To the problem of approximation by polyhedrons of a convex surface with prescribed integral curvature O. I. Trubina (Russia) Vladimir State University 3 We discuss the construction in Euclidean space E of the closed convex surface P with prescribed integral curvature (see [1]). The existence of such surface is proved in [1], where P is obtained as a limit of a polyhedrons sequence. 3 x be the unit sphere centered at the origin O ; denote by dx E : x 1 Let S the standard measure on S . Suppose that for any Borel set H S the value of integral curvature transferred from surface P to S is equal to g H xdx , (1) H S, g0. Moreover, we assume that C where g is the given function, g H satisfies the conditions of Aleksandrov’s theorem (see [1]). We construct the special sequence of polyhedrons. For this purpose the sphere T is subjected to a finite triangulation S , such that all T are equal spherical equilateral triangles. For rays l issuing from the point O to the centers of triangles T and for numbers T there exists a unique, up to a homothety, convex polyhedron with vertices on the rays l and with corresponding curvatures at these vertices ([1]). Further, drawing the midlines in triangle T (for each ), we obtain the subsequent triangulation finer than the previous one. As above we construct a new class of homothetic closed convex polyhedrons. And so on. By Pn denote the class of homothetic polyhedrons obtained at the nth step of this process. 3 Let . , . be the Euclidean distance in E . 3 Theorem. Suppose P E be the closed convex surface, which is starlike relative to the origin O , and its integral curvature is defined according to (1); then there exists a sequence P1 , P2 , … Pn , … of polyhedrons, Pn Pn , such that for an arbitrary point M P and for its corresponding point M n , where n is large enough. M ,M M OM P n n holds, if n n , the inequality 2 Note, that the constant C is uniquely determined by the function g , by the diameter of P and by the diameter d of the initial triangulation, that g ; is an absolute constant (148). C ,diam P ,d is C The proof is based on methods and results developed in theory of manifolds C with bounded curvature (MBC), in the sense of Alexandrov. In particular, we use a representation of the metric on MBC by Chebyshev line element ([2]). We use also the estimate of the surface deformation generated by a variation of its metric ([3]). The result can be applied to some elliptic Monge-Amper equations on a sphere ([4], [5]) to estimate the convergence rate of approximate solutions. References [1] Alexandrov A. D. Existence and uniqueness of a convex surface with a given integral curvature, Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 35 (1942), 143 – 147. [2] Bakelman I.Ya. Chebyshev nets in manifolds of bounded curvature, Tr. Math. Inst. Steklova, 76 (1965), 124 – 129. English transl.: Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., v. 76, 154-160(1967), Zbl104,168. [3] Volkov Yu.A. Ukr. Geom. Sbornic, 5 – 6 (1968), 44 – 69. [4] Oliker V.I. Hypersurfaces in Rn+1 with prescribed Gaussian curvature and related equations Monge-Ampere type, Comm. Partial Diff. Equations, 9 (8) (1984), 807 – 838. [5] Trubina O.I. Existence and uniqueness theorems for some class of MongeAmpere equations, Matem. Zametki, 34 (1), (1983), 123 – 130.