2015 Defence Honours Scholarship Program

2016 Defence Honours Scholarship Program
Achieve more in your career working in the Defence industry
An exciting opportunity exists for South Australian men and women to gain valuable experience working
with a local company in the defence or defence related sector through the Defence Honours Scholarship
Students will receive up to $7,000 to undertake an industry nominated Honours project, while increasing
their future career and employability prospects and connections in the defence sector.
The scholarships will be advertised through your South Australian university, so check with your Careers hub
or faculty office for further information on the available opportunities.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Students must be undertaking an undergraduate honours degree or degree with Honours at
Flinders University, the University of Adelaide, or the University of South Australia in 2016.
Students must be a South Australian resident and an Australian citizen to be eligible for this Program,
and women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Students must maintain academic progress, full time study, and meet the eligibility criteria throughout
the period of the Honours project.
For further information, contact Joanne Le Duc, Department of State Development on (08) 8463 4421
2016 Defence Honours Scholarship Program
How to apply
Application process
Send an email to joanne.leduc@sa.gov.au that
Students apply to the Department of State
Development, completing the application
process as described.
The Department of State Development will
shortlist the candidates based on students
meeting the eligibility criteria, and their initial
application including their academic record.
The Playford Trust in consultation with
industry partners will make the final
selection. Decisions will be based on the
submitted application, and the chosen
candidates will have an excellent academic
record, proven good character and leadership
Ms Joanne Le Duc
Office of Science, Technology and Research
Department of State
GPO Box 320
The final details of the Honours project will be
negotiated between the student, the relevant
industry partner and the university. The
scholarship cannot be deferred and must be
taken up in the year in which it is offered. If a
student declines the scholarship, it will be
offered to the next ranked student.
APPLICATIONS CLOSE 5pm Monday 30 November
Once selected, the successful student,
together with the relevant industry partner,
must submit a Defence Honours Scholarship
Program – Joint Agreement to the
Department of State Development by 18
December 2015.
By accepting an Honours Scholarships you
agree to participate in a professional and
entrepreneurship skills course, and will be
required to complete a brief survey on skills
both before and after completing your
Honours project.
A completed application form, nominating
which Honours project you will be applying
A copy of your resume.
A copy of your most recent academic
2 referee statements. One of these statements
must come from an academic supervisor.
Applications may also be sent by post to:
For further information, contact Joanne Le Duc, Department of State Development on (08) 8463 4421
2016 Defence Honours Scholarship Program
2016 Defence Honours Scholarship
Application Form
First Name
Home Address
Undergraduate Program
Current Year of Study
Contact Number
Contact Email
Are you an Australian Citizen?
Industry Honours Project that you are applying for:
What interests you about this Honours project?
Please provide a summary of your current studies and leadership abilities and how they would benefit the project
(This may include community and sporting activities).
For further information, contact Joanne Le Duc, Department of State Development on (08) 8463 4421
2016 Defence Honours Scholarship Program
What are your future professional aspirations?
Have you been the recipient of any other scholarships? If yes, please list.
Signature of Student
Please confirm the relevant paperwork is attached:
2 Referee Statements (one must be from an academic supervisor)
Academic Transcript
For further information, contact Joanne Le Duc, Department of State Development on (08) 8463 4421