2014-2015 Parent Orientation Letter

Orientation for Fours
Needs for classroom
Large bag to hold mail and child’s art work
1 Plastic pencil box
Crayons (please label each crayon)
1 – Large glue stick (please label)
2 – Liquid white school glues (please label)
1 - Box tissues (last name begins with A –M)
1 – Box of baby wipes (last name begins with N-Z)
2 - Rolls of paper towels
gym shoes (please label)
A complete change of clothes – shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. Please place these
items in a large zip-lock bag and put your child’s name on the bag.
Please remind your child that the only thing that will return home with him that first day
will be his school bag, all the other items will be stored at school.
Milk and or Juice
You are able to purchase a milk (chocolate milk) card or a juice (orange juice)
card at the office for your child. The milk/chocolate milk card is $12.00 for 40
cartons and the juice is $8.25 for 20 cartons. If you prefer your child bring a
beverage from home that is fine also. These are not actual cards the child brings
home, but papers on which the teacher keeps a record of milk/juice consumed.
When the 40 or 20 beverages are used, the teacher will send notification that a new
“card” needs to be purchased. These “cards” can be purchased at the school office
or you can send the money to school via your child in a marked envelop. If you are
sending cash, be sure to include your student’s name.
Drop off and Pick Up The children are dropped off at the
north parking lot. A teacher will meet the children at the northeast
door of the church building starting at 8:25. She will take each
child from their vehicle and at this time the parent will sign the child
in. The teacher will escort the child into the building where they will begin the
Movement Maze and then choose an activity at a learning center. We will wait at the
door from 8:25 to 8:45. If you arrive later than 8:45, you will have to stop in at the main
office to be directed to the Preschool classroom and sign your child in with the Preschool
teacher. For those children who have older siblings at Warsaw Christian School, a
parent can arrive with their child as early as 8:15, walk the child into the Preschool
classroom and sign them in with one of the teachers. These parents MUST park in the
south parking lot and enter the building at the school office. Pick up takes place at
11:30 at the southwest entrance of the building. Parents need to park along the sidewalk
forming a single line so we can put the child in the vehicle. The parent will have to sign
the child out at time of pick-up. We will supervise the children until 11:45. Children not
picked up by 11:45 will be taken to the school office where they will wait for the parent
to come in and pick them up and sign them out.
If for some reason you cannot pick up your child from school and you have asked
someone else to pick up your child, PLEASE COMMUNICATE this information to
us by note or a phone call to the school office. If someone other than a parent picks
up a child, they will be required to show a PICTURE ID. This will not apply to
someone other than a parent that constantly picks up the child, if parents have
communicated this arrangement with us. We will not put your child in a
“stranger’s” car, even if the child recognizes the individual.
Dress Code
The dress code for preschool differs from the dress code for the other students attending
W.C.S. We spend a lot of time on the floor, so please dress accordingly. I know it is fun
to dress your child up to attend school, but my advice is to dress them in
comfortable clothing you do not mind if they get soiled or spotted with
paint, etc. Do keep in mind that we do have P.E. on Thursday.
Also, I wish to address a problem we have when the weather turns
colder. The preschoolers will go out for recess unless it is raining or
the weather is bitter cold. Please dress your child for outside play.
This includes snow pants, coat, boots, hat, and mittens or gloves.
Every year we have children come to school who are not dressed
adequately for the cold. We do have a few extra hats and mittens in our
supply but not enough for everyone. Thank you for attending to this!!
Communication to Home
The primary way that we communicate with you will be in the weekly
newsletter, which will be e-mailed to you each Friday or the following
Monday morning. The newsletter will have pertinent information you
will need to know on a weekly basis in order for your child to have a
successful year at Noah's Ark Preschool.
You will also be receiving the Warsaw Christian School "News You
Can Use" newsletter. Always refer to the Preschool newsletter for
scheduling information.
The school website, www.warsawchristian.org will be a great way to stay in touch. Visit
the classroom page to see what your child is learning and see pictures of your child in
In the event that your email changes from what you originally submitted, please notify
me. My email address is pboren@warsawchristian.org.
Every day in preschool we have a snack time. We ask that parents help to
provide the food for that time.
At the end of each week, I will send a basket home with the child who will
be responsible for providing snacks the next week (Wednesday- Friday). We are
requesting store bought food only. Please send the unopened box to school. Ideas
for snacks include: cookies, muffins, crackers and cheese, fresh fruit, fruit roll-ups,
veggies, etc., use your imagination! Please do not bring popcorn, nuts, or grapes. These
foods are so easy to choke on! One of the weeks that your child will be responsible for
snacks will be their Birthday week (or half birthday if your child has a summer birthday).
We are requesting no cupcakes or cake this year because they are so messy!
If your child has any known allergies, please communicate that to us.
All teachers are certified in infant/child first aid. In the case of any accident, assessment
and treatment of the injury will be given. If further treatment is
deemed necessary, the parent, guardian, or emergency contact
person will be called. All accidents are recorded on an
accident report form and kept in the school office.
In the event that your child is sick and cannot come to school, please call
the office by 10:00 so that they can let us know.
Remember, if a child displays any of the following symptoms, he/she
must be kept home:
 Fever
 Diarrhea
 Nasal secretions that are thick, yellow or green, and accompanied
 by a fever
 Sore throat with fever or throat spots
 Cough accompanied by fever, chills, and coughing up of green or
yellow mucous, vomiting, or nausea
 Eye drainage of any type should be checked by a doctor to rule out
Unusual rashes should be checked by a doctor to rule out bacterial
Child not feeling well, such as lethargic behavior and/or crying
The child may return to preschool after illness when:
Fever has been broken for 24 hours
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea has subsided for 24 hours
At least 4 doses of antibiotic have been given over a 24-hour
period for any type of strep or bacterial infection
Child is feeling well again and normal behavior has returned
In the event of a tornado warning, students will be escorted to a safe
shelter in one of our inner rooms, and instructed in proper safety
procedures. We do conduct tornado drills so that the children are
prepared for an actual emergency.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held on a monthly basis in order to familiarize the children with
proper and safe procedures for emergency exit of the building. In the event of
a fire, students will be evacuated according to the plan. The school is
inspected on a regular basis by the fire marshal. The most recent inspection
information is located in the school office.
Snow Days
When severe weather conditions exist, please listen to the radio for
school closings. The radio stations that cover our school are listed
in the News You Can Use. In the event of a delayed opening,
please listen to the radio for specific information about preschool
classes, if it is a two-hour delay, preschool will run from 10:30 to
12:30. We also may have fog delays. Sorry, but the weather is
beyond our control!
Scheduled Days that we DO NOT have school
September 1, Labor Day
October 16 & 17, ACSI Teacher Convention
November 26 – 28, Thanksgiving Vacation
December 22- January 2, Christmas Vacation
February 16, President Day
April 3 – 10, Good Friday and Spring Break
Language Arts – Animal Alphabet
I use a wonderful method of teaching the letters and sounds of the alphabet
through the use of animal puppets. Even though there are only 26 letters in our
alphabet, there are 36 sounds and we will be learning 33 of those sounds. Your
child will be introduced to a new puppet every week. Each puppet teaches us a
different sound through a catchy jingle that the children will learn. This is a fun way to
learn letters and sounds, and has been very successful. Some of the children will even be
able to sound out simple words by the end of the preschool year, even though it is not my
goal to hurry the children into reading at this early age. You will receive a paper at the
beginning of the school year that has the jingles listed. Please do not tell
your child what the upcoming animal or jingle will be, but once they
have been introduced to that animal you are encouraged to review the
jingle with them at home.
As a teacher of young children, I have the privilege and awesome responsibility
of sharing the joy of Jesus Christ and an understanding of the Bible with your
children. In teaching children of this age, I am preparing their hearts and minds
for future growth. The learning of Bible facts is not the ultimate goal; God is
interested in seeing lives changed! My goal is to see the children understand
and respond to the Word of God and come to trust and love the Lord Jesus.
Our Bible time presents familiar Bible stories, especially those focused on
children of the Bible. Everyday stories about children are a part of the curriculum and
they help address the same fears, feelings, and problems a typical four-year-old child may
experience. The stories provide opportunities for the children to share in solutions that
really work.
Weekly Bible verses are presented through the use of teacher-made visuals and reviewed
daily. The children are given the opportunity to say the memory verse using the visuals
as a help and add a sticker to their personal Memory Verse Incentive Chart. It is our
desire that God’s Word be stored in their young hearts to provide light and direction
when the child is tempted by Satan to disobey God’s principles for living.
The Math center is loaded with teacher-made games and activities that
involve the children in the problem-solving process. These include:
measuring, patterning, sorting, estimating, and exploring with
I love teaching science to young children because they are so
inquisitive. Our room abounds with science activities from
discovering about the world of insects to learning how magnets
work. With the animal puppets, the children will be learning
about vertebrate and invertebrate animals. They will learn
about the characteristics of amphibians, birds, fish, mammals,
and reptiles. You’ll be amazed at all they learn!
Show and Tell
On the week that your child is the leader, he/she will have the
opportunity to share something from home with the rest of the children.
It may be helpful to rehearse with your child what they might say to
their classmates. This is something the children usually enjoy doing,
and if they come to school without their show and tell object, they are
very disappointed, so please check the calendar to see when your child
is scheduled to be the leader of the week.
Book Clubs
Some months parents will receive a book club letter and order form. These books are
offered at exceptional prices and allow families to build their home
libraries. When you purchase books through the book clubs, the teacher
receives points with which she can order books, free of charge, for the
classroom. We do ask that you choose your books carefully, as we
cannot endorse all of the materials offered. If you have a question
about a particular book or would like recommendations, ask us. When
ordering books from a particular book club, please use a check as payment and
make sure your check(s) are made out to Mrs. Patti Boren.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
There will be two scheduled parent/teacher conferences. The first will be
on October 27th & 28th in the afternoon. At this time we will mutually
decide on goals for your child. The second parent/teacher conference will
be held in January. At this time I will give parents information about
their child’s progress in the classroom. You will receive another
assessment of your child’s progress at the end of the school year. At
that time I will request a conference for any child who I feel is not
developmentally ready to go on to Kindergarten. Please know that I am available
throughout the year for individual conferences with parents at their request.
Field Trips
Field trips are an integral part of the learning experience. They
enhance the learning experience by offering opportunities not
available in the classroom. Remember, your child must have a
“Parent Consent Form for Off Campus Activities” on file in
the school office or he/she cannot be taken off the premises. I
will also send a permission slip home to be signed and returned
for each field trip taken.
Here is the tentative Field Trip List:
September 26 – Camping Adventure (this is an on-campus event)
October 24 – Fire Station
November 14 – Hospital (KCH)
January 9 – Warsaw Public Library
February 13 – Post Office
March 13 – Bob Kline’s Train Display
April 2 – Ritter’s for Vanilla Custard
May 15 – End of the Year Party at Kelly Park
Special Event Days
Throughout the school year the staff plans special activity days to
enhance the monthly classroom themes, or to celebrate special holidays.
Parents are encouraged to participate by helping in the classroom or
providing special snacks or activities. There is a sign-up sheet for the
holiday parties that we have in our schedule this year. Please sign-up to
help if you can – what a blessing this is to the teacher and aide!
Parent Involvement
I welcome parent involvement in the classroom, and I feel that it
benefits not only the class, but the parent and child as well. Parents are
encouraged to participate in the classroom as a helper on a regular
basis. Parent participation enables me to offer a variety of creative
activities for students. Other ways that parents can participate in the
classroom experience would be chaperoning on field trips, special-day
themed events and much more.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to call me at home at 5515881. I want to be in partnership with you to provide for your child the BEST early
childhood school experience possible!