GRADUATION REGISTRATION FORM 1. I hope to graduate with the Degree of ................…………….. (*Ordinary/*Honours) on 22/23/24/25 June 2010 (e.g. BSc, MA, LLB/ DipNurse/BN, PhD, MSc) *Delete as appropriate 2. *I enclose £40.00 in payment of Graduates’ Registration Fee/*I paid the Graduates’ Registration Fee last session/*I am already a graduate of Dundee University (*Delete as appropriate - graduates of Dundee University do not pay again - this information will be checked). 3. I wish to GRADUATE IN PERSON OR GRADUATE IN ABSENCE 4. SURNAME ____________________________________________ SCHOOL ____________________ OTHER NAMES (in full) __________________________________ MATRIC NO __________________ ADDRESS (incl. postcode)________________________________________________________________ (to which either tickets or certificate will be sent – tickets and results will be posted as soon as they are available) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Any previous Degree(s) and where obtained_________________________________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE________________________ Under the terms of Section 5 of Ordinance 39, the Senatus has authorisation to withhold the grant of any degree/diploma/certificate until it receives confirmation that any outstanding debt to the University has been settled. If you have an outstanding payment you may not be entitled to attend the graduation ceremony at which your degree would formally be conferred and your certificate will be withheld until payment has been made. 5. GRADUATION CEREMONY Graduands attending the ceremony do not require a ticket for themselves. Each graduand is guaranteed to receive a minimum of 2 guest tickets, but may apply for additional tickets. (We hope to be able to supply 4 tickets per graduand but it is not guaranteed at the moment). Please indicate the total number of guest tickets required : (including the guaranteed minimum) If there are any further additional tickets available, there will be a statement on the Registry Web Page ( with instructions on how to obtain these tickets. * If any of your guests are wheelchair users or require special seating please let us know when returning this form. 6. GARDEN PARTY Admission to the Garden Party (to be held on the square behind DUSA bounded by Balfour Street and the Queen Mother Building ( from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm) will be by ticket only. Each graduand will receive one ticket free of charge (for themselves if required). Additional tickets for guests will cost £10.00 each (under 10’s free, no ticket required). Graduand's Free Garden Party Ticket Number of Additional Garden Party Tickets required: (Please tick if required) Please make cheques payable to For Official Use Only Graduation Fee Garden Party Late Fee Total Payment "The University of Dundee" (one cheque will be sufficient for everything) (Please write name and matriculation number on back) £ To be returned to Examinations and Graduation Office The Registry, The University of Dundee Dundee DD1 4HN __________________ By Wednesday 31st March 2010 SEE OVER Dear Graduand GRADUATION 2010 Graduation is a public occasion and many years’ experience has shown that the vast majority of students wish to have their success publicised in the local and national press and on the world wide web. However, a very small minority of students may not wish to have their names recorded in this way. If you do not wish your name to be published in this way please sign below and return to the Examinations Office as soon as possible. You should also include a recent photograph with your name and matriculation number on the back so that we can ensure that you are excluded from all publicity. Without a recent photograph the University cannot guarantee that this will be possible. Your submitted image will only be used to cross-check against graduation photographs and filmed footage. Yours sincerely P M Elliott Director of Registry Signature ______________________________ Date ___________________ (If you sign here your name will not appear in any newspaper or on the Web) For Official Use only No Publicity SITS Graduating in Abs Address Updated tick when complete UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) Survey For Graduates in 2010 After graduation, you will be asked to participate in the DLHE survey. The purpose of the survey is to determine what the University of Dundee's UK and EU graduates are doing six months after completing their course. The DLHE is designed and strictly controlled by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and the survey data published by HESA is anonymised and treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The University uses this data for the future development of its courses so your department would like to obtain a full and accurate survey return, from its graduates. You will be sent a DLHE questionnaire by the Careers Service to the address held by the Registry as your "Permanent Address" (ie probably your parent's home address). To ensure that this contact information is as upto-date as possible for the survey, it would be helpful if you could complete the address information on the following page. Graduates who do not respond to the postal questionnaire will be contacted by email or telephone by the Careers Service. PERMANENT ADDRESS: (for correspondence by post after graduation) SURNAME: FORENAMES: MATRICULATION NUMBER: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (for contact after graduation, this could be your parents number) MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER: PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS: Following graduation, please inform us of information changes by emailing or by updating your details on the Alumni website. This address will also be used by the University as a key piece of data to verify your identity in the years to come. If you do not want to take part in the survey, please tell the Careers Service at in advance and we will try to ensure that you are not contacted. UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE GRADUATION CEREMONIES TUESDAY 22 JUNE, WEDNESDAY 23 JUNE, THURSDAY 24 JUNE and FRIDAY 25 JUNE 2010 1. Seven Graduation Ceremonies will be held in the Caird Hall, Dundee in June 2010: Date Tuesday 22 June Time 2.30 pm College Arts & Social Sciences Wednesday 23 June 10.00 am Arts & Social Sciences Art, Science & Engineering Wednesday 23 June 2.30 pm Arts & Social Sciences Thursday 24 June 10.00 am Thursday 24 June 2.30 pm Art, Science & Engineering Life Sciences Art, Science & Engineering Friday 25 June 10.00 am Friday 25 June 2.30 pm Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing Schools Humanities Graduate School Law Accounting and Finance Architecture Social and Environmental Sciences Education, Social Work and Community Education Psychology Engineering, Physics and Mathematics Life Sciences Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design Computing Dentistry Medicine Nursing & Midwifery REGISTRATION 2. (a) All students who hope to graduate either in person or in absence on this occasion must complete a Registration form and return it to the Examinations and Graduation Office – Registry, The University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, by 31th March 2010. Those who are graduating in this University for the first time are required to pay a Registration fee of £40 for membership of the Graduates' Council before being admitted to a degree. A cheque or postal order for this amount, crossed and made payable to the "University of Dundee" must accompany the Registration form. Bank notes should not be sent by post but payment may be made in cash, by cheque or debit/credit card at the Registry Reception, 1 Airlie Place, Dundee. (b) Any student who fails to forward a completed Registration form, together with any fee payable after 31st March 2010 but before 4rd June 2010, may be permitted to register on payment of a late fee of £15. INTENDING GRADUANDS WHO FAIL TO REPLY IN TIME MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO GRADUATE ON THIS OCCASION. 3. Any students who expect to qualify for a degree without Honours this year but who hope to proceed to Honours should note that they will not be permitted to graduate twice. Students intending to proceed to Honours should graduate at the end of the honours year. GRADUATION TICKETS 4. A minimum of TWO tickets of admission to the Caird Hall will be allotted to each graduand for guests. Graduands themselves do not require tickets. A statement will be placed on the Registry web page as soon as information regarding extra tickets is available. GARDEN PARTY FOR GRADUATES AND GUESTS 5. There will be a University Garden Party for graduates and their guests from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm on each day. This will take place on the square behind DUSA bounded by Balfour Street and the Queen Mother Building. Admission will be by ticket only. Each graduand will receive one ticket free of charge for him/herself (Please tick box on form if this is required). Additional tickets for guests will cost £10.00 each (under 10’s free, no ticket required). It is advisable to purchase all tickets for the garden party when completing this form, however tickets will be available from the Registry Reception until graduation day and at the gate of the garden party. DRESS 7. Graduands attending the ceremony are expected to dress suitably and to wear the academic attire prescribed for their particular degree. It is recommended that male graduands wear a dark suit, white bow tie and dark shoes and that female graduands wear a white blouse with a dark skirt or trousers or a white or dark dress and dark shoes. National dress may be worn by graduands of either sex if they prefer. Graduands dressed inappropriately may be refused admission to the ceremony. HIRE OF ACADEMIC DRESS 6. (a) The official robemakers are Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd. Other outfitters may be unable to supply the correct hoods. (b) Graduands should notify Messrs Ede & Ravenscroft, well in advance, of gown and hood requirements, using the Company’s Website ( or Call Centre 01223 861854. Surplus stocks may not be available and those who have not made prior arrangements for the hire of gowns and hoods may not be able to obtain them on the day of the ceremony. (c) Tuesday Ceremonies The robemakers will be in attendance in the Marryat Hall within the Caird Hall in City Square between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm on Monday 21 June and all graduands attending the Tuesday ceremony should collect their gowns and hoods at that time. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Tuesday afternoon ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. All gowns and hoods on hire for the Tuesday ceremony must be returned to T4 on the first floor of the Tower Building, by 7.30 pm, at the very latest, on Tuesday 22 June 2010. (d) Wednesday Ceremonies The robemakers will be in attendance in the Marryat Hall within the Caird Hall in City Square between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm on Tuesday 22 June and all graduands attending the Wednesday ceremony should collect their gowns and hoods at that time. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Wednesday morning ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day before 9.15 am, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Wednesday afternoon ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day after 12.00 noon, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. All gowns and hoods on hire for the Wednesday ceremony must be returned to T4 on the first floor of the Tower Building, by 7.30 pm, at the very latest, on Wednesday 23 June 2010. (e) Thursday Ceremonies The robemakers will be in attendance in the Marryat Hall within the Caird Hall between 4.00 pm and 6.30 pm on Wednesday 23 June and all graduands attending the Thursday ceremonies should collect their gowns and hoods at that time. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Thursday morning ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day before 9.15 am, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Thursday afternoon ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day after 12.00 pm, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. All gowns and hoods on hire for the Thursday ceremony must be returned to T4 on the first floor of the Tower Building, by 7.30 pm, at the very latest, on Thursday 24 June 2010. (f) Friday Ceremonies The robemakers will be in attendance in the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall between 4.00 pm and 6.30 pm on Thursday 24 June and all graduands attending the Friday ceremonies should collect their gowns and hoods at that time. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Friday morning ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day before 9.15 am, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. Exceptionally, graduands attending the Friday afternoon ceremony who are unable to collect their gowns and hoods in advance, as recommended, should uplift them on Graduation day after 12.00 pm, from the Marryat Hall, within the Caird Hall. All gowns and hoods on hire for the Friday ceremonies must be returned to Room T4 on the first floor of the Tower Building, by 7.30 pm, at the very latest, on Friday 25 June 2010. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS 8. The University's official photographers for the summer ceremonies will be in attendance at the Caird Hall. Their studios will be open from 9.00am until 5pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (although it may be possible to have photographs taken up until 6pm). Students should bear in mind that the studios are very busy in the period between ceremonies and immediately after a ceremony, and they should consider arranging to have photographs taken at other times to avoid queuing. Students should consider having their photographs taken during the other ceremony for that day, or on the previous evening when they collect their gowns, in the case of Friday ceremonies. ISSUE OF TICKETS, ETC 9. Students who have declared their intention to graduate either in person or in absence and whose degree examination results qualify them to do so, will receive, by post, notification of such results as soon as they are available. In addition, Caird Hall tickets, Garden Party tickets and details of the Graduation procedures will be sent to those who are graduating in person. All communications will be sent to a student's address as shown on the Registration Form. Ms P M Elliott, Director of Registry