Graduate Student Leadership Certificate Program Winter 2014 Program facilitators: Tyrus Miller, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, and Jim Moore, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies. All sessions are on Friday afternoon 1:00-4:30, except for two full day workshops on 24 January and 31 January. Noted sessions will be conducted jointly with the Faculty and Staff Leadership Academy. Statement of purpose: The graduate student leadership certificate program will introduce a range of leadership theory, practical skills, and special topics relevant for application in both academic and professional contexts. With a varied format including readings, interactive group activities, case studies, panel discussions, and professionally conducted workshop sessions, program participants will learn about major trends and debates in contemporary leadership thought, gain familiarity with project management and budgets, develop practical skills for negotiation and conflict resolution, and discuss modes of translating disciplinary expertise into social innovation and impact. The sessions will emphasize collaborative teamwork and the positive, productive employment of the different disciplinary perspectives and backgrounds students bring to the program. Schedule of sessions: --- 10 January (Joint Session) University Center: Alumni Room, 1:00-4pm Topic: Introduction & Academic Horizons; Introduction to Leadership, Discovering Your Inner Leader & Leadership Style Introduction and course overview; participant introductions; index card exercise to discuss goals and motives for studying leadership; thinking style inventory; horizon time line exercise Required Readings: Judith M. Gappa, Ann E. Austin, and Andrea G. Trice, “The Changing Context for Faculty Work and Workplaces” in Rethinking Faculty Work: Higher Education’s Strategic Imperative (2007) John Kotter, “What Leaders Really Do” (Harvard Business Review, May 1990) David Rooke and William R. Torbet, “Seven Transformations of Leadership” (Harvard Business Review, April 2005) [[focus on charts, skim reading]] Sound Views Executive Summary: Robert Bolton, People Styles at Work [[pages 1-3]] Supplemental Readings: Peter Eckel and Matthew Hartley, “The Dynamic Nature of Knowledge: Future Challenges and Opportunities for College and University Leaders” (American Council on Education, 2008) Bill George et al, “Discovering Your Authentic Leadership” (Harvard Business Review, February 2007) Byron White and Peter Eckel, “Collective Foresight: The Leadership Challenges for Higher Education’s Future” (American Council on Education, 2008) --- 17 January Cowell Conference Room, CR 132 Cowell College, 1:00-4:30pm Topic: Presentation and Self-Presentation Guest facilitator: Ted Warburton Readings: TBA --- 24 January (***Note: All Day Friday Workshop) CR 132 Cowell College, 8am-5pm Workshop: Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership; Ethics/Integrity/Trust Building 360 degree assessment Guest facilitator: Dan Schwab (510) 527-6532 c#(510) 685-0722 Required Readings: James Kouzes and Barry Posner, “The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership” from The Leadership Challenge (2007) Materials package provided for workshop --- 31 January (***Note: Joint, All Day Workshop) University Center: Alumni Room, 8:30am-4:30pm Topic: Negotiation / Collaboration Guest facilitator: Jim Tamm: Negotiations and Radical Collaboration Required Readings: Excerpts from Radical Collaboration To Be Assigned Supplemental Readings: “How to Negotiate From Strength,” CKC’s Executive Edge, 1/6. Heminia Ibarra and Morten T. Hansen, “Are You a Collaborative Leader?” (Harvard Business Review, July-August 2011) Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith, “The Discipline of Teams” (Harvard Business Review, March 1993). Paul Adler, Charles Heckscher, and Laurence Prusak, “Building a Collaborative Enterprise” (Harvard Business Review, July-August 2011) “Foster A Culture of Collaboration”, CKC’s Executive Edge, 1/12. John Gabarro and John Kotter, “Managing Your Boss” (Harvard Business Review, March 1993). --- 7 February (Joint Session) University Center: Alumni Room, 1:00-4:30pm Topic: Diversity, Campus Climate, and Cultural Competency Panel: Deborah Abbott – Director, Cantú GLBTI Resource Center; Ethan Grey Hutchinson – Academic Adviser, Cowell College; Stephanie Milton – Director, Women’s Center; Donnae Smith – Coordinator, Diversity & Inclusion Programs Identifying and leveraging diversity within the workplace; working with a diverse group of colleagues; Diversity efforts on campus; cultural competency Required Readings: Mahzarin Banaji, Max Bazerman, and Dolly Chugh. “How (Un)Ethical Are You?” (Harvard Business Review, May 1991) Forbes Insight, “Global Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering Innovation Through a Diverse Workforce.” (Forbes Media, July 2011) Additional Readings may be added Supplemental Readings: UCSC ACCCCI Graduate Student Subcommittee, Reports of Professional Development, Student Voice, and TA Training. (2011) --- 14 February (Joint Session) University House, 1:00-4:30pm Topic: Academic Leadership & Shared Governance; Guests: Alison Galloway, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Joe Konopelski, Chair, UCSC Academic Senate Required Readings: Carolyn McMillan, “Regents endorse state budget amid fiscal uncertainty” (University of California, 18 July 2012, University of California, “Budget News” ( [[skim]] Margaret Barr, “Unraveling the Budget” from An Academic Administrator’s Guide to Budgets and Financial Management, 2002. “A Bird’s Eye View of the Budget at UCSC”, 2011-12. [[skim]] Supplemental Readings: “Budgeting: Seeing the Future” in Manager’s Toolkit (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004) --- 21 February CR 132 Cowell College, 1:00-4:30pm Project and Budget Management Guest facilitator: David Turner & Peggy Delaney Readings: TBA --- 28 February CR 132 Cowell College, 1:00-4:30pm Topic: Conflict and Conflict Resolution Guest facilitator: Nancy Heischman, Director of Conflict Resolution Services Required Readings: Carl and Suzanne Cohen, “Win/Win with Peers: Make Allies, Not Enemies” from Lab Dynamics (2005) “How to Manage Workplace Conflict”, CKC’s Executive Edge, 1/11. Supplemental Readings: Linda Hill, “Reconciling Expectations” from Becoming a Manager, 2003. W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, “Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy” (Harvard Business Review, 1997). Kloperens, et al, “Setting Expectations and Resolving Conflicts in Graduate Education” (Council of Graduate Schools, 2008) --- 7 March CR 132 Cowell College, 1:00-4:30pm (Self)Awareness, Neuroscience, and the Mindful Leader Guest facilitator: Rich Fernandez, Leadership Trainer at Wisdom Labs and Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute. Readings: TBA --- 14 March (***NOTE Joint Reception with Faculty & Staff to Follow) CR 132 Cowell College, 1:00-4:30pm Topic: Actualizing Your Leadership Potential Guests: Finalizing Individual Development Plans; class reflection and envisioning future possibilities & pathways; utilizing Career Center resources in your search. Graduation ceremony: conferral of certificates (joint reception afterwards) Required Readings: George Day and Paul Schoemaker, “Are you a ‘Vigilant Leader’?” (MIT Sloan Management Review) [[focus on charts]] Nathaniel Foote, Russell Eisenstat, and Tobias Fredberg, “The Higher Ambition Leader” (Harvard Business Review, September 2011) Supplemental Readings: “Ernest Shackleton’s Lessons for Leaders in Harsh Climates” (Harvard Business Review Blog Network, 8 Nov 2012,