Supporting information: The numerical study of the adsorption of flexible polyelectrolytes with the annealed charge distribution onto an oppositely charged sphere by the self-consistent field theory Chaohui Tong Department of Physics, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 315211, China Derivation of the SCF equations In this supplementary material, we present a detailed derivation of the self-consistent field equations for an open system of an incompressible weak-base type polyelectrolyte solution by using the grand canonical ensemble. The derivation is similar to that by Witte, et al for weak-base type polyelectrolyte brushes, which used the (semi)grand canonical emsemble.1 It is noted that the grand canonical ensemble was also employed to derive the SCF equations for neutral polymer blends by others.2,3 Here, we consider a weak-base type polyelectrolyte aqueous solution in contact with a PE bulk solution maintained at a constant temperature T , a constant chemical potential for each species, and a fixed pH and ionic strength. The PE segments participate in the following acid-base equilibrium: Kb PH OH P H 2O where P denotes a monomer segment. The base equilibrium constant in the bulk solution is defined as K b PH OH P , where the square bracket stands for the basis of a molar concentration. For a given system configuration, the above 1 chemical equilibrium leads to the coexistence of nC charged segments and nU n p N p nC uncharged segments in the solution, where n p and N p denote the total number of polyelectrolyte chains in the system and the number of monomer segments per chain, respectively. In a grand canonical ensemble, the grand partition function exp G with G the grand potential having the following expression 1 1 1 1 1 exp p n p m nm C nC U nU np nm V m p ! nC ! nU ! nm ! V 1 n m n p 0 nC 0 nU 0 nm 0 np nm nC nU k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 DRk s Drmk DrCk DrUk D exp H j ˆ j r 1 fˆ r ˆ p r gˆ r ˆ p r ˆ p r r j r nC np dr ˆ e r k 1 i 1 Np 0 nU np ds rCk Ri s ds rUk Ri s 0 Np k 1 i 1 (A1) where the subscripts j , m represent all the species and the small molecular species (the solvent, mobile ions) in the system, respectively, V is the volume of the system, nm denotes the number of small molecules of species type m . In the above equation, 1 kBT with k B the Boltzmann constant, j represents the chemical potential of each species in the bulk. Rk s and rmk , respectively, denote the position vectors of the s th segments of the k th polymer chain and the k th small molecule of type m . rCk and rUk represent the position vectors of the k th charged and uncharged segments, respectively. The intrinsic volume of each species j is j , and its microscopic density operator ˆ j is defined as follows np ˆ p r ds r Rk s 0 k 1 Np (A2) 2 nm ˆ m r r rmk (A3) k The microscopic polymer charge and non-charge fraction operators are defined as nC fˆ r r rCk k 1 nU gˆ r r rUk k 1 np k 1 np k 1 Np 0 Np 0 ds r Rk s (A4) ds r Rk s (A5) The charge density operator ˆ e r is ˆ e r fˆ r ˆ p r zion ˆion r (A6) ion where zion denotes the charge valence of each mobile ion species. The Hamiltonian H is defined as np H k 1 3 Rk s drVint ˆ p r ps ˆ s r 2b 2 s 2 Np 0 1 dr e r ˆ r 2 r r e 2 (A7) dr U0 gˆ r ˆ p r C0 fˆ r ˆ p r m0 ˆ m r m where b represents the monomer size, Vint is a characteristic interaction volume for monomer segments and the solvent molecules, and ps is the Flory-Huggins type interaction parameter, r is the electric potential, r is the electric permittivity, e denotes the elementary charge, i0 denotes the standard chemical potential of species i . In equation (A1), the first delta function is for the enforcement of the incompressibility condition for the system, the second delta function ensures the proper normalization of the polymer charge and non-charge fractions, the third delta function is to maintain the charge neutrality of the system, and the final two delta functions constrain the charged and non-charged monomer segments to lie on the 3 polymer chains. Introducing the following identities to the grand partition function allows the replacement of the microscopic density operators ˆ j r , fˆ r and ĝ r by the field variables j r , f r and g r , which in essence are the ensemble averages of the corresponding density operators. D r r ˆ r 1 (A8) Df r f r ˆ r fˆ r ˆ r 1 (A9) Dg r g r ˆ r gˆ r ˆ r 1 (A10) j j j j p p p p Using the Fourier representation of the delta-function for the functions in the above equations and the first three ones in equation (A1), after a standard procedure, we obtain the following grand partition function D D j D j D D Df Dg D C D U D exp G j (A11) with the grand potential j r j r Vint p r ps s r r j j r 1 j j 1 2 G dr r r C r f r U r g r p r r p r 2 f r g r 1 e r f r p r zion ion r ion Q p Qion Qs QC QU ion (A12) In equation (A11), j , C , U , , , are the corresponding conjugate fields introduced in using the Fourier representation of the delta-function. The single 4 polymer chain and species partition functions are given by Q p DR s exp Np 0 DR s exp 3 2b R s s exp drq r , N V 1 3 2b 2 R s s 2 R s ds p Np 2 0 2 ds (A13) p p Qs exp s s0 Qion dr exp r (A14) s V 0 exp ion ion zion dr exp r (A15) ion V QC exp C C0 dr exp C r p r QU exp U U0 dr exp U r p r (A16) (A17) In equation (A13), q r , N p is the reduced partition function for a single chain and is determined by the modified diffusion equation (see equation (9) in the main text). After taking the zero functional derivatives of the grand potential with respect to the field variables j , j , f , g , C , U , , and , the following SCF equations are obtained: p r Vint ps s r p r r 1 (A18) s r Vint ps p r s r (A19) ion r ion r ezion r (A20) p r s r exp p V Np 0 dsq r , s q r , N p s exp s s0 ion r V exp s r 0 exp ion ion zion V (A21) (A22) exp ion r 5 (A23) C r e r r (A24) U r r (A25) f r exp C C0 exp C r (A26) g r exp U U0 exp U r (A27) r 1 (A28) j j j f r g r 1 (A29) r r ef r p r e zion ion r 0 (A30) ion The constant pre-factors in equations (A21) – (A23) can be used to define the bulk b concentrations bp , sb and ion . Taking equation (A21) as an example, we have Pb p r exp p V Np 0 dsq r , s q r , N p s (A31) so the constant pre-factor can be fixed as exp p V Pb Np 0 dsq r , s q r , N p s . (A32) The constant pre-factors in equations (A26) and (A27) can be fixed by using the values of f and g in the bulk and by noting that in the bulk solution, 0 , and is a constant, with the results of exp C C0 fb exp r and exp U U0 gb exp r . Then equations (A26) and (A27) become f r fb exp r exp e r r (A33) g r gb exp r exp r (A34) Plugging the above two equations into eq. (A29), the variable can be solved as r ln 1 fb fb exp e r r (A35) Further simplification of the SCF equations can be made by eliminating the dependent variables f , g and in the SCF equations, leading to the following SCF equations 6 p r Vint ps s r p r ln 1 fb fb exp e r r 1 (A36) s r Vint ps p r s r (A37) ion r ion r ezion r (A38) p r bp dsq r , s q r , N p s Np 0 Np 0 dsq r , s q r , N p s (A39) s r sb exp s r s r (A40) b ion r ion exp ion r ion r (A41) r 1 (A42) j j j fb exp e r r r e p r e zion ion r 0 1 fb fb exp e r ion (A43) Please note that the last two constants in equation (A36) can be dropped out since it has no effect on the equilibrium properties of the PE solution. Instead of using the number density for each species in the SCF equations, now we proceed to write down the SCF equations in terms of the volume fractions. For simplicity and without losing generality, let’s assume that p s 0 b3 , mobile ions are point charges, and invoke the volume fractions j r by using the fact that j r 0 j r . By performing the same non-dimensionlization scheme as that in Ref 4, we finally arrive at the SCF equations in terms of the volume fractions of concerning species in the system as shown in the main text. References (1) 1 K. N. Witte, S. Kim and Y. Y. Won, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 11076-11084 (2009). (2) S. M. Wood and Z. G. Wang, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 2289-2300 (2002). (3) M. W. Matsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4225-4228 (1995). 7 (4) Q. Wang, T. Taniguchi and G. H. Fredrickson, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 6733-6744 (2004). 8