Mrs. Solomon’s Life Science Classroom and Laboratory Student Safety Statement This statement addresses safety rules, which must be followed for the safety of students, teachers and visitors to the Life Science classroom. As a student, it is your responsibility to follow these rules as well as the instructions given to you by your teacher. This will help ensure a safe and least restrictive environment possible for learning and discovery. For you to participate in any activities, lab or classroom, you must read and agree to the following safety rules. You also need to have your parent or guardian read them. Both of you will sign and date the receipt and return it to your instructor. You will then keep a copy of this safety statement to reference at any time. 1. Do not throw anything at all! 2. No horseplay or running is permitted during class and lab. 3. Students are not permitted in the lab area without a certified instructor present. 4. Aisles in the classroom and laboratory must be clear of any objects. This includes backpacks, books and clothing. 5. Students should be in their assigned seat or at their assigned lab bench unless otherwise instructed. 6. Students are not permitted to bring any live or dead plant or animal, or any unauthorized material or specimen to class/ lab unless directed by the instructor. 7. All experiments are to be performed as directed by the instructor. Possible dangers will be reviewed prior to students performing the experiment. 8. Each student should be properly prepared to conduct the experiment by reading the instructions in advance and being present for the instructor’s preview of the experiment. 9. Proper attire must be worn during lab according to the instructor’s direction and the type of experiment. It is strongly recommended that hair be tied back and loose clothing such as ties and baggy shirts be tucked in. 10. If the instructor requires it, goggles must be worn during lab. When gloves are required to be worn in the lab, they must be removed before leaving the lab at any time. Page 1 of 2 11. Unauthorized activities may not be performed in the lab and only scientific experiments and demonstrations authorized by a certified instructor are allowed. 12. Eating, drinking and applying cosmetics or make-up are not permitted! 13. Never taste anything or put anything in your mouth. 14. Students shall know the locations and operations of emergency equipment and understand that a teacher will operate this equipment in the event of an emergency. 15. Always read chemical labels and only handle chemicals as directed by the experiment procedure and instructor. 16. All waste must be disposed of properly, including glass and biological, as directed by your instructor. 17. Report all accidents, injuries and incidents to the instructor immediately. 18. Wash the lab bench before and after every lab experiment. 19. Do not leave the lab before washing your hands thoroughly. 20. It is recommended that students inform the instructor of any medical conditions to assure safety, for example diabetes or hearing impairment. 21. A final recommendation: if the student has any doubt about procedures or safety, ask the instructor before acting! Page 2 of 2 Life Science Classroom and Laboratory Student Safety Statement Receipt Students are not permitted to attend lab or participate in classroom activities until this receipt is returned by the date required by the instructor. I, _______________________(print) have read, understand and agree to follow these classroom and lab safety rules and procedures. I agree to abide by any additional instructions, written or verbal, provided by my instructor. Teacher:________________________________ Date:____________________ Student:________________________________ Date:____________________ Parent/ Guardian:______________________________ Date:____________________