UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE Bachelor of Social Work Field Education Program Field Instructor Check-List Sheet for Student Agency Orientation The following are items for the student and field instructor/agency representative to work on during the first two weeks of the semester. Field Instructor: Please check off the items as finished and/or reviewed by you. This form may be turned in by the student as part of the Agency Orientation Report. Student completes any pre-agency requirements – special training, immunization or other medical documentation, background checks, etc. Student and field instructor attend the field orientation together. Field instructor suggests 4 agencies for student to visit during orientation period. Field instructor suggests a self-help group for the student to visit. Student receives tour of agency and is assigned a spot for working. Student is directed to the agency’s mission statement. Student is directed to the agency’s policy and procedure manuals. Student is given a phone list of agency staff. Student is given an organizational chart of the agency. Student is given an overview regarding other programs within the agency. Student and field instructor make a plan for the in-agency orientation process and interviews of agency personnel. Field instructor reviews the student’s completed orientation process. 4 agency visit forms 1 self-help visit form Agency orientation summary report (about 10 pages) Please feel free to add any comments or ask any questions here: Field Instructor Signature 2012-2013 Academic Year 687285601 Date BSW Field Manual Page 1 of 1 Field Instructor Check List Appendix B: Form #1