on the
Revised September 2012
General Guidance on the Operation of Committees
Strategic/Steering Committee
Membership, Quorum and Chairing
What Committee Structure?
“Cut and Paste” terms of reference to fit your structure:
Premises, Grounds and Environment
Health and Safety
Pupils, Parents and Community
Children’s Centre Committee or Working Group
Pay Matters Sub Committee
Complaints and Complaints Appeals Committees
(Pupil) Discipline Committee
Performance Management Reviewers
Working Groups and Non-Governor Members
Appendix II: Chairing Committee meetings
Appendix I: Internal Audit `
This guidance was revised in September 2012.
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Areas of committee responsibilities are on separate pages in order to make it easier to collate as hard copy or cut and paste electronically to fit each governing body committee structure.
Please note:
This booklet offers guidance only and should not be taken as a definitive model to copy.
Most governing bodies have a committee structure. The governing body makes its own decisions about how best to conduct its business and there are no rules about what committees there should be.
Governing bodies must review the membership, terms of reference and delegated powers of their committees on an annual basis. A standing item is therefore recommended to governing bodies for the first meeting in the autumn term.
The importance of clear terms of reference for committees cannot be overstated. Committees are meant to streamline work procedures but can become unwieldy and make more work if terms of reference are not clear. It is also important to have clear systems for communication between committees and governing body meetings.
Effective committee structures have the advantage of:
Smaller and more flexible meetings
The opportunity for governors to build up expertise in certain areas
Wider involvement by more people including school staff, parents and community representation.
Where committee structures work less well disadvantages may include:
Unnecessary repetition of debate and processes in committee and full governing body meetings.
The development of “A” and “B” teams where some governors are marginalised.
These potential disadvantages may be overcome if enough thought is given to structure and processes (see different models on page 8).
The governing body and all committees should operate within the context of the school’s self evaluation processes and School Improvement/Development Plan. Decisions should be taken with the present plan in mind and recommendations made which fit into the present plan or can be fed into the plan in the future.
All committees must ensure that decisions and recommendations are made which conform to the school’s Equalities Statement and which promote equal opportunities within the school.
Each committee should report to the termly meeting of the governing body. There should be a standing agenda item for this. The chair of the committee is responsible for ensuring that minutes or a written report are available to all governors before the meeting.
The governing body must appoint a clerk to each committee. This can be one of the committee members but the Headteacher cannot be the clerk. A number of governing bodies use the Local Authority clerking service. It is important that the clerk records discussion and decisions accurately as minutes are examined by OFSTED.
All committees must appoint a chair. Any member of the committee, except the
Headteacher but including Associate Members, may be appointed as Chair.
Delegation of Functions
A governing body can delegate any of its statutory functions to a committee, a governor or to the Headteacher, subject to the restrictions described below. The governing body must review the delegation of functions annually. Each governing body will remain accountable for any decisions taken, including those functions delegated to an individual or committee.
The following functions can be delegated to a committee, but NOT an individual:
Functions relating to the alteration, discontinuance or change of category of maintained schools
Functions relating to the approval of the first formal budget plan of the financial year
Functions relating to school discipline policies
Functions relating to the exclusion of pupils (except in an emergency when the chair has the power to exercise these functions)
Functions relating to admissions
The governing body CANNOT delegate any functions relating to:
The constitution of the governing body
The appointment or removal of the chair and vice-chair
The appointment of a clerk
The suspension of governors
The delegation of functions
The establishment of committees
Some general principles
All governors have the right to attend committee meetings whether they are a member or not. All governors should therefore be made aware of committee meeting dates
The governing body can give limited voting rights to co-opted non-governor members of committees. Non-governor members may NOT vote on the following issues: o Admissions matters o Pupil discipline o Election or appointment of governors o The budget or financial commitments of the governing body
The majority of the members of any committee must be full governors.
A minimum 7 days notice of committee meetings should be given with an agenda and appropriate papers sent to all committee members. It is not good practice to table papers unless it is unavoidable
The Headteacher has the right to attend any committee meeting whether or not s/he is a governor
Each committee should have a Chair and the Chair should feel clear about his/her role. It may be appropriate to seek access to support and training in chairing skills and to clarify expectations with the governing body
The composition and quorum of each committee should be identified as shown in the examples given in this guidance.
This guidance is offered as a model from which governing bodies can clarify their own committee structure.
All governors should have a copy of the remit for each committee.
The governing body must conduct an annual review of its committee structure.
See also DfE guidance on delegating governing body functions .
We suggest that all governing bodies adopt a structure which has a Strategic/Steering Committee.
This group can play a key role in managing the business and ensuring that committee work is co-ordinated.
Chairperson, Committee Chairs, Headteacher, Vice Chair and other Governors wishing to attend.
Terms of Reference
1. Organise Timetable of Meetings for the year ahead.
2. Consider the termly draft agenda provided by the Clerk/Clerking Service and amend to meet the needs of the governing body
3. Plan business to be conducted by Committees including agreement on standing items
4. Support Committee Chairs in organising their respective Committees and in practical chairing skills.
5. Identify the need for nominated Governors (e.g. SEN/Inclusion Governor) and support them in their role.
6. Allocate responsibility for Governors’ action in respect to consultation processes, legislative requirements or issues arising in school as required
7. Make arrangements for individual Governor involvement in e.g. school events
8. Draft a Governors’ Development Plan, including:
Overview of monitoring/evaluation including arrangements for the effective monitoring of Safeguarding Policy and procedures
Monitoring & evaluation and review of policies (rolling programme);
Oversight of governing body involvement in School Self Evaluation and the School
Improvement Planning process including the governing body’s relationship with
External Advisers.
Oversight of the strategic development of Extended Services
Oversight of Risk Management
To monitor and contribute to local area developments through collaborative working with other governing bodies and the Community Assembly, ensuring appropriate linkages with the School Improvement Plan
9. Ensure that new governing body members receive adequate induction, including an induction booklet or pack and appropriate training. Appoint a Mentor/Buddy to help and support the induction of new governors.
Nursery Schools only:
To ensure the completion of the Annual Report to Parents.
Membership a) Not less than four governors including the Headteacher. b) The committee shall co-opt such non-governor members as deemed appropriate and shall determine their voting rights. c) The majority of the members of the committee must be governors. d) The Chair of the committee will be determined by the full governing body / the committee* at its first meeting following the annual review of membership (*delete as appropriate)
The quorum should be three or more who are members of the committee.
In the event of a vote the majority of those present must be governors.
The committee shall meet at least once per term and otherwise as required.
This guidance assumes throughout that the Headteacher is a governor.
A large committee structure can be unwieldy, lead to duplicated discussion, leave some governors feeling left out, and create unreasonable demands on governor and staff time.
We recommend “streamlining” committee structures with this in mind.
The right model is the one which suits your governing body best.
Some examples of committee structures:
Strategic/Steering Committee
Achievement, Curriculum
Parent and Community;
Extended Services
Finance, Staffing, Premises
Strategic/Steering Committee
(incorporating Finance & General Purposes)
Standards & Curriculum;
Staffing, Parents and Community
Premises, Health and Safety
Strategic/Steering Committee
Finance, Premises and General Purposes
(including Health and Safety)
Strategic/Steering Committee
Standards, Curriculum and Staffing
Parents and Community
Finance, Premises,
Health and Safety
Standards, Curriculum and Staffing
Extended Schools, Parents and Community
Strategic Committee
Standards and Curriculum,
Parents and Community
Finance Personnel
Health and Safety,
Terms of reference which follow can be “mixed and matched” to fit your governing body’s committee structure. Terms of reference for a Children’s Centre Committee are provided separately on page 15
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To agree targets for pupil attainment to be included in the School Improvement Plan.
To consider the school’s RAISEonline and other performance data annually and to regularly monitor progress towards in-year attainment targets for all children.
3. To receive monitoring reports on the attainment and welfare of vulnerable children and other groups of pupils with reference to local and national benchmark information.
To monitor the provision for vulnerable groups of children, e.g.
Black and Ethnic Minority Children
Traveller Children
Looked After Children
Young Carers
4. To be aware of and advise the governing body on the legal responsibilities of governors in terms of Curriculum provision and assessment including Special Educational Needs provision.
5. To consider and review the school’s Curriculum policies on behalf of the governing body (including Religious Education, Sex and Relationships Education and Drugs
6. To support, and receive reports from curriculum link governors e.g.
Inclusion / Special Educational Needs
Other areas of the curriculum.
To consider and review the school’s policies on discipline and behaviour (including Anti-
Bullying policy) and make recommendations to the governing body.
8. To monitor and review the school’s curriculum contribution to its Equality scheme.
9. To monitor how the school listens to pupils’ views.
10. To consider how the curriculum can contribute to sustainability.
(Aided and Foundation Schools only) To consider and review the school’s admissions policy and make recommendations to the governing body.
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To determine and review financial policy including consideration of long term planning and resourcing.
2. To approve the Annual Budget Spending Plan, ensuring it is consistent with and supports the School Improvement/Development Plan.
3. To act as advisers and consultants to the governing body on financial issues.
4. To be familiar with the Local Authority budget spending plans, formula funding structure and policies for financial delegation.
5. To monitor the school budget expenditure (including specific purpose grants) with reference to criteria for receipt of the grant and the annual spending plan. To make reports at least once a term to the governing body.
6. To ensure that the school has a financial management policy and procedures in place and that these are communicated to all relevant staff.
7. To authorise virement from one area of budget spending to another in order to respond to unexpected expenditure needs up to an agreed limit approved by the governing body.
8. To agree the level of delegation to the Headteacher for the day-to-day financial management of the school.
9. To review the school’s charging and remission policy on an annual basis and make recommendations to the governing body.
10. To monitor school fund expenditure and ensure the audit of school funds for presentation to the governing body
11. To receive and where appropriate respond to periodic audit reports.
12. To ensure that a register of pecuniary interests is maintained for all staff and governors and referred to when procuring or tendering for services.
13. To ensure that the school has effective Risk Management strategies in place.
14. To ensure the schools’ compliance with the School Financial Value Standard
15. To annually review the School’s Statement of Internal Controls and bank signatories.
16. To ensure that an appropriate inventory is maintained and to approve the disposal of inventory items.
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To be aware of and advise the governing body on legal requirements and procedures relating to personnel issues.
2. To ensure the staffing structure, retention and succession planning is suitable to deliver the School Improvement/Development plan objectives.
3. To monitor Continued Professional Development for all staff and its contribution to school improvement.
4. To annually review the school’s Performance Management policy.
5. To decide on procedures for staff appointments excluding Heads and Deputies.
6. To ensure that safe recruitment procedures are in place for all staff and volunteers working in the school, including those involved in Extended School activities.
To be involved in the development of all of the school’s policies relating to personnel matters, including:
Code of conduct
Staff consultation
Pay (through the Pay Matters Sub-Committee*)
Leave of absence
Capability, Discipline and Grievance
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Religious Observance
Recruitment and Selection and Staff Retention
Leadership Development and Succession Planning
Staffing reduction procedures
Staff secondment
Adverse weather conditions
Group size of the school (to be reviewed at least once every three years) and to ensure that systems are in place to make all staff aware of these policies.
8. To annually review the staffing structure and workforce development plan.
9. To be consulted on and to approve job descriptions for the staff.
To be responsible for reviewing the Headteacher’s job description should the need arise.
11. To liaise with the finance committee in implementing the current School Improvement
Plan in staffing matters.
12. To ensure that the Headteacher is able to maintain an appropriate Work-Life Balance
* To appoint from its members a Pay Matters Sub-Committee.
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To provide support and guidance for the Headteacher on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, security, Health and Safety.
2. Annually to ensure inspection of the premises and grounds and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development linked to the School Improvement Plan to support delivery of a first class curriculum.
3. To propose and approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and decoration within the budget allocation and in liaison with the finance committee.
4. To oversee the preparation of and to monitor premises services contracts (e.g. fuel/water, cleansing, grounds maintenance)
5. To work in liaison with the Health and Safety committee to ensure the school premises meet health and safety requirements.
6. To ensure that governors’ responsibilities are discharged regarding litter under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990.
7. To prepare a lettings and charging policy for the approval of the governing body.
8. To contribute towards Accessibility Planning
9. To consider how the use of the school premises may contribute to the development of
Extended Services provision.
10. To monitor Risk Assessment procedures
11. To ensure that there is relevant training and guidance for the Caretaker/Buildings
Supervisor and/or key staff liaising with building contractors.
12. To consider sustainability in relation to school premises, grounds maintenance and repairs, and when awarding contracts for school improvements and additional facilities.
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To be familiar with National and Local Health and Safety legislation and guidelines.
2. To participate in the development and review of school Health and Safety policies and to recommend them for adoption by the governing body.
3. To ensure that all statutory and CYPF requirements for the safety and wellbeing of staff and the safe management of school premises and care of pupils are discharged.
4. To ensure that appropriate Risk Assessments are carried out to ensure that activities and premises, materials and equipment used by the school do not present health and safety risks.
5. To ensure that partner providers and other users of school premises have appropriate risk assessments and Health and Safety procedures in place.
6. To ensure that all children are safe and healthy through:
The provision of a secure environment
The establishment and review of a school Food Policy
7. To receive and consider any reports and audits completed b y the School’s Health and
Safety representatives or the Headteacher/Senior Management arising from general inspection of the school, to identify issues that need to be addressed and to report at least once a year to the governing body.
8. To make recommendations to the finance committee and/or governing body when expenditure is deemed necessary.
9. To act as advisers/consultants to the governing body on Health and Safety matters.
10. To ensure that the school follows CYPF procedures in respect of permissions to work when carrying out work on premises.
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development/Improvement Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
1. To oversee the development and maintenance of relationships with parents/carers, the community and other stakeholders and to ensure that these contribute to Community
2. To monitor parental/community involvement in the school and to make recommendations about the development of future links.
3. To monitor and review the Home School Agreement and related policies.
4. To monitor pupil attendance targets and strategies to improve attendance and engagement.
5. To engage with the School Council or other group representing children in the school.
6. To receive termly reports on Behaviour and Discipline including the number of Bullying and Racial incidents and the use and effectiveness of pupil exclusion.
To monitor the effectiveness of the school’s complaints policy and procedures.
8. To ensure that the school meets legal requirements to publish information online.
9. To encourage the support and involvement of business and industry.
To approve and monitor plans for the development of Extended Services / Children’s
Centre activities.
11. (Trust Schools only) To ensure the establishment of a Parent’s Council. (This is discretionary for other categories of schools).
Depending on the mode of delivery of the Children’s Centre core offer, the composition of this group will vary from school to school.
1. To contribute to plans for the development of core services offers at the Children’s
Centre and monitor their implementation on behalf of the governing body.
2. To be a forum for partnership and collaboration between all stakeholders.
3. On behalf of the governing body, to endorse, monitor and evaluate Service Level
Agreements and other contractual arrangements with partners.
4. To contribute to the development of 0-5 services and of the 0-19 offer in the wider geographical area.
5. To take on additional roles and responsibilities as may be determined by the governing body.
(Membership - at least three governors)
1. To draw up and review annually a governing body Pay Policy* with due regard to the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document and other appropriate guidance relating to Support Staff.
2. To determine matters relating to the pay of all staff in the school.
3. To ensure that, within budget constraints, the pay policy meets the needs of recruitment, retention and development of staff and contributes to the resourcing of
School Development Plan priorities.
4. To make recommendations to the Finance Committee.
5. To take into account recommendations from the Performance Management governors when determining the salary of the headteacher.
6. (for community schools) to ensure that the Local Authority is consulted about grades or regrades of support staff posts to ensure compliance with equal pay legislation
7. To act as a first appeals body as appropriate in relation to pay decisions, e.g. award of
Upper Pay spine points
*A Local Authority model Pay Policy is reviewed annually and made available to governing bodies.
Quorum : 3 governors.
Meetings : The committees will meet as and when required and within the timescale set down in the governing body’s Complaints Policy and Procedures.
Terms of Reference
The Complaints Committee shall act on behalf of the governing body:
To consider complaints submitted to the Chair of the governing body when other avenues for their resolution have been exhausted
To investigate complaints in an appropriate manner, taking evidence from all relevant parties and utilising support available from the LA or other sources as deemed appropriate
To make recommendations arising from complaints
To communicate the process and outcome of complaints hearings to all concerned.
Notes -
Governing bodies may choose to make up a Complaints Committee as required from any of their number depending on availability. An odd number of governors, at least three, should serve on any governors’ hearing. They must have had no previous connection with the case and it must not have been discussed in their presence
It is recommended that Staff Governors are not normally members of the Complaints
Committee as they may be perceived to have a conflict of interest.
Composition and Quorum
Any number of governors may be appointed to a pool from which 3 or 5 governors will meet when considering particular exclusions. The quorum for a meeting is 3. The Headteacher may not be a member of this committee.
Terms of Reference
1. To monitor and review the use of exclusion within the school
2. To report to the Governing Body on the use of exclusion
3. To consider pupil exclusions in line with current legislation.
Appointment of Chair
The Chair will be appointed by the governing body or decided at each meeting of the committee by the governors attending.
The governing body shall decide upon the appointment and remuneration of a Clerk to the committee. The Clerk may not be a governor at the school or member of the committee
It is recommended that Staff Governors are not normally members of the Pupil Discipline
Committee as they may be perceived to have a conflict of interest.
The governing body is required to appoint a minimum of two governors, and preferably three, to:
Meet with the Headteacher and an External A dviser* to review the Headteacher’s performance against previously agreed objectives
Agree objectives for the forthcoming Performance Management Cycle relating to: o Pupil Progress o Leadership and Management o The Headteacher’s Professional Development
Record the outcome of the review meeting and provide a copy for the Chair of the governing body and a summary on request to the Executive Director : Children Young
People and Families
Make recommendations regarding the Headteacher’s salary to the Pay Matters
Ensure that the Finance Committee is aware of the resourcing implications arising from agreed objectives
To meet with the Headteacher on a termly basis to monitor in-year progress towards achieving agreed objectives.
Teachers and other staff working at the school may not be the Performance Management
Working Groups
Working groups may be set up by the full governing body, a committee or sub-committee and may include non-governors. The purpose of a working group is usually to address a particular issue within a set time period though there may be instances where governing bodies set up a standing working group.
It is recommended that, upon setting up a working group, the governing body or committee identify a clear remit including arrangements for reporting to the governing body and the timescale for completion of the task. Governors should be clear as to who is responsible for convening the group and reporting back. Involvement of non-governors (e.g. staff, parents, students, police and Local Authority officers) may be specified at the outset, left to the discretion of the group, or reviewed when reporting back to the committee or governing body.
Other members
Committees shall co-opt such non-governor members, with voting rights, as they deem appropriate except in the case of statutory committees dealing with pupil and staff discipline.
Co-opted non-governor membership will be reviewed annually at the first meeting of each committee in the Autumn term. This will usually follow the meeting of the full governing body at which committee membership and terms of reference are reviewed.
It is important that each committee of the governing body has an effective Chair. It is not always easy to chair meetings and the effectiveness of the chair depends on the co-operation of all members in seeking to work effectively.
In committee meetings the role of the Chair is to:
Ensure practical arrangements are in place fo meetings and that meetings start on time
Keep meetings businesslike and to time
Ensure that all items are dealt with logically
Ensure that the committee completes the task delegated by the governing body
Deal with differences and conflict when they arise
Help all members, and particularly new members, of the committee to contribute
Summarise regularly for the benefit of members and the Clerk
Ensure that an accurate record is kept to evidence the Committee’s work (e.g. for
OFSTED) and to ensure that actions are followed through.
Present reports and feedback from Committees to the full meetings of the governing body or to ensure this is done by another member.
Between meetings the role of the Chair is to:
To attend meetings of the strategic/steering committee
Prepare the agenda with the Chair of the governing body and the Headteacher (or steering/strategic group) and ensure papers are distributed 7 days before the meeting.
(To minimise the number of papers tabled at meetings)
Propose agenda items for the steering group to consider including on the termly agenda
Encourage attendance of Committee members where necessary (e.g. phoning around)
Check the minutes when typed up
Take steps as needed to ensure Committee members complete tasks (reminders) particularly arrangements for nominated Governors to report on visits, etc
Prepare for the next meeting
Ensure that invitations to attend are extended as agreed by the governing body or committee
Be a point of contact
Share correspondence and information relating to the work of the committee with other members
Ensure that minutes or a record of decisions/recommendations are circulated to other governors as agreed by the governing body.
As is required of the Chair of any group the Chair needs to be (or become):
A good listener
A team builder – including induction of new committee members
A collaborator