Carolyn Chapman Memorial Scholarship

The Biology Department at the Ammerman Campus offers scholarships in remembrance of two colleagues
who were important in the growth of the Department and who were both committed to maintaining high
academic standards while providing the highest quality education to Suffolk students.
Applications for both are available in the Biology Department Office (M111) from February 1 to March 15,
and provide the necessary information by the date indicated on the application.
Dr. June D. Hudis was Professor of Biology at Suffolk County Community College from 1968 to 1985. In
addition to her achievement of excellence in teaching, she rendered community service in the areas of
environmental protection, world peace, and the women's movement. Before coming to SCCC, she did
research at Washington University and Cold Spring Harbor. She accomplished all of this in addition to her
roles of mother to her children, Jan and Andy, and of wife to Dr. Jerry Hudis.
June Hudis taught her classes with enthusiasm and vigor. She established high standards for her students,
accorded them respect, and treated them with understanding. Students found her biology classes
challenging and memorable. Her colleagues recognized her scientific expertise and respected her
commitment to improving the quality of life and the environment.
June Hudis encouraged individuals to pursue careers in biology and to use their training responsibly, with a
sense of social commitment. Although she offered enthusiastic support to any student who worked hard
and truly strove to become all he/she could be, Dr. Hudis especially encouraged women who aspired to a
career in science. A scholarship is a particularly appropriate memorial to offer in memory of June Hudis
and will serve as an extension of her life's work.
The June D. Hudis Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a woman who plans to continue her education
full-time towards a baccalaureate degree in the Life/Environmental Sciences. Preference will be given to a
woman who postponed completing her college education for personal reasons, for example, raising a
family or pursuing a previous career.
This scholarship, in the amount of $1000, is made possible by contributions of family, friends and
colleagues of Dr. Hudis. The award will be made to a qualified candidate each year for ten years.
The June D. Hudis Memorial Scholarship Committee will review the applications and select a worthy
recipient. Announcement of the award will be listed in the brochure of Scholarship and Award Recipients
and Honor Society Members at the Commencement Exercises in May.
The criteria for the June Hudis Memorial Scholarship Award are:
female student, preferably "non-traditional," attending SCCC
12 credits or more in Biology (majors courses preferred and one additional advanced course
in Biology) OR 8 credits in Biology plus 12 credits in Chemistry and/or Physics by the end of
the Spring semester in the year in which the award is made
a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 by the end of the Spring semester in the year
in which the award is made
a minimum of 60 credits completed by the end of the Spring semester during the year in
which the award is made
evidence of service to the college/community with strong regard to environmental
concerns/issues and/or political action
receipt of three references (academic, personal, and related to community service)
verification of full-time attendance at a college/university in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree
in the Life/Environmental Sciences.
Dr. Carolyn Chapman was an important member of the Biology Department from 1971 until her death from
cancer. This scholarship was established with donations from friends and family in recognition of her
commitment to science education.
Scholarship amount $800.
Intended for full-time or part-time students who have:
have completed the first year (a minimum 30 credits) of an academic program which includes BIO
150 (BY50) or BIO 130 (BY30) and
intend to continue in science or health careers
will be registered full time in one of the above programs at SCCC or other school when the
scholarship is awarded.
At application: Completed at least 30 credits at SCCC including BIO 150 (BY50) or BIO 150 (BY 50)
with minimum GPA of 3.0
Before award is granted: Official certification of registration in an appropriate program