Vanderbilt University Hospital Advanced Practice Orientation NCU, SICU, MICU, Trauma, Burn, Neurosurgery © August 21, 2011 Kapu -- Vanderbilt University Hospital Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Checklist for Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Name of Advanced Practice Provider: Hire Date: Prior to first day-You will receive a letter or email from your ACNP team with a basic overview of orientation and identification of your preceptor(s), contact information, first day of work and New Staff Orientation dates. Learn more about Nashville! Review the Newcomers Guide to Nashville online: Prepare for New Staff Orientation – Review where and when to go, where to park, what to expect, what to bring, what to wear, etc. Review Vanderbilt’s benefits plan online: Review the Vanderbilt University Faculty Manual online: First two to three weeks -Attend New Staff Orientation Week Documents to bring to orientation: Employment paperwork , including IDs for I-9 form Voided check or savings deposit slip, if available (for direct deposit) Must be pre-printed with your name and address. Social security numbers of dependents (to complete your Benefits Enrollment Form) Supervisor name, department name and department phone number ID Card Authorization Form (this will be given to you ahead of time by April or Elizabeth in MCN A1204). Your initial ID badge will be an RN badge or equivalent, as you are in provisional status until credentialed as an advanced practice Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 2 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation provider. Copies of immunization records Attend Coding Class which occurs the Wednesday during Hospital Clinical Orientation). Mandatory for all billing providers. Training covers stringent documentation, coding and compliance requirements. Complete Conflict of Interest disclosure (either at orientation or online) Become familiar with how to resolve computer issues through the Help Desk For problems with your VUnet ID or RACF ID, contact: Clara Collins with Security Systems Management -- at 66778 Activate VUnetID - Obtain pager and/or cell phone when applicable. Contact Shelly Moore for pager – at 26477, Discuss with Asst. Dir as you may need further information before obtaining pager. Review shuttle map and boarding locations - Review key HR policies: Locate Connect to Human Resources (C2HR) website to review demographics, pay info, etc. – Become familiar with Vanderbilt’s faculty/staff discount program – Learn about payroll and the payroll schedule – compensation/VanderbiltUniversityHumanResources.htm Learn about Interpreter Services – HIPAA and privacy compliance Webinservice: Privacy Office: Meet with Health and Wellness about available services Work/Life Connections-EAP: Drug-free and violence-free workplace policy, crisis intervention, wellness programs Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 3 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Schedule systems training classes: StarPanel, HEO/WIZ Learn about online training resources Online safety training: Online compliance training: Learning Center: Human Resources: Identify clinical leaders and administrators in your area and introduce yourself. Specifically find out who the nursing managers are in your area and introduce yourself. Developing a strong working relationship with nursing management and the nurses in your area is vital to patient care and successful outcomes. If you ever have nursing questions or concerns, please communicate with the nursing management. Review AIDET, HEART and credo behaviors VUMC Credo – “We provide excellence in healthcare, research and education. We treat others as we wish to be treated. We continuously evaluate and improve our performance.” I make those I serve my highest priority. I respect privacy and confidentiality. I communicate effectively. I conduct myself professionally. I have a sense of ownership. I am committed to my colleagues. Review SBAR communication -- SITUATION, BACKGROUND, ASSESSMENT, RECOMMENDATION Advanced Practice Provider Objectives Review the VUMC Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, and Nursing Bylaws paying particular attention to Advanced Practice Provider guidelines. -- Review the Tennessee Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations for Advanced Practice Nursing. The BON rules are more specific to prescriptive prerequisites and the management of pain. Review the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Rules and Regulations for Advanced Practice Providers. The BME rules mandate a supervising physician and the use of written guidelines for patient management. They stipulate a minimum of 20% Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 4 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation chart review by the supervising physician. Review the Center for Advanced Practice Nursing and Allied Health website. Here you will find important information for Advanced Practice Providers, resource links, educational events, samples of credentialing forms including the “One Packet” and further orientation information -- Faculty Offer Letter (for billing providers only) – This letter outlines your terms and agreement of employment. Please sign and return the signed offer letter within 14 days of receipt. Faculty Appointment Letter (for billing providers only) – A Faculty Appointment letter is generated by the School of Nursing or School of Medicine (based on your department) upon receipt of your signed offer letter. A Faculty Appointment for Advanced Practice Providers is mandatory for all billing providers as set forth in the Medical Center By-Laws. When you require a faculty appointment letter from the School of Medicine, you will need to submit an updated CV and 3 reference letters, along with your offer letter. Your Assistant Director/Administrator will also submit an Affirmative Action Form. When you require a faculty appointment letter from the School of Nursing an email needs to be sent by your Administrator/Asst. Director to Dr. Bonnie Pilon and copy Carolyn Arakelian with the following information: • the APN’s name as it appears on licensure • start/end* date *if applicable • Salary source • FTE information • Attach an electronic copy of the APN’s CV Send Carolyn the following back up documents: • RN/APN license • DEA certificate • Board Certification • Copies of educational certificates • Original nursing academic transcripts that correspond to educational certificates • CPR certification Schedule One Packet Appointment/Overview – The APP must schedule a meeting with CAPNAH staff, Assistant Director or Administrator to review the delineation of privileges, notice and formulary, rules and regulations, the development of protocols and the credentialing/One Packet process. Complete and Submit the “One Packet” – Initial Credentialing Application. This information provides the basis which Provider Support Services begins the verification process which takes approximately 90 days. The One Packet is issued by Provider Support Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 5 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Services only upon request of the Assistant Director/Administrator or Department Manager and with the approval of CAPNAH upon receipt of a One Packet (initial) Request Form. Administrators/Assistant Directors can contact PSS directly for a One Packet Request Form (to be available electronically in the future). A supervising physician must be identified prior to issuing a One Packet. Protocols and Delineation of Privileges must be near completion prior to release of the One Packet. The One Packet must be completed by the provider and returned to Provider Support Services together with the following supporting documents: Copy of Master’s Level Diploma Copy of original and current RN and APN license Copy of Board Certification Copy of Advance Practice Training Certificates Curriculum Vitae Copy of US Govt photo ID (driver’s license) Copy of Social Security Card Copy of ACLS, BLS cards Copy of DEA certificate-- Copy of Notice and Formulary signed by Supervising MD -- Copy of letter assigning NPI - Completed Protocol Signature Sheet Copies of 3 professional peer references Review and/or develop your clinical practice protocols – Protocols are mandated by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners (Chapter 0880-6.02, Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Rules and Regulations) A protocol is defined as a written guideline for the medical management of a patient’s condition. Protocols should be jointly developed and approved by the supervising physician and advanced practice provider. Protocols should account for all protocol drugs by appropriate formulary. Protocols should be dated and signed. Copies of approved protocols must be maintained at the practice site and available for inspection. Protocols must be reviewed and/or revised every two years. If developing new protocols, you may utilize the protocol development template located on CAPNAH website. Protocols can be submitted electronically to CAPNAH for approval. Ideally, electronic copies are maintained by Provider Support Services. It is acceptable to adopt existing protocols within the same department or division. Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 6 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation In conjunction with your Assistant Director, complete the billing application. The billing application must include the following: specific salary source information, job code, cost center numbers. It must be signed by the Department Chair. The completed billing application form is then forwarded to CAPNAH for approval. The billing application form MUST be accompanied by a copy of the Faculty Appointment Letter. Receive Billing Approval (for billing providers only). CAPNAH is obligated to confirm the salary source cost center numbers. The billing application is sent for vote to the Billing Committee. Once voted upon and approved by the Committee, the information is then forwarded to Provider Support Services, Epic and Payor Enrollment. Review your Delineation of Privileges, the list of Domains and Core Competencies for Nurse Practitioners Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council APPENDIX E – THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF NURSE PRACTITIONER FACULTIES’ 2006 DOMAINS AND CORE COMPETENCIES FOR NURSE PRACTITIONERS In 2006, the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) refined the domains and core competencies for Nurse Practitioners to enhance their usability. The purpose of this revision was not to change the content of the original competencies but rather to revise the language and presentation to facilitate measurement and evaluation. The resulting articulation of the Core Competencies reduces the number of terminal competencies to be measured by removing redundant competencies that appeared in several of the seven domains and by clustering competencies into aggregates. All Nurse Practitioners should be able to demonstrate these core competencies at graduation. Each set of specialty competencies builds upon this set of core competencies. Throughout the competencies, patient is defined as the individual, family, group, and/or community. DOMAIN 1: Management of Patient Health/Illness Status The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in the management of patient health/illness status when she/he: 1. Provides health promotion services 2. Provides disease prevention services 3. Provides health protection interventions 4. Provides anticipatory guidance 5. Provides counseling 6. Promotes healthy environments 7. Incorporates community needs, strengths, and resources into practice Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 7 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation 8. Applies principles of epidemiology and demography in clinical practice 9. Demonstrates critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills in clinical decision making 10. Obtains a health history from the patient 11. Performs a physical examination 12. Differentiates between normal, variations of normal and abnormal findings 13. Employs screening and diagnostic strategies 14. Analyzes data to determine health status 15. Develops differential diagnosis 16. Formulates a diagnosis 17. Prioritizes health needs/problems 18. Formulates an evidence-based action plan 19. Initiates therapeutic interventions 20. Manages the health/illness status over time 21. Prescribes medications within legal authorization 22. Counsels the patient on the use of complementary/alternative therapies 23. Evaluates outcomes of care 24. Communicates effectively using professional terminology, format, and technology 25. Provides for continuity of care DOMAIN 2: The Nurse Practitioner-Patient Relationship The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in the nurse/patient relationship when she/he: 26. Attends to the patient’s responses to changes in health status and care 27. Creates a climate of mutual trust 28. Provides comfort and emotional support 29. Applies principles for behavioral change 30. Preserves the patient’s control over decision making 31. Negotiates a mutually acceptable plan of care 32. Maintains confidentiality and privacy 33. Respects the patient’s inherent worth and dignity 34. Uses self-reflection to further a therapeutic relationship 35. Maintains professional boundaries DOMAIN 3: The Teaching-Coaching Function The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in the teaching-coaching function when she/he: 36. Assesses the patient's educational needs Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 8 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation 37. Creates an effective learning environment 38. Designs a personalized plan for learning 39. Provides health education 40. Coaches the patient for behavioral changes 41. Evaluates the outcomes of patient education DOMAIN 4 Professional Roles The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in the professional role when she/he: 42. Demonstrates evidence-based approaches to care 43. Delivers safe care 44. Functions in a variety of roles 45. Communicates personal strengths and professional limits 46. Advocates for the advanced practice role of the nurse 47. Markets the nurse practitioner role 48. Participates as a member of health care teams 49. Collaborates with other health care providers 50. Consults with other health care providers 51. Advocates for the patient 52. Acts ethically 53. Incorporates current technology 54. Evaluates implications of health policy 55. Participates in policy making activities 56. Provides leadership 57. Accepts personal responsibility for professional development DOMAIN 5: Managing and Negotiating Health Care Delivery Systems The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in managing and negotiating health care delivery systems when she/he: 58. Incorporates access, cost, efficacy and quality when making care decisions 59. Demonstrates current knowledge of health care system financing as it affects delivery of care 60. Analyzes organizational structure, functions, and resources to affect delivery of care 61. Practices within an authorized scope of practice 62. Applies business strategies 63. Evaluates the impact of the health care delivery system on care. 64. Participates in all aspects of community health programs 65. Advocates for policies that positively affect health care 66. Negotiates legislative change to influence health care delivery systems Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 9 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation DOMAIN 6: Monitoring and Ensuring the Quality of Health Care Practice The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in monitoring and ensuring the quality of health care practice when she/he: 67. Monitors quality of care 68. Assumes accountability for practice 69. Engages in continuous quality improvement DOMAIN 7: Culturally-Sensitive Care The nurse practitioner demonstrates competence in culturally-sensitive care when she/he: 70. Prevents personal biases from interfering with the delivery of quality care 71. Provides culturally sensitive care 72. Assists patients of diverse cultures to access quality care 73. Incorporates cultural preferences, values, health beliefs and behaviors into the management plan 74. Assists patients and families to meet their spiritual needs 75. Incorporates patient’s spiritual beliefs in care Discuss and review with your supervising MD or preceptor the Advanced Practice Procedures which you will be performing in your area. Most ICU areas will require Moderate Sedation, Central line placement, Arterial line placement and Post Pyloric Feeding Tube Placement. Other Advanced Procedures are dependent on ICU requirements. Each procedure must have an approved protocol and checklist for performance. The advanced practice provider must request specific privileges to perform advanced procedures independently. The applicant is required to maintain a procedural log as evidence of performance. The supervising MD and preceptor observing the applicant performing the procedure must attest that the applicant is competent to perform the procedure independently. Once an applicant has successfully performed the required amount of procedures under supervision, the application for Advanced Practice Procedures is completed and submitted to Provider Support Services for review. Refer to the CAPNAH website to view a sample Application for Special Privileges with the list of approved advanced practice procedures, number required to apply for initial privileging and number of procedures required annually to maintain competency. - You will receive a letter of confirmation of privileges once been approved Presentation of your file at Joint Practice Credentialing Committee. This peer review committee reviews all completed credentials files for advanced practice providers and makes recommendations for approval. The Committee meets monthly. Presentation of your file at Medical Center Medical Credentialing Committee. Recommendations for the Joint Practice Committee Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 10 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation are taken to the Children’s Hospital Credentials Committee if applicable and then to the Medical Center Credentialing Committee. The Committee meets monthly. Receive Letter of Notice. Once all committees and the Board of Trust have approved the requested privileges, a letter of Notice is sent to the advanced practice provider applicant. Obtain your Advanced Practice Provider ID Badge. Credentialed advanced practice nurses must obtain a navy blue identification card from the ID card office. Format hint: First line: Name, highest degree followed by board certification; Second line: Title (i.e. Assistant in … or Nurse Practitioner) Third line: Division/Department Review the Advanced Practice Provider Professional Performance Evaluation Process: Ongoing Evaluation – Continuous monitoring of maintenance of licensure/certification, compliance with VUMC training modules, charting, productivity, outcome measures and 6-8 month evaluation of competency in six areas: Patient Care, Medical/Clinical Knowledge, Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism and Systems-Based Practice. The process can involve electronic review, discussion with any or all of the following: supervising MD, consulting MDs, administrative personnel, nursing and peers. Focused Evaluation – Completed when additional information or period of evaluation is needed to confirm competence in specific areas. Always completed 6 months after new hire and when applying for new privileges. Can be triggered from an ongoing evaluation or if other concerns arise regarding practitioner’s competence. The process can involve electronic review, simulation, monitoring of clinical practice patterns, discussion with any or all of the following: supervising MD, consulting MDs, administrative personnel, nursing and peers. Make a list of regularly occurring educational opportunities (i.e. grand rounds, M&Ms, lectures, etc.) Practice utilization of EMR (Star Panel): Finding labs, reports, note templates, saving documents to a file, amending notes, accessing sign out tool/team summary, etc. Sign up for additional training if needed. *Reminder that while in provisional status, all orientee notes must be reviewed by the preceptor and a statement must be made on the document that the preceptor has reviewed and approved the document. Practice utilization of other electronic software applicable to your practice area (i.e. IMPAX, KM Portfolio, Quill, etc.). Seek additional training if needed. Review your area’s requirements for and method of documentation (i.e. History and Physical, Progress Note, Discharge Summary) Review your area’s admission and discharge process. Reminder that all admission and discharge documentation notes must be countersigned by the supervising physician or physician designee within 24 hours. Review your department orientation manual and checklist. Attend orientation classes as applicable. Review the Orientation Evaluation tool. This tool is completed both midway and at the end of orientation to customize your Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 11 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation orientation to your learning needs. Complete the “Fundamentals of Critical Care Support” FCCS Instructor Course. Email Beverly Fletcher for dates/times – When applicable, this course may be funded from your continuing education account. Attend the Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Orientation Week – Next course February 28-March 4 Attend the Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Mini Conferences, Simulation Training and Procedural Training when offered. Go to the VUH Advanced Practice Critical Care Website for regular updates – Critical Care Specific Learning Objectives Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Lab data/ABG analysis. Know normal limits of standard laboratory tests. Recognizes signs and symptoms of abnormal values. Develops differential diagnoses. Interprets data correctly. Identifies causes. Initiates appropriate orders. Assesses for response. Consult MD appropriately. Radiology/CXR analysis. Identify body structures/conditions. Verify line/tube placement. Electrocardiogram interpretation. Recognize EKG changes associated with medical conditions. Recognize arrhythmias and/or appropriately seeks consultation. Ventilator Management. Appropriately orders Mode, Fi02, TV, Rate, PS and Peep. Identifies situations that require CXRs and ABG analysis. Recognizes cause and need for ventilator adjustments. Consults MD/RT appropriately. Recognizes trends. Able to direct weaning. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Management. Demonstrates a working knowledge of hemodynamics (preload, afterload, contractility, normal values). Makes correct diagnoses. Initiates appropriate orders. Assesses response to interventions. Consults MD appropriately. Vasoactive Infusion Management. Initiates vasoactive infusions appropriately. Manages titration of gtts according to plan. Recognizes need to modify treatment plan. Consults MD appropriately. Pathway Medications. Identify appropriate situations/times to start medications associated with disease/surgical pathway. Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 12 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Home Medications. Identify when home medications should be held and when they are appropriate to continue For the following clinical situations, the Advanced Practice Provider demonstrates understanding and competence in the management of the disease process. Interprets abnormal labs, diagnostics and signs/symptoms. Initiates appropriate tests and treatment orders. Assesses interventions for response. Consults MD appropriately. Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Blood Glucose Management Arrhythmias Acute Respiratory Insufficiency/Failure. Infectious Diseases Acute Renal Insufficiency/Failure Acute Coronary Syndrome Bleeding Metabolic Acidosis Sepsis/MODs Low Cardiac Output Syndrome Cardiogenic Shock Hypo/Hypertension Malnutrition Stroke Pulmonary embolism Hypo/Hypervolemia Electrolyte Disturbances Please copy the following links to your web browser to go to the Society of Critical Care Medicine Adult ICU Training Modules. Try to complete 2-3 modules per week. Completed Acute Kidney Injury Airway Management Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 13 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Arrhythmias Part 1 Arrhythmias Part 2 Arrhythmias Part 3 Arterial Blood Gases Cardiogenic Shock Mechanical Ventilation Basics Mechanical Ventilation Advanced Infectious Disease Sedation Shock Homeostasis Problems Venous Thromboembolism Pulmonary Embolism Hypothermia Nutrition Critical Care Aspects of Chronic Hepatic Failure Critical Care for Older Adults Endocrine Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 14 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Ethics Medical Errors Burns Critical Temperature Related Illnesses Sepsis and Septic Shock Guidelines for Sepsis Management Muscular System ICU Care Neurological Emergencies ICU Pharmokinetics Pregnancy Obstetric ICU Care Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ICU Skeletal Concerns ICU Surgical Issues Cardiac Surgery ICU Post Op Care Principles of Transplantation in ICU Ultrasound Guided CVP Placement Critical Care Trial Updates 2008 Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 15 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation VUH Advanced Practice Critical Care – Orientation Evaluation 360 Global Evaluation Tool Name of Practitioner being evaluated: The competency performance standards are listed with behaviors that would demonstrate skill within each competency. Document the skill level for each behavior and document the overall skill level for that competency in the comment section. The NP systematically assesses the critically ill patient’s health status and develops a plan of care. Completes physical examination of the patient in a comprehensive and timely manner. Documents assessment data appropriately for progress notes, using appropriate terminology and format. Uses and incorporates the assessment as well as multiple sources of data into the development of the plan of care and can prioritize this plan based on the information. Demonstrates basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology in assessment and plan of care. Selects and orders appropriate diagnostic tests to aid in diagnosis based on the assessment and history. Correctly interprets diagnostic data gathered from the patient and incorporates these findings into the plan of care. Demonstrates a basic understanding of normal and abnormal values. Demonstrates the ability to make independent judgments when developing the plan of care. Writes progress notes that contain the assessment and comprehensive plan of care. Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Date: Preceptor Comments: Please include rationale for evaluations of 1. Give examples, if possible, that demonstrate how the NP does not meet the outcome expected. Also provide examples that demonstrate a score of 4. Self-Evaluation Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Preceptor’s comments: 16 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation The NP demonstrates competency in the admission and initial management of the critically ill patient. Obtains a complete health history. Recognizes important variables from the history and includes them in the plan of care. Initiates appropriate admission orders. Identifies specific potential and actual problems based on knowledge of pathophysiology. Initiates proper diagnostic studies based on assessment and history. Exhibits ability to identify common abnormalities and diseases, describes pathophysiology and matches symptoms to disease processes. Reports abnormal findings in a timely manner and documents response in progress notes. Prioritizes problems appropriately and incorporates the assessment in the plan of care. Responds rapidly and appropriately to immediate problems or signs of clinical deterioration. Documents relevant problems and management appropriately in the progress note. The NP develops an individualized plan of care for critically ill patient Provides direct care management and treatment within the scope of the NP role. Promotes optimal care through multidisciplinary collaboration. Initiates appropriate consultations and documents in progress note. Uses appropriate clinical evaluation and laboratory tests. Understands the uses of different ventilator modalities and plans appropriate ventilator management. Initiates individualized and appropriate phamacotherapeutics. Inputs orders in a timely manner. Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Self-Evaluation 2 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: 17 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation The NP evaluates the patient’s response to the plan of care. Periodically evaluates the patient’s therapeutic response to interventions and documents in progress notes. Evaluates drug therapy. Demonstrates knowledge of commonly used drugs. Revises plan of care based on diagnostic studies, assessment, and consultation and documents these changes. The NP demonstrates proficiency in technical skills. Identifies risks and benefits of procedural interventions and list pertinent clinical indicators for the procedure. Correctly carries out technical skills and procedures according to protocols. Demonstrates sterile technique. Monitors and evaluates patient’s clinical status prior to, during and after procedure. Documents completed procedure in a note that includes rationale, procedure and evaluation. The NP communicates data that reflects the critically ill patient’s status. Writes orders that are clear and concise. Presents patient’s data in clinical rounds. Report is organized, clear and succinct. All relevant data are reported. Documents the assessment, plan, and evaluation of care in the progress note. Provides clear verbal and written reports of changes in patient’s condition to all appropriate healthcare team members. Communicates verbally with clarity and attention to detail pertinent to continuity during sign-out. Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: 18 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation The NP demonstrates responsibility for own practice. Manages an appropriate caseload and completes work in clinical time allotted. Brings appropriate questions to preceptor. Takes responsibility for correcting knowledge deficits, using multiple resources to answer questions and augment team members’ knowledge. Takes responsibility for finding opportunities to work on skill requirements. Accepts guidance and constructive criticism in a professional manner, recognizing the need for help. The NP shows leadership in the NP role. Demonstrates self-reliance by attempting to find answers on own. Takes responsibility for expanding knowledge base and experiences. Actively participates in clinical rounds by asking questions, commenting, and bringing up ideas regarding the condition or management of patients under discussion. Discusses new treatment options and research, demonstrating a basic knowledge of research design, measurement techniques, and statistical methods. Demonstrates awareness of own strengths, identifies areas of growth in developing the NP role identity, and progresses toward goal. Demonstrates modeling of NP role and is beginning to establish credibility. Is courteous and respectful to all team members. Develops relationships with multidisciplinary team members promoting mutual Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 N/A Orientee’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: Preceptor Rating 1 2 3 4 N/A Preceptor’s comments: 19 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation respect and trust. Mid-Orientation Evaluation Areas of Strength: Opportunities for Growth: Specific Goals: Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 20 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Orientee’s signature: Date: Preceptor’s signature: Date: Final Orientation Evaluation Areas of Strength: Opportunities for Growth: Specific Goals: Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 21 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Orientee’s signature: Date: Preceptor’s signature: Date: 360 Global Evaluation Tool Purpose of this evaluation This evaluation tool is designed to evaluate the NP during orientation. It is designed to highlight areas in which the NP is progressing satisfactorily and areas that require improvement. The NP over the course of the orientation is expected to demonstrate sufficient professional ability to practice competently and independently. The preceptor oversees the orientation, assesses the completion of the orientation program. Definition of Ratings N/A: Not applicable. No opportunity or insufficient experience for evaluation. (1): Below expected skill level: Consistently requires substantial assistance or supervision to perform task adequately. (2): Basic skill level: Performs tasks with basic skill and with moderate amount of assistance or supervision. (3): Intermediate skill level: Performs tasks with skill and is able to interpret findings with minimal assistance or supervision. (4): High skill level: Performs with proficiency and skill, interprets with consistently accurate judgment, does not need assistance or supervision. Helpful Contact Information: Name Center for Advanced Practice Nursing and Allied Health -- CAPNAH Provider Support Services April Kapu, Asst. Dir. AP, CC ICU Medical Director ICU Unit Manager ICU NP Phone Phone 322-4664 Email 322-3573 343-1465 Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 22 Advanced Practice Provider Orientation Copyright © 2011 by Vanderbilt University Medical Center 23