Classroom Visits

JTED Director Classroom Walk-Through Form – Program Review 1.1.2
A focused classroom visit for a brief period of time followed by reflection.
Effective data gathering strategies – data report
Not a teacher evaluation
Snapshot – what is happening in our CTE classrooms?
Data collected would be a school report not individual classroom report.
Data collected could be used to determine professional development needs.
Walkthroughs – A Key Practice of Continuous Program Improvement
o Give and receive safe, non-threatening, qualitative evidence-based feedback to stimulate in-school dialogue.
o Reinforce attention to a focus on the ADE technical standards and program sequence.
o Stimulate collaborative, professional conversations
o Learn from each other and colleagues outside of the school observing peers, asking questions, sharing
experiences, and providing a variety of perspectives.
o Process for giving and receiving non-threatening evidence-based feedback from colleagues to stimulate
collaborative professional conversations
o Strategy for breaking down isolation and providing collegiality
 Formal observation
 Audit
 Evaluation of individual teachers
 “Gotcha” opportunity for supervisors or peers
 Dog and pony show
What will our Goals for the walk-through be??
Strategic curriculum implementation
Reflection on student learning
Continuous improvement
Provide quality technical assistance and professional
development to schools
Increase student achievement = ADE assessment?
We did not address this section at the Directors’
meeting and whether we should keep on our final
document. At our next meeting we will address this
section and share with you how the first few
SNAPSHOTS have gone. Recommended changes will
also be addressed, if applicable. LE
Research indicates that classroom walk-through strategy and data
collecting is an effective structure to guide classroom visits and follow-up reflection. The purpose for directors walking
through classrooms is to provide expertise and insight for site director to provide coaching and …… follow up reflection
provides a process for communication between the director and the teacher.
DIRECTIONS: Form will be used as a data collection tool. Only class periods and times will be indicated on form. A single
form will be used for each individual program. All forms will be turned into LEAD Program Reviewer at end of day.
2855 W. Master Pieces Drive • Tucson, AZ 85741
(520) 352-JTED (5833) • Fax: (520) 352-5842 •
We deliver premier career and technical education in partnership with business, industry and community stakeholders.
Draft 9/4/2012
The Pima County JTED Directors’ Walkthrough Process provides formative assessment data that answers the question, “How are we dong?” Examining and
analyzing this data is a key practice of continuous program improvement. The Walkthrough Protocol provides a structure for consistent expectations across all
districts while allowing schools to address individual needs.
The protocol should be viewed as a non-threatening tool to stimulate professional conversations, both internally and externally, as we raise expectations for all
within a collaborative environment. Consistent and appropriate use of this tool will help to facilitate our journey in establishing premier programs throughout
the JTED district.
Pima County JTED Walk-Through SNAPSHOT Feedback Form for All CTE/JTED Programs
On task in rigorous work:
# on task
Specifying expectations & desired behavior
Writing or creating original work
Lecturing or assigning to whole group
Taking a test or quiz
Helping individual students
Completing projects
Facilitating small groups
Completing worksheets
Demonstrating or modeling a task
Using technology
Reading to or with students
Listening and / or responding
Using multiple questioning strategies
Answering higher order questions
Asking knowledge level or procedural questions
Initiating higher order questions
Using wait time effectively
Working in groups
Using or modeling technology
Self-directed, self-initiated
In front of class
Completing or correcting homework assignment
Circulating among students
Transitioning between classes or activities
Sitting or standing behind desk (or podium)
Giving direct instruction
Speaking in front of, or presenting to, class
At the overhead projector
In class, downtime
In class, downtime
Using program specific equipment
Transitioning between classes or activities
In lab, working on assignment
In lab, facilitating and directing students
Objectives clearly stated or cited
Standards or curriculum objectives evident
Rubrics in use
Critical thinking / questioning skills used
Process or strategy charts in room used by students
Reading: comprehension strategies
Emphasis on non-fiction
Writing process (e.g., prompts, conferencing)
Differentiation of instruction
Cooperative / collaborative classroom
Instruction focused on curriculum / CTE standards
Curriculum integration
Evidence of CTSO activities
Evidence of JTED Wiki lesson
JTED enhanced signs
Evidence of current safety clearance tags on specific equipment
High expectations for all
Appropriate student praise
Instruction appropriate to students
Student work displayed
Specific constructive feedback
Equitable, consistent application of rules
Respectful behavior / positive regard
Relearning or reevaluation of material
Room was without clutter
Effective time management
Efficient materials management
Real-world connections / student interests
Assessment (rubrics, student-generated)
Relearning or reevaluation of material
Cooperative / collaborative classroom
Positive personal interactions with student
Procedures in place and being used
Notes: Comments you would like added to program review report:
2855 W. Master Pieces Drive • Tucson, AZ 85741
(520) 352-JTED (5833) • Fax: (520) 352-5842 •
We deliver premier career and technical education in partnership with business, industry and community stakeholders.
Program Review – 1.1.2 October 2. 2012