Classroom Jobs

Descriptions and
Complete cooperation is a must, meaning if you decline a task
you will immediately be reassigned a new position. Any student
failing to adhere to the classroom rules while completing a task
or duty underlined in their job description will be suspended
from their current position with the potential for termination.
Handy Hawk
Job Description: This position consists of completing odd jobs
assigned by the teacher. These jobs will vary depending on the
situation and therefore cannot be detailed. In order to perform
well in this job a person must be willing and ready to tackle
any task.
Duties: Set forth by the teacher on an as-needed basis.
Job Description: This position consists of running errands about
the school. The student will be required to leave the classroom
so it is of upmost importance that the messenger complete
tasks with extreme haste and responsibility.
Duties: Running messages or supplies to administration,
teachers, or other school staff. Possibly retrieving messages or
supplies from school personnel.
Job Description: This position encompasses all other classroom
jobs. When a student is absent, unable, or unwilling to perform
their job, the substitute will step in and completed assigned
Duties: Detailed in the specific job description and duties of job
being fulfilled.
Job Description: The librarian will be in charge of making sure
books are properly checked out from the classroom library as
well as checked back in. The librarian will check the state in
which books are returned for damage or improper handling.
Librarians will remind students of a checked out book. They will
report any overdue or damaged books to the teacher
Duties: Organizing returned books back on shelves. Checking out
and in books to students. Reporting necessary information to
the teacher. Look up and record AR levels/points for books.
News Director
Job Description: The News Director will assist the teacher with
the writing of the weekly newsletter and updating the
classroom website. The director will also collaborate with the
photographer to capture classroom learning events as well as
special occasions.
Duties: Document and capture learning events within the
classroom as well as specials traveled to in the building.
Collaborate with photographer to schedule camera coverage of
an event. Assist in the development of weekly newsletter and
reminders for parents.
Job Description: The Meteorologist will research the daily
weather and provide updates for the class orally every morning.
Duties: Use the computer to research the daily weather.
Provide specific details such as chance of precipitation, current
temperature, projected high and low for the day, as well as any
important weather announcements. Give an oral presentation
Job Description: The Custodian will be in charge of cleaning
based on specific lists given by the teacher for daily and weekly
duties. They will also have access to materials to clean up
accidents (spills of water, juice, food, class materials, etc.)
Report to teacher any mess that will need janitorial assistance
or materials.
Duties: Outlined in daily and weekly lists. Be willing to clean up
spills and messes. Report messes beyond the scope of specialty
Hall Monitor
Job Description: The Hall Monitor will be positioned at the
front and end of the line while walking through the hall way.
They will adhere to correct hallway behaviors and remind
students of such procedures in a positive manner. Hall monitors
will report any students failing to follow respectful and
responsible hallway behavior.
Duties: Walk at the front or end of the line. Carry specials
bucket with orange folders. Remind other students of correct
hallway behaviors and report to teacher any students that
failed to meet expectations. Turn off lights when exiting the
Job Description: The Attendance person will monitor daily
attendance and report any absences to the teacher. They will
also keep track of the number of hot lunches and those who
have signed up for hot lunch extras.
Duties: Count number of students in attendance and report
absences immediately. Tally number of hot lunch students and,
if applicable, students signed up for extras.
Job Description: The photographer will collaborate with the
news director to provide photo coverage of classroom events.
Due to the handling of expensive technology this position will
undergo extensive training. They will also need to be
EXTREMELY responsible.
Duties: Take pictures and videos of classroom events. Upload
and write captions for photos or videos taken. Collaborate with
the news director to provide coverage of articles in classroom
Supply Distributor
Job Description: The Supply Distributor will assist the teacher
in gathering and dispersing supplies needed for a specific class
project, assignment, or group work. They will need to be
responsible and organized when handing out supplies.
Duties: Collect supply list. Gather necessary materials to
disperse to classmates. Round up supplies when not needed and
return to designated places. Demonstrate specific steps to
students that were absent or need extra assistance if teacher is
Job Description: The position of Anonymous entails writing a
note or card of appreciation to a staff member within the
school. Notes should be completed by the end of every week. It
is of utmost importance that Anonymous value respect and
responsibility as well as anonymity.
Duties: Notes should be genuine and include specific examples of
appreciation for the work that the staff member contributes
to the school. Thank you’s will be approved and dispersed by
the classroom teacher.
Job Description: The Decorator will plan and carry out designs
for bulletin boards. When preparing designs, they will make sure
to incorporate what we are learning in class by using student
work and classroom created materials. The decorator will submit
design plans to the teacher in advance for approval that the
design includes appropriate material and slogans.
Duties: Design bulletin boards. Handle decorating materials and
student work being displayed as well as ensure that student
work is handed back after display is taken down. Prepare design
plans for teacher approval.
Job Description: The Clerk will assist the teacher in handing out
paper materials to the rest of the classmates. They may also
be asked to help demonstrate specific directions for handling or
organizing papers. Must be able to understand multi-step
Duties: Pass out papers and paper materials. Demonstrate
directions to a small group of students. Stock extras bin.