Scholarship Chairman - TSPE Preston Trail Chapter

2005/2006 Scholarship Committee
Abbreviated version from Chris Flanigan, outgoing chairman (July 20, 2006)
The Preston Trail Chapter of TSPE typically provides a four-year annual scholarship to
one (1) high school senior for $1000/year (i.e. total $4000 award). The current roster of
recipients is as follows:
Chad Haga (2006 recipient)
Douglas Bradford (2005 recipient)
Rene Valle (2003 recipient)
- liability = $4000 (incoming freshman)
- liability = $1500 (incoming sophomore)
- liability = $500 (final semester)
Note: This year (2006 Chad Haga recipient) is actually the first year that the
chapter has awarded this amount – it used to be $500/year for four years.
Funding is sent to the college/university only, never to the student (see below).
The primary fundraiser for the chapter scholarship has historically been the
chapter’s share of the Region V golf tournament. This golf tournament is
typically organized by a separate chairperson, not the scholarship committee
Currently, the chapter has a scholarship fund balance of approximately $17,000
(net current liabilities to existing scholarship recipients), which has been invested
in a CD with Countrywide Bank. It matures in March 2007. In general, the
chapter is interested in developing a strategy for a self-sustaining endowment;
however, a clear plan has not been determined at this time. Consequently, the CD
was utilized as a revenue-generating holding-cell for excess funding.
The scholarship is funded by the Chapter, but through the State Office (in Austin)
through Texas Engineering Foundation (TEF), which is the tax-exempt arm of TSPE.
Consequently, at present, all funding to the students is distributed by the State office.
Every year, at the start of the fall semester, the chapter typically receives personal
information from the recipient in order to verify eligibility and makes payment to the
State office.
Each year, in the fall, every recipient should submit a funding renewal/initiation form and
a transcript (transcript not required for freshmen) to the scholarship director for review.
This form accomplishes the following:
1. Confirms the student is still in the college of engineering attending an ABET
accredited university
2. Updates contact information (address, e-mail, phone).
3. Creates documentation of eligibility
4. Identifies need for transcript
Once the scholarship director has received this form from the recipients, an Enrollment
Verification Form (attached) needs to be sent to the State Office (attention: Helen Clem)
along with a check from the local chapter to fund the scholarships for the year. The State
Office will use the Enrollment Verification Form to verify the applicant’s enrollment
status and determine from the college registrar if the student is attending classes.
Consequently, funding to the university is not sent until after student enrollement.
This can be confusing/frustrating to many students, as they will be carrying a balance
with their school bursar for 30-60 days into the fall semester.
Chapter Budget
Typical annual budget should be less than $100. I usually spent $60 for postage and
about $20 for the final frame to present to the scholarship recipient. This leaves a $20
contingency for other supplies that you may need.
Scholarship Calendar
Enrollment Verification Form
Renewal/Initiation Form
Current Scholarship Roster/Contact Information
State-written scholarship program description
August, 2006 - Contact all scholarship recipients
 Introduce yourself as their primary contact for questions
 Send them the funding renewal/initiation form and request their transcript
 Once you have received their renewal/initiation form, submit enrollment
verification form to State for processing
October/November – Contact all high schools in Preston Trail area with flyer
 School listing of addresses is provided in spreadsheet format (on disk)
 The geographic region of our chapter is as follows:
o Preston Trail Chapter
 Collin County and portions of Dallas and Rockwell counties not part
of DFW Mid-Cities or Dallas
o Dallas Chapter
 Ellis and Kaufman counties and portions of Dallas and Rockwall
counties inside I-635 or south of I-30
o DFW Mid-Cities Chapter
 Cities of Arlington, Bedford, Euless, Grand Prairie, Grapevine,
Hurst, Irving, and Mansfield
 Purpose of mailing:
o Announce scholarship availability
o Identify key dates, criteria, and amount
January – Receive scholarship applications
 Organize a committee of reviewers (typically 3-4 individuals)
 Distribute copies of application packet to all committee members for their review
 Utilize a consistent review scorecard (provided on disk) and instruct committee to
utilize (for consistency)
o You can generate your own method, or utilize the system I generated (on
 Compile committee scores and deliver results to the State Office by their deadline
(usually first/second week in February)
o Deliver the top three applications to State Office for consideration of a
Region V scholarship. Every year, the State Office gets the top three from
each chapter within Region V and selects one candidate for a one-time
regional scholarship of $500. During my tenure, there has not been a
Region V recipient from Preston Trail. Also, there has been talk about
abandoning the Regional Scholarships, so that may occur in 2006/2007.
March – Present Scholarship Recipient at E-Week Banquet
 The scholarship winner and parents are invited to join us at the E-week Banquet
(typically third Thursday in March), as our guest, to receive a certificate and