections will allow
the involvement of Staff Chairs without the added burden of travel.