Differential GPS Elizabeth Hollingsworth The goal of this project is to determine the effectiveness of differential GPS in removing large error excursions. In order to analyze the effects of GPS, a class-generated differential GPS system was created. On Monday, March 27th, FRS 144 divided into 3 data-collecting groups: Elizabeth, Rob, and Andrew; Julius, Peter H, and Jonathan; and Dominic, Brian, and Peter LC. Each group was assigned an area: Cannon Green, the parking garage, and the baseball field, respectively. Each group, using NMEA formatted data, collected data for an hour—from 2:30 pm until 3:30pm—using a program similar to GPS Dialog. The data was then compiled into a large, aggregative table by Professor Groth. Each student was assigned three sets of data to analyze out of the 26 total sets in which the receivers were locked on the same satellite. I was assigned to analyze CA-FD, CR-CR, and FP-FP—Cannon Green Andrew-Field Dominic, Cannon Green Rob-Cannon Green Rob, and Field Peter LC-Field Peter LC, respectively. Only data in which the receivers were locked on the same satellites were used. Throughout the data collection period, CA-FD were locked on the same satellites 14 times, CR-CR was locked 2073 times, and FP-FP was locked 1851 times. When the satellites were locked on the same satellite, the differences of their North-South meter deviations and East-West meter deviations were found to determine the error present. For each data set, the average latitudes and longitudes were found and subtracted from the actual latitude and longitude at each reading. Then, the differences were converted to meters as follows: North-South meters= 6371000*Radians(latitude differences)/60; East-West meters= 6371000*Cos(Radians(40))*Radians(longitude differences)/60. The aforementioned North-South and East-West meter error differences were differenced for the CA-FD data set. Standard deviations for the North-South and East-West differences were found as well. The data can be summarized below: Data Type CA_Long avg CA_Lat avg FD_Long avg FD_Lat avg Std dev NS diff CA-FD (m) Std dev EW diff CA-FD (m) CR_Long avg CR_Lat avg Std dev NS diff CR-CR (m) Std dev EW diff CR-CR (m) FP_Long avg FP_Lat avg Std dev NS diff FP-FP (m) Std dev EW diff FP-FP (m) Value 7439.543836 4020.888664 7438.907314 4020.8347 1.275547514 1.89421298 7439.542798 4020.885872 2.088861301 1.146111147 7439.906326 4020.833838 1.73355704 .74870556 Note: A longitude of 7439.543836 represents 74 degrees and 39.543836. Same format for latitude. For each data set, the North-South meters of difference were plotted against the EastWest meters of difference. The data shows considerably more North-South error for the CR-CR and FP-FP data sets, and more East-West error for the CA-FD data set. The scatter plots appear random and unsystematic with relatively small errors. The low standard deviations demonstrate the ability for differential GPS to remove relatively large errors. No standard deviations of the position differences (from the average) exceeded 2, demonstrating the error-reducing ability of differential GPS. Some error was present, but it appeared minimal as evidenced by the small units of measurement on the scatter plots. Differential GPS uses a stationary receiver and a rove receiver that are close together to determine the amount of error present. Differential GPS can correct for select availability error and some atmosphere errors, although it cannot correct for multipath errors. In this experiment, multiple receiver locations were used, so a comparison of the data allows for an analysis of the amount of error present. Because the locations of all the receivers were known, the amount of error can be minimized through comparison. Although the procedure used does not exactly represent the differential GPS system, this analysis illustrates the ability of differential GPS to minimize the number of very large errant errors.